Off Topic · Proof the Bombs not planes took down WTC (page 12)

Silverfuel @ 7/21/2010 7:17 AM
A really good Washington Post piece on the shadow government agencies.
The top-secret world the government created in response to the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, has become so large, so unwieldy and so secretive that no one knows how much money it costs, how many people it employs, how many programs exist within it or exactly how many agencies do the same work.

It is hard for me to believe everything the main stream media is feeding us is true to its word. Secret agencies and shadow governments exist and have existed throughout history. They are good at deceiving the public. We were deceived before that start of the Iraq war. Sure they began with noble intentions. But like this post article above and wikileaks articles about sabotage and cover ups, these agencies get hijacked by powerful people who have selfish motives. kinda deals with how the government is controlled by corporate America and corporate America has an agenda.

It is very possible that there are these very powerful people in high government positions that seek world domination in some form. But this is nothing new though. Powerful men and powerful families have tried to control their world all through history. All throughout history in every part of the world. No time or place was ever immune to it. Neither are we.

playa2 @ 7/21/2010 3:38 PM
Silver think about it, the only way they can try to achieve this is by some type of Economic depression like in the 1920's.

How do you think GWB Grandfather Prescott bush made all his money. His son and grandson kept the blueprint and shared it with others who wanted power and from the outcome we get 911 and the Iraq war.

GustavBahler @ 7/21/2010 8:58 PM
Playa have you checked out this book? Interesting take on politics. Shows how both
sides rig the game.

playa2 @ 7/22/2010 4:27 PM
Zionist Rockefeller family had a lot more to do with 911 in my opinion. Jay Rockefeller who was the head of the Senate Intelligence Committee actually made up the story of the WMD that took us into Iraq. Look at the other points of interest.
1 The Rockefeller family has had a monopoly on the oil industry in America since the 1920s. today they own Chevron Exxon and are worth over a trillion dollars.
2 Condi Rice used to work for Chevron and the Rockefeller family for ten years before she even worked for the Bush team.
3 Prescott Bush the Presidents grandfather was closely associated with the Rockefellers back in the 1920s
4 The first home of the CIA was located on the 30th floor of the Rockefeller building in New York City back in 1945 when the organization was called the OSS. The CIA lied about the WMD.
5 The Rockefeller family financed the building of the World Trade Towers. They installed a large gold vault in the basement called the Comex vault. Other countries that had their gold stored there were being told that their gold was lost because of the Trade Towers disaster.
6 The Rockefellers bought Morgan in the year 2000 just a year before 911 happened who were their old enemies on Wall Street. Flight 175 hit exactly where the Morgan offices were located. Morgan lost 22 million dollars in insider trading while Rockefeller Chase ended up making billions from the oil coming in from Iraq alone.

playa2 @ 7/23/2010 11:49 PM
This will be the goal of our last two Presidents.
Bush Jr's job was to get the American people to rally behind him by after allowing 911 to happen on his watch(Kennedy said no to operation northwoods) and then going into a false war and putting this nation into trillions dollars in debt while he and his cronies (saudis) make a lot of money on the side along with Haliburton and others who received a no bid contract before we even went to war.. And in the mean time bush took away our liberties and privacy in the name of fighting for freedom and our way of life. LOL

Boy this trick worked to a charm

Obama has now taken hold of the torch and another disaster will come to our nation under his watch that will send us into a

tizzy and the goal is to knock all Americans down a few notches, so that we all can be in debt just like our government and we eventually merge with Mexico and Canada as one. The goal is for everyone in America to become dependent on the government for EVERYTHING That will in turn persuade other countries to follow suit all around the world and set up the One world Order.

Our country was completely hijacked ion Sept 11, 2001

This has been planned a long time and will take some time to bring to fruition.

playa2 @ 7/25/2010 5:58 PM
playa2 @ 7/26/2010 5:22 AM
Ok now as we see what's going on in the world around us, doesn't this give you answers ^

If you really want to know what's going on in the world, check out what KRS 1 and many others has to say about what's really happening while they give you the pulse of the world today.

Silverfuel @ 7/26/2010 8:39 AM
playa2 wrote:Ok now as we see what's going on in the world around us, doesn't this give you answers ^

If you really want to know what's going on in the world, check out what KRS 1 and many others has to say about what's really happening while they give you the pulse of the world today.

playa: The Obama deception was produced by Alex Jones, a neo conservative radio host. He has an interest in corrupting Obama's image. Can you find something like this from a neutral party?
playa2 @ 7/26/2010 9:48 AM
Silverfuel wrote:
playa2 wrote:Ok now as we see what's going on in the world around us, doesn't this give you answers ^

If you really want to know what's going on in the world, check out what KRS 1 and many others has to say about what's really happening while they give you the pulse of the world today.

playa: The Obama deception was produced by Alex Jones, a neo conservative radio host. He has an interest in corrupting Obama's image. Can you find something like this from a neutral party?

You couldn't have watched it silverfuel, if you did you would see that KRS1 Jones and many others go back to when this all started . Bush Sr and Jr gets slammed, Carter and Clinton.

What they expose is there is really no Democrat or Republic they both work for the same team.

Jesse Ventura goes on to say it's just like professional wrestling, in the public's eye they are enemy's but in private they work for the same powers that be.

They mention the last real president we had was Kennedy(JFK), HE REFUSED TO BE A PUPPET AND GOT WHACKED !

Dude you have to go in and watch more !

playa2 @ 7/26/2010 9:51 PM
arkrud @ 7/27/2010 12:20 PM

Your biggest problem PLAYA that you are clueless.
You have all this bs rolling around in you pure head for no reason.
You short life is melting away in misery and you even unavare of it.
Just drop all this out of you head and get some life and heapiness.

And other people who get sucked in into this useless thread should also stay away.
This is poison... dont touch it.

playa2 @ 7/27/2010 4:52 PM
I guess you understand the nonsense that's going on in our country right.

When people can do wrong and get bailed out with our tax dollars , when we go to and start fake wars by accusing people who had nothing to do with it.

And the ultimate slap in the face when we do a inside job of murdering thousands of people and blame it on people in caves. Give me a break, you must be living in your own LA LA land. This mess ain't going away either.

I voted for Obama , but I know what's up with the white house gig....It's called be a puppet or you die.

playa2 @ 7/27/2010 4:58 PM
Allanfan20 wrote:
Silverfuel wrote:Marv: I guess this one is on me because I emailed that link to him. I didnt post it here because it is a sensitive topic and its never possible to tell how people will react but it is a credible source. For the record, this is not exactly a conspiracy theory. CNN interviewed several people that were in the WTC towers before the planes hit. They all said they heard bombs going off way before the planes hit.

There are a lot of people that share playa's point of view on this including american politicians and scientist. I dont think it is fair to call for someone to be banned because of this thread.

It is a conspiracy theory. What Playa is trying to get to is that Bush's people set up that bomb to make it look like a terrorist attack, which already doesn't make sense. Why not just have one of their own pilots fly into the building, if that were the case. Obviously the planes alone are enough to take the building down.

And don't you think that there would have been MUCH more coverage if their were a bomb? It doesn't make an inkling of sense.

I'm sorry, but playa is just spitting out bullcrap again.

Have you ever been in the military... ? Do you know those moves the so called plane did in the pentagon was even hard for a Veteran pilot and they have you believe a guy who couldn't even fly a cesena manuvered that big plane perfectly into the pentagon.

Most of you bright guys don't even know we have missles manned 24/7 underground at the pentagon . that's what hit the pentagon.

Why do you think they showed millions of shots of those radio remote controlled planes hitting the WTC's but confiscated all the cameras at the pentagon and wouldn't let you get a clear shot of what really hit it ? You've been hoodwinked, Bamboozled taken, led astray by ya own government. Then try and tell me it's BS. LOL

playa2 @ 7/27/2010 5:01 PM
playa2 wrote:To explain the Kennedy assassination, one must ask: Who had the power to change the motorcade route (to bring it near the Texas Book Depository and the "grassy knoll")? Who had the power to cover up the crime? Who benefitted?

President Kennedy had changed his mind on the Cold War, had stopped nuclear testing in the atmosphere, and signed an order to start withdrawing troops from Vietnam. Kennedy promised to shatter the CIA into a thousand pieces, and the CIA shattered Kennedy into a thousand pieces.

The assassination was a coup d'etat against democracy.

Who told that young man to not take the place on shielding the president on the back of the car.

Nobody can answer this question ^ their job was to shield the president where ever the car goes by riding on the back of the car

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