Off Topic · The Last Airbender - BOYCOTT the movie!!! (page 6)

TMS @ 7/21/2010 1:16 AM
Nalod wrote:
the importance Asian families place on education has absolutely nothing to do with parents being uneducated in this country... that assumption is just another negative stereotype you have been spoonfed by the media... the same holds true overseas... it's an intensely competitive environment you grow up in Asian society... only the cream of the crop gets a chance to even attend the good universities in Korea... children study all their lives in order to do well on their national tests, parents enroll them in after school learning institutes & pay out thousands of dollars just to try & gain a little edge over the other kids in preparation for these tests... the national tests & where each individual student gets ranked determines whether their kids will be accepted to the best colleges... it's like the SAT but on steroids... many times that one test will make or break your life's future over there, whereas here in the States, you can still make bank & get ahead even if you don't go to college at all... there is a completely different value system when it comes to education that you have no idea about... THAT'S why Asian families place so much value on education... not because we're all a buncha rice farmers with no education & we want our kids to have something more.


I don't get you.......

You don't like the stereotype of Asians being smart. Or a stereotype of being martial art kick ass fighters. Or Hard working uneducated family values that promote education values and put the family as a unit ahead of the individual. Talk about stereotypes, you think Vietnamese immigrants are not Asian? Or all have advance degree parents? Or non own chinese food establishments and promote the kids get an education? Ok man, im out of this conversation. Al points have been made.

Two words: Omar Shariff!

umm... the point is not hard to get here... you are insinuating that older Asians are uneducated immigrants & classifying an entire race of people in that regard... that's such an ignorant point of view i don't know where to begin... let me ask you, are you Asian? you speak as if you're some kind of authority here... if so, please tell me how out of just about every Asian i know, that NONE of them own a Chinese food establishment... please tell me how if most Asians fall under this stereotype that you're describing here, that i know maybe 4 or 5 out of about 100 Asian friends off the top of my head that actually know martial arts??? are you freakin' kidding me here??? this conversation is degrading to the point where your ignorant views on Asians are being exposed even more... it's probably a good idea you bow out now before you dig yourself a deeper hole.

good grief!

Nalod @ 7/21/2010 9:05 AM
T, This conversation has taken a turn that I don't think either of us need to continue.

We covered the basics early on and I think we don't get each other right now.

What Im trying to say is not either being communicated by me properly or not falling on your ears correctly. Maybe your message does not resenate with me or your not getting your point to me either.

Perhaps my view on american asian culture is ignorant compared to one who has walked in your shoes. It would have to be.

Like most cultures, there is much to be admired.

martin @ 7/21/2010 1:48 PM
bitty41 wrote:
martin wrote:
Nalod wrote:Its offensive to portray ethnic groups in stereotype images but its done with many. Jews, Arabs, French, etc are all extreme. Its the Movies!

Really, why? I don't get that.

If my people's culture involved loving foods and a movie portrayed that stereotype, I am not offended. I am proud that they got it kinda right.

I don't get this "stereotypes are always wrong" line of reasoning.

Is is just bad stereotypes? or am i missing something.


Yes you are missing something a very big something. Stereotypes in most cases are inaccurate when describing cultures, ethnic groups, races. If you used stereotypes from the media to view a certain ethnic group I would go around being very ignorant and probably very prejudice. For example the entertainment routinely portrays people of Middle Eastern descent as terrorists and Islamic religious zealots. You think this is a good stereotype you think this is remotely accurate or fair for people of Middle Eastern descent to be viewed this way. You don't think the stereotype of the illegal alien/drug cartel isn't hurtful to Latino Americans? I could do this all night about hurtful stereotypes and even the benign ones again they are still a detriment to communities because than we all become boxed into one viewpoint.

At this point Americans should really be doing better than this we have one of the most diverse countries in the world and have been for awhile yet we still don't get it about stereotypes.

stereotypes by definition are (overly) simplistic descriptors of a people. Nothing wrong with that. What you do after that may determine how good or bad or accurate a stereotype may be.

If someone is dumb enough to think that 1 particular characteristic of a certain culture is bound to all it's people, then they are indeed stupid.

If a media outlet grossly over-implies that a certain characteristic of a culture is prevalent amongst all it's people (terrorist/middle east is a good example), then that is bad.

IMHO the maker of a movie that has an Asian character in it should not be held responsible for nuancing the difference between a Laotian and Vietnamese character (in say The Goonies or Raiders of the Lost Arc series).

Is it all that hurtful for a geek character in a movie to have a pocket protector and glasses? who cares. And yet it is a stereotype.

Adding prejudice or ignorance to a stereotype is bad.... does that make stereotyping altogether bad or something that we should keep away from?

Nalod @ 7/21/2010 2:22 PM

How should negative charactors be portrayed in the movies?
martin @ 7/21/2010 2:28 PM
Nalod wrote:
How should negative charactors be portrayed in the movies?

Mel Gibson will play them all.

Nalod @ 7/21/2010 3:10 PM
martin wrote:
Nalod wrote:
How should negative charactors be portrayed in the movies?

Mel Gibson will play them all.

Be a whole new career path for him!

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