Off Topic · 2010 UK ALBA Tournament Showdown #25 Pochepa vs. #40 Ambrosio (8/27 - 8/31) (page 1)

AnubisADL @ 8/27/2010 10:06 AM
Alessandra Ambrosio it is.
Marv @ 8/27/2010 10:29 AM
figures cosmic would nominate a gilr named oksana since he's the mel gibson of this board.

but i gotta give it up to her. oksana it is.

martin @ 8/27/2010 11:04 AM
Marv wrote:figures cosmic would nominate a gilr named oksana since he's the mel gibson of this board.

but i gotta give it up to her. oksana it is.

hahah, he's Mel on lockdown right now.

NYKBocker @ 8/27/2010 11:45 PM

EnySpree @ 8/28/2010 1:26 AM
Neither is really pretty to me Ambrosio is my pic cuz she at least has some sex appeal to me
TMS @ 8/28/2010 4:30 AM
can we get some more pics of Oksana please so we can make a more informed choice?
NYKBocker @ 8/30/2010 10:25 AM
This was closer than I thought.
NYKBocker @ 8/31/2010 12:05 PM
Polls are close. Ambrosio wins 23-13
VDesai @ 9/2/2010 12:23 AM
Tough break for Oksana. First disrespected by Mel Gibson and now this.
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