Off Topic · how smart is your right foot? (page 1)

Marv @ 12/6/2010 5:23 PM
orangeblobman @ 12/6/2010 6:03 PM
My brain can handle this. Sucks for you guys that can't.
jimimou @ 12/7/2010 7:53 AM
strong brain blob
Vmart @ 12/7/2010 10:28 AM
It depends on how you make your 6.
orangeblobman @ 12/7/2010 1:07 PM
Whichever way I make a 6, my brain handles it. It doesn't matter to me.
Nalod @ 12/7/2010 2:15 PM
My right foot ends up in my mouth.
ramtour420 @ 12/21/2010 1:45 AM
I almost fell of my chair and busted my ass trying to do this!!! Don't try this stoned
TMS @ 12/21/2010 1:56 AM
Allanfan20 @ 12/21/2010 11:58 AM
TMS wrote:LOL!

I'm happy to be in the same class as the blobman. I can do this if I do it slowly.

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