I haven't seen this getting discussed here and I am surprised since it's a pretty big deal. Are any of you following the WikiLeaks story?
On one side you have Governments scrambling to keep their secrets and on the other side you have WikiLeaks claiming they are the only true unbiased news source left. You also have the founder of WikiLeaks who is being pegged as a megalomaniac by media sources and governments.
I want to know your opinions on whether you think Wiki is doing the world a favor or if you think this guy is dangerous and is only out for himself.
It's all a false front, the guy is a patsy. The governments leaked this stuff for their own purposes.

But really, who cares?
yeah, also coincidence how they bring him up on sexual assault charges as well as criminal charges by the gov't. i like blobs reasoning. the guy is a patsy.
I smell a conspiricy!!!!!!
Bring them all back, Bring back Player!
Bring back Dido!
Bring them all back!
Where is Bitty?
and Where is whats his name from San Diego? The Dude Marv hooked up with last year? SEBSTAR!!!
And Why isn't Isles happy enough to come back!
no i don't think he's a patsy. i think he’s delusional. we want to glorify cyber-theft on any and all levels? he's already trying to hold the US hostage with threats of unleashing more stolen documents if he gets arrested.
Marv wrote:no i don't think he's a patsy. i think he’s delusional. we want to glorify cyber-theft on any and all levels? he's already trying to hold the US hostage with threats of unleashing more stolen documents if he gets arrested.
marv still thinks we in the nixon administration.....dude take your pills, its 2010
...see you tonite homie
Seriously, We can't find this guy either?
Marv wrote:no i don't think he's a patsy. i think he’s delusional. we want to glorify cyber-theft on any and all levels? he's already trying to hold the US hostage with threats of unleashing more stolen documents if he gets arrested.
Its not theft, its leaked information to a journalist. Didn't Woodward and Bernstein publish leaked information from deep throat? Didn't the NY Times publish the pentagon papers that were leaked by Daniel Ellsberg?
The same collective, wikileaks, now being persecuted as a 'terrorist organisation recently received Amnesty International's New Media Award for reports on human rights abuses in Kenya. http://www.editorsweblog.org/newsrooms_a...
He also released a cable of sensitive sites that would cause alot of damage if a terrorist struck. That's not journalism. If I received your SSN and credit card info from someone and I published it on the web, would I then be a journalist? I might even tell you that if you came to get me I would publish that of others too.
nykshaknbake wrote:He also released a cable of sensitive sites that would cause alot of damage if a terrorist struck. That's not journalism. If I received your SSN and credit card info from someone and I published it on the web, would I then be a journalist? I might even tell you that if you came to get me I would publish that of others too.
Well, Wikileaks approached the US government and offered to let them redact sensitive information from the cables they were going to publish but the department of defense did not even respond. So it obviously was not as sensitive as you are making it out to be.
If you receive my credit card info and contact me and give me a chance to redact info, I will respond.
NY Times has published much more sensitive/top secret information over the length of the Iraq War than any of the published cables.
i agree silverfuel. it is not that serious. just busy work for cable news and politicians.
I think there is no way any of us truly know what is up, outside of our personal lives.
Free AR!