Off Topic · Running (page 1)

orangeblobman @ 1/12/2011 11:16 AM
You run a lot?
OasisBU @ 1/12/2011 11:31 AM
I run 3-4 days a week usually around 3 miles per run.

I don't go too crazy, run around a 10-11 minute mile. I don't want to run too fast and I don't want to run too far - just want to be healthy.

Its a struggle though, sometimes I just don't feel like running but it really is the only exercise that keeps me lean. I also throw in some weight lifting and Yoga. The Yoga is excellent for stretching and makes running a little easier since your muscles are loose.

ToddTT @ 1/12/2011 2:10 PM
My fridge runs. Me not so much.
jimimou @ 1/12/2011 2:14 PM
what up blob. i run 4 or 5 times a week. at least 45-60 minutes a clip - on the eliptical. followed by some stretching. im gonna start some yoga too. maybe 3-4 times a week. gotta get into my man thong this summer...and be healthy of course, but more so for the man thong.
SupremeCommander @ 1/12/2011 2:26 PM
jimimou wrote:what up blob. i run 4 or 5 times a week. at least 45-60 minutes a clip - on the eliptical. followed by some stretching. im gonna start some yoga too. maybe 3-4 times a week. gotta get into my man thong this summer...and be healthy of course, but more so for the man thong.


SupremeCommander @ 1/12/2011 2:26 PM
wait, what?
jimimou @ 1/12/2011 2:29 PM
P - A - U - S - E
SupremeCommander @ 1/12/2011 2:47 PM
any who, not too big into running... I need to sprint a mile or mile and a half. I can't stand it. But I do simulated round son the heavy bag and that gives me as much endurance training as needed

but, running and endurance training for your core will get you to the point of wearing a fabulous man thong

Allanfan20 @ 1/12/2011 3:02 PM
Just some facts. Running is healthy for your bones... Stretching before a run and weight training isnt a good idea. However, walking before a run is sufficient and running before lifting will warm up ur core which is better than stretching. Stretch after exercising.

Nothing wrong with interval running either, but if you are going to do that, sprinting. IMO is better with walking in between.

GustavBahler @ 1/12/2011 4:39 PM
The only running I do is when I drag my tired old bones around a basketball court. Can't jog anymore.
MaTT4281 @ 1/12/2011 5:26 PM
Just started running in preparation for a half-marathon. Never ran on a regular basis, so now I'm only able to go 1.5 - 2 miles at a time, granted we're only in the first week of training.
BasketballJones @ 1/12/2011 7:01 PM
I jog about 2 miles a day. I was running a bit faster and doing 3-4 miles last summer, but I developed plantar fasciitis, so I had to cut back and slow down.
Allanfan20 @ 1/12/2011 7:42 PM
MaTT4281 wrote:Just started running in preparation for a half-marathon. Never ran on a regular basis, so now I'm only able to go 1.5 - 2 miles at a time, granted we're only in the first week of training.

Do you do interval training to train for a marathon or half marathon and then fill in the walking periods with more running, as you get closer to the marathon?

MaTT4281 @ 1/12/2011 10:15 PM
Allanfan20 wrote:
MaTT4281 wrote:Just started running in preparation for a half-marathon. Never ran on a regular basis, so now I'm only able to go 1.5 - 2 miles at a time, granted we're only in the first week of training.

Do you do interval training to train for a marathon or half marathon and then fill in the walking periods with more running, as you get closer to the marathon?

Not sure what typical training schedules look like, a friend had drawn one up for us to follow, and only a few days in at this point.

No walking periods (other than warm ups for the run), but 2 off days a week. 1 long run a week (ranging from 6-12 miles as we get closer to the half marathon), the remaining days between 2-4 miles each.

Really just increasing distance as we get closer to the date, including running a half marathon 2 weeks before the actual event.

orangeblobman @ 1/13/2011 1:35 PM
MaTT you ever run a half-marathon before?
MaTT4281 @ 1/13/2011 7:03 PM
Nope, this will be the first.
VDesai @ 1/13/2011 10:26 PM
I was running a lot last year and kind of lost my way the last few months. I was in the best shape I have been in several years when I was running regularly. Just felt better in terms of endurance. It is very strenuous and can be boring though- I would suggest finding someone to run with or regularly participating in races with something like NY Road Runners. Running races gets the competetive juices flowing and gives you a goal to run towards. Otherwise its hard to motivate yourself to get moving sometimes.

The elliptical is a really good way to get started with running though. Easy on the joints and actually can work your arms pretty nicely too. Just make sure you are doing it correctly- don't hop up and down like a wild man. You need to push through the pedals and replicate the elliptical motion. You'll feel it immediately in your calves and thighs. And you'll be much better running on pavement after....

Vmart @ 1/14/2011 10:18 AM
Started running again after a long layoff. Had knee problems and prevented me from running went to the doctors had MRI done and revealed a cyst the doctor said will rupture on its own swelling is down. Said structurally the knee is fine and gave permission to start running again. Been running since January 1 as I told my self that will be the day I would get back to running. Can feel my stamina getting back and weight coming down, feels good.
orangeblobman @ 1/21/2011 4:24 PM
I'm going out for a run, obm is going for a run, who went for a run today?
CrushAlot @ 1/29/2011 12:13 AM
The biggest thing is to make sure you stretch. I am an avid runner though never consistently went beyond three miles daily. I have never been that flexible and ignored stretching or barely did it and this past summer tore or pulled my groin muscle. Initially I continued to run but would limp later in the day. Now I have to run no more than 1.75 miles on a tread mill at a speed that barely makes me feel like I am running. I am not saying that because I am a bad @ss runner. It is because if I up the speed beyond a slow jog I aggravate my injury to the point where I have to take at least three days off. Running is an amazing sport to pursue and one that you can do for the rest of your life. Good luck and keep posting about it.
orangeblobman @ 1/29/2011 8:50 AM
Awesome, Crush. I don't know about stretching though. I never stretch, I think it loosens my muscles and makes running harder. They have to be taut and energy packed; you make them loosey goosey and they are forced to operate under abnormal conditions.

I'm sure our ancestors, when they were running in the plains hunting antelopes, didn't stretch before setting out. Can you imagine, a bunch of cavemen or whatever stretching, doing jumping jacks and whatnot before going to hunt for food.

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