Off Topic · Just switched to FiOS (page 1)

orangeblobman @ 2/8/2011 4:45 PM
Man, Cablevision was killing me, they went up to 150$ after the intro offer was done, I call them up and I'm like "hey man, what's the deal?" and he was like "hold on, I'll connect you to the guy that can negotiate a new deal with a special price" and I'm like, "yea, that would be good" -- music, music, -- bam. Hang up.

Now FiOS is locking me in for two years for 77$. That's half-price, man. Cablevision is bogus. YOU'RE BOGUS, DOLAN, YOU READING THIS?? BOGUS.

jimimou @ 2/8/2011 5:21 PM
blob - keep us informed on how fios goes. id be interested to see if its something worth doing. i live in manhattan so dont even know if its possible, but hey this is america right? anything's possible.
Solace @ 2/8/2011 6:39 PM
I have FIOS. Blob, be careful with that price. Just like Comcast, Verizon sneaks hidden fees into things. I had $82 a month for the first 6 and was paying a little over $100, counting two cable boxes. I'm now at $99 and paying $127 a month. Nothing near where I was with Comcast, where they had me near $200 a month towards the end with no premium things added, with no explanation of why. That was when I switched. Jackasses.

Also one thing to watch out for with Verizon is they will give you free trials of packages such as HBO, and then if you don't explicitly call to cancel after the trial, you'll start getting charges, which they will not refund you for. Comcast tries the same thing. Not cool at all. Verizon will try to lock you into hidden installation fees, but you can get these mostly removed if you call and complain like I did.

I haven't had Cablevision in a long time, so I can't comment on Cablevision, but I've had Comcast and FIOS. Personally, I like FIOS better than Comcast for cable. They have more HD channels, despite ads you'll see which claim otherwise. The internet is easily 5x faster than Comcast.

Finestrg @ 2/8/2011 7:28 PM
I guess you know about the 'no MSG in HD' nonsense with FIOS --- hopefully that changes down the road..Probably the only drawback. Not too crazy about their VOD options as well but otherwise it's pretty good..So is the phone service and broadband internet. No real complaints.

Did Cablevision do or say anything in an attempt to keep you? Just curious.

orangeblobman @ 2/8/2011 9:30 PM
Yea, after I said I was going to switch to FiOS, she said she would put me through to the disconnect department, where they might be able to discuss a deal at the promotion price if I decide to stay. I waited a few minutes on hold when I decided to hang up and see what FiOS has.

I read a lot of the fine print, all that jazz, and it seems that the 77$ will hold for 2 years. I know there will be fees and all that, so I realize I'm looking at at least 85$ monthly, real price. I didn't opt for any of the introductory offers for the premium channels, so I won't have to worry about that.

Had FiOS a few years ago, it was great, I remember the quality as being superior to Cablevision in all three, tv, phone, and internet, so I am looking forward to having them again.

As far as HD, yea, that sucks, but to be honest most of the time, if I'm at home, I'm lounging, reading UK, and just watching the stream. The spot in the house where I like to hang loose, balls out, is not near the tv, so.

jimimou @ 2/9/2011 8:44 AM
orangeblobman wrote:Yea, after I said I was going to switch to FiOS, she said she would put me through to the disconnect department, where they might be able to discuss a deal at the promotion price if I decide to stay. I waited a few minutes on hold when I decided to hang up and see what FiOS has.

I read a lot of the fine print, all that jazz, and it seems that the 77$ will hold for 2 years. I know there will be fees and all that, so I realize I'm looking at at least 85$ monthly, real price. I didn't opt for any of the introductory offers for the premium channels, so I won't have to worry about that.

Had FiOS a few years ago, it was great, I remember the quality as being superior to Cablevision in all three, tv, phone, and internet, so I am looking forward to having them again.

As far as HD, yea, that sucks, but to be honest most of the time, if I'm at home, I'm lounging, reading UK, and just watching the stream. The spot in the house where I like to hang loose, balls out, is not near the tv, so.

who's better than you lol!

Vmart @ 2/9/2011 1:06 PM
Knicks games are not in HD on Fios. Cablevision peeps are such dirtbags.
orangeblobman @ 3/6/2011 4:57 PM
Very awesome service, the menus are crisp and responsive, the ondemand has a lot more free stuff, the only thing is that fox soccer channel isn't in hd, but that's not so bad.

Wanted to keep my old number, they forked it up, had to wait a week to get it back. Other than that, A+, so really an A- overall.

FIOS >> Cablevision. EAT THAT FAT DOLAN!

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