Off Topic · how much did you spend on your last bong (page 1)

Nalod @ 4/14/2011 5:24 PM
Never bought a bong. Bongs bought me.

OBM, are you employed at the moment?

orangeblobman @ 4/14/2011 5:29 PM
indeed i am mr nalod, valiant nalod.

i started working at a bogus job less than three weeks after getting out of jail and switched to a much better position a month after that.

obm does what obm has to do.

orangeblobman @ 4/14/2011 5:31 PM
i never had bong either. last time i smoke was almost 2 years ago. but i feel with this new mature mindset, i will get more out of marijuana and handle it better. i used to smoke what the youth calls "blunts", which are gutted cheap cigars rolled with marijuana inside.

bong hit is cleaner and more efficient.

orangeblobman @ 4/14/2011 9:15 PM
these Roor bongs are straight pandemic disease, man. Straight ILL!! WHAT??

I smoked out of a Roor once, freshman year. This guy brought it over to the crib and put a bunch of ice in it, and this thing was massive you could actually load it with full ice cubes, man.


ONE HIT, one hit hit me like I had smoked 2 blunts!

It was the craziest thing in the world.

Markji @ 4/15/2011 6:23 PM
Have you done Ecstasy?
Markji @ 4/15/2011 7:53 PM
orangeblobman wrote:
Markji wrote:Have you done Ecstasy?


it is good?

wait, yes. once, but i wasted the 'trip' reading about buddhism at my school library.

No, ecstasy is not good. I never did it. I don't do drugs. I was just concerned about the way you were recently expressing yourself in this thread and others. One person I know who took it started acting like you are writing. He thought he was doing incredibly well, but it didn't turn out good at all.
ramtour420 @ 4/16/2011 1:54 AM
Umm, here is a great way to lose respect from people that have no idea who you are- talk about drugs. If they think that drugs are bad- wham, respect lost. I tend to think that its not the drugs that are bad, its that the people come in so many flavors. I am sure that for someone extasy is bad and that for someone else it is good.
orangeblobman @ 4/16/2011 2:20 AM
ramtour420 wrote:Umm, here is a great way to lose respect from people that have no idea who you are- talk about drugs. If they think that drugs are bad- wham, respect lost. I tend to think that its not the drugs that are bad, its that the people come in so many flavors. I am sure that for someone extasy is bad and that for someone else it is good.

yes, but this respect it comes from worthless people, so there is no need to seek that respect.

people who blanket drugs as "bad" do not have experience in life, in that they do not understand the mind. a person does not have to do drugs to understand drugs.

blanket labeling as bad betrays a juvenile approach to experience.

Markji @ 4/16/2011 7:53 AM
orangeblobman wrote:
ramtour420 wrote:Umm, here is a great way to lose respect from people that have no idea who you are- talk about drugs. If they think that drugs are bad- wham, respect lost. I tend to think that its not the drugs that are bad, its that the people come in so many flavors. I am sure that for someone extasy is bad and that for someone else it is good.

yes, but this respect it comes from worthless people, so there is no need to seek that respect.

people who blanket drugs as "bad" do not have experience in life, in that they do not understand the mind. a person does not have to do drugs to understand drugs.

blanket labeling as bad betrays a juvenile approach to experience.

Ramtour - my concern isn't for the legality/illegality of drugs, or any moral issues of it. My concern is for Orangeblob. I find his posts very different now than from before and just wanted to make sure he is OK.

Re: my statement on drugs - There is experimenting and a little use vs abuse. And the type of drug used. Some drugs can have extremely powerful effects on people, like ecstasy, which sometimes can create a very far out reality. One should watch out for their friends if they are on a bad trip.

Ramtour, I agree with your statement that it is also the person - some can handle the drug and others can't.

From a neuro-phsiological standpoint, mind altering drugs make a deep impression/stress in the nervous system of the user. Too much can cause mental and/or physiological illness. Sorry if this statement upsets anyone, but it is the truth.

Re: your comment on my experience in life or with drugs, losing respect, etc.....I'm don't want to get into any holier than thou arguments. I was in college in the late 1960's. I went thru and friends went thru a lot. But this is probably true of most college students, now or then.

ramtour420 @ 4/16/2011 3:08 PM
Markji wrote:
orangeblobman wrote:
ramtour420 wrote:Umm, here is a great way to lose respect from people that have no idea who you are- talk about drugs. If they think that drugs are bad- wham, respect lost. I tend to think that its not the drugs that are bad, its that the people come in so many flavors. I am sure that for someone extasy is bad and that for someone else it is good.

yes, but this respect it comes from worthless people, so there is no need to seek that respect.

people who blanket drugs as "bad" do not have experience in life, in that they do not understand the mind. a person does not have to do drugs to understand drugs.

blanket labeling as bad betrays a juvenile approach to experience.

Ramtour - my concern isn't for the legality/illegality of drugs, or any moral issues of it. My concern is for Orangeblob. I find his posts very different now than from before and just wanted to make sure he is OK.Re: my statement on drugs - There is experimenting and a little use vs abuse. And the type of drug used. Some drugs can have extremely powerful effects on people, like ecstasy, which sometimes can create a very far out reality. One should watch out for their friends if they are on a bad trip.

Ramtour, I agree with your statement that it is also the person - some can handle the drug and others can't.

From a neuro-phsiological standpoint, mind altering drugs make a deep impression/stress in the nervous system of the user. Too much can cause mental and/or physiological illness. Sorry if this statement upsets anyone, but it is the truth.

Re: your comment on my experience in life or with drugs, losing respect, etc.....I'm don't want to get into any holier than thou arguments. I was in college in the late 1960's. I went thru and friends went thru a lot. But this is probably true of most college students, now or then.

I understand that now, and I am sorry to hear about the guy that did not turn out good. Pretty sure that this is not the case with Blob. Yes, extacy can create a very warm, fuzzy feeling of "everything is great". During my "raver" days there was this term PLUR -Pease, Love, Unity, Respect. Most people at raves embraced the concept and that created some truly amazing athmospheres. So, its not really a far out reality. Its just that people more times than not have issues nowadays. IMHO antidepressants are a lot worse, because there is a much higher degree of dependancy. Extacy is like an antidepressant times 10, which only lasts for a few hours. Antidepressants allow people to get better use of their serotonin, long term. Extacy releases all of that serotonin(happy hormone) at once, bam, and thats the high. Serotonin levels do take a while to recover tho and there are supplements that help the body replenish it after a night on E. Problem comes when people don't let their body replenish serotonin and try to "roll"(take E) before that happens. As a result, the trip is nowhere nearly as powerful and that sometimes leads to taking more E. Thats where the trouble starts, because with the larger doses and little time for recovery there is a lot of strain on the brain and this leads to long term seratonin deficiency as well as gray matter that is not functioning at its optimum level.

To have a good and safe trip on extacy: Buy a pill testing kit and test it before you take it, you really should know what is in the pill before you swallow it. Never take more than 1 pill. Drink plenty of water(it makes it smoother and you don't overheat). Most of hospital admission happen because people overheat. Have a way to cool off if possible. Be in a good place while taking it. Clubs or raves are the best, because the vibe is very important as is the good music. Its best when you have friends around or at least your girl(and its better if they are rolling too). You definately want to dance, this is an often overlooked part. It gets your blood going and makes you roll harder. Vicks inhalers are fun. As for interaction with other party favors: Alchohol-no, adds nothing, dehydrates you even more, can ruin the E. Weed- yes, especially towards the end when you feel that you are not going "up" any more. Adds intensity while you are rolling, and if done at the end of the nite it help to come down from E. Acid- not worth it imho as the 2 are strong enough by itself. Takes away from the cerebral part of acid and from the touchy-feely part of E. Shrooms- see acid, I am not a fan of "hippietripping". Speed- E usually has some in it already i think, so if you add more it would make the trip more "twitchy" i guess, this one I never tried together with E, just guessing here. Ketamine- this and E were made for each other. No other combination of 2 drugs is perfect like K and E together. Walking on a cloud but having stilts at the same time. Dancing becomes 100 times as fun. Not sure about the current forms of Ketamine available tho, they used to have a water colution and you could just evaporate the water, but then they started using oil for solvents so the water solution is probably harder to get nowadays. Amyway, stay safe and have fun.

Allanfan20 @ 4/16/2011 4:05 PM
orangeblobman wrote:indeed i am mr nalod, valiant nalod.

i started working at a bogus job less than three weeks after getting out of jail and switched to a much better position a month after that.

obm does what obm has to do.

Careful with your wording. What is a bogus job?

umynot @ 4/16/2011 11:33 PM
Smoked out of a vaporizer this week for first time


Worth all 650 bucks my buddy paid for it!!

orangeblobman @ 4/18/2011 1:18 PM
Allanfan20 wrote:
orangeblobman wrote:indeed i am mr nalod, valiant nalod.

i started working at a bogus job less than three weeks after getting out of jail and switched to a much better position a month after that.

obm does what obm has to do.

Careful with your wording. What is a bogus job?

it's the low iq labor you do, allanfan.

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