Off Topic · 2011 UK ALBA Tournament Showdown #12 Menghia vs. #53 Ouellet (8/23 - 8/25) (page 1)

NYKBocker @ 8/23/2011 12:40 PM
Knicksfan wrote:After participating in the inaugural 2009 A.L.B.A. Draft and picking now All-Star Scarlett Johansson and solid 2nd Round pickup Roselyn Sanchez, KNICKSFAN had to forfeit his participation of the 2010 Draft. Now, finding the urgent need of replenishing his franchise with a solid and balanced team that can knock out the tough competition out there, KNICKSFAN puts its hopes on a new team of scouting agents and a new aggressive strategy to climb again over the top.

That said, we proceed with our first pick:

With the 12th pick in the 2011 A.L.B.A. Draft, KNICKSFAN selects..... Catrinel Menghia from Iasi, Romania.

Knicksfan wrote:More on Catrinel:

NYKBocker @ 8/23/2011 12:41 PM
Solace wrote:Alright, after careful consideration, the choice was pretty clear. There's been enough wrestling chicks in this thread without the entry of the hottest; a travesty.

With that, with the 53rd pick in the draft, team Solace selects Maryse Ouellet:


At any rate, I'm expecting that a vote from FrenchKnicks is in the bag for this one.

jrodmc @ 8/23/2011 12:50 PM
NYKBocker wrote:
Solace wrote:Alright, after careful consideration, the choice was pretty clear. There's been enough wrestling chicks in this thread without the entry of the hottest; a travesty.

With that, with the 53rd pick in the draft, team Solace selects Maryse Ouellet:

At any rate, I'm expecting that a vote from FrenchKnicks is in the bag for this one.

That pic did it for me. One more vote for Maryse. Jeez, and I hate the French.

Knicksfan @ 8/23/2011 1:27 PM
Thanks for posting the pictures. Right now the only internet connection I have is through the celphone, but its hard to post pics through it. When I get connection I'll post more on Catrinel.
jrodmc @ 8/23/2011 2:36 PM
More on the French #1 pick, Ouellet:

Solace @ 8/23/2011 8:15 PM
Showing up late to the dance here tonight. Some people are going to wish they could change their vote when they see these:

For those who are still doubtful, I refrained from posting any pictures where her crotch is clearly visible.

NYKBocker @ 8/25/2011 12:44 AM
Going camping and I will not be back until monday. Somebody call this game at noon today.
Knicksfan @ 8/25/2011 2:30 PM
Catrinel Menghia wins by the score of 16-7.
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