VDesai wrote:Looks like the Graphic Novel might differ some from the stories if the reviews are to be believed. Maybe I'll bite the bullet and get the story collections.Here some links to the Dornish master plan videos. I don't believe in all his theories, but some of this is pretty interesting for sure. Same guy has a couple of good videos about the pink letter as well.
I like the pink letter theory, but I'm convinced that Quentyn is D-E-A-D. I do believe something else is afoot with the Dornish tho.
VDesai wrote:Looks like the Graphic Novel might differ some from the stories if the reviews are to be believed. Maybe I'll bite the bullet and get the story collections.
If you can hold out a little longer I know a Dunk and Egg compilation is in the pipeline which will contain the first 3 stories, at least. I think its slated for 2015? I could be wrong though. If you, ahem, use torrents you can find the Dunk and Egg stories there as well...
Anyone reading The World of Ice and Fire? My friend and I call these side projects ASOIAF Methadone.
Anyway, I just began reading it (found an EPUB version
) and its pretty good! Lotsa interesting fake history!
H1AND1 wrote:Anyone reading The World of Ice and Fire? My friend and I call these side projects ASOIAF Methadone.Anyway, I just began reading it (found an EPUB version
) and its pretty good! Lotsa interesting fake history!
I bought it, but haven't started reading it. Its huge! Looks like a nice thing to read over the holidays.
VDesai wrote:H1AND1 wrote:Anyone reading The World of Ice and Fire? My friend and I call these side projects ASOIAF Methadone.Anyway, I just began reading it (found an EPUB version
) and its pretty good! Lotsa interesting fake history!
I bought it, but haven't started reading it. Its huge! Looks like a nice thing to read over the holidays.
Just started reading it. I'm up to section that details what happened during the Age of Heroes. It's from the point of view of maester, so I don't expect too many spoilers relating to the children of the forest or the others.
Markji wrote:I haven't got into the World of Ice and Fire yet. I still first want to re-read books 4 and 5.Here is another sample chapter from The Winds of Winter - entitled Alayne.
This chapter isn't nearly as controversial as some people made it out to be. I was more interested in Littlefinger's backroom dealing than I was with Sans a.
Yeah. GRRM is just setting the stage. Nothing major in the chapter. I think Sansa's storyline in the HBO series will pass what we know so far regarding Sansa and Littlefinger.
I haven't ready any of the sample chapters because I hate reading out of context- but it seems like GRRM is just going to slowly release the book that way based on the pace he's going!
Guys, what the F is going on with the show right now? Littlefinger takes Sansa to Winterfell to marry her off to Ramsay? They are really changing things around now. Had to happen at some point, but where is this headed?
VDesai wrote:Guys, what the F is going on with the show right now? Littlefinger takes Sansa to Winterfell to marry her off to Ramsay? They are really changing things around now. Had to happen at some point, but where is this headed?
Yeah, this makes no sense. If anyone is clued to Ramsey Snow's psychopathic tendencies, it's Littlefinger. I don't mind when the show makes changes as long as the changes make sense. This seems out of character for Littlefinger. The Dorne storyline is another example
I understand the need to cut Arriane, but why did the showrunners have to make any changes to the Sand Snakes. GRRM creating a group of interesting women characters and the show reduced them to one-dimensional cliches.
I thought the past two episodes sucked. I hope this seasons picks soon.
BigDaddyG wrote:I thought the past two episodes sucked. I hope this seasons picks soon.
Last night's episode was an absolute disaster. The Sansa situation is out of control. The Lannisters even have said that the North will only be led by someone from that region, so in what world can Littlefinger hold that entire region? Thats why he took Sansa away? To do that? None of it makes any sense. Meanwhile non-book readers are in a total uproar about how the whole rape scene played out. Its funny- the scene in the book with Jeyne Poole is so much worse- but at the same time less meaningful because Jeyne is not a character we are invested in. We've watched Sansa grow up as a child...who in the F wants to see her get raped? That was just a weird place to take it and I think they lost the pulse of the audience.
And the Sand Snakes scene....that was embarassing. Worst scene of the entire series. Just a complete joke.
I actually think GRRM let Benioff and Weiss take it in a totally different (and wrong) direction so he can at least preserve the sanctity of his books. I'm not sure we're going to end up with the same ending. In fact I've come to believe that GRRM isn't really that sure of when and how he wants to end it and that he's still making up a lot of stuff as he goes along because he enjoys this universe. How else to explain the divergent Quentyn and Aegon, Dornish and Ironborn sideplots? Plus all the stuff going in with the Maesters of the Citadel.
Anyway I'm back to looking forward to the books, which I suppose is a good thing.
VDesai wrote:BigDaddyG wrote:I thought the past two episodes sucked. I hope this seasons picks soon.
Last night's episode was an absolute disaster. The Sansa situation is out of control. The Lannisters even have said that the North will only be led by someone from that region, so in what world can Littlefinger hold that entire region? Thats why he took Sansa away? To do that? None of it makes any sense. Meanwhile non-book readers are in a total uproar about how the whole rape scene played out. Its funny- the scene in the book with Jeyne Poole is so much worse- but at the same time less meaningful because Jeyne is not a character we are invested in. We've watched Sansa grow up as a child...who in the F wants to see her get raped? That was just a weird place to take it and I think they lost the pulse of the audience.
And the Sand Snakes scene....that was embarassing. Worst scene of the entire series. Just a complete joke.
I actually think GRRM let Benioff and Weiss take it in a totally different (and wrong) direction so he can at least preserve the sanctity of his books. I'm not sure we're going to end up with the same ending. In fact I've come to believe that GRRM isn't really that sure of when and how he wants to end it and that he's still making up a lot of stuff as he goes along because he enjoys this universe. How else to explain the divergent Quentyn and Aegon, Dornish and Ironborn sideplots? Plus all the stuff going in with the Maesters of the Citadel.
Anyway I'm back to looking forward to the books, which I suppose is a good thing.
Ugh, I've seen this Sansa storyline before except it took place in Kings Landing. Episode 7 was another sub par episode. Outside of that little Sand Snake strip tease scene, I can't think of anything positive about this Dorne storyline. The Sam/ Gilly scene was cool and I liked the slave auction and coliseum scenes. Those were the saving graces of this episode.