OasisBU wrote:I can't believe this is even a thread on here. Jay Z and the Russian threw some lipstick on a pig, that's about it.
They also built a huge sty on Atlantic and Flatbush.
Admittedly in the past, I poked fun at the Nets calling them "Swamprats" and making fun of their anemic attendance (Game 3 of the '02 Finals was one of the saddest sights I've seen), but I don't have any hate towards them. If anything, they got nothing to lose moving to BK.
Nalod wrote:mikesknicks wrote:Why is this on a New York Knicks site again?
Because one of the long time posters has started his own site with obvious blessing by Martin/Andrew and we are mostly adults here.
Oh, but wait.....
...........Man, can't believe we talking nets here. If "Oak" was still playing he never allow a "ultimateNets" site to be allowed! He would have reached thru the screen and broke Subzero's fingers!
Nets only threaten the knicks if the KNicks themselves suck! A strong knicks team is the best thing for all fans. A good rilvary makes for more interesting basketball. Games with meaning.
I would hope our owner has more ambition than to just be the best team in NYC! Lets be real. Knicks win 25 games and Nets 23 is it really a reason to feel good?
Nalod, this is the second time you have referenced being the best team in NY over building a contender. What is your rationale for this? The Knicks made the playoffs, the Nets didn't. The Knicks did not finish near the bottom of the Atlantic - so why are you throwing this out there? Obviously the front office and ownership are trying to improve the team. Dolan may not be a great owner, but we are far from Nets territory.
martin and andrew will wait and see if the royalty checks start flowing in; if not, watch ultimatenets slowly disintegrate.
I smell a possible lawsuit followed by some type of nerd programmer cage match, where martin and andrew destroy the other site in less than 5 days.
It's not personal, it's business.
Plus the despite Nalod's obvious fascination with citing history and then talking about how it's meaningless and irrelevant, the Nets, like the Mets and Jets, are just third world franchises pretending to be something that can compete with the real teams.
Yeah, that's right. And you know it is.
OasisBU wrote:Nalod wrote:mikesknicks wrote:Why is this on a New York Knicks site again?
Because one of the long time posters has started his own site with obvious blessing by Martin/Andrew and we are mostly adults here.
Oh, but wait.....
...........Man, can't believe we talking nets here. If "Oak" was still playing he never allow a "ultimateNets" site to be allowed! He would have reached thru the screen and broke Subzero's fingers!
Nets only threaten the knicks if the KNicks themselves suck! A strong knicks team is the best thing for all fans. A good rilvary makes for more interesting basketball. Games with meaning.
I would hope our owner has more ambition than to just be the best team in NYC! Lets be real. Knicks win 25 games and Nets 23 is it really a reason to feel good?
Nalod, this is the second time you have referenced being the best team in NY over building a contender. What is your rationale for this? The Knicks made the playoffs, the Nets didn't. The Knicks did not finish near the bottom of the Atlantic - so why are you throwing this out there? Obviously the front office and ownership are trying to improve the team. Dolan may not be a great owner, but we are far from Nets territory.
Nets are rebuilding and suck.
Being a 7th or 8th seed the last two years are nothing to write home about either. With Knick fans its always about "Next year".
Every year the outlooks is better for the next year. Then someone writes an article that fans say is pure "hate" and cites all kinds of reasons for it. THe fact is we have not been very good. Don't matter the reasons does it?
Nobody could have predicted last year with its crazy ups and downs. But some in the media thought were were woefully not deep and it would hurt us.
Nalod nailed the wins and loss totals. But I had no idea how it would happen.
Nets have so much up in the air now there is no way to know what they could look like come next fall. Trades and cap space they have plenty of.
Nets, Mets and Jets have been 2nd rate to their blue blood neighbors for sure.
What it was is not always what will be.
Nalod registered on the Nets site. Its not like I am cheating on my wife. There are other Net Sites but this is the only one I have registered on. As Nalod BTW.
Not changing it around like some often do.
Its a fellow poster so why not.
And participating does not make me any less a knick fan.
But Maybe this is how it starts?
And if the Nets do become contenders and we suck? Well we'll have to cross that bridge at some Point!
Nalod wrote:OasisBU wrote:Nalod wrote:mikesknicks wrote:Why is this on a New York Knicks site again?
Because one of the long time posters has started his own site with obvious blessing by Martin/Andrew and we are mostly adults here.
Oh, but wait.....
...........Man, can't believe we talking nets here. If "Oak" was still playing he never allow a "ultimateNets" site to be allowed! He would have reached thru the screen and broke Subzero's fingers!
Nets only threaten the knicks if the KNicks themselves suck! A strong knicks team is the best thing for all fans. A good rilvary makes for more interesting basketball. Games with meaning.
I would hope our owner has more ambition than to just be the best team in NYC! Lets be real. Knicks win 25 games and Nets 23 is it really a reason to feel good?
Nalod, this is the second time you have referenced being the best team in NY over building a contender. What is your rationale for this? The Knicks made the playoffs, the Nets didn't. The Knicks did not finish near the bottom of the Atlantic - so why are you throwing this out there? Obviously the front office and ownership are trying to improve the team. Dolan may not be a great owner, but we are far from Nets territory.
Nets are rebuilding and suck.
Being a 7th or 8th seed the last two years are nothing to write home about either. With Knick fans its always about "Next year".
Every year the outlooks is better for the next year. Then someone writes an article that fans say is pure "hate" and cites all kinds of reasons for it. THe fact is we have not been very good. Don't matter the reasons does it?
Nobody could have predicted last year with its crazy ups and downs. But some in the media thought were were woefully not deep and it would hurt us.
Nalod nailed the wins and loss totals. But I had no idea how it would happen.
Nets have so much up in the air now there is no way to know what they could look like come next fall. Trades and cap space they have plenty of.
Nets, Mets and Jets have been 2nd rate to their blue blood neighbors for sure.
What it was is not always what will be.
Nalod registered on the Nets site. Its not like I am cheating on my wife. There are other Net Sites but this is the only one I have registered on. As Nalod BTW.
Not changing it around like some often do.
Its a fellow poster so why not.
And participating does not make me any less a knick fan.
But Maybe this is how it starts?
And if the Nets do become contenders and we suck? Well we'll have to cross that bridge at some Point!

JohnStarksFan wrote:Having trouble logging in buddy. Never received a confirmation email.
Give it a try again starks. I took out that dumb email verification thing.
jrodmc wrote:martin and andrew will wait and see if the royalty checks start flowing in; if not, watch ultimatenets slowly disintegrate.I smell a possible lawsuit followed by some type of nerd programmer cage match, where martin and andrew destroy the other site in less than 5 days.
It's not personal, it's business.
Plus the despite Nalod's obvious fascination with citing history and then talking about how it's meaningless and irrelevant, the Nets, like the Mets and Jets, are just third world franchises pretending to be something that can compete with the real teams.
Yeah, that's right. And you know it is.
Were you around in the 80s?
ChuckBuck wrote:Nalod wrote:OasisBU wrote:Nalod wrote:mikesknicks wrote:Why is this on a New York Knicks site again?
Because one of the long time posters has started his own site with obvious blessing by Martin/Andrew and we are mostly adults here.
Oh, but wait.....
...........Man, can't believe we talking nets here. If "Oak" was still playing he never allow a "ultimateNets" site to be allowed! He would have reached thru the screen and broke Subzero's fingers!
Nets only threaten the knicks if the KNicks themselves suck! A strong knicks team is the best thing for all fans. A good rilvary makes for more interesting basketball. Games with meaning.
I would hope our owner has more ambition than to just be the best team in NYC! Lets be real. Knicks win 25 games and Nets 23 is it really a reason to feel good?
Nalod, this is the second time you have referenced being the best team in NY over building a contender. What is your rationale for this? The Knicks made the playoffs, the Nets didn't. The Knicks did not finish near the bottom of the Atlantic - so why are you throwing this out there? Obviously the front office and ownership are trying to improve the team. Dolan may not be a great owner, but we are far from Nets territory.
Nets are rebuilding and suck.
Being a 7th or 8th seed the last two years are nothing to write home about either. With Knick fans its always about "Next year".
Every year the outlooks is better for the next year. Then someone writes an article that fans say is pure "hate" and cites all kinds of reasons for it. THe fact is we have not been very good. Don't matter the reasons does it?
Nobody could have predicted last year with its crazy ups and downs. But some in the media thought were were woefully not deep and it would hurt us.
Nalod nailed the wins and loss totals. But I had no idea how it would happen.
Nets have so much up in the air now there is no way to know what they could look like come next fall. Trades and cap space they have plenty of.
Nets, Mets and Jets have been 2nd rate to their blue blood neighbors for sure.
What it was is not always what will be.
Nalod registered on the Nets site. Its not like I am cheating on my wife. There are other Net Sites but this is the only one I have registered on. As Nalod BTW.
Not changing it around like some often do.
Its a fellow poster so why not.
And participating does not make me any less a knick fan.
But Maybe this is how it starts?
And if the Nets do become contenders and we suck? Well we'll have to cross that bridge at some Point!

This is the funniest thing I have seen in a long time. I live in Brooklyn and I can't stand hipsters. Can't wait to move out of here.
BTW I live right down the street from the new arena - its ugly as sin and once it opens the traffic here will be horrendous.
I just vomitted in my mouth
NYKBocker wrote:Where is the Alba thread?
sub, if you bump this fekkin thread without addressing this you most definitely should get banned from here
I get that some people are from BK or still live there, but shouldnt there be some kind of allegiance or loyalty to the team you follow? I live in jersey and i still never rooted for the nets. I picked NY about 10 years ago when I started following basketball and I missed all the good years, yet I stuck with them through this past decade of doodoo. An expansion team could start a block away from me and I'd still be a Knicks fan all the way.
tj23 wrote:I get that some people are from BK or still live there, but shouldnt there be some kind of allegiance or loyalty to the team you follow? I live in jersey and i still never rooted for the nets. I picked NY about 10 years ago when I started following basketball and I missed all the good years, yet I stuck with them through this past decade of doodoo. An expansion team could start a block away from me and I'd still be a Knicks fan all the way.
I live in North Carolina. Been here since the Hornets were born and BobCats. I go to games.
To see the knicks!!!!
There are no rules. No right or wrong.
Some may have a history with the nets before they were in the NBA so its not one or the other. Back then you could root for both.
DR J was a starphuch but we won 2 ABA championships in the three years he played on Long Island.
YOu could go early and they would let you grab balls under the basket and feed it to the players. We sat courtside for the last 10 min of a game. That stuff brings you closer. YOu could not do that at MSG back in the day. Dr J lived in Lido Beach and I would see him drive down Long Beach Road. Many Nets lived in a nice apartment house in the east of Hempstead toward Uniondale. Would see Net players at restaurants in Carle Place.
I got roots......
We root for our nostalgic teams of our youth. Nets were one of them. The first game I went to I was 8 years old at the "Island Garden with Lou Carnasecca coaching them with Rick Barry. Every seat was good and we got tickets like 2nd row. Lou would use some foul language for an 8 year old to hear!
Nalod...you're a Nets fan...say it ain't so man, say it ain't so.
Posting how you like the Nets and encourage people to go to a Nets forum on a Knicks forum is like sleeping with your wife's ugly brother. There's nothing wrong with it I guess, even if the butthole is in Brooklyn.
JamesKPolk wrote:Nalod...you're a Nets fan...say it ain't so man, say it ain't so.
"fan".......No realy.
But I got roots. Been 35 years since they sold DR. J and left for jersey. Never saw a game in Jersey.
Don't hate them like some.
Im of Russian grandparents and from Brooklyn.
Got roots can't deny.
Im rooting for them to succeed.
JamesLin wrote:Posting how you like the Nets and encourage people to go to a Nets forum on a Knicks forum is like sleeping with your wife's ugly brother. There's nothing wrong with it I guess, even if the butthole is in Brooklyn.
I agree man. I guess Martin and Andrew are just being gracious but its a joke to plug a nets website on a Knicks forum. What next, Red Sox fans start dropping links on Yankees forums?
Nalod wrote:JamesKPolk wrote:Nalod...you're a Nets fan...say it ain't so man, say it ain't so.
"fan".......No realy.
But I got roots. Been 35 years since they sold DR. J and left for jersey. Never saw a game in Jersey.
Don't hate them like some.
Im of Russian grandparents and from Brooklyn.
Got roots can't deny.
Im rooting for them to succeed.
This is a joke! I know several people that live in Brooklyn that are not cheering for the Nets. HARDCORE lives in Brooklyn. He has more than just roots, he has a home there and he is still a Knicks fan! People that don't live around here don't get it. To them its like watching TV. Doesn't matter if its YES or MSG. Either that or they are just not as big Knicks fans as I am and can root for Israel and Palestine at the same time.
Thank you, I just don't get this!
This site should be re-name kinda knick fans.