This site should be re-name kinda knick fans.
mikesknicks wrote:This site should be re-name kinda knick fans.
Not true. There are a lot of die hard Knick fans that lurk and read posts here. They are just incredibly tired of the negativity and the lack of enthusiasm. As soon as he Knicks have an amazing year, the big dog Knick fans that I have met at several meet-ups will start posting again.
tj23 wrote:I get that some people are from BK or still live there, but shouldnt there be some kind of allegiance or loyalty to the team you follow? I live in jersey and i still never rooted for the nets. I picked NY about 10 years ago when I started following basketball and I missed all the good years, yet I stuck with them through this past decade of doodoo. An expansion team could start a block away from me and I'd still be a Knicks fan all the way.
Exactly- this 'dual allegience' stuff is just a way of people slowly switching teams, while pretending not to- if you're going to be a Nets fan, then just make a clean switch and be honest about it! Stop hedging your bets. None of this "I'm going to follow both teams", then over the years quietly ditch the team that's doing worse.
Knicks and Nets are rivals- you can't support both teams! It's like saying your a Clipper and Lakers fan
Like I said, I rooted for this when it was ABA. I got roots there. I was in the building when they won game 7 to win the last ABA championship.
That was the Last Net Game I went to.
Call it what ever you want.
I will go to a game in Brooklyn. I want to do a weekend where I can get to both a knick and Net game.
I don't live in NY anymore.
I can do what I want.
I root for the BobCats and Nets to succeed. I follow the Knicks first!
Nalod wrote:Like I said, I rooted for this when it was ABA. I got roots there. I was in the building when they won game 7 to win the last ABA championship.That was the Last Net Game I went to.
Call it what ever you want.
I will go to a game in Brooklyn. I want to do a weekend where I can get to both a knick and Net game.
I don't live in NY anymore.
I can do what I want.
I root for the BobCats and Nets to succeed. I follow the Knicks first!
Of course you can root for whomever you like, it makes me no difference to me. However, when I log onto ULTIMATEKNICKS.Com, I really have no use for people promoting a rival team on this site.
Exactly, Don't promote that team on this site!
CrushAlot wrote:Sub if you could somehow combine your forum with this page Martin and Andrew have on Slicksports you would have something special.
I didnt know about this.
Martin Andrew, do you guys have a combined rss feed for this stuff?
subzero0 wrote:CrushAlot wrote:Sub if you could somehow combine your forum with this page Martin and Andrew have on Slicksports you would have something special.
I didnt know about this.
Martin Andrew, do you guys have a combined rss feed for this stuff?
Slicksports is amazing. They have that set up for every team in the nfl, nhl, mlb and nba. Their feed is ridiculously quick, almost as quick as twitter. It is a great resource.
check it out. My thoughts on what Brooklyn should do in the offseason. Just spitballing.
Go ahead and hate, but Brooklyn was my first home in NYC. And although I will continue to always put the Knicks up top, BK gets some love. IF NYK can't have it, I'd like to see BKN get it. Can't help it. And this should be a great rivalry.
This is really getting ridiculous! Net fans should post on net sites! Stop making excuses for rooting for them and just be a proud net fan!
For years when I was younger I was a fan of the Nets because of Dr. J. That's not that uncommon for young fans to follow their favorite player like that. I was still a Knicks fan, but I would go see Dr. J if given a chance and of course I enjoyed it.
I'm one of those NY fans that doesn't have complete hatred for the other NY team that isn't my favorite. So i'm primarily a Knicks, Jets, Yankee & Ranger Fan, however, I have rooted for the Giants and Mets over the years when they aren't playing the Jets or Yankees. I just didn't have a deep hatred for the Giants and Mets. The Nets I hated only during the Kenny Anderson, Kidd and Deron era, but I feel different about their efforts to establish themselves in Brooklyn. Yeah the address does make a difference! I don't know why it should, but it just does. It feels right that they should be a NY area team again. I LOVE the idea that Brooklyn should again have some pro team sports love. That is long overdue IMO.
I was one of those Jets fans that really wanted to see them in NY, in their own stadium, but I still root for them as always even tho they're still playing in New Jersey. Its all weird. I guess there's just no explaining how a person feels sometimes.
I'm not here to say you cant root for whoever you want but you cant expect me to not give you some shit for it. I do root for the Nets to not completely suck since I have some friends who are nets fans. I dont want them to be completely miserable, just enough so they are depressed and jealous
nixluva wrote:For years when I was younger I was a fan of the Nets because of Dr. J. That's not that uncommon for young fans to follow their favorite player like that. I was still a Knicks fan, but I would go see Dr. J if given a chance and of course I enjoyed it. I'm one of those NY fans that doesn't have complete hatred for the other NY team that isn't my favorite. So i'm primarily a Knicks, Jets, Yankee & Ranger Fan, however, I have rooted for the Giants and Mets over the years when they aren't playing the Jets or Yankees. I just didn't have a deep hatred for the Giants and Mets. The Nets I hated only during the Kenny Anderson, Kidd and Deron era, but I feel different about their efforts to establish themselves in Brooklyn. Yeah the address does make a difference! I don't know why it should, but it just does. It feels right that they should be a NY area team again. I LOVE the idea that Brooklyn should again have some pro team sports love. That is long overdue IMO.
I was one of those Jets fans that really wanted to see them in NY, in their own stadium, but I still root for them as always even tho they're still playing in New Jersey. Its all weird. I guess there's just no explaining how a person feels sometimes.
I guess so. I do root for Chris Paul and Nash wherever they are. If NJ/BKN landed one of them that could completely change my perspective. I could NEVER stop being a Knicks fan but I guess I could possibly grow to like the Nets as a 2nd team given the perfect situation. Then again, I always liked Kidd's style but I also despised him for whooping our asses all the time. It might be difficult to root for a nets team that's superior to NYK.
tj23 wrote: It might be difficult to root for a nets team that's superior to NYK.
Nah, it should be easy. It might give us some rest from our constant feelings of inferiority as Knicks fans. Of course, when they play NY you gotta rep the Knicks, good or bad.
I will never root for the Brooklyn Jersey Nets. Never. Ever. Ever. Forever. Never.
Boo, Nets suck. This thread needs to be locked lol
y'all pretty insecure about this.
Wow amazing the Nets have moved in
via brooklyn
Nevertheless Bklyn was my home and NY always 1st home
in the past
on your forum for nets
JamesLin wrote:Posting how you like the Nets and encourage people to go to a Nets forum on a Knicks forum is like sleeping with your wife's ugly brother. There's nothing wrong with it I guess, even if the butthole is in Brooklyn.
Okay, now that made me puke up my coffee.
Wondering if the adjective before "brother" was necessary.
jaydh wrote:jrodmc wrote:martin and andrew will wait and see if the royalty checks start flowing in; if not, watch ultimatenets slowly disintegrate.
I smell a possible lawsuit followed by some type of nerd programmer cage match, where martin and andrew destroy the other site in less than 5 days. It's not personal, it's business.
Plus the despite Nalod's obvious fascination with citing history and then talking about how it's meaningless and irrelevant, the Nets, like the Mets and Jets, are just third world franchises pretending to be something that can compete with the real teams.
Yeah, that's right. And you know it is.
Were you around in the 80s?
Actually, yes. I saw the crackhead mets travel down the canyon. Then I watched most of them all go on to have real careers with the real team.
I really don't remember much about the '80's Nets or Jets, did they win a finals or a super bowl or something and not tell anyone?
You should rename that site to, it's more fitting and represents the ownership group better.