If BigBird is taken of of the air, how do you explain it to your kids, or grandchildren?
Do you say, "Well, it's just politics." Like they will understand that, right? (sarcasm)
Rasmussen and Gallup tracking have the race tied. I think Romney got about a 4 point bounce from the debate. Because of voter suppression and the electronic voting machines, I think Obama's gonna need to have about a 5 point lead going into election day in order to win the election - meaning, for all intents and purposes, Obama's down by 5 right now.
jrodmc wrote:Nalod wrote:jrodmc wrote:Funny how most of the Knick haters are homers on this thread.Drinking the kool aid for 4 years has at least kept you hydrated.
I'm not voting for Romney by the way, but this thread says everything that makes me glad I'm not a liberal.
You voting at all?
Jeez, I've told you time and again, my man Alan Keyes. Write in. Every year.
And don't give me the pragmatic sheehit line about "throwing your vote away".
The only time you throw away a vote is when you don't.
If you vote for Alan Keyes for President every year, you are throwing 3/4ths of your votes away. At least.
StraightShot wrote:BRIGGS wrote:This will be the end of Obama--he has almost no chance imho to stop the avalanche started tonight. Watch the polls flip tomorrow and never look back. Im very surprised to not hear Obama slam George Bush over and over---and commenting that we were on the brink of system failure by a Republican candidate and it took 4 years just to get us into position to get back on track--do we want to go back there---nope he was defensive and looked frazzled--he got killed and this debate will create tremendous momentum for Romney that will be hard to stop in just 5 weeks.
Yes - it is more in sadness than in anger, but unfortunately Obama must be replaced. We were all excited after his win in '08, but it's clear that he is just in over his head. Unemployment is high, the deficit is out of control, and our military is in retreat around the world. Like Carter, Obama is simply not competent to be president. I believe Mitt Romeny is the man to clean up Obama's mess. He has shown an ability to work with the other side, whereas Obama has never reached out a hand to Republicans.
If u really believe that, I'm speechless. Too much Fox news i guess.
Killa4luv wrote:StraightShot wrote:BRIGGS wrote:This will be the end of Obama--he has almost no chance imho to stop the avalanche started tonight. Watch the polls flip tomorrow and never look back. Im very surprised to not hear Obama slam George Bush over and over---and commenting that we were on the brink of system failure by a Republican candidate and it took 4 years just to get us into position to get back on track--do we want to go back there---nope he was defensive and looked frazzled--he got killed and this debate will create tremendous momentum for Romney that will be hard to stop in just 5 weeks.
Yes - it is more in sadness than in anger, but unfortunately Obama must be replaced. We were all excited after his win in '08, but it's clear that he is just in over his head. Unemployment is high, the deficit is out of control, and our military is in retreat around the world. Like Carter, Obama is simply not competent to be president. I believe Mitt Romeny is the man to clean up Obama's mess. He has shown an ability to work with the other side, whereas Obama has never reached out a hand to Republicans.
If u really believe that, I'm speechless. Too much Fox news i guess.
Obama not reaching out to republicans? This garbled talk is nonsense whom is the house of congress? Cant believe the. Mess i hear but this is truly a free speech country and a great america. For any who think mitt wasnt lying and fact is alot want the current prez out of office more than listening to what mr romney is trying to say or not lie about think again. Just go out n vote n live with your choice
Markji wrote:
If BigBird is taken of of the air, how do you explain it to your kids, or grandchildren?
Do you say, "Well, it's just politics." Like they will understand that, right? (sarcasm)
Haha... but Snuffy will live on in all of our imaginations...
I was just listening to WNYC/NPR's On the Media podcast, and a liberal/progressive fella... err, I mean, communist was on there arguing in favor of no more federal funds for public media. It will hurt budgets but they'll be able to still survive fine, and then won't have to be a political football all the time anymore by the GOP et al. I see his point and agree.
DJMUSIC wrote:Killa4luv wrote:StraightShot wrote:BRIGGS wrote:This will be the end of Obama--he has almost no chance imho to stop the avalanche started tonight. Watch the polls flip tomorrow and never look back. Im very surprised to not hear Obama slam George Bush over and over---and commenting that we were on the brink of system failure by a Republican candidate and it took 4 years just to get us into position to get back on track--do we want to go back there---nope he was defensive and looked frazzled--he got killed and this debate will create tremendous momentum for Romney that will be hard to stop in just 5 weeks.
Yes - it is more in sadness than in anger, but unfortunately Obama must be replaced. We were all excited after his win in '08, but it's clear that he is just in over his head. Unemployment is high, the deficit is out of control, and our military is in retreat around the world. Like Carter, Obama is simply not competent to be president. I believe Mitt Romeny is the man to clean up Obama's mess. He has shown an ability to work with the other side, whereas Obama has never reached out a hand to Republicans.
If u really believe that, I'm speechless. Too much Fox news i guess.
Obama not reaching out to republicans? This garbled talk is nonsense whom is the house of congress? Cant believe the. Mess i hear but this is truly a free speech country and a great america. For any who think mitt wasnt lying and fact is alot want the current prez out of office more than listening to what mr romney is trying to say or not lie about think again. Just go out n vote n live with your choice
Yea, I remember him going over to some meeting/caucus conference they had and answering questions and having dialogue with them early on. Maybe he didn't have enough of that for some folks, but I definitely remember that. Luckily I'm just a Google search from verifying I wasn't hallucinating:
If you think Obama needs to be replaced, that's a perfectly acceptable position to take. But you should be more honest about your reasons.
If Obama came with half the heart Biden did today--he would be sitting pretty---I think he's done or close to it and he only has himself to blame. He better be darn serious contrite factual and on target--and that still might not do it.
BRIGGS wrote:If Obama came with half the heart Biden did today--he would be sitting pretty---I think he's done or close to it and he only has himself to blame. He better be darn serious contrite factual and on target--and that still might not do it.
Biden was excellent, very confident and constantly putting Ryan on the defensive. Biden won more people over. I liked the way that Biden called Ryan out on the Republican/Ryan plans which won't work.
Ryan did fairly well considering he was over-matched. Ryan just had to show that he could think and speak, something the Republican 2008 VP candidate couldn't do.
Briggs, you're right, Obama has to come out this strong in his next debate because people will base their decision mostly on the President, not the VP.
Markji wrote:BRIGGS wrote:If Obama came with half the heart Biden did today--he would be sitting pretty---I think he's done or close to it and he only has himself to blame. He better be darn serious contrite factual and on target--and that still might not do it.
Biden was excellent, very confident and constantly putting Ryan on the defensive. Biden won more people over. I liked the way that Biden called Ryan out on the Republican/Ryan plans which won't work. Ryan did fairly well considering he was over-matched. Ryan just had to show that he could think and speak, something the Republican 2008 VP candidate couldn't do.
Briggs, you're right, Obama has to come out this strong in his next debate because people will base their decision mostly on the President, not the VP.
Mr. Prez is going to do to Romney what Billy Jack did to the old Geezer,
"Romney I'm gonna take this right foot and I'm gonna whop you upside your head in the Polls elections"
" And you know what ? there isnt a dam_n thing you are going to be able to do about it!"
1 - 1
Obama stopped sleepwalking. He finally pulled out the 47% quote at the end.
ChuckBuck wrote:1 - 1Obama stopped sleepwalking. He finally pulled out the 47% quote at the end.
This reminds me of a team that was down 20 played hard but lost. There was no doubt that Obama would do a better job in this debate--but he is so far on his heels that I do believe this game is over. I dont see a W-L here--if you can tell me what Obama stated tonight that would help the common American out--very much like the African American man who posed the same question--Id like to hear it. Obama has done a fair job at best--he's done some good things and Im not really trustworthy of Romney--but his message is coming through loud and clear--hes a turn around expert and perhaps common themes aside--he might just be the guy we need in there.
I agree that obama did much better but it wasn't good enough. He needed to do a better job of:
A) emphasizing how bad the economy was when he took office
B) arguing that we are turning the corner (not that the past 4 years were rough)
C) arguing Romney is for only the top 1%
If Obama had made the 47% comment, no way Romney would have mentioned it for only 30 seconds total in the first two debates combined. Obama should have used the 47% comment to frame Romney's entire worldview and referred back to the comment every time Romney denied it. Every time Romney mentioned how bad things are, he needed to do A and B above.
Well I still think Obama could have crushed Romney if he'd done A, B, and C above, but I am pleasantly surprised by the instant polls showing that Obama narrowly won the second debate.
Bonn1997 wrote:Well I still think Obama could have crushed Romney if he'd done A, B, and C above, but I am pleasantly surprised by the instant polls showing that Obama narrowly won the second debate.
Poll winna in debates dont win elections always
Lets see whom gets Ohio and watch then whom's going to crush whom in Nov elections race
Just think fraid of another 4 yrs of Pres
absurd the Mitt ticket is going to give the americans all the lies repub's
are noted for in their era running the country.
Folks will wake up and smell the de-caf coffee and see Mitt/Ryan is fake
Fake wont win