The citizens have spoken God bless our president and God bless America.
Looks like there is a narrow victory in the popular vote and an overwhelming one in the electoral college.
Knicks are off to a great start and 4 more years of a president for all the people. Tomorrow is gonna be a good day.
JesseDark wrote:The citizens have spoken God bless our president and God bless America.Looks like there is a narrow victory in the popular vote and an overwhelming one in the electoral college.
Knicks are off to a great start and 4 more years of a president for all the people. Tomorrow is gonna be a good day.
Yea right. Stock futures are already sliding. Welcome to a financial situation comparable to Greece in 4 years. The American public has only itself to blame. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.
haha Felton, silly man you really believe all you're writing? Obama only candidate to win back respectability for the USA and a future for international relations!!
Very Sour
JesseDark wrote:Sour grapes FeltonAmare.
Bitterness is not a good look
Knicks win, Obama wins and all is right in the world! Feltonandamare you really need to do some research on the status of Greece if you think Americas plight is even remotel comparable.
Congratulations to Barak--hopefully our country can continue to move forward in a positive way. There is no doubt that George W Bush put him in a horrid position--now it's up to him and the Republicans in the House to solve problems instead of ignoring them.
By the way--Donald Trump---STFU and go retire in Sweeden and take Karl Rove's fat arse with you.
FeltonandAmare wrote:JesseDark wrote:The citizens have spoken God bless our president and God bless America.Looks like there is a narrow victory in the popular vote and an overwhelming one in the electoral college.
Knicks are off to a great start and 4 more years of a president for all the people. Tomorrow is gonna be a good day.
Yea right. Stock futures are already sliding. Welcome to a financial situation comparable to Greece in 4 years. The American public has only itself to blame. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.
Oh no. Hide the children, that's a scary story.
FeltonandAmare wrote:JesseDark wrote:The citizens have spoken God bless our president and God bless America.Looks like there is a narrow victory in the popular vote and an overwhelming one in the electoral college.
Knicks are off to a great start and 4 more years of a president for all the people. Tomorrow is gonna be a good day.
Yea right. Stock futures are already sliding. Welcome to a financial situation comparable to Greece in 4 years. The American public has only itself to blame. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.
Yeah, Obama's been terrible for the stock market!
Only the stubborn and uniformed could not support Obama. This president can bring us all the way back if the Republicans get out of his way. They tried every dirty trick in the book, spent all that giant corporation and 1% money, suppressed the vote and played the race card against Obama and it didn't work!!!
I'm glad the lesser evil won. Now hopefully he can continue his work to resolve our deficit and skyhigh unemployment. Also expect future porn to include rubbers everywhere. No rubbers, no california porn, as prop B passed with flying colors, important? nah, but just throwing it out there...
There are also several important state ballot issues that passed. Colorado and Washington legalized marijuana; Maine and Maryland legalized same-sex marriage; Massachusetts legalized medical marijuana; and Minnesota didn't ban same-sex marriage. Locally, Democrats picked up 3 House seats in NY and lost one and the Senate stayed the same. In NJ every incumbent won.
Also important, Virginia, Colorado, and Nevada went blue for the second election in a row and the first openly gay senator, Tammy Baldwin, was elected by Wisconsin.
What a clear victory! It will likely be by about 3 million votes and over 100 electoral votes. I think Nate Silver got *every* state right.
It will be interesting to see if the Republicans try to work with the President this time and interesting to see if Obama calls them out more forcefully if they don't.

Congratulations to President Obama and congratulations to the American people. Obama's win shows that a majority of Americans are thinking more clearly. Obama, in his acceptance speech, once again extended his hand to the Republicans to work together to right this nation.
I'm also very happy to see who lost - 2 looney Senatorial candidates - Akin in Missouri ("legitimate rape") and Mourdock in Indiana ("God's will" - if a woman gets pregnant from being raped.)
Also, the Republicans had 12 incumbents lose their seat in the House of which 10 were from the Tea Party. Good to see that the voters are fed up with them and their ultra-conservative/radical policies which obstructed the functioning of our gov't.
And lastly, Alan Grayson, Dem, won back his House seat in a strongly Republican Florida district. He had stood up to the Republicans in the Republican dominated House. He gained some fame with his "The War is making you poor" Act.
Rape lost.
Obama, please pull out "Simpson-Boles" and get it done.
my world is full of angry white people who are very smart until it comes to politics.
They'll keep coming with reasons to discredit the president because they can't come up with a proper candidate.
Obama needs to legislate better and get things done. He is the President. I hope the country will put the country first.
Yup...The President must lead on this...
"The election is over, the talking is done, your side lost, and my side won, so let's get together, let bitterness pass, I'll hug your elephant, you kiss my arse"...
Nalod wrote:Rape lost.Obama, please pull out "Simpson-Boles" and get it done.
my world is full of angry white people who are very smart until it comes to politics.
They'll keep coming with reasons to discredit the president because they can't come up with a proper candidate.
Obama needs to legislate better and get things done. He is the President. I hope the country will put the country first.
Funny, I didn't hear any angry black people saying any of this about Dubya... hmmmmmmm...
A president who legislates. Maybe he could run the judiciary better, too? Yessir! Us dumb white folks sure do need to go study that Constitution thing some more, apparently.
How hard is it to discredit someone who gained the office with no credentials? Let's just suppose I nominated:
Harvard Grad
Law Professor
State Senator who was rabidly anti-abortion.
No-show US Senator.
Great speech at the Republican Convention.
That's what I'm supposed to come up with to compete with this POTUS?
Spare me your deranged "my man won, get in line all you right-wing, non-patriotic miscreants.." That line of bs didn't go over very well when Dubya won two terms.
I alone, in the entire state of NJ, voted for Alan Keyes. So STFU!
here's to some compromise!
JamesLin wrote:I'm glad the lesser evil won. Now hopefully he can continue his work to resolve our deficit and skyhigh unemployment. Also expect future porn to include rubbers everywhere. No rubbers, no california porn, as prop B passed with flying colors, important? nah, but just throwing it out there...
This made me giggle.
JamesLin wrote:I'm glad the lesser evil won. Now hopefully he can continue his work to resolve our deficit and skyhigh unemployment. Also expect future porn to include rubbers everywhere. No rubbers, no california porn, as prop B passed with flying colors, important? nah, but just throwing it out there...
exactly. They both suck ass but, Obamma is imo the lesser of the two evils.
I really hate having to always have to choose between the lesser of two morons. This will continue as long as we only have two parties in this country. The choices will always be severely limited