Lakers and Dallas will come on strong in the second, J Lin will have to fight hard to stay in the top 8,
Denver Golden State and Utah have work cut out for them,
my prediction:
Lakers AND Mavs sneak in, displacing Utah and Houston
Portland also has the hot potatoes
mavs are climbing, they look like a winning team now and this should be concern for all their enemies in the Western Conference!!!
Golden State huge win against Spurs, dropping serious buckets, they're all up in there I think a lock to remain in the playoff picture barring a total collapse like New York is experiencing
Lakers still look like a lock, Kobe has his mind, it is like a steel clamp and it is like a steel trap, snapping onto the goal, they will make the post season and be a very ugly dark horse to battle with
I always feel sorry for the teams in the west battling it out for the last playoff spot- if they were in the east they'd have locked up a playoff spot. Sometimes I wonder if the teams with the best 16 records should make the playoffs regardless of east/west. Might make the opening rounds a bit better.