Off Topic · Manhunt for suspect in marathon bombing updates (page 6)
playa2@ 7/14/2013 12:02 PM
Nalod wrote:At 3:45 it falls apart because there is not logical reason other than the installation of some minor bills.
Marshall law and ecampment is really bad for buisness.
I get the promotion of fear to motivate funding for military and homeland security.
The question is what is done when you empower a governement. Does it get used for evil or good?
Most wars are economic based and I do agree we fabricate events to properly motivate into action. Why? We are a melting pot of different culture under one roof and don't have a "nationalistic" tendancy to bind together. For instance the brits are british, French are french, Germans are germans. Each with its own unique qualities. Americans are from everywhere.
Civil war was not about Slavery, but the economics of it in the face human atrocity! WWI was about Euro debt. WW2 was complicated but Axis powers Germany and Japan making land grabs to expand its economic might which would isolate our economy that was failing at the time and would not have survived. I get it.
Other than fear, I don't get the end game for the Theorists. Its really quite vague.
BTW, I can't wrap my head on some aspects of 9/11. I get the fear part. Some things are just not explainable there.
Im open minded but not to a gov't plot to take over and make camps. Is it reasonable to have them in the event of a horrific biological event where millions die? Sad to say, it might. If a regional disaster like Katrina but 100x worse happens im afraid some things might be necessary. A nuclear event? Ugly stuff. Governments job is to be prepared?
Until someone can give me logic to why then I can't buy into it. Thats where lots of theories collapse in my opinion.
Terrormerica agencies have ordered coffins, box cars with shackles,&so much ammunition that it can Only be for war...RESEARCH FOR YOURSELVES,DON'T JUST TAKE MY WORD,...I TOLD YOU ALL BEFORE.LOOK AT WHAT APPARENT RIGHTS ARE BEING TAKEN AWAY,AND THE LAWS TAKING THEIR PLACE.....HUD,Homeland security,...can't remember the rest,but the info is out there,shrouded as it may be.Oh yeah,the Body bags.
Nalod@ 7/14/2013 1:52 PM
playa2@ 7/14/2013 8:10 PM
Nalod wrote:source?
Nalod@ 7/15/2013 12:26 AM
playa2 wrote:
Nalod wrote:source?
Post stuff and not site the source? Its not truth bashing, its being accountable.
I looked up lots of stuff, but to go on and talk about Body bags and coffins and not site makes you look crazy.
I gave you a chance to at least site the source and we can judge ourselves.
Instead you come off both crazy and lazy.
playa2@ 7/15/2013 5:38 AM
Anything in life you are interested in you look into it for yourself, waiting for me makes you look lazy. If you desire truth GO AFTER IT , OTHER WISE YOU ARE LAZY .
Nalod@ 7/15/2013 7:07 AM
playa2 wrote:Anything in life you are interested in you look into it for yourself, waiting for me makes you look lazy. If you desire truth GO AFTER IT , OTHER WISE YOU ARE LAZY .
playa2@ 7/18/2013 4:10 PM
There is a MUCH bigger picture why the Boston HOAX (drill) was initiated. It was to test the waters to see how people would REACT to MARTIAL LAW. Keep Watertown Mass in mind. House's SEARCHED by DEMAND from THUGS making the occupants LEAVE their homes WITHOUT a WARRANT so it can be SEARCHED. Welcome to the future America.
Nalod@ 7/18/2013 4:26 PM
Love the computer generated voice. Great software they have now.
so they doing all this so they can practice marshall law? With who? Robots? National guard? Special forces?
Zionist plot now? Israeli docters?
Oh my, we really bringing in the jewish conspiracy?
playa2@ 7/18/2013 6:19 PM
Nalod wrote: Love the computer generated voice. Great software they have now.
so they doing all this so they can practice marshall law? With who? Robots? National guard? Special forces?
Zionist plot now? Israeli docters?
Oh my, we really bringing in the jewish conspiracy?
Here you go practicing #14 again, every time I'm on point you used this method to deflect from the content.
Demand complete solutions. Avoid the issues by requiring opponents to solve the crime at hand completely, a ploy which works best for items qualifying for rule 10.
Nalod@ 7/18/2013 6:31 PM
playa2 wrote:
Nalod wrote: Love the computer generated voice. Great software they have now.
so they doing all this so they can practice marshall law? With who? Robots? National guard? Special forces?
Zionist plot now? Israeli docters?
Oh my, we really bringing in the jewish conspiracy?
Here you go practicing #14 again, every time I'm on point you used this method to deflect from the content.
Demand complete solutions. Avoid the issues by requiring opponents to solve the crime at hand completely, a ploy which works best for items qualifying for rule 10.
ITs the worst piece of crap you have presented. I watched it. Written text read by computer generated voice. Makes the INfowars stuff look like it deserves an Oscar!
Oh, wait, did you make that one?
playa2@ 7/19/2013 6:19 AM
playa2 wrote:
There is a MUCH bigger picture why the Boston HOAX (drill) was initiated. It was to test the waters to see how people would REACT to MARTIAL LAW. Keep Watertown Mass in mind. House's SEARCHED by DEMAND from THUGS making the occupants LEAVE their homes WITHOUT a WARRANT so it can be SEARCHED. Welcome to the future America.
This needs to be known by everyone, I'm just doing my part to share.
Nalod@ 7/19/2013 7:46 AM
Watched the first video. More drama and little content.
Lots of warnings and big talk.
Too much Bruce Willis and Denzel.
The book was better.
playa2@ 7/19/2013 10:33 AM
Nalod wrote:Watched the first video. More drama and little content.
Lots of warnings and big talk.
Too much Bruce Willis and Denzel.
The book was better.
Nobody cares what you think anymore, you are just hot air nowdays. This stuff is really happening.
Nalod@ 7/19/2013 11:26 AM
playa2 wrote:
Nalod wrote:Watched the first video. More drama and little content.
Lots of warnings and big talk.
Too much Bruce Willis and Denzel.
The book was better.
Nobody cares what you think anymore, you are just hot air nowdays. This stuff is really happening.
Nobody cares about either of us.
This is our convo.
Nalod@ 7/19/2013 11:31 AM
This about covers it don't it?
playa2@ 7/19/2013 12:53 PM
Nalod wrote:
playa2 wrote:
Nalod wrote:Watched the first video. More drama and little content.
Lots of warnings and big talk.
Too much Bruce Willis and Denzel.
The book was better.
Nobody cares what you think anymore, you are just hot air nowdays. This stuff is really happening.
Nobody cares about either of us.
This is our convo.
These threads aren't just being hit by you and I , now do you see how out of touch you are.
Nalod@ 7/19/2013 1:13 PM
playa2 wrote:
Nalod wrote:
playa2 wrote:
Nalod wrote:Watched the first video. More drama and little content.
Lots of warnings and big talk.
Too much Bruce Willis and Denzel.
The book was better.
Nobody cares what you think anymore, you are just hot air nowdays. This stuff is really happening.
Nobody cares about either of us.
This is our convo.
These threads aren't just being hit by you and I , now do you aee how out of touch you are.
How do you know who hits the thread? YOu looking at the count? Its at 2840 on this thread. Watch......
Nalod@ 7/19/2013 1:26 PM
Just went over 5300!!!!
Mysterious isn't it? ooooow.......mysterious..........things that are mysterious are dark, they are suspect,oooooooow, mysterious things are secretive, mysterious things are dark, they must be if we can't figure it out. Maybe the NSA is watching, if so, what are they worried about? oooooow, its mysterious so its manipulative, and if so then its dark, ooooooow, scarey mysterious dark brings image of blackness,oooooow, scarey stuff, like the devils work,oooooooow must be that,.........and the devil is mysterious, dark and must be people people are powerful and want more power........ooooooow........not rich people are suseptable to influence and buy things out of fear......oooooow, floride in suplies,.............guns.............mysterious societies are plotting.....oooooooow, I don't have control..........I and inform others.............Nazi Zombies........Ok, not nazi zombies...........Lucifiarin doctrin..........secret societies........
playa2@ 7/19/2013 3:31 PM
playa2 wrote:
playa2 wrote:
There is a MUCH bigger picture why the Boston HOAX (drill) was initiated. It was to test the waters to see how people would REACT to MARTIAL LAW. Keep Watertown Mass in mind. House's SEARCHED by DEMAND from THUGS making the occupants LEAVE their homes WITHOUT a WARRANT so it can be SEARCHED. Welcome to the future America.
This needs to be known by everyone, I'm just doing my part to share.
Back to the real news, that people need to know the truth about