Off Topic · Let's look at Sandy Hook again look what we've found (page 1)
playa2@ 3/22/2014 4:34 PM
Lanza House
On Jan. 14, the National Enquirer published an interview with the man who built the Lanza home - a builder by the name of Robert J. Riebe.
A search on Intelius for Nancy Lanza lists her relatives.
Peter Lanza and Ryan Lanza appear on this list, but not Adam.
Another odd thing to point out is that if Adam was an actual shooter, in CT, and dead on scene, why would police go and snag Ryan for questioning two states away?
According to the official story, Adam had Ryan's ID (of whatever type) on his person, which evidently was "borrowed" two years prior. So when the cops were running around the school that day and came across the apparently dead Adam right inside, armed and suited up, why would they immediately put in a call to pick up a guy in Hoboken, NJ?
The style of script writing is so similar to the script style of the events of 11 September.
Right after the sandy false flag ricin poison started going out in the mail ..just like the anthrax after 911. And then that story evaporated
playa2@ 3/22/2014 4:38 PM
Just an observation of the video game collection we are supposed to believe belonged to Adam Lanza. I'm only going from official images released by the State's Attorney... not newspaper clipping conjecture.
Left 4 Dead released November 2008 Grand Theft Auto IV released April 2008 hack sign anime dvd Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker released April 2010 Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare released November 2007 Gears of War released November 2006 Call of Duty 3 released November 2006
None of the cases suggest a platinum hit or re-release. They are originals.
We are expected to believe that 20 year-old Adam Lanza, whose mother purportedly earns $240,000 per year in alimony and child support and spoils him rotten, is immersing himself in violent video games that (in 2012) are 4-6 years old?
Adam never asked for a sequel? Never got tired of playing against absolutely nobody online? Did these games even have online play in December 2012?
Other than some Mario games in the backgrounds of images, these are the only pictures of games that I've seen from the State Attorney images. They displayed these games, lined them up all nice like, just to take these pictures.
Other than the Metal Gear portable... not one recent game!
In fact, these look like games a 17-19 year-old Ryan Lanza finished and left at home when he went off to college. And they've been sitting there, collecting dust, ever since.
The games are also dated to about the time the Lanza's divorced when, we are to believe, Ryan takes off with daddy and Adam becomes a shut in.
Where's the tv to play the games on, anyway?
playa2@ 3/22/2014 4:49 PM
Here's the gaming area. Notice the cord, probably a coaxial cable, leading to the exercise room. Not only do the images completely contradict everything that's been reported about Adam Lanza using the basement as a military compound and violent video game area (see COMMENT BELOW post), they tell us that a teenager/twenty year-old had not used this area in some time.
The television was taken over by an adult to watch while on the treadmill. In fact, nearly every area of the walls of the basement can be found in the State Attorney photos released to the media... except the wall that the treadmill faces.
I think they realized the images didn't fit the narrative anyway, but showing the tv in a different room, with a different use than video games, was probably too much.
I've already discussed the outdated games we are supposed to believe Adam was playing, but the game system on the far right in the top pic is also dated. It's an XBOX 360 with a dark-colored ejection flap. It's probably from the first run of 360's released in 2005 or 2006 and, even if it were plugged in and connected to a tv, probably doesn't work.
playa2@ 3/22/2014 4:53 PM
NEWTOWN: Exclusive book excerpts detail killer Adam Lanza's descent into madness and murder Growing addiction to violent video games, studying up on serial killers, gruesome death images hidden next to his bed.
The second week of December 2012, Nancy dropped by My Place Pizza & Restaurant, and Dennis Durant greeted her with a beer and chatted with her for half an hour or so, as they did two to three days a week. She was her usual bubbly self; there wasn’t the slightest indication that anything could be wrong until halfway through her third draft. ...
Nancy recalled a conversation she’d had with her son just a few weeks earlier when telling Durant about Adam’s medical conditions crushing his dream of joining the armed forces: “I told Adam, in as gentle terms as possible, that he will never be a marine, that he’s just not cut out for it and that life has something different planned for him. How can you be a marine if you won’t let people touch you?”
But Adam took the news harder than even his mother expected. Instead of exploring other options for his future, he became more and more obsessed with the military. The basement, which Nancy had remodeled into a game room for Adam, now looked more like a military compound. Nearly every inch of the Sheetrock walls were covered with posters of weaponry and old tanks from World War II. Pictures of submarines, military equipment, and depictions of battle were proudly displayed.
Here's another photo from the State Attorney. The caption suggests it's from the bathroom.
Nalod@ 3/22/2014 6:30 PM
Looks like your really desperate.
playa2@ 3/31/2014 7:45 AM
Another example ^
Nalod@ 3/31/2014 8:56 AM
Hey, at least I get paid! What about you?
playa2@ 4/5/2014 7:55 PM
The media 1st will try and get your sympathies by alleged deaths, did you notice it was a closed funeral. No camera footage in schools to show you what happen.
That's how you can tell it's a false Flag psych-ops operation when cameras are in position to display what happen , but it's never revealed.
jrodmc@ 4/8/2014 1:09 PM
The lead-in with the National Enquirer is a dead give away to Black Ops as well. Very credible!
I'm starting to see the light playa!
[Nalod, where's my twenty bucks?]
Nalod@ 4/8/2014 1:27 PM
Closed funeral to keep media out. Its a private ceremony, not for dot connectors to see if the body is real.
If my kid was killed I'd have no media anywhere near.
playa2@ 4/8/2014 10:12 PM
Key things that make me question... 1. Parents were only allowed to ID their child via photo and no open caskets. 2. No surveillance video released. The Government acted so quick to 'seal' these records. 3. EVERY kid is taught to go to a police officer or fireman when they need help. Kids passed up a firehouse, with fire trucks out front to go to a random guys house? 4. Who in the world (Medical Examiner) makes jokes when they just seen children who have been murdered? 5. Who in the world (Robbie Parker) laughs right before talking about their baby who had been murdered?