Off Topic · Almost Royal (page 1)

GustavBahler @ 6/22/2014 10:56 AM
Anyone seen this? Its a comedic documentary about two British royals portrayed by actors who travel to America. Pretty funny, their ad libs are hilarious. Its in the same vein as Spinal Tap except the Americans aren't actors. Its on BBC America

NardDogNation @ 6/28/2014 3:17 PM
LOL, I didn't see it but I'll keep an eye out for it. It looks hilarious. When I originally saw the post, I presumed it was of that Bachelor-themed show where several morons with ovaries think they're in a competition to win the heart of Prince Harry...only to not know that it is actually an actor they were dating....and that royals don't partake in reality television, lol. I forget the name.
NardDogNation @ 8/8/2014 4:40 PM
Did anyone catch a few episodes of this?
IronWillGiroud @ 8/14/2014 5:25 AM
looks like it sucks
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