Off Topic · You ever skydive? (page 1)

IronWillGiroud @ 8/14/2014 9:39 PM
You ever skydive?
Nalod @ 8/23/2014 1:06 PM
Will you?
IronWillGiroud @ 8/23/2014 4:58 PM
yea you know, narddog's wingsuit thread got me into it,

growing up you think oh man that's crazy to do then you find out that it's not much different from riding a bike or going to the grocery store, just another thing you can do and you get a rush out of it,

so i'm gonna make 1,000 jumps then retire

Hector @ 8/24/2014 7:26 AM
Yeah, I get an incredible rush going to the grocery store.
Let me see if skydiving can equal that.
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