Off Topic · If you have to watch the way you cut your hair--this world is fckd (page 7)
Knickoftime wrote:arkrud wrote:The vicious cycle of poverty, crime, drugs, and resentment is hard to break. But many great people did it and open themselves and their children to better life.
This is worth celebrating not only getting noticed and for some reason you left them out and pointing only to those who still suffering.
We need to help each other not look for somebody or something to blame. This does no good.This is a rhetorical nonsense. The first step of fixing any issue, of solving any problem, is to identify the reason the problem occurred. Only with this issue do people refer to it as assigning "blame" or complaining. That is racist in of itself.
Expecting an entire culture (which we're talking about here) to instantly change en masse independent of all influences is a ludicrous proposal. It never happens anywhere, ever.
You can drug some Confederate statue to the ground an bit it with a stick all day long. Will it make life of anyone better?This seems like purposeful misdirection. The flashpoint of this issue - Charlottesville - was about duly-elected officials of the city representing their constituency in a democratic fashion. The events occurred because groups decided to protest this. The existence of the statues will not make anyone's life any better.
Identifying the reason does not mean to find somebody or something to blame.
Most of the time those who created the problem are long gone.
Obviously it is convenient to blame the dead man or find someone who looks like him or related to him.
Or take some random people and hang blame on them.
Saw this a lot in Soviet Union and it happened a lot elsewhere.
And it happening every day in today America. Good that this people are not send to Gulag but just labeled racist or something.
I agree that change the whole White and Black cultures in America will take a lot of time.
This culture may be replaced by Yellow or Red by then... or some other color.
Duly-elected officials can be as wrong as dictators. Because the right or wrong is cultural value so whats wrong for one culture is right for another.
Existence of statues is not important. How people perceive them is.
If some people think that removing statues equal to removing them; this matter should be taken seriously.
May be it is fine to keep historical monument but put them in museum or at least area where they will not be irritating for locals?
In any case the issues like this can be solved in civilized manner... unless someone want to show something in somebody face.
nixluva wrote:arkrud wrote:nixluva wrote:arkrud wrote:nixluva wrote:arkrud wrote:nixluva wrote:arkrud wrote:nixluva wrote:BRIGGS wrote:It's just reality. I treat all people the same -- I have friends of all creeds colors-- it has no bearing on me. In fact my AA or Asian friends -- guys who grew up in Brooklyn and Ct are all the same way. There is no need to talk about race issues because we have none between each other. Were long term friends. I think in this world you give effort uou can have happiness and success-- no one us held back.
You're world is not representative of the Majority for African Americans so you really have no frame of reference IMO. The Majority of AA's still live in the former Slave States which is also where the majority of Confederate Monuments are and groups like the KKK etc. There is a long standing order of things down here that you simply can't understand if you refuse to listen to those who know from experience.
You really seem to have a lack of understanding that life in other areas may not reflect the experience others live in other areas. It's as if you are intentionally being obtuse about this. You seem to think somehow this is all just being overblown. I would love to have you come down here and talk your nonsense. Let me take you to the areas where the Sons of the Confederacy have their compounds and control of entire towns. They've always been in control and still hold onto that power. You would not be so smug about these things.
You either will remain in ignorance or you can change that and actually LEARN the truth and be enlightened. There are plenty of members on this forum who could help you if you legitimately wanted to learn and expand your knowledge. Why is it that you think the South is so solidly Red and under Republican Control? The percentage of AA per state is highest in the South. It always has been and that is why they used Violence to keep AA's from voting. Now they just pass voter Suppression laws and limit the number of voting locations, but it's the same reasons. CONTROL.
Nix - you seems to be very knowledgeable and deeply involved in AA issues in the South and elsewhere in US.
Leaving in NY/NJ in its multinational fresh-emigrant communities I cannot see the issues you highlight.
The population is so diverse and even African people are mostly not AA but rather later African and Latin American/Caribbean emigrants.
I think Briggs is in the same boat, that's why he cannot relate to many issues you are talking about.
I think your concerns are very valid and live conditions and problems of AA people you describe are real.
One thing I want to understand - why in your opinion the AA people in US and specifically in the South are not coming together with well defined political party and their own political representatives to bring their grievances to the forefront of US political life?
Why with so many prominent AA people in mainstream politics, media, entertainment business, and in all areas of culture they do not come with clear message about the issues and problem like you do? Why instead they are waiting for Democrats or some random White figures to get enlightened about this issues and go to war for AA people?
Part of the problem is that the TRUTH about this country's history is not taught. That's why I always go back and bring it up to the modern era so that there is a sense of perspective of how we got here and why things are so bad for AA's and other minorities.There's this myth that you can only relate if you're an AA as opposed to a new immigrant. As for your question about all the Prominent AA's not being able to come with a clear message or some other solution, well you have to remember that there are long established Power Structures in place and overall AA's don't have enough power to get things done on their own. Perhaps they might've been able to if not for the many times over the years where they were purposefully attacked in order to prevent any progress.
You have to remember that they used the FBI and CIA to break up Black Power Movements. They've also destroyed many Black communities that were progressing on their own. This is not an accident that AA's are behind in every facet of Society!!! This was done on purpose! Why do you think they still try to block or limit AA's from voting? In the former Slave States the % of AA is higher and high enough to actually impact Elections. This is why the KKK used Terror to keep AA's from voting.
Rank State African-American Alone
Population (2010)[1] % African-American
1 District of Columbia 305,074 50.08%
2 Mississippi 1,074,200 37.30%
3 Louisiana 1,506,534 32.4%
4 Georgia 3,150,435 31.4%
5 Maryland 1,798,593 30.1%
6 South Carolina 1,290,684 28.48%
7 Alabama 1,251,311 26.38%
8 North Carolina 2,048,628 21.60%This is why they Shot, Lynched and Terrorized AA's to stop them from voting in the South:
So what you actually mean that due to all this years of oppression from the powerful elites and government low enforcement structures AA leaders are discouraged and scared to stand up and create their own political party outside of mainstream super-parties (Dems and Reps). You also imply that due to media and political misrepresentation of AA community new emigrants from Africa and Caribbean cannot relate and stand up shoulder-to-shoulder to protect their humanity and basic rights. I can see this....
But why do you think it is so difficult to come up with some positive non-destructive and antagonist moment similar to the era when segregation failed under joint effort of many progressive people? What is missing from the puzzle?
You misunderstand me. What I was attempting to show you is that just 5 years after the end of the Civil War AA's had accomplished a LOT! There was the beginning of establishing real institutions and wealth. The only thing that stopped this was Violence and intimidation once the U.S. Troops left the South. Then after they got rid of all the Elected AA officials they enacted laws to subjugate the AA Population again. Any AA Leaders that rose up got cut down!!!What you seem to be missing is that the attacks on the AA Community never stopped. The Systems in place are set up in such a way to perpetuate the Inequality. AA's on their own can only do so much when faced with the onslaught from outside their community. The PLAN has worked so well that AA's don't have the Generational Wealth or Black Owned Institutions that could lead to more success. Destruction of Black Cities like Greenwood known as Black Wall Street or more recently the Housing Bubble and Great Recession decimated AA Wealth. Never mind the totally lopsided Judicial System and Law Enforcement Practices!!!
AA's don't have enough representation in White Society, Big Business or Country Club life. AA's have been corralled into lower income neighborhoods for so long that it creates a negative impact on the community. There are no jobs for AA Youth. It's such a vast system of Oppression that it's extremely difficult to climb out of. Just because a few make it to the higher levels economically doesn't make up for the underlying issues. This is why AA's complain about the SYSTEM being against them.
I am sorry if I misunderstood you.
I understand the history and I will repeat even if you do not like it that many other nations in other couturiers had same and worth experience for hundreds and thousand of years.
And they never solved their issues when they use violence or keep clamoring about the past.
You can repeat the reasons of the AA problems 20 times over but it will not solve any issues and will never make live better for inner cities and South.
People need solutions, need actions, need to come forward and make a change together.
The only way to do it in democratic society is through political process, through unity and political representation.
There are many, including many successful AA people who do not want to lift a finger to help struggling AA communities.
They are not racists of course... but they think if they made it why others still don't?
The African emigrants coming here and jumping to upper middle class in one generation and they are thinking why this inner city people never made it?
Of course they don't know the whole story, or don't want to know.
Time for exudes is over - time for hard work is now. Hard mental work... Time to drop the second class mentality and became the first class, the class of its own.
And educated and passionate people like you should be the first who need to step forward and say we should be better that this, we are better that this.
We should stop standing there with asking hand but organize themselves as political force and take what belongs to us.
This what many minorities did to became relevant and successful even if still hated. But hated for their success. I wish you to experience this type of hate - it is liberating and inspiring.I'm afraid you will never understand the depth and complexity of these issues. Just cuz a few African Immigrants were able to come here and be successful doesn't mean ALL of them have been able to do so. You have to know the circumstances of each case which you don't. Many of these successes stories are from highly educated people as opposed to some poor person without benefit of high education. Besides this is a drop in the bucket in comparison to the 47 million AA's.
You keep ignoring all the evidence I've presented to explain the SYSTEMIC impediments working against AA's. These systemic issues can trap anyone at any time. The point isn't to look at the exceptions who made it out but to GET RID OF THE IMPEDIMENTS that artificially disadvantage AA's and other minorities.
Case in point is unfair Banking Practices. I posted about this earlier in this thread. These are practices that are done without AA's knowledge. You can't understand this cuz you're not an African American but if you were it could effect you. Again this isn't about individual cases but entire Racial and ethnic groups!
I saw this issues with my own eyes when I drive through some neighborhoods and I was leaving in Brooklyn. I am not blind.
But I think you are wrong about how many successful AA people are around in US and how many successful new emigrants from all over the world are made good for themselves, their families, and their communities.
The vicious cycle of poverty, crime, drugs, and resentment is hard to break. But many great people did it and open themselves and their children to better life.
This is worth celebrating not only getting noticed and for some reason you left them out and pointing only to those who still suffering.
We need to help each other not look for somebody or something to blame. This does no good.
You can drug some Confederate statue to the ground an bit it with a stick all day long. Will it make life of anyone better?Let me clarify something, I am not saying that there aren't many AA's doing well or overcoming the impact of historic oppression. OBVIOUSLY there are! In fact I live in Georgia and the city of Atlanta is like a Black Mecca! The problem is that the statistics show that in every single metric AA's are behind the White population and that is understandable given all the things I've been posting about.
The SYSTEMIC disadvantages have been ravaging the AA, Hispanic and Native American communities since Colonial times. The disadvantages were intentionally built into this country's systems!!! Until White Americans ALSO accept and desire to remove these things this country will continue to be held back.
I should also add that these problems extend not only to Race but Class as well. The system is too slanted towards the wealthy and against the poor and middle class. This is also not an accident!!!
Let be specific there - which laws or regulations you want to remove?
Or what is missing in the law?
If the framework is already fixed by affirmative actions and other legislation what is not getting enforced?
If you can identify this why not to raze this issues on all levels and attack them?
Why not to start doing something instead of talking about this endlessly?
arkrud wrote:nixluva wrote:arkrud wrote:nixluva wrote:arkrud wrote:nixluva wrote:arkrud wrote:nixluva wrote:arkrud wrote:nixluva wrote:BRIGGS wrote:It's just reality. I treat all people the same -- I have friends of all creeds colors-- it has no bearing on me. In fact my AA or Asian friends -- guys who grew up in Brooklyn and Ct are all the same way. There is no need to talk about race issues because we have none between each other. Were long term friends. I think in this world you give effort uou can have happiness and success-- no one us held back.
You're world is not representative of the Majority for African Americans so you really have no frame of reference IMO. The Majority of AA's still live in the former Slave States which is also where the majority of Confederate Monuments are and groups like the KKK etc. There is a long standing order of things down here that you simply can't understand if you refuse to listen to those who know from experience.
You really seem to have a lack of understanding that life in other areas may not reflect the experience others live in other areas. It's as if you are intentionally being obtuse about this. You seem to think somehow this is all just being overblown. I would love to have you come down here and talk your nonsense. Let me take you to the areas where the Sons of the Confederacy have their compounds and control of entire towns. They've always been in control and still hold onto that power. You would not be so smug about these things.
You either will remain in ignorance or you can change that and actually LEARN the truth and be enlightened. There are plenty of members on this forum who could help you if you legitimately wanted to learn and expand your knowledge. Why is it that you think the South is so solidly Red and under Republican Control? The percentage of AA per state is highest in the South. It always has been and that is why they used Violence to keep AA's from voting. Now they just pass voter Suppression laws and limit the number of voting locations, but it's the same reasons. CONTROL.
Nix - you seems to be very knowledgeable and deeply involved in AA issues in the South and elsewhere in US.
Leaving in NY/NJ in its multinational fresh-emigrant communities I cannot see the issues you highlight.
The population is so diverse and even African people are mostly not AA but rather later African and Latin American/Caribbean emigrants.
I think Briggs is in the same boat, that's why he cannot relate to many issues you are talking about.
I think your concerns are very valid and live conditions and problems of AA people you describe are real.
One thing I want to understand - why in your opinion the AA people in US and specifically in the South are not coming together with well defined political party and their own political representatives to bring their grievances to the forefront of US political life?
Why with so many prominent AA people in mainstream politics, media, entertainment business, and in all areas of culture they do not come with clear message about the issues and problem like you do? Why instead they are waiting for Democrats or some random White figures to get enlightened about this issues and go to war for AA people?
Part of the problem is that the TRUTH about this country's history is not taught. That's why I always go back and bring it up to the modern era so that there is a sense of perspective of how we got here and why things are so bad for AA's and other minorities.There's this myth that you can only relate if you're an AA as opposed to a new immigrant. As for your question about all the Prominent AA's not being able to come with a clear message or some other solution, well you have to remember that there are long established Power Structures in place and overall AA's don't have enough power to get things done on their own. Perhaps they might've been able to if not for the many times over the years where they were purposefully attacked in order to prevent any progress.
You have to remember that they used the FBI and CIA to break up Black Power Movements. They've also destroyed many Black communities that were progressing on their own. This is not an accident that AA's are behind in every facet of Society!!! This was done on purpose! Why do you think they still try to block or limit AA's from voting? In the former Slave States the % of AA is higher and high enough to actually impact Elections. This is why the KKK used Terror to keep AA's from voting.
Rank State African-American Alone
Population (2010)[1] % African-American
1 District of Columbia 305,074 50.08%
2 Mississippi 1,074,200 37.30%
3 Louisiana 1,506,534 32.4%
4 Georgia 3,150,435 31.4%
5 Maryland 1,798,593 30.1%
6 South Carolina 1,290,684 28.48%
7 Alabama 1,251,311 26.38%
8 North Carolina 2,048,628 21.60%This is why they Shot, Lynched and Terrorized AA's to stop them from voting in the South:
So what you actually mean that due to all this years of oppression from the powerful elites and government low enforcement structures AA leaders are discouraged and scared to stand up and create their own political party outside of mainstream super-parties (Dems and Reps). You also imply that due to media and political misrepresentation of AA community new emigrants from Africa and Caribbean cannot relate and stand up shoulder-to-shoulder to protect their humanity and basic rights. I can see this....
But why do you think it is so difficult to come up with some positive non-destructive and antagonist moment similar to the era when segregation failed under joint effort of many progressive people? What is missing from the puzzle?
You misunderstand me. What I was attempting to show you is that just 5 years after the end of the Civil War AA's had accomplished a LOT! There was the beginning of establishing real institutions and wealth. The only thing that stopped this was Violence and intimidation once the U.S. Troops left the South. Then after they got rid of all the Elected AA officials they enacted laws to subjugate the AA Population again. Any AA Leaders that rose up got cut down!!!What you seem to be missing is that the attacks on the AA Community never stopped. The Systems in place are set up in such a way to perpetuate the Inequality. AA's on their own can only do so much when faced with the onslaught from outside their community. The PLAN has worked so well that AA's don't have the Generational Wealth or Black Owned Institutions that could lead to more success. Destruction of Black Cities like Greenwood known as Black Wall Street or more recently the Housing Bubble and Great Recession decimated AA Wealth. Never mind the totally lopsided Judicial System and Law Enforcement Practices!!!
AA's don't have enough representation in White Society, Big Business or Country Club life. AA's have been corralled into lower income neighborhoods for so long that it creates a negative impact on the community. There are no jobs for AA Youth. It's such a vast system of Oppression that it's extremely difficult to climb out of. Just because a few make it to the higher levels economically doesn't make up for the underlying issues. This is why AA's complain about the SYSTEM being against them.
I am sorry if I misunderstood you.
I understand the history and I will repeat even if you do not like it that many other nations in other couturiers had same and worth experience for hundreds and thousand of years.
And they never solved their issues when they use violence or keep clamoring about the past.
You can repeat the reasons of the AA problems 20 times over but it will not solve any issues and will never make live better for inner cities and South.
People need solutions, need actions, need to come forward and make a change together.
The only way to do it in democratic society is through political process, through unity and political representation.
There are many, including many successful AA people who do not want to lift a finger to help struggling AA communities.
They are not racists of course... but they think if they made it why others still don't?
The African emigrants coming here and jumping to upper middle class in one generation and they are thinking why this inner city people never made it?
Of course they don't know the whole story, or don't want to know.
Time for exudes is over - time for hard work is now. Hard mental work... Time to drop the second class mentality and became the first class, the class of its own.
And educated and passionate people like you should be the first who need to step forward and say we should be better that this, we are better that this.
We should stop standing there with asking hand but organize themselves as political force and take what belongs to us.
This what many minorities did to became relevant and successful even if still hated. But hated for their success. I wish you to experience this type of hate - it is liberating and inspiring.I'm afraid you will never understand the depth and complexity of these issues. Just cuz a few African Immigrants were able to come here and be successful doesn't mean ALL of them have been able to do so. You have to know the circumstances of each case which you don't. Many of these successes stories are from highly educated people as opposed to some poor person without benefit of high education. Besides this is a drop in the bucket in comparison to the 47 million AA's.
You keep ignoring all the evidence I've presented to explain the SYSTEMIC impediments working against AA's. These systemic issues can trap anyone at any time. The point isn't to look at the exceptions who made it out but to GET RID OF THE IMPEDIMENTS that artificially disadvantage AA's and other minorities.
Case in point is unfair Banking Practices. I posted about this earlier in this thread. These are practices that are done without AA's knowledge. You can't understand this cuz you're not an African American but if you were it could effect you. Again this isn't about individual cases but entire Racial and ethnic groups!
I saw this issues with my own eyes when I drive through some neighborhoods and I was leaving in Brooklyn. I am not blind.
But I think you are wrong about how many successful AA people are around in US and how many successful new emigrants from all over the world are made good for themselves, their families, and their communities.
The vicious cycle of poverty, crime, drugs, and resentment is hard to break. But many great people did it and open themselves and their children to better life.
This is worth celebrating not only getting noticed and for some reason you left them out and pointing only to those who still suffering.
We need to help each other not look for somebody or something to blame. This does no good.
You can drug some Confederate statue to the ground an bit it with a stick all day long. Will it make life of anyone better?Let me clarify something, I am not saying that there aren't many AA's doing well or overcoming the impact of historic oppression. OBVIOUSLY there are! In fact I live in Georgia and the city of Atlanta is like a Black Mecca! The problem is that the statistics show that in every single metric AA's are behind the White population and that is understandable given all the things I've been posting about.
The SYSTEMIC disadvantages have been ravaging the AA, Hispanic and Native American communities since Colonial times. The disadvantages were intentionally built into this country's systems!!! Until White Americans ALSO accept and desire to remove these things this country will continue to be held back.
I should also add that these problems extend not only to Race but Class as well. The system is too slanted towards the wealthy and against the poor and middle class. This is also not an accident!!!
Let be specific there - which laws or regulations you want to remove?
Or what is missing in the law?
If the framework is already fixed by affirmative actions and other legislation what is not getting enforced?
If you can identify this why not to raze this issues on all levels and attack them?
Why not to start doing something instead of talking about this endlessly?
You seem to think this is a simple process. As I've tried to point out this is hard to fix 1. Because there are too many people who don't think things need to be changed! Criminal Justice for instance. Some believe that Law and Order is all you need but that ignores the massive Racial Bias!
2. As I've also pointer out the inequities have been installed over many decades and are interwoven to a large degree. For example They intentionally corralled AA's n Hispanics into certain areas and in those areas you have lower tax base, lower quality education and resources, disinvestment, food deserts etc. People paying more for the same or less services. So this led to higher crime, which in turn led to over policing and stiffer penalties. Which in turn led to fewer Men and Fathers. Which led to misguided youth with no options. So you tell me if you can figure out how to solve all of this.
This mess didn't get like this quickly and can't be undone quickly or simply either. Especially if there are so many in White society who don't even believe the problems exist.
nixluva wrote:arkrud wrote:nixluva wrote:arkrud wrote:nixluva wrote:arkrud wrote:nixluva wrote:arkrud wrote:nixluva wrote:arkrud wrote:nixluva wrote:BRIGGS wrote:It's just reality. I treat all people the same -- I have friends of all creeds colors-- it has no bearing on me. In fact my AA or Asian friends -- guys who grew up in Brooklyn and Ct are all the same way. There is no need to talk about race issues because we have none between each other. Were long term friends. I think in this world you give effort uou can have happiness and success-- no one us held back.
You're world is not representative of the Majority for African Americans so you really have no frame of reference IMO. The Majority of AA's still live in the former Slave States which is also where the majority of Confederate Monuments are and groups like the KKK etc. There is a long standing order of things down here that you simply can't understand if you refuse to listen to those who know from experience.
You really seem to have a lack of understanding that life in other areas may not reflect the experience others live in other areas. It's as if you are intentionally being obtuse about this. You seem to think somehow this is all just being overblown. I would love to have you come down here and talk your nonsense. Let me take you to the areas where the Sons of the Confederacy have their compounds and control of entire towns. They've always been in control and still hold onto that power. You would not be so smug about these things.
You either will remain in ignorance or you can change that and actually LEARN the truth and be enlightened. There are plenty of members on this forum who could help you if you legitimately wanted to learn and expand your knowledge. Why is it that you think the South is so solidly Red and under Republican Control? The percentage of AA per state is highest in the South. It always has been and that is why they used Violence to keep AA's from voting. Now they just pass voter Suppression laws and limit the number of voting locations, but it's the same reasons. CONTROL.
Nix - you seems to be very knowledgeable and deeply involved in AA issues in the South and elsewhere in US.
Leaving in NY/NJ in its multinational fresh-emigrant communities I cannot see the issues you highlight.
The population is so diverse and even African people are mostly not AA but rather later African and Latin American/Caribbean emigrants.
I think Briggs is in the same boat, that's why he cannot relate to many issues you are talking about.
I think your concerns are very valid and live conditions and problems of AA people you describe are real.
One thing I want to understand - why in your opinion the AA people in US and specifically in the South are not coming together with well defined political party and their own political representatives to bring their grievances to the forefront of US political life?
Why with so many prominent AA people in mainstream politics, media, entertainment business, and in all areas of culture they do not come with clear message about the issues and problem like you do? Why instead they are waiting for Democrats or some random White figures to get enlightened about this issues and go to war for AA people?
Part of the problem is that the TRUTH about this country's history is not taught. That's why I always go back and bring it up to the modern era so that there is a sense of perspective of how we got here and why things are so bad for AA's and other minorities.There's this myth that you can only relate if you're an AA as opposed to a new immigrant. As for your question about all the Prominent AA's not being able to come with a clear message or some other solution, well you have to remember that there are long established Power Structures in place and overall AA's don't have enough power to get things done on their own. Perhaps they might've been able to if not for the many times over the years where they were purposefully attacked in order to prevent any progress.
You have to remember that they used the FBI and CIA to break up Black Power Movements. They've also destroyed many Black communities that were progressing on their own. This is not an accident that AA's are behind in every facet of Society!!! This was done on purpose! Why do you think they still try to block or limit AA's from voting? In the former Slave States the % of AA is higher and high enough to actually impact Elections. This is why the KKK used Terror to keep AA's from voting.
Rank State African-American Alone
Population (2010)[1] % African-American
1 District of Columbia 305,074 50.08%
2 Mississippi 1,074,200 37.30%
3 Louisiana 1,506,534 32.4%
4 Georgia 3,150,435 31.4%
5 Maryland 1,798,593 30.1%
6 South Carolina 1,290,684 28.48%
7 Alabama 1,251,311 26.38%
8 North Carolina 2,048,628 21.60%This is why they Shot, Lynched and Terrorized AA's to stop them from voting in the South:
So what you actually mean that due to all this years of oppression from the powerful elites and government low enforcement structures AA leaders are discouraged and scared to stand up and create their own political party outside of mainstream super-parties (Dems and Reps). You also imply that due to media and political misrepresentation of AA community new emigrants from Africa and Caribbean cannot relate and stand up shoulder-to-shoulder to protect their humanity and basic rights. I can see this....
But why do you think it is so difficult to come up with some positive non-destructive and antagonist moment similar to the era when segregation failed under joint effort of many progressive people? What is missing from the puzzle?
You misunderstand me. What I was attempting to show you is that just 5 years after the end of the Civil War AA's had accomplished a LOT! There was the beginning of establishing real institutions and wealth. The only thing that stopped this was Violence and intimidation once the U.S. Troops left the South. Then after they got rid of all the Elected AA officials they enacted laws to subjugate the AA Population again. Any AA Leaders that rose up got cut down!!!What you seem to be missing is that the attacks on the AA Community never stopped. The Systems in place are set up in such a way to perpetuate the Inequality. AA's on their own can only do so much when faced with the onslaught from outside their community. The PLAN has worked so well that AA's don't have the Generational Wealth or Black Owned Institutions that could lead to more success. Destruction of Black Cities like Greenwood known as Black Wall Street or more recently the Housing Bubble and Great Recession decimated AA Wealth. Never mind the totally lopsided Judicial System and Law Enforcement Practices!!!
AA's don't have enough representation in White Society, Big Business or Country Club life. AA's have been corralled into lower income neighborhoods for so long that it creates a negative impact on the community. There are no jobs for AA Youth. It's such a vast system of Oppression that it's extremely difficult to climb out of. Just because a few make it to the higher levels economically doesn't make up for the underlying issues. This is why AA's complain about the SYSTEM being against them.
I am sorry if I misunderstood you.
I understand the history and I will repeat even if you do not like it that many other nations in other couturiers had same and worth experience for hundreds and thousand of years.
And they never solved their issues when they use violence or keep clamoring about the past.
You can repeat the reasons of the AA problems 20 times over but it will not solve any issues and will never make live better for inner cities and South.
People need solutions, need actions, need to come forward and make a change together.
The only way to do it in democratic society is through political process, through unity and political representation.
There are many, including many successful AA people who do not want to lift a finger to help struggling AA communities.
They are not racists of course... but they think if they made it why others still don't?
The African emigrants coming here and jumping to upper middle class in one generation and they are thinking why this inner city people never made it?
Of course they don't know the whole story, or don't want to know.
Time for exudes is over - time for hard work is now. Hard mental work... Time to drop the second class mentality and became the first class, the class of its own.
And educated and passionate people like you should be the first who need to step forward and say we should be better that this, we are better that this.
We should stop standing there with asking hand but organize themselves as political force and take what belongs to us.
This what many minorities did to became relevant and successful even if still hated. But hated for their success. I wish you to experience this type of hate - it is liberating and inspiring.I'm afraid you will never understand the depth and complexity of these issues. Just cuz a few African Immigrants were able to come here and be successful doesn't mean ALL of them have been able to do so. You have to know the circumstances of each case which you don't. Many of these successes stories are from highly educated people as opposed to some poor person without benefit of high education. Besides this is a drop in the bucket in comparison to the 47 million AA's.
You keep ignoring all the evidence I've presented to explain the SYSTEMIC impediments working against AA's. These systemic issues can trap anyone at any time. The point isn't to look at the exceptions who made it out but to GET RID OF THE IMPEDIMENTS that artificially disadvantage AA's and other minorities.
Case in point is unfair Banking Practices. I posted about this earlier in this thread. These are practices that are done without AA's knowledge. You can't understand this cuz you're not an African American but if you were it could effect you. Again this isn't about individual cases but entire Racial and ethnic groups!
I saw this issues with my own eyes when I drive through some neighborhoods and I was leaving in Brooklyn. I am not blind.
But I think you are wrong about how many successful AA people are around in US and how many successful new emigrants from all over the world are made good for themselves, their families, and their communities.
The vicious cycle of poverty, crime, drugs, and resentment is hard to break. But many great people did it and open themselves and their children to better life.
This is worth celebrating not only getting noticed and for some reason you left them out and pointing only to those who still suffering.
We need to help each other not look for somebody or something to blame. This does no good.
You can drug some Confederate statue to the ground an bit it with a stick all day long. Will it make life of anyone better?Let me clarify something, I am not saying that there aren't many AA's doing well or overcoming the impact of historic oppression. OBVIOUSLY there are! In fact I live in Georgia and the city of Atlanta is like a Black Mecca! The problem is that the statistics show that in every single metric AA's are behind the White population and that is understandable given all the things I've been posting about.
The SYSTEMIC disadvantages have been ravaging the AA, Hispanic and Native American communities since Colonial times. The disadvantages were intentionally built into this country's systems!!! Until White Americans ALSO accept and desire to remove these things this country will continue to be held back.
I should also add that these problems extend not only to Race but Class as well. The system is too slanted towards the wealthy and against the poor and middle class. This is also not an accident!!!
Let be specific there - which laws or regulations you want to remove?
Or what is missing in the law?
If the framework is already fixed by affirmative actions and other legislation what is not getting enforced?
If you can identify this why not to raze this issues on all levels and attack them?
Why not to start doing something instead of talking about this endlessly?You seem to think this is a simple process. As I've tried to point out this is hard to fix 1. Because there are too many people who don't think things need to be changed! Criminal Justice for instance. Some believe that Law and Order is all you need but that ignores the massive Racial Bias!
2. As I've also pointer out the inequities have been installed over many decades and are interwoven to a large degree. For example They intentionally corralled AA's n Hispanics into certain areas and in those areas you have lower tax base, lower quality education and resources, disinvestment, food deserts etc. People paying more for the same or less services. So this led to higher crime, which in turn led to over policing and stiffer penalties. Which in turn led to fewer Men and Fathers. Which led to misguided youth with no options. So you tell me if you can figure out how to solve all of this.
This mess didn't get like this quickly and can't be undone quickly or simply either. Especially if there are so many in White society who don't even believe the problems exist.
Majority of Europeans/Asian/Latin American/African/Jewish/Etc. Americans are well aware about the problems between so called Whites and so called Blacks...
US is not Black-And-White anymore and getting less at less so.
Favelas is not only US problem. It is even more severe in Latin America, India, and in many more countries.
Segregation by poverty is the hardest problem to solve.
Universal income can be a solution.
Providing people with sponsored housing/food stamps/medical/free education/child support just for being law abiding and moved out of favelas can do the trick.
It can cost less for the society but there is no political will to take this route.
Even Switzerland voted it down %51 to %49 on referendum... But in my view this is the only promising solution.
We already allocating about $45K per person who literally has nothing in social help.
But society cannot admit this being defacto universal income. It is matter of time until it will be recognized as such in US.
BRIGGS wrote:
Well, that explains much.
Knickoftime wrote:BRIGGS wrote:, that explains much.
I find it sad. Anyone can work hard and carve out a niche for themselves in the us. Referring to " white people" as if they were a separate species and putting demands on them to give their property to anyone-- no need to be any color here-- is an absurd premise. Anyone can work hard and buy a home. Frankly it's an embarrassment.
Just like many white people who came out to say stfu to the nazis and kkk so should prominent AA to this group.
Knickoftime wrote:BRIGGS wrote:, that explains much.
Seems like this is specifically from the BLM-Louisville chapter. Don't know if these 10-demands are from Chanelle Helm's own personal demands as the leading organizer of this chapter or if they are collective demands from AAs in Louisville. Don't know if BLM is organized to the level which each chapter have all come together and collectively come up with these demands across the US. If they did I doubt Chanelle Helm would be the chosen voice.
In the end. Non of these demands will be met. Chanelle Helm will lose all credibility and most likely won't be taken seriously going forward. And has probably done more damage to the BLM movement then progress.
As the nation continues to deal with the aftermath of the racially charged demonstration and violence that erupted in Charlottesville, Va., two weeks ago, leaders from the national and state NAACP said it’s important to focus on both policy and symbolism.
Speaking Thursday during the first stop of the NAACP’s listening tour in Detroit, the Rev. Wendell Anthony, the president of the Detroit chapter of the NAACP, said, “We have to be careful that we not allow symbolism to override substance. Right now, we’re focused on bringing the statues down. Let’s be very clear, the Confederacy fought against the rights of black folks to be free. That’s who they were.
“But if we take down statues but leave up the policies, we still have not done our job,” he added.
Derrick Johnson, interim president of the NAACP, said it's time to organize for the 2018 election cycle.
"You want to stop Trump, get control of Congress. Get control of the Senate," he said. "Next year's election will determine if we’re forced into a constitutional convention where they can redefine the very document that governs us."
And Anthony said, it's time for people to actually vote.
"There are states right now that are introducing bills to eliminate people from the voting rolls who haven’t voted in the last three election cycles," he said. "That’s a methodology to suppress the vote, and we can’t allow that to occur."
arkrud wrote:Majority of Europeans/Asian/Latin American/African/Jewish/Etc. Americans are well aware about the problems between so called Whites and so called Blacks...
US is not Black-And-White anymore and getting less at less so.
Favelas is not only US problem. It is even more severe in Latin America, India, and in many more countries.
Segregation by poverty is the hardest problem to solve.
Universal income can be a solution.
Providing people with sponsored housing/food stamps/medical/free education/child support just for being law abiding and moved out of favelas can do the trick.
It can cost less for the society but there is no political will to take this route.
Even Switzerland voted it down %51 to %49 on referendum... But in my view this is the only promising solution.
We already allocating about $45K per person who literally has nothing in social help.
But society cannot admit this being defacto universal income. It is matter of time until it will be recognized as such in US.
You couldn't be more WRONG about this. If all Americans were well aware of the problems between races there wouldn't be such shock and surprise about recent events.
The U.S. is most DEFINITELY still Black/Brown and White. The disparities are well documented and I really wish you would stop talking like you're some kind of authority on the issue when you're talking to someone who has FAR more knowledge about these things than you do. Do you ever stop to think about the fact that i'm someone who is clearly immersed in this subject and have a lifetime of experience and research?
You keep bringing up other countries as if that has any bearing on this conversation. The situation in other countries is irrelevant to this discussion. This is a discussion on AMERICA.
Now again and hopefully for the last time, you seem to keep missing the point. This country has NEVER dealt with it's original sin and every time we have an opportunity it's never fully addressed. Even now you are trying to basically minimize its significance.
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BRIGGS wrote:Knickoftime wrote:BRIGGS wrote:, that explains much.
I find it sad. Anyone can work hard and carve out a niche for themselves in the us.
As this idea is clearly at the root of your worldview and the misinformation you consume, let's roll with that for second. Let's entertain that premise.
Would I be wrong to characterize a good portion of middle to lower class Americans of all races (including the 18 million white people that live below the poverty line) as deeply unsatisfied with their economic status? That they find it harder and harder to make ends meet in their niche, and this has been brewing for decades?
If we agree, then my question is, why aren't these people more upwardly mobile? Why don't they aspire to climb 'niches; to niches's with higher paying salaries ... why aren't there more two income families?
Undocumented Mexican immigrants are not taking away anyone's engineering careers.
So instead of complaining about their taxes, complaining about the cost of sending their children to college, complaining about the wages not rising in step with inflation, complaining about losing a manufacturing job because a greedy corporation sent it overseas, complaining about a gallon of gas when it goes over $4, complaining about the economic difficulty of homeownership, complaining about possibly losing her job to an 'illegal', or complaining about their neighborhood no longer being safe, why don't they just take the opportunity the US affords everyone and get better jobs and make more money and move to better neighborhoods?
Knickoftime wrote:BRIGGS wrote:Knickoftime wrote:BRIGGS wrote:, that explains much.
I find it sad. Anyone can work hard and carve out a niche for themselves in the us.
As this idea is clearly at the root of your worldview and the misinformation you consume, let's roll with that for second. Let's entertain that premise.
Would I be wrong to characterize a good portion of middle to lower class Americans of all races (including the 18 million white people that live below the poverty line) as deeply unsatisfied with their economic status? That they find it harder and harder to make ends meet in their niche, and this has been brewing for decades?
If we agree, then my question is, why aren't these people more upwardly mobile? Why don't they aspire to climb 'niches; to niches's with higher paying salaries ... why aren't there more two income families?
Undocumented Mexican immigrants are not taking away anyone's engineering careers.
So instead of complaining about their taxes, complaining about the cost of sending their children to college, complaining about the wages not rising in step with inflation, complaining about losing a manufacturing job because a greedy corporation sent it overseas, complaining about a gallon of gas when it goes over $4, complaining about the economic difficulty of homeownership, complaining about possibly losing her job to an 'illegal', or complaining about their neighborhood no longer being safe, why don't they just take the opportunity the US affords everyone and get better jobs and make more money and move to better neighborhoods?
This is education and reeducation problem, it is not only in usa, also in europe, we now live in crossroads when industrial jobs are going down and it and inovotioan jobs are going up, majority of people education is industrial, but what we need know is IT and Inovators etc.
nixluva wrote:arkrud wrote:Majority of Europeans/Asian/Latin American/African/Jewish/Etc. Americans are well aware about the problems between so called Whites and so called Blacks...
US is not Black-And-White anymore and getting less at less so.
Favelas is not only US problem. It is even more severe in Latin America, India, and in many more countries.
Segregation by poverty is the hardest problem to solve.
Universal income can be a solution.
Providing people with sponsored housing/food stamps/medical/free education/child support just for being law abiding and moved out of favelas can do the trick.
It can cost less for the society but there is no political will to take this route.
Even Switzerland voted it down %51 to %49 on referendum... But in my view this is the only promising solution.
We already allocating about $45K per person who literally has nothing in social help.
But society cannot admit this being defacto universal income. It is matter of time until it will be recognized as such in US.
You couldn't be more WRONG about this. If all Americans were well aware of the problems between races there wouldn't be such shock and surprise about recent events.The U.S. is most DEFINITELY still Black/Brown and White. The disparities are well documented and I really wish you would stop talking like you're some kind of authority on the issue when you're talking to someone who has FAR more knowledge about these things than you do. Do you ever stop to think about the fact that i'm someone who is clearly immersed in this subject and have a lifetime of experience and research?
You keep bringing up other countries as if that has any bearing on this conversation. The situation in other countries is irrelevant to this discussion. This is a discussion on AMERICA.
Now again and hopefully for the last time, you seem to keep missing the point. This country has NEVER dealt with it's original sin and every time we have an opportunity it's never fully addressed. Even now you are trying to basically minimize its significance.
You should read this:
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You are leaving in some box Nix which exist only in your mind.
America is not isolated from the world.
There are no only American issues anymore.
Issues of this magnitude almost never resolved, they dissolved over time naturally.
Nations or groups who cannot adapt or not allowed to adapt are vanishing from the face of the earth.
The History is cruel and is not controlled by any morals and has no concept of fairness.
If AA people will not surrender and adapt to the new world they will disappear as distinct population group.
The Whites you talking about as Southerners already gone. And nobody cares about them.
Knickoftime wrote:BRIGGS wrote:Knickoftime wrote:BRIGGS wrote:, that explains much.
I find it sad. Anyone can work hard and carve out a niche for themselves in the us.
As this idea is clearly at the root of your worldview and the misinformation you consume, let's roll with that for second. Let's entertain that premise.
Would I be wrong to characterize a good portion of middle to lower class Americans of all races (including the 18 million white people that live below the poverty line) as deeply unsatisfied with their economic status? That they find it harder and harder to make ends meet in their niche, and this has been brewing for decades?
If we agree, then my question is, why aren't these people more upwardly mobile? Why don't they aspire to climb 'niches; to niches's with higher paying salaries ... why aren't there more two income families?
Undocumented Mexican immigrants are not taking away anyone's engineering careers.
So instead of complaining about their taxes, complaining about the cost of sending their children to college, complaining about the wages not rising in step with inflation, complaining about losing a manufacturing job because a greedy corporation sent it overseas, complaining about a gallon of gas when it goes over $4, complaining about the economic difficulty of homeownership, complaining about possibly losing her job to an 'illegal', or complaining about their neighborhood no longer being safe, why don't they just take the opportunity the US affords everyone and get better jobs and make more money and move to better neighborhoods?
If opportunity exist is does not mean everyone is ready to take on it.
It takes hard mental and physical work to take on opportunity.
Some big percentage of people (any kind of people) just do not have what it takes.
They still deserve the same humanity and need more help from those who have what it takes.
Equal opportunity does not compensate the unequal abilities.
Human race is still a cruel conglomerate of predators who razed on cutting each other trout.
But we slowly and surely getting more human.
It just takes a lot of time and many generation will still suffer and will never see the light.
arkrud wrote:nixluva wrote:arkrud wrote:Majority of Europeans/Asian/Latin American/African/Jewish/Etc. Americans are well aware about the problems between so called Whites and so called Blacks...
US is not Black-And-White anymore and getting less at less so.
Favelas is not only US problem. It is even more severe in Latin America, India, and in many more countries.
Segregation by poverty is the hardest problem to solve.
Universal income can be a solution.
Providing people with sponsored housing/food stamps/medical/free education/child support just for being law abiding and moved out of favelas can do the trick.
It can cost less for the society but there is no political will to take this route.
Even Switzerland voted it down %51 to %49 on referendum... But in my view this is the only promising solution.
We already allocating about $45K per person who literally has nothing in social help.
But society cannot admit this being defacto universal income. It is matter of time until it will be recognized as such in US.
You couldn't be more WRONG about this. If all Americans were well aware of the problems between races there wouldn't be such shock and surprise about recent events.The U.S. is most DEFINITELY still Black/Brown and White. The disparities are well documented and I really wish you would stop talking like you're some kind of authority on the issue when you're talking to someone who has FAR more knowledge about these things than you do. Do you ever stop to think about the fact that i'm someone who is clearly immersed in this subject and have a lifetime of experience and research?
You keep bringing up other countries as if that has any bearing on this conversation. The situation in other countries is irrelevant to this discussion. This is a discussion on AMERICA.
Now again and hopefully for the last time, you seem to keep missing the point. This country has NEVER dealt with it's original sin and every time we have an opportunity it's never fully addressed. Even now you are trying to basically minimize its significance.
You should read this:
Javascript is not enabled or there was problem with the URL:
Click here to view the TweetJavascript is not enabled or there was problem with the URL:
Click here to view the TweetJavascript is not enabled or there was problem with the URL:
Click here to view the TweetJavascript is not enabled or there was problem with the URL:
Click here to view the TweetJavascript is not enabled or there was problem with the URL:
Click here to view the TweetYou are leaving in some box Nix which exist only in your mind.
America is not isolated from the world.
There are no only American issues anymore.
Issues of this magnitude almost never resolved, they dissolved over time naturally.
Nations or groups who cannot adapt or not allowed to adapt are vanishing from the face of the earth.
The History is cruel and is not controlled by any morals and has no concept of fairness.
If AA people will not surrender and adapt to the new world they will disappear as distinct population group.
The Whites you talking about as Southerners already gone. And nobody cares about them.
I'm not living in a box! How much of America do you regularly see? I have relatives in NY, Virginia, North Carolina, Georgia, Florida, New Orleans and Texas. I see more of the country on a regular basis than you might realize. I have a VERY clear understanding of life throughout many states. I don't know much about the Midwest and Plains States but the States where most of the AA's live I have a very good handle on.
As for there not being any American Only issues I beg to differ with this idea. Sure there are lots of common issues that transcend the Globe, but there are some unique issues to America that you seem unable to grasp. American is a unique country in a lot of ways.
I know that there are far worse living conditions in many countries around the world, but that's not what we're discussing here. If this was about WORLD AFFAIRS then I would grant you your point.
I have no idea WTF you're talking about when you say AA's need to surrender and adapt to the new world or they'll disappear as a distinct population group. This seems like a load of crap to me.
I can assure you that White Southerners and Rural Whites in general are not "already gone". Perhaps RICH people no longer care about the average White citizen but overall they still live in a privileged society that is slanted in their favor and always has been. If not then you can lay out when they've fallen behind minorities in this country.
Among racial and ethnic groups, African Americans had the highest poverty rate, 27.4 percent, followed by Hispanics at 26.6 percent and whites at 9.9 percent. percent of young black children (under age 6) live in poverty, compared to 14.5 percent of white children.
arkrud wrote:Knickoftime wrote:BRIGGS wrote:Knickoftime wrote:BRIGGS wrote:, that explains much.
I find it sad. Anyone can work hard and carve out a niche for themselves in the us.
As this idea is clearly at the root of your worldview and the misinformation you consume, let's roll with that for second. Let's entertain that premise.
Would I be wrong to characterize a good portion of middle to lower class Americans of all races (including the 18 million white people that live below the poverty line) as deeply unsatisfied with their economic status? That they find it harder and harder to make ends meet in their niche, and this has been brewing for decades?
If we agree, then my question is, why aren't these people more upwardly mobile? Why don't they aspire to climb 'niches; to niches's with higher paying salaries ... why aren't there more two income families?
Undocumented Mexican immigrants are not taking away anyone's engineering careers.
So instead of complaining about their taxes, complaining about the cost of sending their children to college, complaining about the wages not rising in step with inflation, complaining about losing a manufacturing job because a greedy corporation sent it overseas, complaining about a gallon of gas when it goes over $4, complaining about the economic difficulty of homeownership, complaining about possibly losing her job to an 'illegal', or complaining about their neighborhood no longer being safe, why don't they just take the opportunity the US affords everyone and get better jobs and make more money and move to better neighborhoods?
If opportunity exist is does not mean everyone is ready to take on it.
"Anyone can work hard and carve out a niche for themselves in the us"
You and Briggs are at odds then.
Some big percentage of people (any kind of people) just do not have what it takes.
Of all races, ethnicities and genders.
They still deserve the same humanity and need more help from those who have what it takes.
Equal opportunity does not compensate the unequal abilities.
Once one realizes "ability" does NOT equal capacity, that culture greatly influences ability, that culture is sticky and generational everywhere with everyone (i.e. universal), and that history greatly influences culture, then one's ready to sit at the grownup table.
17-22 year-old people don't spontaneously generate and decide what kind of life they're going to lead and kind of people they are going to be.
arkrud wrote:You are leaving in some box Nix which exist only in your mind.Nations or groups who cannot adapt or not allowed to adapt are vanishing from the face of the earth.
If AA people will not surrender and adapt to the new world they will disappear as distinct population group.
No comment required.
Wait, I changed my mind
arkrud wrote:Everything we experiencing exist only in our minds.
So there is no one reality - each person has its own.
And this realities have nothing to do with what world really is.
If one can control his mind he can change the version of reality he perceive.
arkrud wrote:You are leaving in some box Nix which exist only in your mind.
BRIGGS wrote:
This is why a movement loses credibility and momentum at an important time, because it gets hijacked by complete dumbass leaders like this woman.
meloshouldgo wrote:BRIGGS wrote: is why a movement loses credibility and momentum at an important time, because it gets hijacked by complete dumbass leaders like this woman.
The whole article is absurd. She refers to " white people" as if they were from another planet.
meloshouldgo wrote:BRIGGS wrote: is why a movement loses credibility and momentum at an important time, because it gets hijacked by complete dumbass leaders like this woman.
Since Briggs clearly doesn't comprehend how he is being manipulated, I'll try you.
Is the piece a little absurd? Sure (that would be a first for something written for the Internet, that's almost as crazy as Barack Obama was born in Kenya).
But the original piece is titled "requests", not "demands", which is the mischaracterized version Briggs is familiar with. It wasn't no way in official Black Loves Matter position
He won't recognize what has occurred and how he's being used, I suspect you do.
And that's not even the the real point. Even if this mischaracterization was accurate, Briggs is ironically doing the exact same thing he's accusing her of, assuming she speaks for black people rather than just herself.
Alex Jones, Ann Coulter, Donald J. Trump, Jason Kessler ... just off the top my head these are four race baiters with credibility among tens if not hundreds of millions of white people. A woman was murdered in Charlottesville. Yet somehow an incident in a restaurant parking lot and this one's woman's Facebook post is what draws the fearful, confirmation bias attention of people like Briggs.
'Absurdly', he has outright referred to black Americans in general as complainers, hateful, scary and violent IN THIS THREAD, and a couple pages later complains this woman refers to white people "as if they were a separate species" utterly unaware of his own irony.
But yeah, this woman is the problem, and how this moment is being used to manipulate, misinform and frighten people isn't.
Let's go with that.