This is the kind of love Trump wishes he got from the American people. A Free Press is the only thing standing in the way of Trump Propaganda presenting this kind of image.
this needs a separate thread aside from the trump thread you already have going in the OT area?
nyk4ever wrote:this needs a separate thread aside from the trump thread you already have going in the OT area?
It’s actually a different subject. This is about how Control Of Media and pushing Propaganda can not only prop up an Authoritarian but make him loved even tho he’s hurting his country and stealing from the people.
Trump only has Fox and conservative Media which is helping him with that audience but not the entire Voting public like Putin enjoys. Doesn’t mean Trump isn’t trying to achieve the same goals. Trump is actively demeaning the Media and sources of factual information for years now. He and his supporters are undermining trust in the Intelligence Community so that ONLY his word and propaganda arms will matter. This is not a joke. It’s a serious threat to freedom and security.
It is very easy to be favorite president in Russia, you just have to kill all the opposition leaders and journalists who dont agree to work for you :)
Twitter thread on Trump’s Propaganda arm.
Don't worry net neutrality was repealed. With the goal of the rich and powerful controlling all information the public receives.