Knicks · OT: The ‘How to Spend Your Exile’ thread (page 28)

Nalod @ 8/25/2022 1:18 PM
BigDaddyG wrote:
GustavBahler wrote:Interesting article about HBOMax and Discovery.

Sad if true. The thing that made HBO good was it's diverse, though provoking commentary. Shows like the Sopranos, The Wire, Oz and the Leftovers or documentaries like the one on the West Memphis 3 and The Jinx wouldn't have thrived if execs just decided to play it safe. I already have Disney + if I want to watch middle of the road programming. The HBOMAX app already sucks on it's own merit. Servers weren't even capable of handling the premier of HOT D. I'm probably going to drop it sooner rather than later.

I think millions tuned in but only about 3,000 were frozen out of HOD!
I have disney and there is nothing there for me.
Hulu and others can take on "risks" if the demand is there. Handmaidens tale on Hulu is hard to watch but riviting.

ToddTT @ 8/25/2022 5:56 PM
I have a land line in addition to my cell phone, and I don’t know why anymore.

Anybody here cancel your land line and ever regret it?

I’m sure there are some advantages to having both, but I can’t imagine it’s worth it.

BigDaddyG @ 8/25/2022 6:08 PM
ToddTT wrote:I have a land line in addition to my cell phone, and I don’t know why anymore.

Anybody here cancel your land line and ever regret it?

I’m sure there are some advantages to having both, but I can’t imagine it’s worth it.

I can't think of one. You could always get a second cell phone if you need a dedicated line.

SupremeCommander @ 8/25/2022 9:21 PM
BigDaddyG wrote:
ToddTT wrote:I have a land line in addition to my cell phone, and I don’t know why anymore.

Anybody here cancel your land line and ever regret it?

I’m sure there are some advantages to having both, but I can’t imagine it’s worth it.

I can't think of one. You could always get a second cell phone if you need a dedicated line.

before we cut the cord, we had a bundled telephone line. so we bought a landline. and got nonstop spam calls. so we gave away the phones that were connected. no regrets

smackeddog @ 8/26/2022 4:46 AM
SupremeCommander wrote:
BigDaddyG wrote:
ToddTT wrote:I have a land line in addition to my cell phone, and I don’t know why anymore.

Anybody here cancel your land line and ever regret it?

I’m sure there are some advantages to having both, but I can’t imagine it’s worth it.

I can't think of one. You could always get a second cell phone if you need a dedicated line.

before we cut the cord, we had a bundled telephone line. so we bought a landline. and got nonstop spam calls. so we gave away the phones that were connected. no regrets

Spam calls are the worst- used to get them Saturday mornings at 7.50am, then the same BS company scam every day, then 3 different scam companies every day, just ridiculous. Worst is when they target your elderly parents, just shameless people out there.

Marv @ 8/26/2022 3:53 PM
if u remember him from back in the day u’ll like the movie “elvis”
GustavBahler @ 8/29/2022 7:44 PM

Good news, Arthur Ashe is finally getting his own line of sportswear. Hopefully they'll have something an old guy like me can wear,lol.

Was lucky enough to see Ashe play in 1975 at the Washington Star tennis tournament, when I was a kid. He was awesome, won the match. It was a small venue, so I was practically on the court, it was great.

GustavBahler @ 9/7/2022 12:51 PM
Finally watched Top Gun Maverick. Holy shit were the arial stunts, and camera work amazing. Dont want to shortchange the cast, writing, production. But damn were those stunts great.

They talk about Cruise as one of the last, or last old school movie star. Id add old school filmaker.He still has the influence to make a movie like that without almost all the action entirely CGI.

Watched the first 3 episodes of "The Boys". Bloody, but smart series. I like series with first episodes that arent anything like you expected.

BigDaddyG @ 9/7/2022 10:00 PM
I highly recommend this miniseries. Just finished my second go around. Spiritual successor to the Wire. The fact that this is based off real events makes it disturbing and entertaining at the same time.
ToddTT @ 9/14/2022 7:06 PM
Watching Thor Love and Thunder…

TT can smack me around anytime.

BigDaddyG @ 9/14/2022 8:45 PM
ToddTT wrote:Watching Thor Love and Thunder…

TT can smack me around anytime.

I'm convinced that Taika Waititi has a coke problem after watching that movie.

GustavBahler @ 9/15/2022 7:36 PM
Watched "Nope". Not as suspenseful as I had hoped. Poole's films are entertaining, beautifully shot, but the big reveal rarely seems to pack the appropriate punch. Poole's directing career reminds me of M. Night Shamaylan. More style than substance.

Took a screenwriting course many years ago. The lecturer said that M Night was able to get so many films greenlit because he is one of the best at pitching his stories to movie studios. Get the feeling Poole is as well.

Poole is a brilliant comedian, hope he goes back to what he does best at some point, instead of going the Steve Martin route.

BigDaddyG @ 9/15/2022 11:21 PM
GustavBahler wrote:Watched "Nope". Not as suspenseful as I had hoped. Poole's films are entertaining, beautifully shot, but the big reveal rarely seems to pack the appropriate punch. Poole's directing career reminds me of M. Night Shamaylan. More style than substance.

Took a screenwriting course many years ago. The lecturer said that M Night was able to get so many films greenlit because he is one of the best at pitching his stories to movie studios. Get the feeling Poole is as well.

Poole is a brilliant comedian, hope he goes back to what he does best at some point, instead of going the Steve Martin route.

I liked Nope a lot from the little Akira and Evangelion anime homages to the acting. I thought Steven Yeun gave a nuanced performance and I came away with different perspectives on his character on my second and third viewings. I didn't like it as much as Get Out, but prefer it over Us. I was a little taken aback by the lack of a major "twist" the first time I saw it, mostly because of expectations I had going in. But I don't think Jordan Poole was really go for that. I think he was going for more of a primal predator versus prey vibe similar to a movie like Jaws. It was a long movie and the pacing was slow at times, but it moved along just at the points I was beginning to lose interest. One thing that did grate on me a bit was the constant commentary on voyeurism and the exploitive nature of media. It felt natural in a few of the beats the film hit, but it felt like I was getting beat over the head with this theme at times. Interesting themes that could be left for the audience to soak in rather than drowning them. Overall, I'd recommend. Not a perfect movie, but entertaining.

BigDaddyG @ 9/15/2022 11:28 PM
Also got around to watching this and I was sucked in. Kind of gave me Starnger Things and Future Man vibes. Endearing performances from the young actresses.
GustavBahler @ 9/16/2022 10:49 AM
The plot twist was the nature of the spaceship. That was the big reveal, which was revealed too soon, and with scant evidence. Took all the air out of the rest of the film. There was also a shoutout to "Poltergeist" which looked like what Poole was really going for. Poltergeist was suspenseful, and scared the crap out of me, when I saw it in the theater. Nope was artful, but not suspenseful or scary.

BigDaddyG wrote:
GustavBahler wrote:Watched "Nope". Not as suspenseful as I had hoped. Poole's films are entertaining, beautifully shot, but the big reveal rarely seems to pack the appropriate punch. Poole's directing career reminds me of M. Night Shamaylan. More style than substance.

Took a screenwriting course many years ago. The lecturer said that M Night was able to get so many films greenlit because he is one of the best at pitching his stories to movie studios. Get the feeling Poole is as well.

Poole is a brilliant comedian, hope he goes back to what he does best at some point, instead of going the Steve Martin route.

I liked Nope a lot from the little Akira and Evangelion anime homages to the acting. I thought Steven Yeun gave a nuanced performance and I came away with different perspectives on his character on my second and third viewings. I didn't like it as much as Get Out, but prefer it over Us. I was a little taken aback by the lack of a major "twist" the first time I saw it, mostly because of expectations I had going in. But I don't think Jordan Poole was really go for that. I think he was going for more of a primal predator versus prey vibe similar to a movie like Jaws. It was a long movie and the pacing was slow at times, but it moved along just at the points I was beginning to lose interest. One thing that did grate on me a bit was the constant commentary on voyeurism and the exploitive nature of media. It felt natural in a few of the beats the film hit, but it felt like I was getting beat over the head with this theme at times. Interesting themes that could be left for the audience to soak in rather than drowning them. Overall, I'd recommend. Not a perfect movie, but entertaining.

Swishfm3 @ 9/16/2022 4:10 PM
Highly recommend "Black Bird" on Apple+. If you're into crime drama, like True Crime or Mindhunter, you will enjoy this one.
NYKBocker @ 9/18/2022 9:28 AM
Just started watching "Narcos Mexico" and finished Season 1. Not as good as Narcos for me but I think it is because of the leads. Call me crazy but Pablo Escobar was more charismatic and likable to me. Felix is just too calculating and bad. The minute he left Sinaloa everything changed with him.
Allanfan20 @ 9/23/2022 8:39 AM
House of the Dragon- Awesome

The new Lord of the Rings show- I kept falling asleep during the first episode so I gave up.

She-Hulk- There I things I love about it and things I hate about it. She-Hulk herself and most of the cast have been great. I wish the overall writing was much better.

Bullet Train- Really good movie. Definitely a little too long though.

Thor: Love and Thunder- I enjoyed it but it should have been a lot more serious. They tried to make it too much like Ragnorok. The problem is that Thors recent story arc doesn’t lend itself to comedy and the 2 main overall stories of Thor L&T are way too serious to make it a comedy movie. A little bit of funny stuff is good to lighten the mood but this was a little too much. They over did it with Guns N’ Roses music too… as much as I love G’NR. Still a good movie though, as critical as I am. I just think it could have been a lot better.

Allanfan20 @ 9/23/2022 8:57 AM
Oh and Andor has been awesome. I hear it’s a prequal to Rogue-One though. I never saw that one.
BigDaddyG @ 9/23/2022 9:58 AM
Allanfan20 wrote:House of the Dragon- Awesome

The new Lord of the Rings show- I kept falling asleep during the first episode so I gave up.

She-Hulk- There I things I love about it and things I hate about it. She-Hulk herself and most of the cast have been great. I wish the overall writing was much better.

Bullet Train- Really good movie. Definitely a little too long though.

Thor: Love and Thunder- I enjoyed it but it should have been a lot more serious. They tried to make it too much like Ragnorok. The problem is that Thors recent story arc doesn’t lend itself to comedy and the 2 main overall stories of Thor L&T are way too serious to make it a comedy movie. A little bit of funny stuff is good to lighten the mood but this was a little too much. They over did it with Guns N’ Roses music too… as much as I love G’NR. Still a good movie though, as critical as I am. I just think it could have been a lot better.

Felt the same way about the first 1.5 episodes of Rings of Power, then it picks up. I'm enjoying it. House of the Dragons is awesome. There have been some plot points that haven't made sense, but they're easy to overlook because the highs have been so ridiculously good. My favorite character is Daemon and I'm not sure what that says about me as a person I've been rewatching the documentary on Adnan Syed that's on HBO max after his release. I listened to Serial years ago and I still wasn't completely convinced of his innocence. I am convinced that there was blatant incompetence by law enforcement during the investigation. I thought Love and Thunder is a perfect example of what can happen when you give a director too much power. There's a good movie somewhere in there, but I think Taika needed to be reigned in.

Allanfan20 @ 9/23/2022 1:12 PM
BigDaddyG wrote:
Allanfan20 wrote:House of the Dragon- Awesome

The new Lord of the Rings show- I kept falling asleep during the first episode so I gave up.

She-Hulk- There I things I love about it and things I hate about it. She-Hulk herself and most of the cast have been great. I wish the overall writing was much better.

Bullet Train- Really good movie. Definitely a little too long though.

Thor: Love and Thunder- I enjoyed it but it should have been a lot more serious. They tried to make it too much like Ragnorok. The problem is that Thors recent story arc doesn’t lend itself to comedy and the 2 main overall stories of Thor L&T are way too serious to make it a comedy movie. A little bit of funny stuff is good to lighten the mood but this was a little too much. They over did it with Guns N’ Roses music too… as much as I love G’NR. Still a good movie though, as critical as I am. I just think it could have been a lot better.

Felt the same way about the first 1.5 episodes of Rings of Power, then it picks up. I'm enjoying it. House of the Dragons is awesome. There have been some plot points that haven't made sense, but they're easy to overlook because the highs have been so ridiculously good. My favorite character is Daemon and I'm not sure what that says about me as a person I've been rewatching the documentary on Adnan Syed that's on HBO max after his release. I listened to Serial years ago and I still wasn't completely convinced of his innocence. I am convinced that there was blatant incompetence by law enforcement during the investigation. I thought Love and Thunder is a perfect example of what can happen when you give a director too much power. There's a good movie somewhere in there, but I think Taika needed to be reigned in.

I am guilty about Daemon too. Maybe it is just the performance in general.

I think with Love and Thunder, they went back to the Ragnorak well, which was the wrong move. It worked for Ragnorak but that doesn’t work here.

They f’ed over the Gorr character too. I was hoping to walk out having him as my favorite all time villain. He had that much potential.

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