Knicks · Which league has worse officiating? NFL or NBA? (page 2)
ramtour420 wrote:We live in a world of duality. Nothing is black and white, good or bad unless you are either 7 years old or are from the "cancel generation" that swallows whole everything Rachel Maddow and the like put forward. Things in life are more nuanced than we are led to believe. One either needs to really take it upon themselves to figure it out or they run a risk of being ignorant or even worse, just being lead to believe what's convenient for the establishment ( corporate interests in our day and age)
So, are refs crooked ? Perhaps some are. More likely than not. There are books written by those said refs themselves on the topic. So the answer is yes. On the other hand, do refs make honest terrible mistakes? Of course, they are all human afterall... my 2 cents. Do those same principles apply NBA, NFL, NHL, even the Olympics? You tell me
You might not agree with Rachel Maddow, but she's very thorough. She does her research. You might not agree with her conclusions. But it wont be from her lack of "nuance".
I cant watch her anymore because she takes too damned long to get to the point she's making. You often have to sit through most of the report to find out what the story is about. Worked great for James Burke, not so great for Maddow.
ramtour420 wrote:Knickoftime wrote:ramtour420 wrote:Knickoftime wrote:ramtour420 wrote:We live in a world of duality. Nothing is black and white, good or bad unless you are either 7 years old or are from the "cancel generation" that swallows whole everything Rachel Maddow and the like put forward...Heh.
Citing a specific example more or less contradicts the point you were making.
But whatever...
Unless you don't think into what the example was meant to represent. I'll explain, a seven year old is not supposed to question the truth. When their parents tell them that Santa is real that's all there is to it. Same for the "cancel generation". No reason to use logic, just bend the knee. No reason to think, just repeat what you are told. Here is the enemy, this is who we hate, the details don't matter. You are either with us or you are the enemy..
I fully grasped your point.
Mine is there is PLENTY of that to go around on any side of the social, political, or age demographic you care to cite.
I'd in fact says older demographics, which I am on the cusp of, are in fact more prone to this.
I 1000+ agree with that. There is too much of that going around from both sides and all ages. Older people are less likely to question, of course. I just wish people would think more for themselves and look for more facts about a subject before forming an opinion.
Aren't you pretty much guilty here of doing what you are essentially chastizing other groups for doing? Meaning you are generalizing, ignoring nuance and not thinking critically concerning what you are labelling as the "cancel generation" and/or those who might "bend a knee". There are reasons behind everything if you look hard enough....while you may not like those reasons or decisions, it does not mean that someone with a different view, age, position in life etc has not thought things through on a nuanced level. Perhaps you'll gain more credibility in advocating for nuance and criticsl thinking if you didn't use over-generalized black/white examples to make your point.
GustavBahler wrote:ramtour420 wrote:We live in a world of duality. Nothing is black and white, good or bad unless you are either 7 years old or are from the "cancel generation" that swallows whole everything Rachel Maddow and the like put forward. Things in life are more nuanced than we are led to believe. One either needs to really take it upon themselves to figure it out or they run a risk of being ignorant or even worse, just being lead to believe what's convenient for the establishment ( corporate interests in our day and age)
So, are refs crooked ? Perhaps some are. More likely than not. There are books written by those said refs themselves on the topic. So the answer is yes. On the other hand, do refs make honest terrible mistakes? Of course, they are all human afterall... my 2 cents. Do those same principles apply NBA, NFL, NHL, even the Olympics? You tell meYou might not agree with Rachel Maddow, but she's very thorough. She does her research. You might not agree with her conclusions. But it wont be from her lack of "nuance".
I cant watch her anymore because she takes too damned long to get to the point she's making. You often have to sit through most of the report to find out what the story is about. Worked great for James Burke, not so great for Maddow.
She might be, I stopped watching her about 10 years ago. The point is not whether or not she is through. Point is when someone takes her ( it's not about her personally, you can substitute her for Crystal Ball and Sagar or Carlson Tucker or whoever..)when someone takes a certain point of view without checking the facts using alternative sources and without checking whether there is logic present or not.
foosballnick wrote:ramtour420 wrote:Knickoftime wrote:ramtour420 wrote:Knickoftime wrote:ramtour420 wrote:We live in a world of duality. Nothing is black and white, good or bad unless you are either 7 years old or are from the "cancel generation" that swallows whole everything Rachel Maddow and the like put forward...Heh.
Citing a specific example more or less contradicts the point you were making.
But whatever...
Unless you don't think into what the example was meant to represent. I'll explain, a seven year old is not supposed to question the truth. When their parents tell them that Santa is real that's all there is to it. Same for the "cancel generation". No reason to use logic, just bend the knee. No reason to think, just repeat what you are told. Here is the enemy, this is who we hate, the details don't matter. You are either with us or you are the enemy..
I fully grasped your point.
Mine is there is PLENTY of that to go around on any side of the social, political, or age demographic you care to cite.
I'd in fact says older demographics, which I am on the cusp of, are in fact more prone to this.
I 1000+ agree with that. There is too much of that going around from both sides and all ages. Older people are less likely to question, of course. I just wish people would think more for themselves and look for more facts about a subject before forming an opinion.
Aren't you pretty much guilty here of doing what you are essentially chastizing other groups for doing? Meaning you are generalizing, ignoring nuance and not thinking critically concerning what you are labelling as the "cancel generation" and/or those who might "bend a knee". There are reasons behind everything if you look hard enough....while you may not like those reasons or decisions, it does not mean that someone with a different view, age, position in life etc has not thought things through on a nuanced level. Perhaps you'll gain more credibility in advocating for nuance and critical thinking if you didn't use over-generalized black/white examples to make your point.
I don't think I am and I will tell you why. If someone bends the knee because BLM that to me lacks nuance. I understand that the US was built on sweat and blood and tears of people who were taken advantage of. Blacks and the Indigenous Native Americans and those who were without health insurance before Obamacare and those in Libya that are sold right now, as we speak, on slave markets as a result of the US performing military intervention there. Iraq, Afghanistan...the list goes on. The US continues to intervene and bring suffering. So doing the knee bending doesn't do anything. I know what the people are trying to do, the thought comes from a good place in their heart. But it lacks nuance because it accomplishes nothing. It's trying to do the right thing here by bending the knee while supporting ongoing crimes against humanity by the US. Where is the nuance?
ramtour420 wrote:foosballnick wrote:ramtour420 wrote:Knickoftime wrote:ramtour420 wrote:Knickoftime wrote:ramtour420 wrote:We live in a world of duality. Nothing is black and white, good or bad unless you are either 7 years old or are from the "cancel generation" that swallows whole everything Rachel Maddow and the like put forward...Heh.
Citing a specific example more or less contradicts the point you were making.
But whatever...
Unless you don't think into what the example was meant to represent. I'll explain, a seven year old is not supposed to question the truth. When their parents tell them that Santa is real that's all there is to it. Same for the "cancel generation". No reason to use logic, just bend the knee. No reason to think, just repeat what you are told. Here is the enemy, this is who we hate, the details don't matter. You are either with us or you are the enemy..
I fully grasped your point.
Mine is there is PLENTY of that to go around on any side of the social, political, or age demographic you care to cite.
I'd in fact says older demographics, which I am on the cusp of, are in fact more prone to this.
I 1000+ agree with that. There is too much of that going around from both sides and all ages. Older people are less likely to question, of course. I just wish people would think more for themselves and look for more facts about a subject before forming an opinion.
Aren't you pretty much guilty here of doing what you are essentially chastizing other groups for doing? Meaning you are generalizing, ignoring nuance and not thinking critically concerning what you are labelling as the "cancel generation" and/or those who might "bend a knee". There are reasons behind everything if you look hard enough....while you may not like those reasons or decisions, it does not mean that someone with a different view, age, position in life etc has not thought things through on a nuanced level. Perhaps you'll gain more credibility in advocating for nuance and critical thinking if you didn't use over-generalized black/white examples to make your point.
I don't think I am and I will tell you why. If someone bends the knee because BLM that to me lacks nuance. I understand that the US was built on sweat and blood and tears of people who were taken advantage of. Blacks and the Indigenous Native Americans and those who were without health insurance before Obamacare and those in Libya that are sold right now, as we speak, on slave markets as a result of the US performing military intervention there. Iraq, Afghanistan...the list goes on. The US continues to intervene and bring suffering. So doing the knee bending doesn't do anything. I know what the people are trying to do, the thought comes from a good place in their heart. But it lacks nuance because it accomplishes nothing. It's trying to do the right thing here by bending the knee while supporting ongoing crimes against humanity by the US. Where is the nuance?
I think you may have conflated Nuance with Hypocrisy. I view them as two separate things.
Nuance - Someone bending the knee might have other reasons/causes, feelings etc. even beyond BLM. To an outsider, deploying critical thinking and nuance might mean to examine the situation deeper and perhaps on a more individual level. For instance - what else might that person or player be doing beyond bending a knee to support their cause? What life experiences might they have to support their decision? What causes are they championing or contributing to? Also - just because someone might support something, does not mean they do not support something else. Someone might support BLM and might also be against military intervention or sending aid to Ukraine or funds to help rebuild Turkey. Bending the knee is a form of protest - and you are essentially saying that therefore protest accomplishes nothing. I would argue otherwise. In the course of history, various forms of protest have in fact lead to change.
Hypocrisy - I agree with you that there can be a significant amount of hypocrisy in this country and world. Perhaps its because most of us are at our core selfish by nature - really only caring about things that might effect us personally and not being as worried about things that are beyond our scope or hidden/out of sight. This is not to say that everyone is this way...there are certainly exceptions, but at least in my observation, people seem to pick and choose their causes while ignoring others.
I'll end my thoughts here as to not derail the thread further into politics.
ramtour420 wrote:GustavBahler wrote:ramtour420 wrote:We live in a world of duality. Nothing is black and white, good or bad unless you are either 7 years old or are from the "cancel generation" that swallows whole everything Rachel Maddow and the like put forward. Things in life are more nuanced than we are led to believe. One either needs to really take it upon themselves to figure it out or they run a risk of being ignorant or even worse, just being lead to believe what's convenient for the establishment ( corporate interests in our day and age)
So, are refs crooked ? Perhaps some are. More likely than not. There are books written by those said refs themselves on the topic. So the answer is yes. On the other hand, do refs make honest terrible mistakes? Of course, they are all human afterall... my 2 cents. Do those same principles apply NBA, NFL, NHL, even the Olympics? You tell meYou might not agree with Rachel Maddow, but she's very thorough. She does her research. You might not agree with her conclusions. But it wont be from her lack of "nuance".
I cant watch her anymore because she takes too damned long to get to the point she's making. You often have to sit through most of the report to find out what the story is about. Worked great for James Burke, not so great for Maddow.
She might be, I stopped watching her about 10 years ago. The point is not whether or not she is through. Point is when someone takes her ( it's not about her personally, you can substitute her for Crystal Ball and Sagar or Carlson Tucker or whoever..)when someone takes a certain point of view without checking the facts using alternative sources and without checking whether there is logic present or not.
"Logic" and "facts" are increasing subjective these days, despite that being oxymoronic.
And there is a growing third rail of ideology - the premise of the opposite of whatever someone I don't like it saying must be true, which is just what you're criticizing in other form.