Knicks · Knick knacks... (page 23)

Nalod @ 6/1/2023 8:16 AM
joec32033 wrote:
ToddTT wrote:

I think next season is the year RJ becomes more consistent.

Consistently good. You hatin' bitches.

Advanced stat on this....ABM (Awesome Beard Metric)- Jaylen wins hands down. I don't even know if RJ can grow one.

Part of being just 22!
Iso stat tweets are influential and eye catching.
RJ lovers will eat it up. Rj detractors will scoff at it. All good!

Brown will be making 50mil a if he gets close to his supermax. Stands to reason it might be a bit less.
Brown by not signing risks injury. Six years with Tatum and they have been very successful. Not like its break up time. They don’t have the extra bit to push over the top. Few do.

martin @ 6/1/2023 11:18 AM
Chandler @ 6/1/2023 4:51 PM
^^ I miss Steve Novak. Duncan RObinson before Duncan Robinson
ToddTT @ 6/2/2023 3:11 AM

I miss Knicks basketball.

ToddTT @ 6/2/2023 11:13 AM
martin @ 6/2/2023 11:45 AM
ToddTT wrote:

hahaahaha so true. The trade Randle threads mapping line is more of a straight line though

MaTT4281 @ 6/3/2023 10:33 AM
MaTT4281 @ 6/3/2023 10:35 AM

ToddTT @ 6/3/2023 11:44 AM

If not for this, we’d be 1 up on Denver right now.

ToddTT @ 6/3/2023 7:46 PM
ToddTT @ 6/3/2023 8:22 PM
In case anybody is interested in seeing Denver have to compete…

Nalod @ 6/4/2023 8:08 AM

Not a draft pick from China. Its Knicks as the profitable franchise!

ToddTT @ 6/4/2023 9:30 AM
ToddTT @ 6/4/2023 9:31 AM
ToddTT @ 6/4/2023 9:32 AM
ToddTT @ 6/4/2023 9:33 AM
ToddTT @ 6/4/2023 9:34 AM
ToddTT @ 6/4/2023 9:34 AM
ToddTT @ 6/4/2023 9:35 AM
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ToddTT @ 6/4/2023 9:37 AM
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