Knicks · Spurs steal Wembayama with first international sign-and-trade! (page 1)

nyvector16 @ 4/2/2023 3:26 PM
This is incredible theivary.. and they are using the Hague international agreeement to get it done.. amazing job by their front office...
This will open floodgates going forward.. The draft may not mean as much as it used to after this.

Also they waited for new CBA to be signed before pulling this heist.. Amazing...

nyvector16 @ 4/2/2023 3:26 PM
nyvector16 @ 4/2/2023 3:30 PM
LoL... Unfortunately this may be April Fool's .. lol
nyvector16 @ 4/2/2023 3:35 PM
This is definitely April Fools's... Sorry about that. Please lock this thread or delete and put in trash bin.. lol
martin @ 4/2/2023 3:48 PM
nyvector16 wrote:This is definitely April Fools's... Sorry about that. Please lock this thread or delete and put in trash bin.. lol

You mean Sticky thread so we can have a few more laughs 🤣😂

EwingsGlass @ 4/2/2023 4:01 PM
Amazing. Love this.
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