Knicks · Which of our young guys is gonna have a break out series? (page 1)

Rookie @ 4/18/2023 1:58 PM
IQ, he's ready to shake the playoff nerves off andhave a break out game. IQ has the prime time gene
Moonangie @ 4/18/2023 2:13 PM
What makes this team special is the depth that makes it so any given game it could be someone else with a breakout. IQ tonight, Grimes next game, RJ...someday. And we have two workhorses in JR and JB who will keep us in it. Our coaching is GREATLY improved this season and that will make a huge difference in these Playoffs.

We finally have the chance to eagerly anticipate EVERY NYK game...especially in the Playoffs. That is the first I could say so in this century. We're on our way fellas, let's enjoy the ride.


Knixkik @ 4/18/2023 2:24 PM
I voted Grimes. I think the 2 big free throws gave him confidence going into game 2.
Nalod @ 4/18/2023 3:52 PM
Maybe none?
Playoff ball is another gig and tends to tighten vets.
Game one was RJ's by helping to shut down Garland in second half and other defensive gems, but obviously was tainted by his poor shooting.
Grimes was awesome hitting his FT's to basically seal the win. Loved that Thibs subbed his fresh legs the last two minutes. If anyone needed to take a jumper Grimes over RJ given the moment.
Not much on the box score but the kids did alright!
blkexec @ 4/18/2023 3:55 PM
It's between IQ and RJ

IQ is a student of the game, and probably been up late studying film after his 0-5 performance.

RJ already said he was happy with his performance, and he shot 2-12. I can see him having a huge game, since he doesn't allow his shooting percentage impact his approach. At some point he will have an efficient game, to go along with his playmaking and defense from game 1.

MaTT4281 @ 4/18/2023 4:38 PM
I went with Grimes. We can get shots up vs. CLE, just have to hit them.

IQ has already broken out IMO (despite a quiet game 1). Fully expect him to be a big contributor as the series goes on.

RJ I think could have a breakout series in the second round. JB getting draped by Holiday, Julius vs. a (hobbled?) Giannis, will need to look for additional scoring. Or we get a shocker and wind up in a series with Miami, who RJ tends to play well against.

Obi just won't get the minutes.

fishmike @ 4/18/2023 5:04 PM
Nalod wrote:Maybe none?
shut your fool face
fishmike @ 4/18/2023 5:06 PM
feels like Obi's got the toughest path unless Jules gets hurt. I agree with blkexec that IQ is such a student he's gonna be obsessing about ways to improve on that game and likely will. Grimes is gonna get a lot of kick outs and RJ's gonna get touches.
lurts @ 4/18/2023 5:54 PM
I wouldn't be surprised if multip!e yoots go off.

When Cleveland had to foul, Grimes held the ball, feeling confident that he'd step up in the biggest moment of his pro career.

With all the chat about Cleveland getting destroyed on the boards, we can expect Obi will have more opportunities to leak out on the break.

I voted for Grimes but I expect Quick to find his niche in the series and take over at least one half.

RJ is figuring some things out, I hope.

Panos @ 4/18/2023 6:43 PM
fishmike wrote:
Nalod wrote:Maybe none?
shut your fool face


Panos @ 4/18/2023 6:44 PM
IQ has been terrific for a while now, and just had an off game. I expect it was a one-off, and will come back with a vengence.
I won't beat a dead HORJE.
VDesai @ 4/19/2023 6:30 AM
We need IQ to bounce back badly. It will be tough to win this series without him playing well. They are trapping Brunson and and Randle and we need an alternative playmaker.
Caseloads @ 4/19/2023 6:38 AM
Nalod wrote:Maybe none?
Playoff ball is another gig and tends to tighten vets.
Game one was RJ's by helping to shut down Garland in second half and other defensive gems, but obviously was tainted by his poor shooting.
Grimes was awesome hitting his FT's to basically seal the win. Loved that Thibs subbed his fresh legs the last two minutes. If anyone needed to take a jumper Grimes over RJ given the moment.
Not much on the box score but the kids did alright!

Exactly, none

Nalod @ 4/19/2023 9:29 AM
Caseloads wrote:
Nalod wrote:Maybe none?
Playoff ball is another gig and tends to tighten vets.
Game one was RJ's by helping to shut down Garland in second half and other defensive gems, but obviously was tainted by his poor shooting.
Grimes was awesome hitting his FT's to basically seal the win. Loved that Thibs subbed his fresh legs the last two minutes. If anyone needed to take a jumper Grimes over RJ given the moment.
Not much on the box score but the kids did alright!

Exactly, none

Clev adjusted to double on Randle and contain Brunson.
Josh Hart to be commended but he hurt us a bit last night when the game went away from us in the second period.

The blame game:

Too much Iso. When our guys commited to penetrate and pass out its like Clev was ready. Because they were.


Rookie @ 4/20/2023 10:44 AM
Everyone’s been snake bit so far. The games going to have to slow down for them then maybe they can get some buckets.
Nalod @ 4/20/2023 11:43 AM
Martin posted this to the front page. Its a fair assessment.

As for what is really going on? Thibs is usually brutally honest but seems to be keeping things in house for now.
WIll be curious if uncle steve and his pops will want him out of Knickland for a variety of reasons, or he sharpens up what needs to be done off season.
As mentioned by others he might not be a great fit with current lineup and coaching. Mutual agreement to move on is not terrible.

nyvector16 @ 4/20/2023 12:22 PM
The 2023 playoffs have been officiated very differently than any playoffs since the 90s.
We have not seen this kind of physical play in a long time.
Knicks need to be the aggressors, but unfortunately the fact that there are fouls on almost every play that they are not calling, gives the refs the power to dictate the outcome of games.

I think due to the physicality of the game I think the player we really need and would breakout if given the chance is Jericho Sims!
No one on the court has a bigger body or build than Sims... He is a beast...
Throw Jericho in at PF and Mitch at Center and just clog up the paint the rest of the series..
The last game's garbage time would have been a perfect time to test this out.. but we decided to overplay the starters down by 20+ with little time left to actually make a difference.

The garbage time in the playoffs is the time to experiment.. not the time to get people in rhythm...
Have them play a pick up game against a college team at the garden on an off-day just for getting players locked in..
I want to see Sims unleashed this series..

Since we are playing the NBA playoffs like the 90s, we must borrow strategy from the 90s teams..
You do not waste a big body on the bench without them committing 5 hard fouls on the other team's top players...
We have to play grimey and physical... no more Mr Nice guy!

I want to see full court press when we are up by 12...
I want to see hard fouls by bench players..
I want to go 15 deep and the 5 that never play.. I want those guys with 5 hard fouls each!

This is a battle, and there is no room for playing nice...

SergioNYK @ 4/20/2023 4:01 PM
I voted for IQ but I'm not 100% confident. He did show some signs towards the end of game two and should play better at the Garden. He needs to stop jumping in the air trying to pass the ball crosscourt!

Hard to tell with Grimes since these are his first playoffs and he's not exactly a guy who looks for his shot. He does need to be a little more aggressive and look at score and playmake like he was doing towards the end of the regular season.

I honestly have very little trust and faith in RJ right now. He's been bad for awhile now. I cringe every time he has the ball and especially when he shoots a three. I don't expect much from him the rest of this series but I hope he somehow finds that shot and can contribute something positive to this team. He just looks so lackluster, slow, unsure and stiff right now.

GustavBahler @ 4/20/2023 7:02 PM
I didnt even venture a guess, because of their lack of experience. Obi has been the only one playing at or above expectations right now.

If we want to win this series, one or all of them are going to have to start picking things up soon. Or it wont really be a breakout performance. Has to make the series competitive, move the needle.

MaTT4281 @ 5/3/2023 1:32 PM
Whoever voted RJ - go ahead and take a bow.

RJ has to be the unanimous winner here (*honorable mention to Obi for filling in admirably), but even he didn't get going until game 3. Can IQ or Grimes follow suit vs. Miami?

technomaster @ 5/3/2023 1:39 PM
The Heat are counting on us playing iso-ball. It lets them conserve energy on defense so their arms are fresh to shoot 3s.

Thibs needs to run some plays and make the Heat work. And Quickley, Grimes, and Obi need to move without the ball and keep the defenders engaged - not just camp out behind the 3pt line.

RJ has been impressive, especially starting game 3 vs the Cavs. But he also played a nice all-around game in the 1st game despite suboptimal shooting.

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