Knicks · If you wait and think too long, all players you hope to get will all be GONE (page 1)

Papabear @ 6/22/2023 4:19 PM
Papabear Says

I am watching the pre-draft news and seems everyone is making deals. What bothers me is that everyone that we wrote and discussed getting or trading for are all but almost gone. I know that we wont get another superstar. We were lucky in getting Brunson because I beleived his father worked for the Knicks. Seems Boston is pulling the plug to try to get better.Even Miami is doing deals. But the Knicks so far seems like no up grade. And maybe a down grade. I think the Knicks are afraid to pull the Trigger. Thibs with his love for Randel never gave Obi a chance to see if he was better. Even knowing Randel was hurt in the play-offs Thibs drove Randel into the ground and sat Obi. Here is my predictions We will have a less team than we have now and the teams that we will be competing with will get better.

EwingsGlass @ 6/22/2023 4:26 PM
Papabear wrote:Papabear Says

I am watching the pre-draft news and seems everyone is making deals. What bothers me is that everyone that we wrote and discussed getting or trading for are all but almost gone. I know that we wont get another superstar. We were lucky in getting Brunson because I beleived his father worked for the Knicks. Seems Boston is pulling the plug to try to get better.Even Miami is doing deals. But the Knicks so far seems like no up grade. And maybe a down grade. I think the Knicks are afraid to pull the Trigger. Thibs with his love for Randel never gave Obi a chance to see if he was better. Even knowing Randel was hurt in the play-offs Thibs drove Randel into the ground and sat Obi. Here is my predictions We will have a less team than we have now and the teams that we will be competing with will get better.

In fairness, Knicks don't need to pull the trigger. Every player traded so far has a categorical flaw. A risk. With regard to Beal, I mean, I am surprised by that low cost but if Beal could direct his destination, I don't think its a function of the Knicks not trying. So far, no one has moved that I really thought was perfect for the Knicks.

I'm bored. But otherwise ok going into this season with marginal improvements. Get me a 3&D SF to push Barrett back to SG and I am a happy man.

fishmike @ 6/22/2023 4:50 PM
was waiting for the "Thibs broke Randle's ankle" and here it is.
gradyandrew @ 6/22/2023 7:17 PM
Media spent all of last season talking about how wonderful and young the Cavs core was and how everyone wished they had that kind of upside. Knicks then wrecked then with a younger group. There's been a large contingent here arguing that the Knicks shouldn't do anything this offseason besides working on Josh IQ and Obi.
IQ and Obi are still under contract for next season. As the summer continues there will be a clearer picture for which teams will be potential suitors. Poole going to the Wizards makes it pretty unlikely that they would offer IQ a big deal for example.
I don't think the KP trade makes Boston better by any means, especially vs. the Knicks. KP can't switch on the pick and roll meaning JB will have elbow jumpers galore.
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