Knicks · Good luck to D Rose (page 2)

fishmike @ 6/27/2023 1:05 PM
Philc1 wrote:
KnickDanger wrote:I don't get the love affair with Rose. I don't hate him but he was pretty skeevy his first time around here -- a gang banger in the choo choo sense. As some like to say not illegal but distasteful at best. Plus some other issues. He did raise the Knicks to the playoffs that one time but since then has shown zilch while giving the Knicks a decent cap hit. Good luck and all that but again I don't understand the hero worship.

He had a good half season with us 3 years ago and then immediately got exposed in the playoffs and stunk it up ever since. He got paid. He will be fine.

19/5/4 and shot really well. What exactly was exposed?
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