Knicks · Donte vs. Jaylen (page 1)

gradyandrew @ 7/30/2023 10:46 PM nja02&p1yrfrom=2023&p1yrto=2023&player_id2=divindo01&p2yrfrom=2023&p2yrto=2023

Player comparison


Jaylen Brown takes and makes 2 point shots at a much higher rate than DDV. He also gets to the line more. DDV is a better 3 point shooter, passer (2-1 vs 1-1 A/TO) and the big surprise gets more steals. Because of his higher 3 pt shooting, DDV has a higher EFG%.

The biggest difference is that Jaylen is a volume scorer so you would expect lower efficiency and more attempts. Maybe with KP on board, Jaylen takes fewer shots and gets pushed down to the third option/ finisher which seems more suitable to?his talents.

That being said, DDV started half his games last season. The stat that really stands out is high assist numbers with Sacramento, you could argue playing with Giannis and Steph make racking up the assists easy. In Sacramento he showed he still is a good passer even with less talent.

There's definitely some recency bias because Brown shot a career low from 3 vs. Donte's career high. I do think the loss of Smart will hurt Boston,as anyone who played fantasy basketball knows, steals and assists are really hard stats to replace. Conversely, for all the ISO talk Brunson and Randle are good passers especially out to shooters.

Because of Brown's contract, Boston will likely be above the second apron going forward, meaning very limited options in Free agency going forward. Boston's rotation?now depends on 3 guys who have historically been injury prone, KP, RW III, Brogdon. They are looking like an East Coast inverted version of the Clippers, where the power wings stay healthy but the supporting cast is a question mark.

The Knicks actually look like the Celtics of the past few seasons; a team that just kills you with depth. My bold prediction, Knicks finish the season with a better record than Boston.

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