Knicks · OT Vivek Ramaswamy (page 1)

BRIGGS @ 8/21/2023 10:14 AM
Has anyone heard this guy talk?
To me he sounds like the best presidential candidate in 25 years.
Hes so well spoken and keeps to facts and common sense without he other BS
Hes republican but really if you listen to him hes centric and thats what the US needs--a young highly intelligent centric individual who is out to help our country.
EwingPSD @ 8/21/2023 10:33 AM
Alpha1971 @ 8/21/2023 10:44 AM
BRIGGS wrote:Has anyone heard this guy talk?
To me he sounds like the best presidential candidate in 25 years.
Hes so well spoken and keeps to facts and common sense without he other BS
Hes republican but really if you listen to him hes centric and thats what the US needs--a young highly intelligent centric individual who is out to help our country.

The Best in 25 years ? Ave Maria Purisima 😂😂😂😂. You should t be allowed to vote

SupremeCommander @ 8/21/2023 12:07 PM

He speaks the part, looks the part to me

Over the past couple months he has trended better than any other candidate

I think if Trump doesn't show up, debate, and discredit this guy, a bunch of people will vote for him

Rookie @ 8/21/2023 1:09 PM
He’s got a big hill to climb to catch up in the polling. I don’t think it’s his time yet, but he’ll get there one day. We’ve got some big foreign policy challenges ahead of us. I haven’t seen where he stands on international issues yet.
BRIGGS @ 8/21/2023 1:23 PM
Rookie wrote:He’s got a big hill to climb to catch up in the polling. I don’t think it’s his time yet, but he’ll get there one day. We’ve got some big foreign policy challenges ahead of us. I haven’t seen where he stands on international issues yet.

He’s gonna wipe people out during debate. His iq/speed/delivery is 5-10x better than the other candidates. Ron desantis talks like a walrus

martin @ 8/21/2023 2:51 PM
Once you get past Ramaswamy's shiny veneer, he is a sham. Just like Trump before him.

Fall for the con, get burned by the con. He is a well spoken political actor who delivers his lines nicely. After you get past that almost transparently thin layer, he has nothing to offer.

Do your homework this time Briggs so that you don't have to get burned by your own question of "What have we got to lose?"

KnickDanger @ 8/21/2023 2:56 PM
I don't know anything about him and it would be hard for me to vote for a Republican but I will say it's time for some balance in our political life. Time to start listening and moving to the middle. Of course circumstances matter.

I will add I recall an SNL sketch in early 1992 (I think) mocking the Democratic candidates jockeying for the privilege of being obliterated by George Bush Sr. Then Bill Clinton came out of nowhere and became a two term president.

BigDaddyG @ 8/21/2023 3:39 PM
Is he a polished speaker? Yes. But I heard nothing of substance in that interview and a deeper dive into his talking points reveals a lot of the same anti-logic/anti-woke BS that's being spouted by a lot of these zombie talking heads. Yippy! He wants to cuts 75% of the federal budget and push for more drug legalization efforts. Cool. I think there's a lot of fat that could be trimmed and I think it's silly that certain drugs are legalized while others socially accepted. He wants to cut efforts to reduce carbon emissions and push for the use of nuclear energy. What?!?! There's now way to back that up, especially seeing they crap that has gone down this summer. The environmental damage that's been done is irreversible at this point. The best we can do is slow it down. I'm also disappointed with way he uses "wokism" as a way to distract from the real issues that are hitting us like, say, the rapid disintegration of our polar ice caps.
Rookie @ 8/21/2023 3:41 PM
martin wrote:Once you get past Ramaswamy's shiny veneer, he is a sham. Just like Trump before him.

Fall for the con, get burned by the con. He is a well spoken political actor who delivers his lines nicely. After you get past that almost transparently thin layer, he has nothing to offer.

Do your homework this time Briggs so that you don't have to get burned by your own question of "What have we got to lose?"

This message from the party that brought you Biden/Harris LOL. There is still tons of time to learn about the candidates, why try and shut down the conversation now?

martin @ 8/21/2023 3:43 PM
Rookie wrote:
martin wrote:Once you get past Ramaswamy's shiny veneer, he is a sham. Just like Trump before him.

Fall for the con, get burned by the con. He is a well spoken political actor who delivers his lines nicely. After you get past that almost transparently thin layer, he has nothing to offer.

Do your homework this time Briggs so that you don't have to get burned by your own question of "What have we got to lose?"

This message from the party that brought you Biden/Harris LOL. There is still tons of time to learn about the candidates, why try and shut down the conversation now?

Because he has been around along enough to gather such information?

The question me is why hasn't Briggs or perhaps you done enough of your homework to not realize otherwise?

Let me know if you have any specific questions about this guy, I'll be glad to help out.

Rookie @ 8/21/2023 4:02 PM
martin wrote:
Rookie wrote:
martin wrote:Once you get past Ramaswamy's shiny veneer, he is a sham. Just like Trump before him.

Fall for the con, get burned by the con. He is a well spoken political actor who delivers his lines nicely. After you get past that almost transparently thin layer, he has nothing to offer.

Do your homework this time Briggs so that you don't have to get burned by your own question of "What have we got to lose?"

This message from the party that brought you Biden/Harris LOL. There is still tons of time to learn about the candidates, why try and shut down the conversation now?

Because he has been around along enough to gather such information?

The question me is why hasn't Briggs or perhaps you done enough of your homework to not realize otherwise?

Let me know if you have any specific questions about this guy, I'll be glad to help out.

Because it's still early enough in the process to let it play out. If you have dirt go ahead and spill it. I would like to hear it.

martin @ 8/21/2023 4:31 PM
Rookie wrote:
martin wrote:
Rookie wrote:
martin wrote:Once you get past Ramaswamy's shiny veneer, he is a sham. Just like Trump before him.

Fall for the con, get burned by the con. He is a well spoken political actor who delivers his lines nicely. After you get past that almost transparently thin layer, he has nothing to offer.

Do your homework this time Briggs so that you don't have to get burned by your own question of "What have we got to lose?"

This message from the party that brought you Biden/Harris LOL. There is still tons of time to learn about the candidates, why try and shut down the conversation now?

Because he has been around along enough to gather such information?

The question me is why hasn't Briggs or perhaps you done enough of your homework to not realize otherwise?

Let me know if you have any specific questions about this guy, I'll be glad to help out.

Because it's still early enough in the process to let it play out. If you have dirt go ahead and spill it. I would like to hear it.

Then don't offer an option about what I had put out and you had bolded above, because you are telling us you don't really know any about this guy.

Briggs is the one to start this topic, perhaps he can tell us beyond the soundbites of what he has seen on TV. Those soundbites are fluff. So far we are up to "he sounds nice on TV" which I agreed with. Dude has a very nice silver tongue that is very versed in consultant speak and obviously beyond well practiced. Talk to us about the real problems our country faces and his realistic solutions for this country and how he intends to meet those goals. Tell us about his experience and why and how he will meet the needs of our people and country and how all of us will benefit in the long run.

I am not here to do your initial homework. I have done enough of mine and would be glad to help with any specifics you may have after the usual.

Perhaps we can get beyond the "she has a nice rack" looksie? Cause no shit, they are pumped up very nicely and in our face.

These choices that we as a nation have are incredibly important and there is no time to fool around.

Alpha1971 @ 8/21/2023 4:44 PM
I am a former Republican. I was the rarest of the bunch African American and Hispanic, raised by evangelicals, military family. We weren't ideologues and supported causes that transcended party very often. Party has no foundational principal at this point. Went from a party that believed in personal responsibility to what ever the cult leaders says now. BTW, how does voting for the wants of billionaires help the regular guy ? Do a brief Google of how much Billionaires reinvest their profits to grow the economy further I am not a Sanders supporter but the wealth gap to the top 1 percent helps who, how. Conservative economic theory is a fraud leaving the middle class with the bill. Plus, social issue seems to be a motivator for the base. So target gays, transgenders, and other marginalized groups. Plus deprive woman of their reproductive rights, first with abortion and soon birth control meds. I left the party before Trump there was already enough evidence I was hoodwinked but darn now anyone who would support this train wreck of a party well, back to the Knicks .
KnickDanger @ 8/21/2023 6:53 PM
Alpha1971 wrote:I am a former Republican. I was the rarest of the bunch African American and Hispanic, raised by evangelicals, military family. We weren't ideologues and supported causes that transcended party very often. Party has no foundational principal at this point. Went from a party that believed in personal responsibility to what ever the cult leaders says now. BTW, how does voting for the wants of billionaires help the regular guy ? Do a brief Google of how much Billionaires reinvest their profits to grow the economy further I am not a Sanders supporter but the wealth gap to the top 1 percent helps who, how. Conservative economic theory is a fraud leaving the middle class with the bill. Plus, social issue seems to be a motivator for the base. So target gays, transgenders, and other marginalized groups. Plus deprive woman of their reproductive rights, first with abortion and soon birth control meds. I left the party before Trump there was already enough evidence I was hoodwinked but darn now anyone who would support this train wreck of a party well, back to the Knicks .

Yep yep yep.

I recall my parents, registered Democrats, not always voting the party line. I too am registered as such, but do not like some of the extremes I see. But the Republican Party has gone from being the rich man’s party of fiscal responsibility, pro-business, states rights, and such to a convoluted mish mash of hateful fear mongering that heavily benefits the richest of the rich while destroying so much else. Insane really that a large heap of its followers get screwed by it and like it.

Alpha1971 @ 8/21/2023 7:40 PM
KnickDanger wrote:
Alpha1971 wrote:I am a former Republican. I was the rarest of the bunch African American and Hispanic, raised by evangelicals, military family. We weren't ideologues and supported causes that transcended party very often. Party has no foundational principal at this point. Went from a party that believed in personal responsibility to what ever the cult leaders says now. BTW, how does voting for the wants of billionaires help the regular guy ? Do a brief Google of how much Billionaires reinvest their profits to grow the economy further I am not a Sanders supporter but the wealth gap to the top 1 percent helps who, how. Conservative economic theory is a fraud leaving the middle class with the bill. Plus, social issue seems to be a motivator for the base. So target gays, transgenders, and other marginalized groups. Plus deprive woman of their reproductive rights, first with abortion and soon birth control meds. I left the party before Trump there was already enough evidence I was hoodwinked but darn now anyone who would support this train wreck of a party well, back to the Knicks .

Yep yep yep.

I recall my parents, registered Democrats, not always voting the party line. I too am registered as such, but do not like some of the extremes I see. But the Republican Party has gone from being the rich man’s party of fiscal responsibility, pro-business, states rights, and such to a convoluted mish mash of hateful fear mongering that heavily benefits the richest of the rich while destroying so much else. Insane really that a large heap of its followers get screwed by it and like it.

My father was a conservative evangelical military vet. He identified as a Republican but was also a union member and thus he had a balanced world view. He was a war veteran and supported gun rights but never owned one when I was alive. Very balanced approach he was not afraid and paid his taxes so that police officers could be well paid and employed to protect us. We lived all our lives in the Bronx and never needed a weapon. Conservatives always used dog whistles and exploited wedge issues to divide and conquer but it's on a level of magnitude exponentially greater now. I have a coworker who swore the Trump tax cuts would benefit him. We pay more in taxes now
But still swears it's been great. Me and my coworkers, both pay many thousands more per year now, as we lost deductions we used to have, plus SALT taxes for the blue States as the red states reciece subsidies from the blue States in the tax formula they use. It can go on and on. Yet, they are screwed over and like it as long as they can trash transgenders or some other Boogeyman

GustavBahler @ 8/21/2023 9:13 PM
There was a book written 40 plus years ago called "Friendly Fascism". Ive read exerpts. It argues that Fascism would morph from the traditional 20th century model, into something more telegenic. Fascism with a smiling face. Ramaswany IMO is the first candidate who looks like a poster boy for this movement.

Billed as “America First 2.0,” an argument that Trump did not go far enough in passing his policy agenda as president, Ramaswamy’s platform — which leans heavily on executive actions — includes raising the voting age to 25 unless certain requirements are met, ending affirmative action “in every sphere of American life,” shutting down the FBI, and trimming 75 percent of executive branch employees to reduce the size of the “administrative state.”

“It shows, frankly, a historically unprecedented disregard for the powers laid out in the Constitution, which are that the president is supposed to execute the law, not just create new ones willy-nilly,” presidential historian Lindsay Chervinsky said of the plans. “This is unprecedented in its disregard for that power sharing structure laid out in the Constitution.”

On Thursday in New Hampshire, Ramaswamy unveiled the details of his plan to shut down the FBI, as well as the Department of Education and National Regulatory Commission, surrounded by charts covered in red strike marks and arrows. The next day, he was back in Iowa hosting an event that rhymes with the pronunciation of his first name: “Lunch Break with Vivek.” He recently followed in Trump’s footsteps by releasing a list of possible Supreme Court nominees if elected, including Sens. Mike Lee (R-Utah) and Ted Cruz (R-Tex.)

He has also faced pushback on his approach to foreign policy, including ceding support for Ukraine to negotiate a peace treaty with Russia and his unorthodox approach on other matters. “You want to stop Xi Jinping from invading Taiwan, put a gun in every Taiwanese household!” Ramaswamy exclaimed in his NRA speech.

Some have criticized Ramaswamy for shifting positions. After the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol by a pro-Trump mob, Ramaswamy tweeted that what Trump did was wrong and “downright abhorrent” regarding his handling of the day. Now, as a candidate, he has continued to criticize Trump’s actions on Jan. 6 but has also been one of his loudest defenders, including against a potential indictment over the day.

In June, when Trump was arraigned on federal charges at a courthouse in Miami, Ramaswamy was in front of the courthouse, calling on every other presidential candidate in the race to commit to pardoning Trump if elected

Alpha1971 @ 8/21/2023 9:43 PM
GustavBahler wrote:There was a book written 40 plus years ago called "Friendly Fascism". Ive read exerpts. It argues that Fascism would morph from the traditional 20th century model, into something more telegenic. Fascism with a smiling face. Ramaswany IMO is the first candidate who looks like a poster boy for this movement.

Billed as “America First 2.0,” an argument that Trump did not go far enough in passing his policy agenda as president, Ramaswamy’s platform — which leans heavily on executive actions — includes raising the voting age to 25 unless certain requirements are met, ending affirmative action “in every sphere of American life,” shutting down the FBI, and trimming 75 percent of executive branch employees to reduce the size of the “administrative state.”

“It shows, frankly, a historically unprecedented disregard for the powers laid out in the Constitution, which are that the president is supposed to execute the law, not just create new ones willy-nilly,” presidential historian Lindsay Chervinsky said of the plans. “This is unprecedented in its disregard for that power sharing structure laid out in the Constitution.”

On Thursday in New Hampshire, Ramaswamy unveiled the details of his plan to shut down the FBI, as well as the Department of Education and National Regulatory Commission, surrounded by charts covered in red strike marks and arrows. The next day, he was back in Iowa hosting an event that rhymes with the pronunciation of his first name: “Lunch Break with Vivek.” He recently followed in Trump’s footsteps by releasing a list of possible Supreme Court nominees if elected, including Sens. Mike Lee (R-Utah) and Ted Cruz (R-Tex.)

He has also faced pushback on his approach to foreign policy, including ceding support for Ukraine to negotiate a peace treaty with Russia and his unorthodox approach on other matters. “You want to stop Xi Jinping from invading Taiwan, put a gun in every Taiwanese household!” Ramaswamy exclaimed in his NRA speech.

Some have criticized Ramaswamy for shifting positions. After the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol by a pro-Trump mob, Ramaswamy tweeted that what Trump did was wrong and “downright abhorrent” regarding his handling of the day. Now, as a candidate, he has continued to criticize Trump’s actions on Jan. 6 but has also been one of his loudest defenders, including against a potential indictment over the day.

In June, when Trump was arraigned on federal charges at a courthouse in Miami, Ramaswamy was in front of the courthouse, calling on every other presidential candidate in the race to commit to pardoning Trump if elected

He is not the first and he really isn't that great at it. There have been better. He is just the latest brown face to do it for the conservatives. He is not that good. He knows what he has to say to get what he wants from those who will reward him for being their avatar.

JesseDark @ 8/21/2023 10:04 PM
He is just the latest shiney new thing on the republican side. He is somewhat articulate but can't see his views passing the muster to get the nomination. i.e. Saying he'd be find with China taking over Tiwain as long as we have access to the chips we need for high tech. He has also pissed off the Republican Jewish lobby with something else he said.
Just the latest new thing like Herman Cain and his 9-9-9 plan.
KnickDanger @ 8/21/2023 10:18 PM
Seems the guy courts the conspiracy theory crowd which is alarming in and of itself.
BigDaddyG @ 8/21/2023 10:20 PM
JesseDark wrote:He is just the latest shiney new thing on the republican side. He is somewhat articulate but can't see his views passing the muster to get the nomination. i.e. Saying he'd be find with China taking over Tiwain as long as we have access to the chips we need for high tech. He has also pissed off the Republican Jewish lobby with something else he said.
Just the latest new thing like Herman Cain and his 9-9-9 plan.

Yeah, but I remember that one time this orange skinned prune went all in about wall on the Mexican border. And Mexico was going to pay for it. Seemed ridiculous at the time, but all the stupid people stateside ate it up. A lot of smart people as well, but mostly stupid people. My point is that stupid people form one of the strongest voting blocks in the US. Never underestimate the crap stupid people are willing to stand behind.

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