Knicks · GameThread: Benchmark game at Boston, 730 (page 4)

Moonangie @ 11/14/2023 9:10 AM
blkexec wrote:
nycericanguy wrote:
LivingLegend wrote:Mitch vs KP matchup in 2 games…

Points. KP 52 - Mitch 6
Rebounds. KP 12 - Mitch 14
Blocks. KP 5 - Mitch 2
+/- KP +32 - Mitch -13

Houston we have a problem

KP killed us, 21 points on 11 shots, game high +19. He makes it much harder to cover P&R's. Without KP we probably beat BOS twice already. I said before he's a game changer and he was available for pretty cheap.

We messed up not trading for him, KP & Mitch could have been a great two headed monster at C that gives you different looks. instead we let BOS reach another level.

Similar to Towns. Can you trust them to stay healthy. So far we have pushed all the right buttons. And KP would’ve looked different on this team under this fan base pressure, vs Boston who has an established culture with 2 way NBA stars in Tatum and Brown. KP is 3rd on the pecking order and under less stress.

This is a critical point that illustrates how soon we forget what distinguishes playing in NYC from other markets. There's something about the pressure of the bright lights, big stage that makes stellar players blanch when they have an off night or get injured. The compounding affect of that on a player's psyche means some with fragile egos are not a good fit here. And KP has already proven to be too thin-skinned to thrive here.

No sense double dipping on a known quantity. Hard pass!

SergioNYK @ 11/14/2023 9:17 AM
Disappointing but expected loss. Boston is a better team, we were missing RJ and it was the second game of a back to back. We held on the first half but Boston made adjustments defensively and we never countered. Randle reverted back a little to old bad habits with playing slow, holding the ball and jumping in the air trying to pass and turning it over too much. Cannot play slow and halfcourt against a good defensive team like the Celtics. Spacing hurt with Hart in there even though he hit some threes. Grimes needs to be more aggressive. He's more then just a catch and shoot player and I wish he would show it. But give the Celtics credit. Tatum is really good. Nothing you can do when he's feeling it like that in the 4th. Hauser hurt us. We need a sniper like him. And a big fuck you to their HC! WTF is up with calling a hack a Mitch with up 16 with 2 minutes left? So petty and just being an asshole!
SergioNYK @ 11/14/2023 9:20 AM
LivingLegend wrote:
Josiah31 wrote:Hopefully Barrett has his tampons in next time we play.

As a migraine sufferer who has to hide in a dark room and vomit for about 48 hours before I recover —- going to cut RJ some slack and hope he gets better.

What’s weird is these are typically a pattern/recurring thing but don’t remember RJ having migraine before.

When I initially heard RJ/Frenchy out a trade crossed my mind but assume I’m dead wrong.

I can confirm this. You're nauseous, dizzy and in extreme pain. The med I take knocks me out for hours but it doesn't end there. I wake up really groggy. You're pretty much on the self for 24 hours at least.

SergioNYK @ 11/14/2023 9:21 AM
Josiah31 wrote:Hopefully Barrett has his tampons in next time we play.

RJ is a gamer. He doesn't sit out games. If he was able to play, he would have played!

Alpha1971 @ 11/14/2023 9:47 AM
I am not a Cannabis user but many say it helps with migraines in pill form. Maybe CBD.
EwingPSD @ 11/14/2023 10:24 AM
martin wrote:
LivingLegend wrote:
Josiah31 wrote:Hopefully Barrett has his tampons in next time we play.

As a migraine sufferer who has to hide in a dark room and vomit for about 48 hours before I recover —- going to cut RJ some slack and hope he gets better.

What’s weird is these are typically a pattern/recurring thing but don’t remember RJ having migraine before.

When I initially heard RJ/Frenchy out a trade crossed my mind but assume I’m dead wrong.

Holy crap, this is a thing?

Yes. I do the same thing. I can't hold anything down when it happens. It knocks me out so the majority of this time is spent sleeping but the awake part is miserable.

LivingLegend @ 11/14/2023 10:34 AM
ToddTT wrote:
LivingLegend wrote:
martin wrote:
LivingLegend wrote:
martin wrote:
LivingLegend wrote:
Josiah31 wrote:Hopefully Barrett has his tampons in next time we play.

As a migraine sufferer who has to hide in a dark room and vomit for about 48 hours before I recover —- going to cut RJ some slack and hope he gets better.

What’s weird is these are typically a pattern/recurring thing but don’t remember RJ having migraine before.

When I initially heard RJ/Frenchy out a trade crossed my mind but assume I’m dead wrong.

Holy crap, this is a thing?

Oh man I go off the deep end and I get them at the worst times —- when under stress.

Like when the Knicks play?

Julius specifically has me reaching for meds.

I used to get migraines all the time. Have pulled over in my car and puked in the road. Good times.

Realized I was not drinking enough water, and drinking too much caffeine.

Yep those are 2 keys - for me stress (work) that leads to lack of sleep is also a trigger. Get them less as I’ve aged but I get violently ill (throwing up) and intense light sensitivity/ headaches.

Doctor says drink more water and less caffeine less Julius

LivingLegend @ 11/14/2023 10:57 AM
nycericanguy wrote:
blkexec wrote:
nycericanguy wrote:
LivingLegend wrote:Mitch vs KP matchup in 2 games…

Points. KP 52 - Mitch 6
Rebounds. KP 12 - Mitch 14
Blocks. KP 5 - Mitch 2
+/- KP +32 - Mitch -13

Houston we have a problem

KP killed us, 21 points on 11 shots, game high +19. He makes it much harder to cover P&R's. Without KP we probably beat BOS twice already. I said before he's a game changer and he was available for pretty cheap.

We messed up not trading for him, KP & Mitch could have been a great two headed monster at C that gives you different looks. instead we let BOS reach another level.

Similar to Towns. Can you trust them to stay healthy. So far we have pushed all the right buttons. And KP would’ve looked different on this team under this fan base pressure, vs Boston who has an established culture with 2 way NBA stars in Tatum and Brown. KP is 3rd on the pecking order and under less stress.

this is a tired and rather weak argument. Past 3 seasons

Mitch has played 162 games and 4,290 minutes.
KP is at 159 and 4,927 minutes

So by this logic we shouldn't want Mitch either? Mitch might miss 20 games this year but he's a huge part of our success regardless.

Played get injured, players miss games, but 50-60 games from KP helps you win games, period. Teams always have to hope they are healthy come playoff time, but if they are, BOS can win it all.

It was a great low risk/high reward move. I mean WSH got Tyes Jones and the #35 pick for KP, we could have easily beat that.

we were the perfect deep team that could take KP and not rely on him too much, same as BOS. KP would have been a 4th/5th guy here during the season. But he's a game changer on both ends and in games that really matter he can easily be your #2.

bottom line is there are never guarantees, but KP is a guy that could have unlocked a completely different level for us and raised our ceiling, without costing much, and would have made our rival BOS significantly weaker.

Many said KP was/is only a PF now but he’s looking good in Boston at the 5 which may be just the perfect spot for him. I was hoping we might use Mitch &/or Randle to get KP but this front office doesn’t seem to make those type of moves. Mitch has played great but there is his offense and matchups on good shooting centers are rough on him.

I do tend to think that some of these 3’s KP is swishing will clank under playoff pressure- my opinion remains the same we need to replace Randle with a cleaner/ smarter player to see what this team would look like with everyone flowing together. IQ needs to get head out of clouds and just play - sometimes he just looks so full of himself and he dribbles he’ll out of ball - continues to turn down open 3’s

nycericanguy @ 11/14/2023 11:04 AM
LivingLegend wrote:
nycericanguy wrote:
blkexec wrote:
nycericanguy wrote:
LivingLegend wrote:Mitch vs KP matchup in 2 games…

Points. KP 52 - Mitch 6
Rebounds. KP 12 - Mitch 14
Blocks. KP 5 - Mitch 2
+/- KP +32 - Mitch -13

Houston we have a problem

KP killed us, 21 points on 11 shots, game high +19. He makes it much harder to cover P&R's. Without KP we probably beat BOS twice already. I said before he's a game changer and he was available for pretty cheap.

We messed up not trading for him, KP & Mitch could have been a great two headed monster at C that gives you different looks. instead we let BOS reach another level.

Similar to Towns. Can you trust them to stay healthy. So far we have pushed all the right buttons. And KP would’ve looked different on this team under this fan base pressure, vs Boston who has an established culture with 2 way NBA stars in Tatum and Brown. KP is 3rd on the pecking order and under less stress.

this is a tired and rather weak argument. Past 3 seasons

Mitch has played 162 games and 4,290 minutes.
KP is at 159 and 4,927 minutes

So by this logic we shouldn't want Mitch either? Mitch might miss 20 games this year but he's a huge part of our success regardless.

Played get injured, players miss games, but 50-60 games from KP helps you win games, period. Teams always have to hope they are healthy come playoff time, but if they are, BOS can win it all.

It was a great low risk/high reward move. I mean WSH got Tyes Jones and the #35 pick for KP, we could have easily beat that.

we were the perfect deep team that could take KP and not rely on him too much, same as BOS. KP would have been a 4th/5th guy here during the season. But he's a game changer on both ends and in games that really matter he can easily be your #2.

bottom line is there are never guarantees, but KP is a guy that could have unlocked a completely different level for us and raised our ceiling, without costing much, and would have made our rival BOS significantly weaker.

Many said KP was/is only a PF now but he’s looking good in Boston at the 5 which may be just the perfect spot for him. I was hoping we might use Mitch &/or Randle to get KP but this front office doesn’t seem to make those type of moves. Mitch has played great but there is his offense and matchups on good shooting centers are rough on him.

I do tend to think that some of these 3’s KP is swishing will clank under playoff pressure- my opinion remains the same we need to replace Randle with a cleaner/ smarter player to see what this team would look like with everyone flowing together. IQ needs to get head out of clouds and just play - sometimes he just looks so full of himself and he dribbles he’ll out of ball - continues to turn down open 3’s

KP's best position has always been C, he's an elite floor space and elite rim protector, very rare combo.

I thought he would have been perfect here, Mitch could still have played 30mpg at C, KP playing 18mpg at C giving us a different look, and another 12-14mpg backing up Randle at PF.

We could have started KP to create more space in the starting 5, without really affecting Mitch's minutes.

Like the Obi pick, it was very shortsighted of this FO.

I mean Obi, IHart, and WSH's own pick back blows away what WSH ended up getting for KP, and we could have even included McBride or Rokas's rights as well, not to mention any of the boatload of 2nd's we have.

Can you imagine the huge weapon KP could have been come playoff time if he were healthy? Especially if Randle doesn't show up again? the floor spacing and having a guy that can get 20+ efficiently to help Brunson and RJ, along with the rim protection. Missed op IMO, he even talked about having regrets and missing MSG, he would have been energized to be back here.

There's no guarantees with anyone, Randle is a workhorse and wasn't healthy for the playoffs, but its a chance you take given the price,

Nalod @ 11/14/2023 11:19 AM
Hindsight is great.

Randle did a good job in 1st half. Ran out of gas in second and looked fatigued.
Would have liked to see what RJ could have bought. It was a close game. Then it was not.
His defense was missed.
Fuck Obi, Fuck KP, and fuck hindsight. Its done. KP range is a bitch to contain. He was popping them 5 feet from the 3pt line.
Boston is the benchmark. Jrue Holiday is very very good. That parameter defense with KP waiting to protect the rim is no joke. Its for real.
They were the better team last night.

Rookie @ 11/14/2023 12:20 PM
Nalod wrote:Hindsight is great.

Randle did a good job in 1st half. Ran out of gas in second and looked fatigued.
Would have liked to see what RJ could have bought. It was a close game. Then it was not.
His defense was missed.
Fuck Obi, Fuck KP, and fuck hindsight. Its done. KP range is a bitch to contain. He was popping them 5 feet from the 3pt line.
Boston is the benchmark. Jrue Holiday is very very good. That parameter defense with KP waiting to protect the rim is no joke. Its for real.
They were the better team last night.

I thought Mitch did a great job guarding out to the perimeter. He looks much more confident. Unfortunately we gave up a crap ton of points in the paint. I have to wonder if a zone defense could be effective against Boston in spurts. They do have shooters though. They are going to be a tough team to beat for anyone. F@ckers

LivingLegend @ 11/14/2023 12:46 PM
Nalod wrote:Hindsight is great.

Randle did a good job in 1st half. Ran out of gas in second and looked fatigued.
Would have liked to see what RJ could have bought. It was a close game. Then it was not.
His defense was missed.
Fuck Obi, Fuck KP, and fuck hindsight. Its done. KP range is a bitch to contain. He was popping them 5 feet from the 3pt line.
Boston is the benchmark. Jrue Holiday is very very good. That parameter defense with KP waiting to protect the rim is no joke. Its for real.
They were the better team last night.

Randle completely negated any positives some of his early buckets/FTs may have added by leaving Houser open repeatedly, bad shot/dribble decisions and complete failure to get back on D after bricking long 3. We were sitting on late 2nd quarter 8 point lead and Randle virtually handed Celtics a lead by halftime.

Maybe his ankle was hurting on all his bad plays / decisions because he’s such an intelligent player otherwise.

LivingLegend @ 11/14/2023 12:49 PM
nycericanguy wrote:
LivingLegend wrote:
nycericanguy wrote:
blkexec wrote:
nycericanguy wrote:
LivingLegend wrote:Mitch vs KP matchup in 2 games…

Points. KP 52 - Mitch 6
Rebounds. KP 12 - Mitch 14
Blocks. KP 5 - Mitch 2
+/- KP +32 - Mitch -13

Houston we have a problem

KP killed us, 21 points on 11 shots, game high +19. He makes it much harder to cover P&R's. Without KP we probably beat BOS twice already. I said before he's a game changer and he was available for pretty cheap.

We messed up not trading for him, KP & Mitch could have been a great two headed monster at C that gives you different looks. instead we let BOS reach another level.

Similar to Towns. Can you trust them to stay healthy. So far we have pushed all the right buttons. And KP would’ve looked different on this team under this fan base pressure, vs Boston who has an established culture with 2 way NBA stars in Tatum and Brown. KP is 3rd on the pecking order and under less stress.

this is a tired and rather weak argument. Past 3 seasons

Mitch has played 162 games and 4,290 minutes.
KP is at 159 and 4,927 minutes

So by this logic we shouldn't want Mitch either? Mitch might miss 20 games this year but he's a huge part of our success regardless.

Played get injured, players miss games, but 50-60 games from KP helps you win games, period. Teams always have to hope they are healthy come playoff time, but if they are, BOS can win it all.

It was a great low risk/high reward move. I mean WSH got Tyes Jones and the #35 pick for KP, we could have easily beat that.

we were the perfect deep team that could take KP and not rely on him too much, same as BOS. KP would have been a 4th/5th guy here during the season. But he's a game changer on both ends and in games that really matter he can easily be your #2.

bottom line is there are never guarantees, but KP is a guy that could have unlocked a completely different level for us and raised our ceiling, without costing much, and would have made our rival BOS significantly weaker.

Many said KP was/is only a PF now but he’s looking good in Boston at the 5 which may be just the perfect spot for him. I was hoping we might use Mitch &/or Randle to get KP but this front office doesn’t seem to make those type of moves. Mitch has played great but there is his offense and matchups on good shooting centers are rough on him.

I do tend to think that some of these 3’s KP is swishing will clank under playoff pressure- my opinion remains the same we need to replace Randle with a cleaner/ smarter player to see what this team would look like with everyone flowing together. IQ needs to get head out of clouds and just play - sometimes he just looks so full of himself and he dribbles he’ll out of ball - continues to turn down open 3’s

KP's best position has always been C, he's an elite floor space and elite rim protector, very rare combo.

I thought he would have been perfect here, Mitch could still have played 30mpg at C, KP playing 18mpg at C giving us a different look, and another 12-14mpg backing up Randle at PF.

We could have started KP to create more space in the starting 5, without really affecting Mitch's minutes.

Like the Obi pick, it was very shortsighted of this FO.

I mean Obi, IHart, and WSH's own pick back blows away what WSH ended up getting for KP, and we could have even included McBride or Rokas's rights as well, not to mention any of the boatload of 2nd's we have.

Can you imagine the huge weapon KP could have been come playoff time if he were healthy? Especially if Randle doesn't show up again? the floor spacing and having a guy that can get 20+ efficiently to help Brunson and RJ, along with the rim protection. Missed op IMO, he even talked about having regrets and missing MSG, he would have been energized to be back here.

There's no guarantees with anyone, Randle is a workhorse and wasn't healthy for the playoffs, but its a chance you take given the price,

Disagree on all the above except KP best at 5.

Putting KP, Mitch, Randle together would be cluster (blank). No way Mitch would accept coming off bench at this point and after saying KP is a center you have him playing 18 at PF and again no way Thibs is cutting Julius down to 30 mins a game. Mitch would have had to go in KP trade.

martin @ 11/14/2023 12:54 PM
nycericanguy @ 11/14/2023 1:17 PM
LivingLegend wrote:
nycericanguy wrote:
LivingLegend wrote:
nycericanguy wrote:
blkexec wrote:
nycericanguy wrote:
LivingLegend wrote:Mitch vs KP matchup in 2 games…

Points. KP 52 - Mitch 6
Rebounds. KP 12 - Mitch 14
Blocks. KP 5 - Mitch 2
+/- KP +32 - Mitch -13

Houston we have a problem

KP killed us, 21 points on 11 shots, game high +19. He makes it much harder to cover P&R's. Without KP we probably beat BOS twice already. I said before he's a game changer and he was available for pretty cheap.

We messed up not trading for him, KP & Mitch could have been a great two headed monster at C that gives you different looks. instead we let BOS reach another level.

Similar to Towns. Can you trust them to stay healthy. So far we have pushed all the right buttons. And KP would’ve looked different on this team under this fan base pressure, vs Boston who has an established culture with 2 way NBA stars in Tatum and Brown. KP is 3rd on the pecking order and under less stress.

this is a tired and rather weak argument. Past 3 seasons

Mitch has played 162 games and 4,290 minutes.
KP is at 159 and 4,927 minutes

So by this logic we shouldn't want Mitch either? Mitch might miss 20 games this year but he's a huge part of our success regardless.

Played get injured, players miss games, but 50-60 games from KP helps you win games, period. Teams always have to hope they are healthy come playoff time, but if they are, BOS can win it all.

It was a great low risk/high reward move. I mean WSH got Tyes Jones and the #35 pick for KP, we could have easily beat that.

we were the perfect deep team that could take KP and not rely on him too much, same as BOS. KP would have been a 4th/5th guy here during the season. But he's a game changer on both ends and in games that really matter he can easily be your #2.

bottom line is there are never guarantees, but KP is a guy that could have unlocked a completely different level for us and raised our ceiling, without costing much, and would have made our rival BOS significantly weaker.

Many said KP was/is only a PF now but he’s looking good in Boston at the 5 which may be just the perfect spot for him. I was hoping we might use Mitch &/or Randle to get KP but this front office doesn’t seem to make those type of moves. Mitch has played great but there is his offense and matchups on good shooting centers are rough on him.

I do tend to think that some of these 3’s KP is swishing will clank under playoff pressure- my opinion remains the same we need to replace Randle with a cleaner/ smarter player to see what this team would look like with everyone flowing together. IQ needs to get head out of clouds and just play - sometimes he just looks so full of himself and he dribbles he’ll out of ball - continues to turn down open 3’s

KP's best position has always been C, he's an elite floor space and elite rim protector, very rare combo.

I thought he would have been perfect here, Mitch could still have played 30mpg at C, KP playing 18mpg at C giving us a different look, and another 12-14mpg backing up Randle at PF.

We could have started KP to create more space in the starting 5, without really affecting Mitch's minutes.

Like the Obi pick, it was very shortsighted of this FO.

I mean Obi, IHart, and WSH's own pick back blows away what WSH ended up getting for KP, and we could have even included McBride or Rokas's rights as well, not to mention any of the boatload of 2nd's we have.

Can you imagine the huge weapon KP could have been come playoff time if he were healthy? Especially if Randle doesn't show up again? the floor spacing and having a guy that can get 20+ efficiently to help Brunson and RJ, along with the rim protection. Missed op IMO, he even talked about having regrets and missing MSG, he would have been energized to be back here.

There's no guarantees with anyone, Randle is a workhorse and wasn't healthy for the playoffs, but its a chance you take given the price,

Disagree on all the above except KP best at 5.

Putting KP, Mitch, Randle together would be cluster (blank). No way Mitch would accept coming off bench at this point and after saying KP is a center you have him playing 18 at PF and again no way Thibs is cutting Julius down to 30 mins a game. Mitch would have had to go in KP trade.

Between C and backup PF there's 30mpg for KP, 30 for Mitch and 36 for Randle.

minutes wouldn't be an issue with those 3, Mitch is a career 28mpg guy. Who starts COULD have been , but I think it could have been worked out as Mitch might have more lobs ops playing with the 2nd unit more too.

LivingLegend @ 11/14/2023 1:43 PM
Keith Smith quote on Julius - I would argue % is closer to 80.

Keith Smith - Why does Julius Randle make everything 20% harder than it has to be?

LivingLegend @ 11/14/2023 1:47 PM
nycericanguy wrote:
LivingLegend wrote:
nycericanguy wrote:
LivingLegend wrote:
nycericanguy wrote:
blkexec wrote:
nycericanguy wrote:
LivingLegend wrote:Mitch vs KP matchup in 2 games…

Points. KP 52 - Mitch 6
Rebounds. KP 12 - Mitch 14
Blocks. KP 5 - Mitch 2
+/- KP +32 - Mitch -13

Houston we have a problem

KP killed us, 21 points on 11 shots, game high +19. He makes it much harder to cover P&R's. Without KP we probably beat BOS twice already. I said before he's a game changer and he was available for pretty cheap.

We messed up not trading for him, KP & Mitch could have been a great two headed monster at C that gives you different looks. instead we let BOS reach another level.

Similar to Towns. Can you trust them to stay healthy. So far we have pushed all the right buttons. And KP would’ve looked different on this team under this fan base pressure, vs Boston who has an established culture with 2 way NBA stars in Tatum and Brown. KP is 3rd on the pecking order and under less stress.

this is a tired and rather weak argument. Past 3 seasons

Mitch has played 162 games and 4,290 minutes.
KP is at 159 and 4,927 minutes

So by this logic we shouldn't want Mitch either? Mitch might miss 20 games this year but he's a huge part of our success regardless.

Played get injured, players miss games, but 50-60 games from KP helps you win games, period. Teams always have to hope they are healthy come playoff time, but if they are, BOS can win it all.

It was a great low risk/high reward move. I mean WSH got Tyes Jones and the #35 pick for KP, we could have easily beat that.

we were the perfect deep team that could take KP and not rely on him too much, same as BOS. KP would have been a 4th/5th guy here during the season. But he's a game changer on both ends and in games that really matter he can easily be your #2.

bottom line is there are never guarantees, but KP is a guy that could have unlocked a completely different level for us and raised our ceiling, without costing much, and would have made our rival BOS significantly weaker.

Many said KP was/is only a PF now but he’s looking good in Boston at the 5 which may be just the perfect spot for him. I was hoping we might use Mitch &/or Randle to get KP but this front office doesn’t seem to make those type of moves. Mitch has played great but there is his offense and matchups on good shooting centers are rough on him.

I do tend to think that some of these 3’s KP is swishing will clank under playoff pressure- my opinion remains the same we need to replace Randle with a cleaner/ smarter player to see what this team would look like with everyone flowing together. IQ needs to get head out of clouds and just play - sometimes he just looks so full of himself and he dribbles he’ll out of ball - continues to turn down open 3’s

KP's best position has always been C, he's an elite floor space and elite rim protector, very rare combo.

I thought he would have been perfect here, Mitch could still have played 30mpg at C, KP playing 18mpg at C giving us a different look, and another 12-14mpg backing up Randle at PF.

We could have started KP to create more space in the starting 5, without really affecting Mitch's minutes.

Like the Obi pick, it was very shortsighted of this FO.

I mean Obi, IHart, and WSH's own pick back blows away what WSH ended up getting for KP, and we could have even included McBride or Rokas's rights as well, not to mention any of the boatload of 2nd's we have.

Can you imagine the huge weapon KP could have been come playoff time if he were healthy? Especially if Randle doesn't show up again? the floor spacing and having a guy that can get 20+ efficiently to help Brunson and RJ, along with the rim protection. Missed op IMO, he even talked about having regrets and missing MSG, he would have been energized to be back here.

There's no guarantees with anyone, Randle is a workhorse and wasn't healthy for the playoffs, but its a chance you take given the price,

Disagree on all the above except KP best at 5.

Putting KP, Mitch, Randle together would be cluster (blank). No way Mitch would accept coming off bench at this point and after saying KP is a center you have him playing 18 at PF and again no way Thibs is cutting Julius down to 30 mins a game. Mitch would have had to go in KP trade.

Between C and backup PF there's 30mpg for KP, 30 for Mitch and 36 for Randle.

minutes wouldn't be an issue with those 3, Mitch is a career 28mpg guy. Who starts COULD have been , but I think it could have been worked out as Mitch might have more lobs ops playing with the 2nd unit more too.

You said KP 18 mins at PF so my assumption was Randle could only get 30 there BUT doesn’t matter isn’t happening anyway.

I could see Kat play off Mitch because Kat likes to put the ball on the floor more from the perimeter but maybe KP less so - though KP played great off of Gafford last year. Randle I want out of here in any examples.

martin @ 11/14/2023 1:47 PM
LivingLegend wrote:Keith Smith quote on Julius - I would argue % is closer to 80.

Keith Smith - Why does Julius Randle make everything 20% harder than it has to be?

It's true

martin @ 11/14/2023 1:49 PM
Randle is such a good player, but man he has his moments. And not in a good way

Brunson needs to find players for more shots but feel like he has bought in. Randle... he hasn't bought in enough and he is the lone outstanding guy on the team for that IMHO

martin @ 11/14/2023 1:50 PM
IQ gotta step up in these games. Wanted to see more from him.
martin @ 11/14/2023 1:53 PM
Good summary

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