Knicks · How Mark Jackson lose his job on his day off? (page 1)

JesseDark @ 11/15/2023 3:16 PM
I read the article and am still confused. Seems shady on the Knicks behalf to not want him on the team play when that is the standard practice. Reading between the lines sounds like there is still bad blood between him and the assistant coach who was on his staff in Golden State.

martin @ 11/15/2023 3:25 PM
LivingLegend @ 11/15/2023 3:51 PM
Stupid to even consider bringing him in - in the 1st place he’s tired…old news and adds no value as a Knicks announcer. He is a fake and a phony —— preaching a bunch of crap he doesn’t follow himself.

VanGundy would have been interesting but if we are being honest with ourselves VanGundy once quitmon the franchise, would be a coaching distraction, bait for the media plus he ran one of the most boring offenses in the world.

I like Jeff but Mark while a special passer/competitor isn’t very likable IMO.

LivingLegend @ 11/15/2023 3:55 PM
What’s not being said is who went to the press and why wouldn’t all of this been worked out prior to Jackson supposedly working a game tonight - Knicks…Knicksing
martin @ 11/15/2023 4:02 PM
LivingLegend wrote:What’s not being said is who went to the press and why wouldn’t all of this been worked out prior to Jackson supposedly working a game tonight - Knicks…Knicksing

Details seem to be murky but the NY Post article indicates that Mark Jackson was never signed... like they were still working on the contract. And part of that contract was travel with team as well as hotel stay with team. And that was a no-go when it got down to it.

So it was exactly that process still underway. That's the way I read it?

ToddTT @ 11/15/2023 5:04 PM
If they are replacing Mark Jackson with Gus, for example, I could not be happier.

Actually, if they are replacing him with ANYBODY, I am happy.

Sorry Mark.

martin @ 11/15/2023 5:05 PM
ToddTT wrote:If they are replacing Mark Jackson with Gus, for example, I could not be happier.

Actually, if they are replacing him with ANYBODY, I am happy.

Sorry Mark.

Same. Excited to hear Gus again

BigDaddyG @ 11/15/2023 5:59 PM
martin wrote:
ToddTT wrote:If they are replacing Mark Jackson with Gus, for example, I could not be happier.

Actually, if they are replacing him with ANYBODY, I am happy.

Sorry Mark.

Same. Excited to hear Gus again

I'm rooting for Monica McBu..., uh, i mean McNutt, to get another promotion.
ToddTT @ 11/15/2023 7:01 PM
Actual quotes...

franco12 @ 11/15/2023 8:09 PM
I don't quite understand the hate for Mark. I was never into his super religious prayer sessions. I liked him as a broadcaster and was looking forward to hearing him call some Knick games.

Not sure I would be taking the side of someone who surreptitiously recorded stuff around the team.

Again, live and let live.

blkexec @ 11/16/2023 7:24 AM
LivingLegend wrote:Stupid to even consider bringing him in - in the 1st place he’s tired…old news and adds no value as a Knicks announcer. He is a fake and a phony —— preaching a bunch of crap he doesn’t follow himself.

VanGundy would have been interesting but if we are being honest with ourselves VanGundy once quitmon the franchise, would be a coaching distraction, bait for the media plus he ran one of the most boring offenses in the world.

I like Jeff but Mark while a special passer/competitor isn’t very likable IMO.

Hard to not agree there. I remember falling asleep several times. Wake up to an 88-81 victory.

I don’t get the hate for either guy and always thought both guys deserve more credit than they got, for their body of work as a Knick. Thought mark should’ve gotten a chance to coach here. Would t mind if van gundy was on thibs coaching staff.

But it’s all spilled milk now. Wish them both well and I thank them for their services as a Knick. Once a Knick always a Knick.

Nalod @ 11/16/2023 7:35 AM
The game changed on jvg since he last coached. Its been a while.
Jax did not get alomg with his staff and front office. He hid behind his religious intensity but with a mean spirit, has a some big tax issues usung his wifes church (was questionable) and did the adultery thing and was messy. Erman did the wrong thing for the right reasons. Jax really divided up gsw and had to go. He was seen as having a good teem but FO had really improved the roster. Kerr was a rookie coach and could not fuck that up.
blkexec @ 11/16/2023 7:51 AM
Nalod wrote:The game changed on jvg since he last coached. Its been a while.
Jax did not get alomg with his staff and front office. He hid behind his religious intensity but with a mean spirit, has a some big tax issues usung his wifes church (was questionable) and did the adultery thing and was messy. Erman did the wrong thing for the right reasons. Jax really divided up gsw and had to go. He was seen as having a good teem but FO had really improved the roster. Kerr was a rookie coach and could not fuck that up.

Nalod, you always do a great job regurgitating facts. But I rarely hear your perspectives, unless someone ask a direct question. Are you for or against Mark Jackson for being released on his day off.

martin @ 11/16/2023 8:35 AM
Nalod @ 11/16/2023 8:50 AM
blkexec wrote:
Nalod wrote:The game changed on jvg since he last coached. Its been a while.
Jax did not get alomg with his staff and front office. He hid behind his religious intensity but with a mean spirit, has a some big tax issues usung his wifes church (was questionable) and did the adultery thing and was messy. Erman did the wrong thing for the right reasons. Jax really divided up gsw and had to go. He was seen as having a good teem but FO had really improved the roster. Kerr was a rookie coach and could not fuck that up.

Nalod, you always do a great job regurgitating facts. But I rarely hear your perspectives, unless someone ask a direct question. Are you for or against Mark Jackson for being released on his day off.

What am I innacurate about?
Erman was fired than got a job 10 minutes later and has been so since.
Jax got canned and never got another gig.
The church? His messey affair while being a “holier than thou” dude? Tax evasion?
The fact Jax was a good players coach but the organization hated him.
Kerr, a rookie steeped in and took that 55 win team to the next level.
Jax was there a few years and did a good job with what became the last dynasty. He gets credit but they did just fine without him.

For or against him? Im glad I don’t have to hear him call a game. Loved him in St Johns and as a Knick and respect his career as a player.

Tell me what happend why he can’t get on the plane with Erman? Am I missing something?
For the record, GSW was right to can Erman for what he did as they were trying to salvage the season. Jax got fired at the end. Erman got hired by Boston and has not had any issues since.

Nalod @ 11/16/2023 9:08 AM
martin wrote:

He turned it down a week ago.
I thought it was weeks ago it was announced he’d be doing some games.
Maybe Clyde is retiring this year and he steps in? And this was a way to ease him in this year?
Jax seemed to intimate he’ll be back?
Perhaps erman gets a top assistant or head coach gig and is gone?
Perhaps he asked for private charter plan to games and Knicks said “No”.
Why would team say he was “fired”? “Could not come to agreement” would have been the proper statement according to what Jax just said. He just accused his potential employer as lying.

For the record, I can’t stand dudes that use religion as a shield and not explain what happend. “You don’t know how I was raised and who am Im”….. That kind of thing? Im sure he is devote. But if you behave bad being forgiven is between you and your maker. But if you break the law, or break common courtesy, or break protocols norm for your business you get called out for it, religion is not a get out excuse.

He and JVG had a great run on ESPN and were paid nice and are being paid what was owed. It was about ratings and making the broadcast fresh. ESPN model peaked years ago. ITs about their dominance on cable bundles and it being a destination channel. By that, people used to turn on ESPN and see what was on. SPortsCenter dominated. Cable cutting and other media outlets has diminished the brand and its valuations to Disney. Same with the Disney channel. Kids turned it on and just watched the same shit over and over again. THings change. Our kids watch tv different than we did, and they won’t go back.

If Jax does games next year, I’ll be ok. Clyde run will end at some point and it will be sad. To tell the truth JVG had some great lines but his made up rants got old after a while. Loved him as our coach. The Diet Coke sleep deprived over achiever was awesome! In Houstan he had bad luck with injuries to Yao Ming and Mcgrady.

martin @ 11/16/2023 9:15 AM
Nalod wrote:He turned it down a week ago.
I thought it was weeks ago it was announced he’d be doing some games.
Maybe Clyde is retiring this year and he steps in? And this was a way to ease him in this year?

Clyde has had back problems and he has been pretty open about letting everyone know he would be missing road games more.

I think this would be the first year they had wanted someone to fill in on a semi-regular basis.

Don't think Clyde is going away any time soon.

It had been announced shortly after Jax and JVG were let go from ESPN that MSG was a possibility for Mark. I believe that was summer.

martin @ 11/16/2023 9:21 AM
Nalod wrote:Why would team say he was “fired”? “Could not come to agreement” would have been the proper statement according to what Jax just said. He just accused his potential employer as lying.

So, has the team actually said anything or was it a report by the NY Post that used the word fired?

I think Mark is addressing the media reports, not MSG directly.

I could be wrong

SergioNYK @ 11/16/2023 9:24 AM
I cannot stand Mark Jackson so I'm kind of happy. I don't like anyone losing their job but some other team will give him a gig. It just seems there is nothing but drama with this guy. The religion stuff at Golden State really turned me off to him. And honestly I did not enjoy him calling games with Breen and JVG. Just give the gig to John Wallace, who does a good job on radio from what I've heard.
Nalod @ 11/16/2023 9:25 AM
I hope clyde sticks for a while for sure.
How does knicks fire a guy that never got hired?
He was to call the games on this road trip from what I read.
So there must have been some form of agreement? The whole thing is bizzare.
I get it was “reported” he was to call the games, but never fully announced.
I get the incident in GSW with Erman was a mess that left both of them fired.
martin @ 11/16/2023 9:30 AM
Nalod wrote:I hope clyde sticks for a while for sure.
How does knicks fire a guy that never got hired?
He was to call the games on this road trip from what I read.
So there must have been some form of agreement? The whole thing is bizzare.
I get it was “reported” he was to call the games, but never fully announced.
I get the incident in GSW with Erman was a mess that left both of them fired.

So, it does make sense. The last part of that agreement is that announcers travel and stay with team at hotels.

Mark would be on the plane and bus with Knicks assistant Darren Erman. No way coaches, players would allow that, cause they gotta stick up for their dude (MSG should have known this would happen). And the players LOVE Erman. So that's the divide right there.

Mark is getting his ESPN money and then any MSG money would offset that. It would be hard for Mark to not travel on bus/plan with team.

That is my guess at the sticking points.

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