Knicks · FO sees dead people....... (page 3)

Alpha1971 @ 1/2/2024 4:18 PM
Grady thanks for that reminder about the protected picks. So if Detroit or the Wizards have bad records it doesn't guarantee they keep their pics because of the lottery. I had forgotten that. They could finish with let's say the 5 worst record and fall back in the lottery to pick 9 on a top 8 pick protection. Thanks for the reminder. So these pics are still lottery pieces. Like the Dallas pick being top ten protected. They could finish with the 9th worst record, and in the lottery fall back to 11. Wow then are picks are more valuable. Your a very smart man.
Nalod @ 1/3/2024 8:55 AM

OG’s agent.
Sam Rose of CAA. Son of Leon.
That don’t mean a thing on the surface but have to think during Chanukah dinner, and there were 8 nights to ponder it, what OG “Hypothetically” would want if NY was a desired place for him. Money matters. Lifestyle matters. Coach and system matters. Players I assume want to win AND get paid. I assume Kyle Kuzma is enjoying his money but losing sucks. He does have a ring though.
This is why you develop players. Kuzma was pretty darn good out of the box and was of great value for Lakers.

IQ served us well as a player and a trade chip. RJ not as much. Not a bust. Far from it.
OG is a great fit for this team but losing IQ will hurt so perhaps its net neutral.

For now that is. Other shoe might not fall by the trade deadline. Fans can rant about it but rest assured Knicks Brass understand what they are doing. It just does not always execute or fall their way. The things we don’t know. All we have as fans are end results.

Nalod @ 1/4/2024 11:34 AM
amazing to see the fan base jacked with exuberance. Bit irrational which leads to anger when its not fulfilled.
"Be Cool".....Enjoy the games, not the promise. Just some advice.

Trade ideas rampant. Most irrational also as the money won't work. In the age of parity Dolan can spend, but its the long term hinderance of that apron. Can't bring in a max player and keep everyone.

Also, in the age of parity teams will let go of players without value. iHart can be traded now for value, but that means giving up on this season? In the age of Parity with no super teams knicks can make a run to the finals. Injuries, luck for us, bad luck for other happens and the teams are not that far apart.
The "Plug and play" notion of one for another is not that simple. OG might enhance others. Deuce and Grimes get a chance now that IQ is gone. DDV is great, but chemistry might dictate team is better long term with Grimes. Its not what they have been or are now, its what can they be by seasons end and beyond.

So lets stop with Norlens and Burk talk. Dejuan Murray trade and he is off the bench? Bulls close to the play in after a miserable start. Why they going to trade Demarr? Fear of losing him? Maybe they ok with that. Time to move on.

Same with us. Around the league teams move on from players. Can't pay everyone or trade them. CBA Was designed for this. Player movment and get them paid.
Detroit sucks. They won't forever. Same with Wiz. Charlotte seems snake bit for some reason.

OG is a beast. He won't put up IQ numbers but will effect winning. Our trade was not a surprise but the timing and suddenness of it was. The Front office got it done without our help!! LOL

We have learned that most deals need years to see what becomes of it. Yet Media needs to put a letter grade on it and fans parrot that crap.
its funny that it was both IQ and RJ given some fans love one but not as much the other. Me? I was a big RJ fan but never in the context of "3rd pick should be the man!".so I was not that disappointed in him. He was had flaws as a rookie and has not ironed them all out. He is a good NBA player, not a very good one. I really liked IQ, but don't see him as an allstar as some might. OG plug and play stats don't match his POTENTIAL chemistry affect and that his presences opens things up for Grimes and Deuce.

Grimes or Derozen? We know what Derozen has been but not Grimes. Plug and play says Demarr but Im for giving the job to Grimes. DDV can finish if Grimes is not hitting.
I'd be thrilled with a 4th seed or better this season. Upsets will happen in the age of Parity. Might be us that gets upset, but its why we watch the games!

Nalod @ 1/5/2024 12:52 PM
The better iHart plays.......

From the Athletic:

He will become an unrestricted free agent this summer, due for an inevitable raise on the $9.2 million he makes this season. If he continues to pound out 20-rebound games, his salary could jump into the realm of Robinson, who signed a four-year, $60 million contract a couple of years ago.

The midlevel exception projects to be approximately $56 million over four years, starting in 2024-25. But Hartenstein may earn even more than that from a team desperate for a skilled yet gritty 7-footer.

“Right now, I’m a New York Knick,” Hartenstein said. “That’s the biggest thing. I feel like, yeah, sometimes you have that in the back of your mind. That’s normal. At the end of the day, I wanna be in New York, but it’s a business.”

Mrs iHart is a Texas girl. Isiah might be what Wemby needs next to him for a while. Collins is not as "gritty".

Its been a great luxury to have him and Mitch. Success comes with a price.

martin @ 1/5/2024 1:07 PM
This is what the FO did see

KnickDanger @ 1/5/2024 1:20 PM
martin wrote:This is what the FO did see

I could have sworn some posters said the FO was "whiffing" and "asleep on the couch."
Nalod @ 1/5/2024 2:09 PM
martin wrote:This is what the FO did see

Leons extension of Randle is below current market given his production.
RJ in his first year of extension and looked like an outright steal until the headache started but I doubt "toxic" as its been reported is a bit extreme?
Was there a world where we let him walk for nothing?
Mistakes will be made and all teams do them. This FO has yet to make any major bone head moves.
For goodness sake in their first year they hired what was the COY!!!!!

Have to also give them credit for doing a good job anticipating the new CBA to some degree.
Funny, in this age of Parity there really are not that many "Bad" teams. The top end is not dynasty like either. The international players are more important than ever and one might say the talent pool is excellent after the expansion era that might have diluted it. Global interest in the game has driven revenue streams up and more and more players NOT from the USA are in the NBA!
I know Seattle and Vegas are on the map for expansion but Mexico city and entry to Latin America has to be enormous! Be some logistic issues but tv rights and interest has to be enticing!

martin @ 1/5/2024 3:16 PM
martin wrote:This is what the FO did see

Not for nothing but the Knicks are also the Kings of the mid-season trades

Josh Hart

KnickDanger @ 1/5/2024 3:31 PM
martin wrote:
martin wrote:This is what the FO did see

Not for nothing but the Knicks are also the Kings of the mid-season trades

Josh Hart


Rookie @ 1/5/2024 3:43 PM
martin wrote:
martin wrote:This is what the FO did see

Not for nothing but the Knicks are also the Kings of the mid-season trades

Josh Hart

Not for nothing but with the new cap rules phasing in, there couldn't be a better time for Fourneir's Big expiring contract and our misc end of the bench non guaranteed trade fodder.

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