Knicks · Are we better off today than what we were a year ago? What if we had that same team now? a year older (page 1)

Papabear @ 5/13/2024 10:51 PM
Papabear Says

I really think that if we had the same team from a year ago and healthy and a year older we would be a better and healthier team with a deeper bench.

Nalod @ 5/13/2024 11:00 PM
20-3 record with OG in regular season.
4-2 vs Philly.
2-0 vs Indy.

26-5 all together. Mostly with no Mitch. With Randle 15-2.

A year ago? Randle was hurt too.
All do respect, the ceiling on this team is higher. Lets see how the off season shakes out.

franco12 @ 5/14/2024 7:20 AM
Nalod wrote:20-3 record with OG in regular season.
4-2 vs Philly.
2-0 vs Indy.

26-5 all together. Mostly with no Mitch. With Randle 15-2.

A year ago? Randle was hurt too.
All do respect, the ceiling on this team is higher. Lets see how the off season shakes out.

OG, when he is healthy, is an unreal addition to this team.

I’m glad it’s not on me to offer him a contract this offseason.

Go back and look at our record through December: 17 & 15.

If we kept IQ & RJ- they’d probably have stay largely healthy. But we were playing 500 ball. We definitely don’t land as the 1 seed- may well have been in the play in- and maybe scrapped by the first round.

Or- we end up lucky like Atlanta, winning the draft lottery in one of the weakest drafts in years.

Nalod @ 5/14/2024 7:51 AM
franco12 wrote:
Nalod wrote:20-3 record with OG in regular season.
4-2 vs Philly.
2-0 vs Indy.

26-5 all together. Mostly with no Mitch. With Randle 15-2.

A year ago? Randle was hurt too.
All do respect, the ceiling on this team is higher. Lets see how the off season shakes out.

OG, when he is healthy, is an unreal addition to this team.

I’m glad it’s not on me to offer him a contract this offseason.

Usually after a trade a team can lose some depth. We lost a bit of yoot with our trades and thus some of that health we had the last few years.
Bogs injury was contact but as we know its gonna happen thru the course of a season.
Randle as well.

Some players go thru bad stretches of injury then a few years of not many at all. Im sure its all been accounted for. Logic, or the way one can guess would figure much as already been determined at the very least because Sam Rose dad is Leon. At the same time large agency's like CAA have partnerships and perhaps it was predetermined that the other agent will be the one negotiating for OG? Would the player not want some objectivity also so he is not compromised?

OG record with knicks is incredible and speaks to how perfect a fit he is with this team on the court. Would be interesting to know how they plan on protecting him going further. By that, a healthy team and a deep team can better manage his minutes.
Is his future as a 3 or a 4? One might then surmise Randle is not a long term player for the knicks?
Might be two years, then by 30 he becomes a 4?

If I had to guess, he gets at least $140MIL over 4 years.

ToddTT @ 5/14/2024 8:13 AM
It was worth it.

Philc1 @ 5/14/2024 10:52 AM
RJ we miss you please come back!
DLeethal @ 5/14/2024 10:55 AM
This team is undoubtedly, without question, not even debatably, better off with OG and now we get an offseason to add depth and this team is way better going into next season. 26-5 with OG and something like 13-1 with both OG and Randle. 2 of those losses in the 26-5 record game 1-without Brunson and 1-without Hart when he karate kicked the guy against Chicago. We are probably 28-3 including a 6 round series vs Philly with OG. Unreal impact.
martin @ 5/14/2024 11:06 AM
We re-frying the re-fried beans for dinner again?
martin @ 5/14/2024 11:07 AM
BTW I doubt the full MVP caliber Brunson makes an appearance with IQ, RJ. Too many high usage players.
Nalod @ 5/14/2024 12:32 PM
martin wrote:BTW I doubt the full MVP caliber Brunson makes an appearance with IQ, RJ. Too many high usage players.

But would they be "healthier"? for sure "youthier"!

nyk4ever @ 5/14/2024 12:39 PM
papaber we are better when you dont watch the game. please leave the tv off tonight!
Rookie @ 5/14/2024 1:12 PM
No. Biden is an ass puppet who can barely put a sentence together. Oh wait, wrong thread 😂
Panos @ 5/14/2024 3:25 PM
Don't forget that this team also has not had Randle on the floor for most of the year. This team all healthy will be a scary starting five.
Do I miss IQ? For sure, I'm not going to lie. Imagine a second unit where he was the PG and Deuce is the SG. Would be killer. I hope they can find someone to fill that role in the offseason.
Papabear @ 5/14/2024 7:36 PM
nyk4ever wrote:papaber we are better when you dont watch the game. please leave the tv off tonight!

Papabear Says

I will admit I did watch the game and they loss. I will take a peek every now and then I don't know why this is happening.

Philc1 @ 5/19/2024 5:51 AM
OG is the most insanely gifted player ever who happens to be less durable than a wet paper bag
MaTT4281 @ 5/19/2024 7:59 AM
Are we really a deeper team without the trade(s)? I absolutely love Quickley, and was begging NYK to extend him at whatever the cost. But the way Deuce has stepped in and leveled up his game has been spectacular. Gave up a little ball handling and rebounding (oh well, just means the Harts grab more), but the defense and red hot shooting have more than answered the call from that backup G role.


We have 11 guys who should all be legitimate NBA rotation guys. The only argument to be had here is OG's durability. There is no question that we are a more balanced, higher ceiling team after the moves. If our ironman Julius doesn't go down, we aren't having this conversation.

MS @ 5/19/2024 8:00 AM
Healthy we are the best team in the playoffs.

Does Grimes, RJ, Obi and picks get you a better player than OG? Bridges? Unlikely.

RJ needed to go to open up things for Brunson to become the MVP, still criminal he didn’t make it to the top of that last.

One game away from the conference finals bleeding. Deuce and DDV are special, these are the 90s Knicks, but Brunson will take us the finals and deliver a championship before he retires.

Top to bottom I think this is best team we’ve had in 30 years.

Philc1 @ 5/20/2024 1:48 PM
Nalod wrote:20-3 record with OG in regular season.
4-2 vs Philly.
2-0 vs Indy.

26-5 all together. Mostly with no Mitch. With Randle 15-2.

A year ago? Randle was hurt too.
All do respect, the ceiling on this team is higher. Lets see how the off season shakes out.

We got eliminated in the second round again this time by an inferior opponent but yes 23-1 in regular season games

Philc1 @ 5/20/2024 1:49 PM
DLeethal wrote:This team is undoubtedly, without question, not even debatably, better off with OG and now we get an offseason to add depth and this team is way better going into next season. 26-5 with OG and something like 13-1 with both OG and Randle. 2 of those losses in the 26-5 record game 1-without Brunson and 1-without Hart when he karate kicked the guy against Chicago. We are probably 28-3 including a 6 round series vs Philly with OG. Unreal impact.

OG can’t stay healthy and now we are forced to give him a huge extension

Nalod @ 5/20/2024 2:00 PM
Philc1 wrote:
Nalod wrote:20-3 record with OG in regular season.
4-2 vs Philly.
2-0 vs Indy.

26-5 all together. Mostly with no Mitch. With Randle 15-2.

A year ago? Randle was hurt too.
All do respect, the ceiling on this team is higher. Lets see how the off season shakes out.

We got eliminated in the second round again this time by an inferior opponent but yes 23-1 in regular season games

EwingPSD @ 5/24/2024 10:33 AM
Definitely, Brunson is an established super star and OG is a difference maker. So long as OG returns the Knicks have there highest ceiling since Melo's 53 win season.
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