Knicks · Injuries too much, Proud of NYK: However INDY.. GO CELTS! 😎 (page 1)

DJMUSIC @ 5/19/2024 6:37 PM
No injuries in Pacers side,
High shooting, rebounding pct INDY earned it.
Like Injured BRUNSON says no excuses

But I/we don't like either Celtics Or Pacers

Pacers can go kiss where sun don't shine
with no injuries, healthy & stars ✨️ played the best

GO BOSTON ..Yep I could care less for either team,
However Celtics been knocking at NBA playoffs door.

Let the Pacers go through growing pains,
Celtics paid some NBA playoffs dues.

Let ex knick Jayson Tatum, Kristaps Porzingis & Jaylen Brown Win!
Lesser of evils is CELTICS...

NO 👎 TO PACEMAKERs, let em have growing pains as Knickerbockers

Nalod @ 5/19/2024 10:39 PM
Ooooh, Reggie Miller "Trolled us" is what NY post said:“When the series CHANGED!!” Miller wrote. “Jalen Brunson you’re a true BALLER, been the best player in these playoffs, but you and your boys can all heal up together on some beautiful beaches in Cancun, please enjoy!!” Hardly any hate in that.

Now remember MSG was chanting "Fuck you Reggie"........He cold have said a lot worse but he knows this is all fun stuff.
Im cool with reggie as its all in good fun. Even Halliburton, he smiles too much. Thats it. Kid played his ass off and the won. TJ? Dude was tough, not like he purposely injured JB.
Indy won with depth and shot historic % for a game 7 and on the road. I have to respect that. They don't do that this game is a lot closer. In the end they did not taunt knicks or crowd. They did their jobs and were professional. I think Halliburton got into it with fans but they seemed to be after him. My son has sat courtside and and told me the fun stuff players and fans get into. But its mostly good natured. Fans cross the lines but players basically think they have lost their minds and laugh it off. Part of the job.
Reggie was a years long villain and its all part of the the game then. Reggie is a life long pacer and he should be pro pacer.

You see it when the game was over the respect they had for each other today. They mix it up during the game but when it was done they shake hands. Its their job too and they are professionals.

As for Paul Pierce? This dude is just on another planet sometimes: I don't what is wrong with him, this is some weird shit.......

ESOMKnicks @ 5/20/2024 1:10 AM
It should be a fun series between Indy and Celts, lots of offensive firepower, so I'd expect a wild west shootout.
Unfortunately, this will be a season where a$$holes will get a chip. Minny with the pompous Edwards, Dallas who screwed us out of a high pick last year, Boston (enough said) or Indy who have just beat us.
Oh, well, life is not always kind to good guys.
SupremeCommander @ 5/20/2024 8:19 AM
I don't understand all this 'root for the Celtics' crap. Fuck that. Fuck the Celtics and their bitch ass fans
Nalod @ 5/20/2024 8:48 AM
Dallas did not screw us. They did what was right for them. Just like when we stole Morris from SAS at the last moment,

All fair. They got a player who really helped them. I'd expect us to do the same.
Edwards "Pompus"? Naw, he is arrogant! LOL.......
A Indy-Minnuy series of smaller market teams is cool for the NBA, two teams that have yet to win an NBA chip. Indy last won in the ABA, a long time ago. Wolves been a wasteland for years.
Rudy and KAT get brutalized in the media and now have the stage to show what they got. ECF's, is a good accomplishment. They knocked off the champs. I wish were were still in it but hats off to those that have.

Individually I respect the Celtic players. But they play in Boston thats "Wicked" bad. I can't root for them.
Fuck Paul Pierce. Paul Revere, and to a lessor extent Paul Silas and Paul Westphal!
Bill Russell retired when I was 7 years old. My distain started with Cowens, Jo Jo White and the end of the Havlicek career. I do remember Don Nelson and his funky foul shot.
The Bird/Mchale teams did not bother me as much as I could not stand Lakers showtime event though I always liked Alcindor/Jabbar.

Fuck Paul Pierce.

TheMTL @ 5/20/2024 8:53 AM
I will never root for the Celtics. Wtf
Papabear @ 5/20/2024 10:44 AM
Papabear Says

I can't stand Indy or the Celtics so I don't care who wins or loses. I will watch some of the games just because I like basketball. We were all banged up and had no bench at all. I feel that we got rid of some of our players that we really didn't have to get rid of. You can't play a player for all the menuets we played some of our players and when it comes to the play offs we are out of gas.

ekstarks94 @ 5/20/2024 12:40 PM
After what Pierce did to Brunson's jersey..I have two words F*ck em...
Ira @ 5/20/2024 1:21 PM
I don't care who wins between the Celts and the Pacers, but I am very proud of our Knicks for what they did with who was available to play.
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