Knicks · Pardon my French... (page 1)

Panos @ 6/24/2024 9:36 PM
...but where the Duck is Briggs?
Shouldn't he be posting 5 threads about different draft picks by now?
Haven't heard a peep in a LONG time!
BigDaddyG @ 6/24/2024 9:46 PM
Last I saw him was a few months ago on RealGM...talking about the draft.
KnickDanger @ 6/24/2024 9:52 PM
He started a Ramaswamy thread and folks got pretty heated over his stance. We miss you Briggs but you should've kept it to all those centers we should have taken.
Panos @ 6/24/2024 10:42 PM
Come back, Briggs!
Nalod @ 6/25/2024 9:51 AM
We also forget Briggs would also start threads with a synapse short message, then not come back to discuss it. There might be other convo's going on but it was like his needed to be seen above others.
I gather he lost his desire to discuss things? Just make statements.
It happens.
Also, sometimes we are wrong about things. One can make prognostications and if it proves innocorrect is it not ok to say "My bad", or "read otherwise", or "I jumped the gun"? When he got political and stuck his neck out and would not own it.
He made a bold statement about Ramsawarmy blew himself up soon after. Briggs either holds true to that extreme view which is ok, but own it. Or, he comes off arrogant to not admit he might have been more hopeful than accurate.
This was not the first time it happened and its not the point of view that is paramount, it was the manner by which it was handled. When the string of comments become inflammatory and the site owner/mod asks to knock it off for the greater good, then one makes a choice.

Briggs posted pictures of himself, his name, his marital status and children and what they went to school for. His family, where he grew up, his family lost to the holocaust, ets. Very personal stuff made transparent. When you open up and then get political it gets a bit weird in a forum that does not do this as a norm. He lost me when after Trump refused to acknowledge the hate or condemn the Nazi influence in the Charlottesville incident where they marched. Trump empowers hate. Briggs might not see what he does as inflammatory but when noted he did not adhere to the request.

Briggs made his choice.

The success of UK is based on house rules and it works. Its Martins house. We are free to stay or leave. He does not suppress freedom of speech. One can find many outlets to do so on many social media outlets.

Panos @ 6/25/2024 10:40 AM
Personally, I think the best policy as this is a Basketball site, not to discuss politics, but keep it to BBall.
Politics is why I avoid Facebook.
martin @ 6/25/2024 10:46 AM
Panos wrote:...but where the Duck is Briggs?
Shouldn't he be posting 5 threads about different draft picks by now?
Haven't heard a peep in a LONG time!

After 2016 I had repeatedly asked Briggs offline if he could stick to sports on this site. He repeatedly replied back that he would. I took his latest as the last middle finger of sorts. I don’t waste too much time on adults like that.

We all fuck up. I’m just asking that you act like an adult and human when it comes down to it. I don’t got time to waste in life.

Nalod @ 6/25/2024 11:13 AM
Panos wrote:Personally, I think the best policy as this is a Basketball site, not to discuss politics, but keep it to BBall.
Politics is why I avoid Facebook.

The amount of false AI or political humor the is mean spirited but suggestive is incredible. If one responds to them or "shares" it only generates more.

I really enjoy Facebook as I suspend or stop following friends that post it. Not just those I disagree with either. If one bleeds thru, I tell them "I don't want posts like that anymore". I do get ads on things relevant to my interests and have bought things online. Mostly apparel items.

Really took no time and Facebook really looks good now. I have invested in "Meta" stock for some time now and perhaps partial to it. I recognize the dangers it presents and alter it as I wish.
Its a major source of news for many with is really awful. IN the spirit of capitalism I see the benefits as well.
In time it could become a more powerful commerce tool than even amazon. I own a bit of that also in my accounts and have for many years.

That small companies with great products can make inroads on a global basis is quite a thing! I realize it cuts out small local shops which I do try to use. But it also cuts out big box retailers and gives small manufacturers a chance.

Panos @ 6/25/2024 12:39 PM
martin wrote:
Panos wrote:...but where the Duck is Briggs?
Shouldn't he be posting 5 threads about different draft picks by now?
Haven't heard a peep in a LONG time!
After 2016 I had repeatedly asked Briggs offline if he could stick to sports on this site. He repeatedly replied back that he would. I took his latest as the last middle finger of sorts. I don;t waste too much time on adults like that.

We all fuck up. I;m just asking that you act like an adult and human when it comes down to it. I don;t got time to waste in life.

I guess I missed all that as, like I said, I stick to the basketball threads

KnickDanger @ 6/25/2024 4:50 PM
Others have gone missing as well...usually some drama involved....
NardDogNation @ 6/25/2024 11:08 PM
Didn't BRIGGS say that he had some type of terminal disease a few years back. I specifically remember him saying that he wouldn't last 5 years post-diagnosis but can't remember when that was. I hated his politics/ignorance...but I wish him well and hope he's okay
Nalod @ 6/25/2024 11:18 PM
We wish nobody ill and hope they live a long life or at least until Knicks win a chip!
We not talking about Eric Naarden, we talking about his UK persona via his posts.
We mostly succeed on this forum because its about content and when we dive into personalities and personal issues is usually when things go awry.
NardDogNation @ 6/25/2024 11:35 PM
Nalod wrote:We wish nobody ill and hope they live a long life or at least until Knicks win a chip!
We not talking about Eric Naarden, we talking about his UK persona via his posts.
We mostly succeed on this forum because its about content and when we dive into personalities and personal issues is usually when things go awry.

I wholeheartedly agree. To be honest, I kinda miss the dude and his POV. I definitely think we were a bit too mean to him at times.

ESOMKnicks @ 6/26/2024 7:18 AM
Briggs did get the Jalen Williams pick right the year we decided to trade ours away to clear cap room for Brunson.

I was personally always more of a TripleThreat fanboy, his posts may have been sometimes derogatory, but always hilarious and held a lot of truth in many ways. Def made you think seriously about the importance of team chemistry and cap management.

KnickDanger @ 6/26/2024 8:32 PM
ESOMKnicks wrote:Briggs did get the Jalen Williams pick right the year we decided to trade ours away to clear cap room for Brunson.

I was personally always more of a TripleThreat fanboy, his posts may have been sometimes derogatory, but always hilarious and held a lot of truth in many ways. Def made you think seriously about the importance of team chemistry and cap management.

I thought it was jalen Duren. Probably both.

Nalod @ 6/26/2024 9:25 PM
Briggs liked 10 players each year. Many were called Jalen.
technomaster @ 6/26/2024 10:44 PM
If the Knicks could get Wiseman and his thick tree trunk thighs in a Knicks uniform, it'd be fulfill Briggs' dream.
firefly @ 6/26/2024 10:56 PM
martin @ 6/26/2024 11:13 PM

It’s a good call

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