Knicks · what's the timeline for extending Brunson/Randle? (page 2)

DLeethal @ 7/11/2024 10:46 PM
Kinda starting to feel like all this noise around big man scorers is a pressure campaign for Randle to sign the same discount extension that Brunson is likely going to and if he doesn't they will look elsewhere.
martin @ 7/11/2024 10:52 PM
BigDaddyG @ 7/11/2024 11:34 PM
Nalod @ 7/12/2024 8:43 AM
Lovely Jalen thing. He also knows he is one surgery away from stupidity so take the security is not benevolent.
Lets see the opt out provision. He has leverage now given all he did this past season by in my opinion it not sustainable and for the team to truly succeeded long term he has to dial it back. "Little men don't USUALLY carry teams" was not such an outrageous comment as might have come off. He was magnificent answering the call to carry a heavy load to a second seed and a final 8 finish. 5th in league MVP voting after never being an Allstar previously was incredible.
To win a chip, and we do have that kind of talent, he can be the leader, he can be the crunch time guy, but he needs to dial back a bit his minutes and touches. Im not doing "minutes police" here, just thinking how do we win and make things easier for a sustainable run. HE will run thru a wall for his coach, father, and mates. We have to make so he does not have to. Knicks are.
He also knows that this contract gives the team an ability to pay others and surround himself with better players. Maybe understands that if he takes takes the stand of max money he risks a decline and a miserable end to a career if that occurs.
We have seen too many smaller guys not make it much past 30 for many reasons. Maybe im wrong. But we might never know.
Jalen is a new kind of superstar: A smart one!

As for Randle, I suspect he wants his due and I don't hold that against him. He did it once, and He is not in the same situation as Brunson. If Randle gets hurt for a third straight year in a. walk off year, Knicks and others might not want to give him a full contract. He just came off a contact injury and should be fine this year. In fact I think he has a monster year but if he has to play cautious tending to the fact he would be a free agent that might inhibit his game. He is smart to get what he can now. Might not be fault of his but the team dynamic is changing and might not fit his style and hurt his production. If any of the rumors of him to Rockets or Minny I assume they pay him well and they are good situation teams now. Not like going into ATL or Wiz and asked to carry them.

I'd anticipate if Randle traded its a win-win situation. If he extends and stays, its takes away injury fear and let him play without inhibitions. If he is called to score less, rebound more, etc, he does it with his bag intact also. Win-win if he stays.

Clean @ 7/12/2024 9:00 AM
by the way Brunson was talking about the cap penalties on the free agency podcast. Most players don't care about that stuff nd just want the max they can get. The fact that was on his mind also is a very small sign he might take the extention early.
EwingsGlass @ 7/12/2024 9:14 AM
Love Jalen. Let him help guide this team to the finish line.
martin @ 7/12/2024 9:21 AM
Nalod @ 7/12/2024 9:32 AM
Clean wrote:by the way Brunson was talking about the cap penalties on the free agency podcast. Most players don't care about that stuff nd just want the max they can get. The fact that was on his mind also is a very small sign he might take the extention early.

Brunson is different. He grew up in and around the NBA and grew up not financially needy.
He also might understand "the benchmark of success is accomplishing ones goals". Max money is not a goal. Its not a destination, its an event. He sees that DDV took long term security and the security of a long term contract allows for injuries to heal and allow a player to get his shit together if something goes wrong. DDV outplayed his contract in part because he was free from worrying about playing time, injury, and relocations.
Some of those performances on the court with 19k fans cheering you had to be a priceless moment that transcends money and ego! No money can replace that. What a joy it was to see that occur as a fan!!

Paul George plays for money, respect, and I assume wants to win. His career has been marked by his desires and not always the simpatico/Karma that is being part of a successful organization. He and Kawahi had a desire to play in LA. They achieved that, but they did not see how it all can come together if financial restrictions. Melo did not either when he came to NY. He got what he wanted but team was not able to execute a longer talent acquisition phase. PG13 is a very successful person, just not sure he has found a level of being content career wise. Philly gave him the money and chance to play with talent. If it works out I hope he finds it. If injury riddled and they don't succeed its gonna be miserable.
I was taken back a bit on Klay's decline and how he did not extend last year. It fucked him up further on the court. his last game for GSW he went 0-10. Was it just the money? No, it was his decline and he openly discussed it. Good for him. Bad for him that getting money and love from another team seemed to fuel his anger attitude about Warriors. That they gave Dramond an extension before him? Etc. Seemed like the ego got in the way a bit?

Kobe? He signed a big contract which hamstrung Lakers in time. His ego needed it. He earned it and I don't blame him. He wanted to be the man. That was the issue. He was, then tore his achilles. Sat out along time, then did one more season on that contract and it was all about him. Was that fun for him? Maybe in very end it was, but his teams declined and his contract was an issue. All the while his marriage, family life was a mess. Kudo's to the way he pulled it all together in the end and he really grew as a man over time. He had to learn along the way.

Brunson might have grown up with seeing all this and a hell of a lot more and maybe does deal that makes sense FOR HIM, not just his ego. His path was he had to scratch and claw his way to reach the top. At some point can one have both the money and sustained team success? If the individual success drops off the scrutiny and karma is awful when it goes wrong.
Jalen seems to be finding balance in many ways. I think we like him a lot for this.

The flip side to all this is the petulant entitlement that surrounds Ben Simmons career. The money, the bad karma and manifestation of that into a chronic real bad back. I almost feel sorry for the kid. I root not for his play to improve, but that he is able to rise above that very bad place he seems to be in.

The worst NBA misery's? Look at Kris Humphries, Lamar Odom and Tristin Thompson and the succubus effect the Kardasians have had on them! Bad pussy can kill a man!!!! Devon Booker seems to have escaped the curse but that might be more about Kendall than the other fat lipped/big ass sisters.
Kim? not that Kanye was playing with full deck but look at what that marriage did to melt the remains of his mind.
His dealings with Adidas need to be made into movie. Only Tracy Morgan is fit to play the role of Kanye.

BeaconKnicks @ 7/12/2024 9:36 AM
martin wrote:
BeaconKnicks wrote:I think Brunson (and Robinson) are extension eligible on July 12th. Randle on August 3rd. At least according to Spotrac.

BeaconKnicks could be an AI bot, not sure. That's too exact

Are you part of the ToddBot farm factory?

Not a bot, just a nerd :)

Clean @ 7/12/2024 11:19 AM
I remember asking this question a week or two ago. I finally found the answer.
Nalod @ 7/12/2024 11:29 AM
Bridges has two years left and Randle one and yes, any extension does not kick in.
I take it Randle can be extended then traded? He'd be more valuable that way?
Also could be a stipulation for a trade that trades for him either before or after the number agreed.
I mean, say rockets trade for him and he wants some fantastic maxish deal or walks? So I'd expect any trade to have things in place.

There is logic either way to him being moved or retained. curious what opening night looks like!

Clean @ 7/12/2024 1:23 PM

More extention info. While if he signs it now it will be a paycut it will even out on his next contract since he will sign it after the cap raises more. So its more of a payment deferred.
franco12 @ 7/12/2024 3:45 PM
newyorknewyork @ 7/12/2024 4:13 PM
Clean wrote:
More extention info. While if he signs it now it will be a paycut it will even out on his next contract since he will sign it after the cap raises more. So its more of a payment deferred.

With the cap exploding next season. Wonder if him signing early extension put the Knicks in position to go after another guy?

foosballnick @ 7/12/2024 4:42 PM
newyorknewyork wrote:
Clean wrote:
More extention info. While if he signs it now it will be a paycut it will even out on his next contract since he will sign it after the cap raises more. So its more of a payment deferred.

With the cap exploding next season. Wonder if him signing early extension put the Knicks in position to go after another guy?

Cap can only go up 10% per season under the new CBA

Clean @ 7/12/2024 5:02 PM

This is the second thing he got right. Looks like he does have sources.
Clean @ 7/12/2024 5:04 PM

This part is what I was talking about before. He will make that money back anyway on his next deal. So instead of a paycut it is a payment deferred.
SergioNYK @ 7/12/2024 5:12 PM
Not even $40M a year on average for the best guard in the league? Amazing! Anyone who ever talks even remotely negative about Brunson needs to be shamed publicly and banned.
Clean @ 7/12/2024 5:19 PM
This will be huge for lessening some of the penalties we will have due to our cap. With the cap raising each year we could be under 2nd apron for awhile.
VDesai @ 7/12/2024 5:22 PM
Ultimate team first player. He will get paid later but this keeps our window open for the next cpl years to avoid the 2nd apron
DLeethal @ 7/12/2024 8:06 PM
Clean wrote:
This part is what I was talking about before. He will make that money back anyway on his next deal. So instead of a paycut it is a payment deferred.

If he signed the big extension now and bigger extension later would that 100M still not be left on the table? Don’t really see how the fact that he can sign a big deal later changes anything about what he can sign now.

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