Knicks · Holy Smokes Brunson took the team friendly extension (page 2)

martin @ 7/12/2024 9:46 PM
NYKBocker @ 7/12/2024 9:50 PM
I love this man
martin @ 7/12/2024 9:50 PM

MaddogSharp @ 7/12/2024 10:06 PM
Brunson has been terrific. He has become a star with us and he continued to put the team first by signing a team friendly extension when he certainly deserves full max.
martin @ 7/12/2024 10:14 PM
EwingsGlass @ 7/13/2024 7:25 AM
martin wrote:Writing his own story

Fuck you to all the aprons everywhere.

KEEPCAMBYNY @ 7/13/2024 8:33 AM
Philc1 @ 7/13/2024 8:38 AM
Jalen is a mother effing soldier
toodarkmark @ 7/13/2024 8:46 AM
He's going to be making Nobody Beats the Wiz commercials into his 80's. A forever NY hero now.
Chandler @ 7/13/2024 9:29 AM
iWho have fun in Okc

Brunson has his priorities straight

TheGame @ 7/13/2024 9:43 AM
FrenchKnicks wrote:Ok he took less money in the next three years and that helps, but he will recoup all of it on his next max contrat.
Unless he’s having a career-ending injury in the next couple of years, he is NOT losing $100 millions…

Many articles make it look like he took a 100M discount, that’s not true at all.
It’s a good business decision, he gets some security, a nice deal, helps the team, and he will get his money when he’ll be 31.

Yep, but hopefully we will have 2-3 championships by then. It is just like Steph curry. He was underpaid for years but as soon as the 10 year mark hit, Golden State paid him the max even though he was 30 for the championships they won.

Philc1 @ 7/13/2024 9:47 AM
EwingsGlass wrote:
martin wrote:Writing his own story

Fuck you to all the aprons everywhere.

Silver’s head must exploding

GustavBahler @ 7/13/2024 10:46 AM
Classy move.

When Melo was about to sign his last big contract, with the Knicks. I was hoping that he would follow the lead of future and current HOFers who helped their teans win a Chip' by taking less to help build the most competitive squad they could. Melo went for a near max deal, with a no-trade clause, and a trade kicker. Even though he had been in the league longer. Already had made a fortune, on and off the court.

Shows you the difference in mindset between the two stars. Gives a fan one more reason to appreciate what Brunson brings to the table. Like being the smallest player to be in the top 5 in taking charges, year after year.

Nalod @ 7/13/2024 12:01 PM
I don't really think its fair to berate other players for what they took as rules were different and those teams were not close to contending. Beal resigned on a shit Wiz team going nowhere. Knicks were kind of fucked up with Phil Jax and Melo could have made more elsewhere but he wanted to be here even without a contending roster.
And let not forget Randle taking a not greedy deal helped us get to were we are today. The aggregate of Randle helped.
I don't expect him to extend and do us massive favors.
The Brunson deal is advertised as taking "$113mm Less", but he got all kinds of perks and 50% before the season starts. Im sure there was some other things that soften the rhetoric but it was a smart move by him and the FO to create a scenario were we retain talent as best we can. Kudo's to all!

I do think that some players want to avoid the "Beal" scenario were one gets the money and if a chronic injury persists its a miserable situation. John Wall had bad bouts of depression, Ben Simmons issues manifested worse, and there are others that experienced massive contact and unfulfilled expectations create a "Cage" of sorts. Melo's situation here and in OKC was not a graceful ending. Not until he was freed from it and with lessor weight literally and figuratively did he find a happier ending in Portland.

Jalen is young and healthy but Beal/Wall were also when they signed. Like Lavine there contracts were not easily tradable and while there could have been scenarios that could have worked, the numbers didn't. There were issues with Penny Hardaway's big contract and Mcgrady's that was not a happy ending for them.

Brunsons contract makes not just Knicks path easier to succeed, it gives him flexibility and a happier path if his knick days were to be numbered.

joec32033 @ 7/13/2024 1:11 PM
Nalod wrote:I don't really think its fair to berate other players for what they took as rules were different and those teams were not close to contending. Beal resigned on a shit Wiz team going nowhere. Knicks were kind of fucked up with Phil Jax and Melo could have made more elsewhere but he wanted to be here even without a contending roster.
And let not forget Randle taking a not greedy deal helped us get to were we are today. The aggregate of Randle helped.
I don't expect him to extend and do us massive favors.
The Brunson deal is advertised as taking "$113mm Less", but he got all kinds of perks and 50% before the season starts. Im sure there was some other things that soften the rhetoric but it was a smart move by him and the FO to create a scenario were we retain talent as best we can. Kudo's to all!

I do think that some players want to avoid the "Beal" scenario were one gets the money and if a chronic injury persists its a miserable situation. John Wall had bad bouts of depression, Ben Simmons issues manifested worse, and there are others that experienced massive contact and unfulfilled expectations create a "Cage" of sorts. Melo's situation here and in OKC was not a graceful ending. Not until he was freed from it and with lessor weight literally and figuratively did he find a happier ending in Portland.

Jalen is young and healthy but Beal/Wall were also when they signed. Like Lavine there contracts were not easily tradable and while there could have been scenarios that could have worked, the numbers didn't. There were issues with Penny Hardaway's big contract and Mcgrady's that was not a happy ending for them.

Brunsons contract makes not just Knicks path easier to succeed, it gives him flexibility and a happier path if his knick days were to be numbered.

I agree you don't have to berate other players. Those other players are not Jalen Brunson. Not as just a player (I know he isn't the best player in the league, but one of), but he just may be the best leader, the best intangible guy, and probably the best team first guy in the league. And while he isn't "giving up the money" he is choosing to prioritize winning over money now.

VDesai @ 7/13/2024 2:09 PM
Jalen is in a class by himself when it comes to character and leadership. If anyone has what it takes to win here its him. Now its about execution and some good fortune.
DLeethal @ 7/13/2024 2:47 PM
The Brunson situation is unique. It’s literally family here for him. His tightest circle is the Knicks. He wants to win with his friends and make sure they all eat. Can’t really compare to any other situation. He’s essentially taking a pay cut so all his buddies can stay and get paid too. What’s great is that he clearly understands how unique his opportunity is here.
DLeethal @ 7/13/2024 2:57 PM
The whole Villanova Knicks thing is kind of unprecedented and I wonder if another team will one day attempt something similar if the stars align correctly. The Knicks clearly found something here in terms of bringing college teammates with a championship pedigree together and watching how the chemistry translates on the court and how it can make team building easier for a GM. There will always be times when a college team has multiple elite pros - I think we eventually see someone try to replicate the Nova Knicks one day. Funny we thought we would see it with Barrett, Zion, Reddish and we got something much better instead
EwingsGlass @ 7/13/2024 3:30 PM
Clean @ 7/13/2024 5:09 PM
Someone did the math on the differences between the 2 contract options. It is just an estimate because no one knows what exact number the cap will be then.

Sign 3+1
2025 $34,944,001
2026 $37,739,521
2027 $40,535,041
2028 $80,750,000
2029 $80,750,000
Total $274,718,563

Defer and Sign 4
2025 $46,394,100
2026 $50,105,628
2027 $53,817,156
2028 $57,528,684
2029 $61,240,212
Total $269,085,780

Nalod @ 7/14/2024 1:10 AM
Philc1 wrote:
EwingsGlass wrote:
martin wrote:Writing his own story

Fuck you to all the aprons everywhere.

Silver’s head must exploding

Only if he read your drivel.

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