Knicks · OT: Trump injured at rally (page 1)

JesseDark @ 7/13/2024 6:42 PM
Trump was injured while speaking at a campaign rally. He was injured near his right ear and was rushed off stage.
GustavBahler @ 7/13/2024 6:45 PM
Former President Donald J. Trump was escorted off the stage by Secret Service agents and into his motorcade just minutes into his rally in Butler, Pa., on Saturday, after a series of pops that sounded like gunshots rang out.

The exact source of the noises was unclear, but Mr. Trump’s ear appeared to be bleeding heavily as he was rushed off the stage

ToddTT @ 7/13/2024 7:12 PM
I feel like I’m being tested.
MaTT4281 @ 7/13/2024 7:29 PM
'Thoughts and prayers', or whatever people are supposed to say at these things.
JesseDark @ 7/13/2024 7:41 PM
Shooter is reportedly dead.
Alpha1971 @ 7/13/2024 7:52 PM
May he recover speedily and may the country not become more divided as a result of this cowardly act. Lord have mercy on the deceased shooter, and thoughts and prayers for everyone adversely affected.
Alpha1971 @ 7/13/2024 8:07 PM
Per the Supreme court ruling about immunity for the POTUS if Biden ordered it, he can't be prosecuted right ???
JesseDark @ 7/13/2024 8:11 PM
Alpha1971 wrote:Per the Supreme court ruling about immunity for the POTUS if Biden ordered it, he can't be prosecuted right ???

Savage! Hope these aren’t crisis actors #SandyHook

KnickDanger @ 7/13/2024 8:16 PM
Nothing good is coming from this.
Alpha1971 @ 7/13/2024 8:24 PM
KnickDanger wrote:Nothing good is coming from this.

No, not at all. But if I was a MAGA guy and it was Biden that got shot at a rally the folks at Fox would say the DEMS executed a false flag operation to illicit support for Biden. So against that type of National Enquirer logic and divided ideology, this country could split even further. Not a good day at all

TheGame @ 7/13/2024 9:11 PM
Let me first say that I am glad Trump is okay, as I would not want either him or Biden to killed. However, I cannot help but wonder why did the secret service allow Trump to stand up and pump his fist for 10 seconds after the shooting. He literally was standing as a sitting target for 10-15 seconds while he fist pumped the crowd. It would seem like that would not have been protocol and that they should have been rushing him off the stage or keeping him on the ground. While not likely, I would not be surprised if it is discovered one day that this was staged.
GustavBahler @ 7/13/2024 10:56 PM
TheGame wrote:I say it was staged. Why did the secret service allow Trump to stand up and pump his fist for 10 seconds after the shooting. He literally was standing as a sitting target for 10-15 seconds while he fist pumped the crowd. That was staged. Otherwise, how does that happen?

Gross incompetence

Nalod @ 7/14/2024 1:06 AM
Trump is Pathetic.
Biden is aging out.

We have the gov't we deserve.
Can't rely on decency. Maybe it was never really there.

Trump will let Ukraine fall to Putin.
He wants to tariff the economy into a nasty recession.
Sociopaths don't have a conscious. Its all about him.

MaddogSharp @ 7/14/2024 2:20 AM
Just a horrible event. Never wanted to see a assassination attempt on a president or former president in my lifetime. My prayers go out for the victim in the crowd who did nothing wrong and was simply supporting his candidate. Thank God Trump is ok too because he came within a inch of being killed too. No matter your political affiliation this was just wrong and disgusting
Alpha1971 @ 7/14/2024 5:29 AM
TheGame wrote:Let me first say that I am glad Trump is okay, as I would not want either him or Biden to killed. However, I cannot help but wonder why did the secret service allow Trump to stand up and pump his fist for 10 seconds after the shooting. He literally was standing as a sitting target for 10-15 seconds while he fist pumped the crowd. It would seem like that would not have been protocol and that they should have been rushing him off the stage or keeping him on the ground. While not likely, I would not be surprised if it is discovered one day that this was staged.

For me the right wing echo chambers of POX, One America Fake News, the Blazes, and now the symbiotic religious networks like EWTN ( Latin Mass Catholic only now ) and CBN ( mainline Protestants not welcome ), all provide a drumbeat of complete of demonization of liberals, progressives, democrats. If the shooter turns out to be a Dem of any stripe that will be used to further demonize and stereotype opponents of Trump. That media will be on it 24/7 for the next year, " See what evil liberals are " that's why I am so sad at the Trump shooting. More division on tap. To me this was staged to push this narrative to sway millions on the fence to vote in favor of Trump. I would never have thought this with any other Republican but this guy is different animal and he knows media and how it affects people. I'm so sad I have come to think so cynically about the state of our nations mental and political illnesses

SupremeCommander @ 7/14/2024 8:48 AM
I get that this message board leans left. I lean left.

Can we please edit this thread title because “Trump injured at rally” just makes everything on this board seem like fabricated news

Nalod @ 7/14/2024 8:57 AM
"Injured", Implies Thibs rotation would have caused it.

Staged? I don't go there. Im sure Adam Silver had nothing to do with it.

SergioNYK @ 7/14/2024 9:45 AM
Thought it was staged at first but now I'm not so sure.
newyorknewyork @ 7/14/2024 10:18 AM
GustavBahler wrote:
TheGame wrote:I say it was staged. Why did the secret service allow Trump to stand up and pump his fist for 10 seconds after the shooting. He literally was standing as a sitting target for 10-15 seconds while he fist pumped the crowd. That was staged. Otherwise, how does that happen?

Gross incompetence

Its not adding up with the info we have right now. One person planned this attack? How did he know the layout and where secret service would be lax? Why would secret service be lax toward a rooftop location with clear straight line sight for a sniper? There is no way he was a pro. This random guy had the balls to and was able to pull off getting shots at Trump? By randomly deciding to go for it, lugging around a rifle? While simultaneously secret service was being lax towards one of the best possible locations for a sniper to get a shot off at given the area?

martin @ 7/14/2024 10:24 AM
SupremeCommander wrote:I get that this message board leans left. I lean left.

Can we please edit this thread title because “Trump injured at rally” just makes everything on this board seem like fabricated news

We need to move on very quickly on from a singular understanding for thread title that may have been the best info of a situation at that particular time. I clearly don’t have any idea what the rest of your post is about.

foosballnick @ 7/14/2024 10:27 AM
newyorknewyork wrote:
GustavBahler wrote:
TheGame wrote:I say it was staged. Why did the secret service allow Trump to stand up and pump his fist for 10 seconds after the shooting. He literally was standing as a sitting target for 10-15 seconds while he fist pumped the crowd. That was staged. Otherwise, how does that happen?

Gross incompetence

Its not adding up with the info we have right now. One person planned this attack? How did he know the layout and where secret service would be lax? Why would secret service be lax toward a rooftop location with clear straight line sight for a sniper? There is no way he was a pro. This random guy had the balls to and was able to pull off getting shots at Trump? By randomly deciding to go for it, lugging around a rifle? While simultaneously secret service was being lax towards one of the best possible locations for a sniper to get a shot off at given the area?

Let the conspiracy theories begin.

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