Knicks · OT: Trump injured at rally (page 6)

martin @ 7/16/2024 8:47 AM
MaddogSharp wrote:I can keep going but again I really don’t want to talk politics I want to talk Knicks.

MaddogSharp wrote:I’ve said my peace so I’m not going to discuss politics anymore because it’s a losing battle on this particular site. I really like everyone on here but politics seems to get very nasty when somebody has a different opinion or voted for somebody you hate. I prefer peace.

MaddogSharp wrote:I’m a conservative period cut and dry. Like I’ve said a 1000 times already I am not a Trump cheerleader. I’ve criticized him plenty but when it comes to his policies and the Lefts for me personally it’s an easy decision If that makes you angry then I don’t know what to tell you other than tough shit I guess. Obviously you’re voting for Biden and that’s fine, indibt yet bent out of shape about it.

MaddogSharp, I don't find that you are being an honest broker of conversation here. You state that you don't want to participate but you are also willing to participate with your opinion and make it particularly clear. If you find that participation styles is a losing battle, it's because of folks like you and the way you have chosen to engage. You stopped being willing to have a conversation and you have told us that very clearly.

I'd challenge anyone to help me understand what their conservative values are and how Trump in his 4 years matched those values and how those policies going forward match conservative values - in particular, include what your take on national security may be, because YOUR conservative party does not value that at all, they just nominated a guy who was caught stealing classified documents and left them laying around for other countries to pick through.

Additionally, help me understand how the conservative movement over the last decades has helped our country move forward. Like this: every time a Republican is in office, the national debt goes up, for Democrats, it is helped. How can you not be behind what the party that actually represents those fiscal values. Unless of course you are a multimillionaire, then just tell us that.

Philc1 @ 7/16/2024 9:06 AM
newyorknewyork wrote:
foosballnick wrote:
Alpha1971 wrote:
newyorknewyork wrote:GOP blaming the SS failure on a diversity hire. I guess since the shooter wasn't an antifa liberal and was a republican gun enthusiasts. Thats the angle to spin.

Hey, the SS assigned to Trump were all white on stage that I saw. So they blaming a minority or woman agent somewhere in the rally ?

I believe they are blaming a woman. It's the typical deflection spin rhetoric. "DEI" is the new anti-woman, anti-minority, anti-LBGTQ dog whistle

If the shooter was a liberal. That would be the top of the list to blame over what gender any SS person was. They have to give their base talking points to push back with so DEI is the next on the checklist. Women will have to take the fall here.

Could you imagine what would have happened if this kid was a Muslim? There’s be a massive call for an immigration ban from all countries that aren’t Sweden

Nalod @ 7/16/2024 9:15 AM

For many, Trump represents the embolden issues that lead to "Black Lives Matter" protests. Institutional racism might have existed for decades but he let be known it was ok.
Women's rights? He grabbed them pussies! Put in a Supreme Court that over ruled Roe vs. Wade, and there is a host of others that want to knock them down.
Antisemitic rhetoric increased in the aftermath of Charlottesville. "good people on both sides".

This is what many people see in Trump. They see seeds of facist uprising. The distain for media, highly educated, and science by those without knowledge of such things is fueled by speeches where he wants the votes.

Im not here to debate this. I would vote for Biden in a coma before I vote for trump.
I don't hate republicans. I hate what maga has done to that party. Dumbing it down.
Vance called Trump "Americas Hitler". Trump saw that as a compliment? Oye.

Nalod @ 7/17/2024 7:41 AM
"Make American Great Again" when asked by some are times in history that included political assassinations.
There would have been great irony had Trump not survived.
Im baffled by the "Blame the Media" rhetoric. Did Media buy a gun? Did Media pull the trigger?
Trump is truly "bulletproof".
He wants to get rid of the IRS that is after him?
Trump is the classic rich kid bully. How the struggling white lower masses came to love this guy is incredible.
martin @ 7/17/2024 8:11 AM
Nalod wrote:"Make American Great Again" when asked by some are times in history that included political assassinations.
There would have been great irony had Trump not survived.
Im baffled by the "Blame the Media" rhetoric. Did Media buy a gun? Did Media pull the trigger?
Trump is truly "bulletproof".
He wants to get rid of the IRS that is after him?
Trump is the classic rich kid bully. How the struggling white lower masses came to love this guy is incredible.

They have made themselves into profit centers based on giving out sold opinions while tying to play the News role and misleading their viewers. Some have flat out lied. I wouldn’t call them part of the solution or honest brokers of what they purportedly are providing to America.

Why are you baffled by this? Are your expectations that low?

Nalod @ 7/17/2024 1:44 PM
martin wrote:
Nalod wrote:"Make American Great Again" when asked by some are times in history that included political assassinations.
There would have been great irony had Trump not survived.
Im baffled by the "Blame the Media" rhetoric. Did Media buy a gun? Did Media pull the trigger?
Trump is truly "bulletproof".
He wants to get rid of the IRS that is after him?
Trump is the classic rich kid bully. How the struggling white lower masses came to love this guy is incredible.

They have made themselves into profit centers based on giving out sold opinions while tying to play the News role and misleading their viewers. Some have flat out lied. I wouldn’t call them part of the solution or honest brokers of what they purportedly are providing to America.

Why are you baffled by this? Are your expectations that low?

IM baffled by the degree by which we value opinions vs. the ability to think for ourselves. Im baffled by the hours people watch and get sucked into the emotional content.

MaddogSharp @ 7/17/2024 7:10 PM
GustavBahler wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
GustavBahler wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
GustavBahler wrote:Maddog, I'm sorry you've been given such a hard time. But respectfully, the Republican party changed with the arrival of Newt Gingrich, and George HW Bush's embrace of evangelicals. Picking one as his running mate. It was a purely political calculation, that started their eventual takeover of the GOP.
. Hey Gustav! No problem. Like I said i like everyone in here and it’s a great forum. I understand I can’t Change anyone’s mind on here and I am not trying to. Even though I’m extremely critical of the Democratic Party I just wanted to let it be known that I never hold that against anyone on here and how they feel. The great thing about this country is that we can have different views and it shouldn’t change how we feel about somebody as a person. To be honest I’ve been treated pretty well on this topic. I knew this is a sensitive topic and I know the site leans left but for the most part I’ve been treated pretty good which I appreciate

Glad to hear it. Politics aside, we're all Knicks fans here and thats all that matters.

. Absolutely!

Forgot to mention that Ive been critical of the Democratic Party as well, got into some heated exchanges about the Clintons and their "triangulation". Turning the party away from organized labor, the middle class, and more towards Wall Street.

. Oh I can relate. I’ve definitely been critical of the Republican Party plenty of times as well. I’m not some brainwashed guy. Been through a lot in my life so there’s no BS when it come to me 😂. It’s just that one Party a aligns much more with my views as an American and our history. If that upsets some I can’t help that but I’m not going to get upset and those who have different opinions than I do.
doomed @ 7/17/2024 7:57 PM
Nalod wrote:
For many, Trump represents the embolden issues that lead to "Black Lives Matter" protests. Institutional racism might have existed for decades but he let be known it was ok.
Women's rights? He grabbed them pussies! Put in a Supreme Court that over ruled Roe vs. Wade, and there is a host of others that want to knock them down.
Antisemitic rhetoric increased in the aftermath of Charlottesville. "good people on both sides".

This is what many people see in Trump. They see seeds of facist uprising. The distain for media, highly educated, and science by those without knowledge of such things is fueled by speeches where he wants the votes.

Im not here to debate this. I would vote for Biden in a coma before I vote for trump.
I don't hate republicans. I hate what maga has done to that party. Dumbing it down.
Vance called Trump "Americas Hitler". Trump saw that as a compliment? Oye.

I haven’t posted since we signed Brunson. I just wanted to say I echo this post word for word.

Trump is a cancer. Everything he touches turns to shit. EVERYTHiNG. Don’t believe me? You owe it yourself and your fellow man and woman to do the research. Be objective. Be fair. Look at things with an open mind. Look at things with an honest and clear lens. He is the worst American ever. Period. The passage of time will expose him eventually. I only hope it’s not too late before that time comes.

HofstraBBall @ 7/17/2024 8:34 PM
Nalod wrote:"Make American Great Again" when asked by some are times in history that included political assassinations.
There would have been great irony had Trump not survived.
Im baffled by the "Blame the Media" rhetoric. Did Media buy a gun? Did Media pull the trigger?
Trump is truly "bulletproof".
He wants to get rid of the IRS that is after him?
Trump is the classic rich kid bully. How the struggling white lower masses came to love this guy is incredible.

Trump and the many behind the scenes that prop him up knew something quite basic.
First, there are many that feel minorities are all uneducated, criminals. Many who have Nazi views. Many who feel women are no equals.
Second, they knew that most uneducated people struggling like to blame others for their plight.
Third, when all fails, pretend you are committed to religion.
The MAGA movement has done a great job amplifying those points to grab its base.
Trump learned from David Duke. Who tried to dress up the racist foundation of his platform. There are many out there, unfortunately, who have racist undertones. MAGA just needed to bring along the ones on the fence.

Some MAGA saying Trump represent conservative values is par for the course. Since it would be hard for them to state the true reasons without reproach on a NY forum.

The hypocrisy with MAGA runs deep. Christians standing by Trump despite Trump being the farthest from Christ like. Pornstars, seeing no reason to help those in need, making fun of others.

One of the biggest fears for me when Trump got elected was the division he would create. It’s here.
Problem is, too many clones have been created who see the playbook. Breed hate and take advantage of the tones mentioned above in many. Regardless if Trump is around, this is here to stay for a long long time now.

Thankful the shooter missed. Can only imagine the strengthening of the movement if Trump was made a martyr.

MaddogSharp @ 7/17/2024 8:40 PM
HofstraBBall wrote:
Nalod wrote:"Make American Great Again" when asked by some are times in history that included political assassinations.
There would have been great irony had Trump not survived.
Im baffled by the "Blame the Media" rhetoric. Did Media buy a gun? Did Media pull the trigger?
Trump is truly "bulletproof".
He wants to get rid of the IRS that is after him?
Trump is the classic rich kid bully. How the struggling white lower masses came to love this guy is incredible.

Trump and the many behind the scenes that prop him up knew something quite basic.
First, there are many that feel minorities are all uneducated, criminals. Many who have Nazi views. Many who feel women are no equals.
Second, they knew that most uneducated people struggling like to blame others for their plight.
Third, when all fails, pretend you are committed to religion.
The MAGA movement has done a great job amplifying those points to grab its base.
Trump learned from David Duke. Who tried to dress up the racist foundation of his platform. There are many out there, unfortunately, who have racist undertones. MAGA just needed to bring along the ones on the fence.

Some MAGA saying Trump represent conservative values is par for the course. Since it would be hard for them to state the true reasons without reproach on a NY forum.

The hypocrisy with MAGA runs deep. Christians standing by Trump despite Trump being the farthest from Christ like. Pornstars, seeing no reason to help those in need, making fun of others.

One of the biggest fears for me when Trump got elected was the division he would create. It’s here.
Problem is, too many clones have been created who see the playbook. Breed hate and take advantage of the tones mentioned above in many. Regardless if Trump is around, this is here to stay for a long long time now.

Thankful the shooter missed. Can only imagine the strengthening of the movement if Trump was made a martyr.

. The shooter didn’t miss unfortunately. An innocent man lost his life.
HofstraBBall @ 7/17/2024 9:09 PM
MaddogSharp wrote:
HofstraBBall wrote:
Nalod wrote:"Make American Great Again" when asked by some are times in history that included political assassinations.
There would have been great irony had Trump not survived.
Im baffled by the "Blame the Media" rhetoric. Did Media buy a gun? Did Media pull the trigger?
Trump is truly "bulletproof".
He wants to get rid of the IRS that is after him?
Trump is the classic rich kid bully. How the struggling white lower masses came to love this guy is incredible.

Trump and the many behind the scenes that prop him up knew something quite basic.
First, there are many that feel minorities are all uneducated, criminals. Many who have Nazi views. Many who feel women are no equals.
Second, they knew that most uneducated people struggling like to blame others for their plight.
Third, when all fails, pretend you are committed to religion.
The MAGA movement has done a great job amplifying those points to grab its base.
Trump learned from David Duke. Who tried to dress up the racist foundation of his platform. There are many out there, unfortunately, who have racist undertones. MAGA just needed to bring along the ones on the fence.

Some MAGA saying Trump represent conservative values is par for the course. Since it would be hard for them to state the true reasons without reproach on a NY forum.

The hypocrisy with MAGA runs deep. Christians standing by Trump despite Trump being the farthest from Christ like. Pornstars, seeing no reason to help those in need, making fun of others.

One of the biggest fears for me when Trump got elected was the division he would create. It’s here.
Problem is, too many clones have been created who see the playbook. Breed hate and take advantage of the tones mentioned above in many. Regardless if Trump is around, this is here to stay for a long long time now.

Thankful the shooter missed. Can only imagine the strengthening of the movement if Trump was made a martyr.

. The shooter didn’t miss unfortunately. An innocent man lost his life.

You are right. Feel horrible for him and his family.
Another case of mentally ill having access to forearms.
Saw how the kid was heavily bullied in school. Which is pretty common nowadays considering so many in the media and politics have made it acceptable to do so. Many who are suppose to be role models.

Shooter missing should have been shooter missed Trump. As I thought “martyr” comment suggested.

MaddogSharp @ 7/17/2024 9:13 PM
HofstraBBall wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
HofstraBBall wrote:
Nalod wrote:"Make American Great Again" when asked by some are times in history that included political assassinations.
There would have been great irony had Trump not survived.
Im baffled by the "Blame the Media" rhetoric. Did Media buy a gun? Did Media pull the trigger?
Trump is truly "bulletproof".
He wants to get rid of the IRS that is after him?
Trump is the classic rich kid bully. How the struggling white lower masses came to love this guy is incredible.

Trump and the many behind the scenes that prop him up knew something quite basic.
First, there are many that feel minorities are all uneducated, criminals. Many who have Nazi views. Many who feel women are no equals.
Second, they knew that most uneducated people struggling like to blame others for their plight.
Third, when all fails, pretend you are committed to religion.
The MAGA movement has done a great job amplifying those points to grab its base.
Trump learned from David Duke. Who tried to dress up the racist foundation of his platform. There are many out there, unfortunately, who have racist undertones. MAGA just needed to bring along the ones on the fence.

Some MAGA saying Trump represent conservative values is par for the course. Since it would be hard for them to state the true reasons without reproach on a NY forum.

The hypocrisy with MAGA runs deep. Christians standing by Trump despite Trump being the farthest from Christ like. Pornstars, seeing no reason to help those in need, making fun of others.

One of the biggest fears for me when Trump got elected was the division he would create. It’s here.
Problem is, too many clones have been created who see the playbook. Breed hate and take advantage of the tones mentioned above in many. Regardless if Trump is around, this is here to stay for a long long time now.

Thankful the shooter missed. Can only imagine the strengthening of the movement if Trump was made a martyr.

. The shooter didn’t miss unfortunately. An innocent man lost his life.

You are right. Feel horrible for him and his family.
Another case of mentally ill having access to forearms.
Saw how the kid was heavily bullied in school. Which is pretty common nowadays with all the ones who have made it acceptable in the media and politics. All who are role models.

Shooter missing should have been shooter missed Trump. As I thought “martyr” comment suggested.

. No matter your feelings about Trump you should be happy he missed Trump just on a human level not because it would make him a martyr. Look I think Biden and Obama have done horrendous damage as Presidents but if they same thing happened to one of them I would be happy they survived because they are still people and I feel it would’ve been horrific as a nation
martin @ 7/17/2024 10:53 PM
MaddogSharp wrote:
HofstraBBall wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
HofstraBBall wrote:
Nalod wrote:"Make American Great Again" when asked by some are times in history that included political assassinations.
There would have been great irony had Trump not survived.
Im baffled by the "Blame the Media" rhetoric. Did Media buy a gun? Did Media pull the trigger?
Trump is truly "bulletproof".
He wants to get rid of the IRS that is after him?
Trump is the classic rich kid bully. How the struggling white lower masses came to love this guy is incredible.

Trump and the many behind the scenes that prop him up knew something quite basic.
First, there are many that feel minorities are all uneducated, criminals. Many who have Nazi views. Many who feel women are no equals.
Second, they knew that most uneducated people struggling like to blame others for their plight.
Third, when all fails, pretend you are committed to religion.
The MAGA movement has done a great job amplifying those points to grab its base.
Trump learned from David Duke. Who tried to dress up the racist foundation of his platform. There are many out there, unfortunately, who have racist undertones. MAGA just needed to bring along the ones on the fence.

Some MAGA saying Trump represent conservative values is par for the course. Since it would be hard for them to state the true reasons without reproach on a NY forum.

The hypocrisy with MAGA runs deep. Christians standing by Trump despite Trump being the farthest from Christ like. Pornstars, seeing no reason to help those in need, making fun of others.

One of the biggest fears for me when Trump got elected was the division he would create. It’s here.
Problem is, too many clones have been created who see the playbook. Breed hate and take advantage of the tones mentioned above in many. Regardless if Trump is around, this is here to stay for a long long time now.

Thankful the shooter missed. Can only imagine the strengthening of the movement if Trump was made a martyr.

. The shooter didn’t miss unfortunately. An innocent man lost his life.

You are right. Feel horrible for him and his family.
Another case of mentally ill having access to forearms.
Saw how the kid was heavily bullied in school. Which is pretty common nowadays with all the ones who have made it acceptable in the media and politics. All who are role models.

Shooter missing should have been shooter missed Trump. As I thought “martyr” comment suggested.

. No matter your feelings about Trump you should be happy he missed Trump just on a human level not because it would make him a martyr. Look I think Biden and Obama have done horrendous damage as Presidents but if they same thing happened to one of them I would be happy they survived because they are still people and I feel it would’ve been horrific as a nation

What kind of idiot level drivel is this?

Maddog, no thanks.

foosballnick @ 7/18/2024 7:06 AM
MaddogSharp wrote:
HofstraBBall wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
HofstraBBall wrote:
Nalod wrote:"Make American Great Again" when asked by some are times in history that included political assassinations.
There would have been great irony had Trump not survived.
Im baffled by the "Blame the Media" rhetoric. Did Media buy a gun? Did Media pull the trigger?
Trump is truly "bulletproof".
He wants to get rid of the IRS that is after him?
Trump is the classic rich kid bully. How the struggling white lower masses came to love this guy is incredible.

Trump and the many behind the scenes that prop him up knew something quite basic.
First, there are many that feel minorities are all uneducated, criminals. Many who have Nazi views. Many who feel women are no equals.
Second, they knew that most uneducated people struggling like to blame others for their plight.
Third, when all fails, pretend you are committed to religion.
The MAGA movement has done a great job amplifying those points to grab its base.
Trump learned from David Duke. Who tried to dress up the racist foundation of his platform. There are many out there, unfortunately, who have racist undertones. MAGA just needed to bring along the ones on the fence.

Some MAGA saying Trump represent conservative values is par for the course. Since it would be hard for them to state the true reasons without reproach on a NY forum.

The hypocrisy with MAGA runs deep. Christians standing by Trump despite Trump being the farthest from Christ like. Pornstars, seeing no reason to help those in need, making fun of others.

One of the biggest fears for me when Trump got elected was the division he would create. It’s here.
Problem is, too many clones have been created who see the playbook. Breed hate and take advantage of the tones mentioned above in many. Regardless if Trump is around, this is here to stay for a long long time now.

Thankful the shooter missed. Can only imagine the strengthening of the movement if Trump was made a martyr.

. The shooter didn’t miss unfortunately. An innocent man lost his life.

You are right. Feel horrible for him and his family.
Another case of mentally ill having access to forearms.
Saw how the kid was heavily bullied in school. Which is pretty common nowadays with all the ones who have made it acceptable in the media and politics. All who are role models.

Shooter missing should have been shooter missed Trump. As I thought “martyr” comment suggested.

. No matter your feelings about Trump you should be happy he missed Trump just on a human level not because it would make him a martyr. Look I think Biden and Obama have done horrendous damage as Presidents but if they same thing happened to one of them I would be happy they survived because they are still people and I feel it would’ve been horrific as a nation

In what regard? For discussion purposes, it would help add context if you can provide examples of the damage you feel they have caused.

HofstraBBall @ 7/18/2024 8:19 AM
MaddogSharp wrote:
HofstraBBall wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
HofstraBBall wrote:
Nalod wrote:"Make American Great Again" when asked by some are times in history that included political assassinations.
There would have been great irony had Trump not survived.
Im baffled by the "Blame the Media" rhetoric. Did Media buy a gun? Did Media pull the trigger?
Trump is truly "bulletproof".
He wants to get rid of the IRS that is after him?
Trump is the classic rich kid bully. How the struggling white lower masses came to love this guy is incredible.

Trump and the many behind the scenes that prop him up knew something quite basic.
First, there are many that feel minorities are all uneducated, criminals. Many who have Nazi views. Many who feel women are no equals.
Second, they knew that most uneducated people struggling like to blame others for their plight.
Third, when all fails, pretend you are committed to religion.
The MAGA movement has done a great job amplifying those points to grab its base.
Trump learned from David Duke. Who tried to dress up the racist foundation of his platform. There are many out there, unfortunately, who have racist undertones. MAGA just needed to bring along the ones on the fence.

Some MAGA saying Trump represent conservative values is par for the course. Since it would be hard for them to state the true reasons without reproach on a NY forum.

The hypocrisy with MAGA runs deep. Christians standing by Trump despite Trump being the farthest from Christ like. Pornstars, seeing no reason to help those in need, making fun of others.

One of the biggest fears for me when Trump got elected was the division he would create. It’s here.
Problem is, too many clones have been created who see the playbook. Breed hate and take advantage of the tones mentioned above in many. Regardless if Trump is around, this is here to stay for a long long time now.

Thankful the shooter missed. Can only imagine the strengthening of the movement if Trump was made a martyr.

. The shooter didn’t miss unfortunately. An innocent man lost his life.

You are right. Feel horrible for him and his family.
Another case of mentally ill having access to forearms.
Saw how the kid was heavily bullied in school. Which is pretty common nowadays with all the ones who have made it acceptable in the media and politics. All who are role models.

Shooter missing should have been shooter missed Trump. As I thought “martyr” comment suggested.

. No matter your feelings about Trump you should be happy he missed Trump just on a human level not because it would make him a martyr. Look I think Biden and Obama have done horrendous damage as Presidents but if they same thing happened to one of them I would be happy they survived because they are still people and I feel it would’ve been horrific as a nation

You are doing what I feel have been programmed to do by the far right (MAGA). Which is what I said I feared the most. You assumed that I only wanted Trump to survive not because he is a human being but ONLY so he would not become a martyr? Divisive propaganda and hate speech teaches us to see the worst in others. Saying I am glad he missed Trump because one of the probable outcomes is that the part of his base that are far right and conspiracy centered would have gone to a new hate level once they had their martyr.

Typical when you talk to people today who have lost all sense of logic or discourse. They look to attack any possible difference instead of listening and finding common ground. Which is what the far right playbook has become.

Btw, you said you were a traditional conservative? I remember Reagan’s speech about the Berlin Wall.
Did you ever hear it? Think that was what conservatives were.
And can you tell me how the country is so bad today? Stock market at all time highs, unemployment at all time lows, the value of our houses are at all time highs. Most educated people that I know, are living extremely well. Most small cities have grown and prospered. You don’t see many “up and coming” areas anymore. They all came.
But if you list them maybe we can have a convo about each one.
Really want to know what you feel Obama and Biden did so bad?

CanItGetAnyWorse @ 7/18/2024 11:01 AM
HofstraBBall wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
HofstraBBall wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
HofstraBBall wrote:
Nalod wrote:"Make American Great Again" when asked by some are times in history that included political assassinations.
There would have been great irony had Trump not survived.
Im baffled by the "Blame the Media" rhetoric. Did Media buy a gun? Did Media pull the trigger?
Trump is truly "bulletproof".
He wants to get rid of the IRS that is after him?
Trump is the classic rich kid bully. How the struggling white lower masses came to love this guy is incredible.

Trump and the many behind the scenes that prop him up knew something quite basic.
First, there are many that feel minorities are all uneducated, criminals. Many who have Nazi views. Many who feel women are no equals.
Second, they knew that most uneducated people struggling like to blame others for their plight.
Third, when all fails, pretend you are committed to religion.
The MAGA movement has done a great job amplifying those points to grab its base.
Trump learned from David Duke. Who tried to dress up the racist foundation of his platform. There are many out there, unfortunately, who have racist undertones. MAGA just needed to bring along the ones on the fence.

Some MAGA saying Trump represent conservative values is par for the course. Since it would be hard for them to state the true reasons without reproach on a NY forum.

The hypocrisy with MAGA runs deep. Christians standing by Trump despite Trump being the farthest from Christ like. Pornstars, seeing no reason to help those in need, making fun of others.

One of the biggest fears for me when Trump got elected was the division he would create. It’s here.
Problem is, too many clones have been created who see the playbook. Breed hate and take advantage of the tones mentioned above in many. Regardless if Trump is around, this is here to stay for a long long time now.

Thankful the shooter missed. Can only imagine the strengthening of the movement if Trump was made a martyr.

. The shooter didn’t miss unfortunately. An innocent man lost his life.

You are right. Feel horrible for him and his family.
Another case of mentally ill having access to forearms.
Saw how the kid was heavily bullied in school. Which is pretty common nowadays with all the ones who have made it acceptable in the media and politics. All who are role models.

Shooter missing should have been shooter missed Trump. As I thought “martyr” comment suggested.

. No matter your feelings about Trump you should be happy he missed Trump just on a human level not because it would make him a martyr. Look I think Biden and Obama have done horrendous damage as Presidents but if they same thing happened to one of them I would be happy they survived because they are still people and I feel it would’ve been horrific as a nation

You are doing what I feel have been programmed to do by the far right (MAGA). Which is what I said I feared the most. You assumed that I only wanted Trump to survive not because he is a human being but ONLY so he would not become a martyr? Divisive propaganda and hate speech teaches us to see the worst in others. Saying I am glad he missed Trump because one of the probable outcomes is that the part of his base that are far right and conspiracy centered would have gone to a new hate level once they had their martyr.

Typical when you talk to people today who have lost all sense of logic or discourse. They look to attack any possible difference instead of listening and finding common ground. Which is what the far right playbook has become.

Btw, you said you were a traditional conservative? I remember Reagan’s speech about the Berlin Wall.
Did you ever hear it? Think that was what conservatives were.
And can you tell me how the country is so bad today? Stock market at all time highs, unemployment at all time lows, the value of our houses are at all time highs. Most educated people that I know, are living extremely well. Most small cities have grown and prospered. You don’t see many “up and coming” areas anymore. They all came.
But if you list them maybe we can have a convo about each one.
Really want to know what you feel Obama and Biden did so bad?

For clarity, all the Trump supporters I know are MAGA. That is half the Country, give or take.
You think half the Country is far right? Seems way extreme.

MaddogSharp @ 7/18/2024 11:14 AM
CanItGetAnyWorse wrote:
HofstraBBall wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
HofstraBBall wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
HofstraBBall wrote:
Nalod wrote:"Make American Great Again" when asked by some are times in history that included political assassinations.
There would have been great irony had Trump not survived.
Im baffled by the "Blame the Media" rhetoric. Did Media buy a gun? Did Media pull the trigger?
Trump is truly "bulletproof".
He wants to get rid of the IRS that is after him?
Trump is the classic rich kid bully. How the struggling white lower masses came to love this guy is incredible.

Trump and the many behind the scenes that prop him up knew something quite basic.
First, there are many that feel minorities are all uneducated, criminals. Many who have Nazi views. Many who feel women are no equals.
Second, they knew that most uneducated people struggling like to blame others for their plight.
Third, when all fails, pretend you are committed to religion.
The MAGA movement has done a great job amplifying those points to grab its base.
Trump learned from David Duke. Who tried to dress up the racist foundation of his platform. There are many out there, unfortunately, who have racist undertones. MAGA just needed to bring along the ones on the fence.

Some MAGA saying Trump represent conservative values is par for the course. Since it would be hard for them to state the true reasons without reproach on a NY forum.

The hypocrisy with MAGA runs deep. Christians standing by Trump despite Trump being the farthest from Christ like. Pornstars, seeing no reason to help those in need, making fun of others.

One of the biggest fears for me when Trump got elected was the division he would create. It’s here.
Problem is, too many clones have been created who see the playbook. Breed hate and take advantage of the tones mentioned above in many. Regardless if Trump is around, this is here to stay for a long long time now.

Thankful the shooter missed. Can only imagine the strengthening of the movement if Trump was made a martyr.

. The shooter didn’t miss unfortunately. An innocent man lost his life.

You are right. Feel horrible for him and his family.
Another case of mentally ill having access to forearms.
Saw how the kid was heavily bullied in school. Which is pretty common nowadays with all the ones who have made it acceptable in the media and politics. All who are role models.

Shooter missing should have been shooter missed Trump. As I thought “martyr” comment suggested.

. No matter your feelings about Trump you should be happy he missed Trump just on a human level not because it would make him a martyr. Look I think Biden and Obama have done horrendous damage as Presidents but if they same thing happened to one of them I would be happy they survived because they are still people and I feel it would’ve been horrific as a nation

You are doing what I feel have been programmed to do by the far right (MAGA). Which is what I said I feared the most. You assumed that I only wanted Trump to survive not because he is a human being but ONLY so he would not become a martyr? Divisive propaganda and hate speech teaches us to see the worst in others. Saying I am glad he missed Trump because one of the probable outcomes is that the part of his base that are far right and conspiracy centered would have gone to a new hate level once they had their martyr.

Typical when you talk to people today who have lost all sense of logic or discourse. They look to attack any possible difference instead of listening and finding common ground. Which is what the far right playbook has become.

Btw, you said you were a traditional conservative? I remember Reagan’s speech about the Berlin Wall.
Did you ever hear it? Think that was what conservatives were.
And can you tell me how the country is so bad today? Stock market at all time highs, unemployment at all time lows, the value of our houses are at all time highs. Most educated people that I know, are living extremely well. Most small cities have grown and prospered. You don’t see many “up and coming” areas anymore. They all came.
But if you list them maybe we can have a convo about each one.
Really want to know what you feel Obama and Biden did so bad?

For clarity, all the Trump supporters I know are MAGA. That is half the Country, give or take.
You think half the Country is far right? Seems way extreme.

. Good Post! Unfortunately even Biden called “MAGA or trump supporters a great threat to democracy” so like you said that’s calling out half the country. I don’t consider myself maga or a trumper I’m just a conservative. I don’t like inflation, huge gas prices, the worst border security or lack there of in our history, and most importantly a father what they’re doing in schools by implanted sexuality and LGBT stuff where it doesn’t belong. So that’s why I’m on the side I am and I stand firm. Like I say I may disagree politically but that won’t impact how I think of you as a person. As long as you’re a good person who gives me respect I will give you even more respect
Nalod @ 7/18/2024 2:15 PM
Inflation started from the pandemic and the financial hand outs were under the Trump admin.
High gas prices? They were low, then went high. Global supply and demand. WE don't have state owned oil companies.
Trump did not fix border issues. Its a humanity crisis and its global.
Sexuality in schools? Implanted? thats on the commnity school systems, not federal.
Your daughter gets raped, well tough luck if Vance has his way, she gonna carry her rapist baby daddy to term. You daughter gets preganant, has an issue, she cannot determine her fate. or her husband. or her father. Nope, the state does.
LBGT were it don't belong? "all men are created equal". DO you understand how little that is as a % of our population?
Your kids won't be gay because LBGT have rights.
These are not issues for the executive branch. They are issues to plug you in and make you vote.
Trump did not fix these things in his term.
Biden did not create inflation, and politicians don't fix it. Its the economy.
Trump wanted to get rid of "Obama care'>> funny thing is people like the Affordable care act. He never could tell us a better alternative.
Trump told you Obama was not an American citizen, Hilary was guilty, Drink bleach to kill Covid, women like to be grabbed by the pussy, and he is quite fond of Putin.
MaddogSharp @ 7/18/2024 2:24 PM
Nalod wrote:Inflation started from the pandemic and the financial hand outs were under the Trump admin.
High gas prices? They were low, then went high. Global supply and demand. WE don't have state owned oil companies.
Trump did not fix border issues. Its a humanity crisis and its global.
Sexuality in schools? Implanted? thats on the commnity school systems, not federal.
Your daughter gets raped, well tough luck if Vance has his way, she gonna carry her rapist baby daddy to term. You daughter gets preganant, has an issue, she cannot determine her fate. or her husband. or her father. Nope, the state does.
LBGT were it don't belong? "all men are created equal". DO you understand how little that is as a % of our population?
Your kids won't be gay because LBGT have rights.
These are not issues for the executive branch. They are issues to plug you in and make you vote.
Trump did not fix these things in his term.
Biden did not create inflation, and politicians don't fix it. Its the economy.
Trump wanted to get rid of "Obama care'>> funny thing is people like the Affordable care act. He never could tell us a better alternative.
Trump told you Obama was not an American citizen, Hilary was guilty, Drink bleach to kill Covid, women like to be grabbed by the pussy, and he is quite fond of Putin.
. Those are your opinions are you’re entitled to them just like I’m entitled to mine and won’t budge.
martin @ 7/18/2024 2:38 PM
MaddogSharp wrote:
Nalod wrote:Inflation started from the pandemic and the financial hand outs were under the Trump admin.
High gas prices? They were low, then went high. Global supply and demand. WE don't have state owned oil companies.
Trump did not fix border issues. Its a humanity crisis and its global.
Sexuality in schools? Implanted? thats on the commnity school systems, not federal.
Your daughter gets raped, well tough luck if Vance has his way, she gonna carry her rapist baby daddy to term. You daughter gets preganant, has an issue, she cannot determine her fate. or her husband. or her father. Nope, the state does.
LBGT were it don't belong? "all men are created equal". DO you understand how little that is as a % of our population?
Your kids won't be gay because LBGT have rights.
These are not issues for the executive branch. They are issues to plug you in and make you vote.
Trump did not fix these things in his term.
Biden did not create inflation, and politicians don't fix it. Its the economy.
Trump wanted to get rid of "Obama care'>> funny thing is people like the Affordable care act. He never could tell us a better alternative.
Trump told you Obama was not an American citizen, Hilary was guilty, Drink bleach to kill Covid, women like to be grabbed by the pussy, and he is quite fond of Putin.
. Those are your opinions are you’re entitled to them just like I’m entitled to mine and won’t budge.

MaddogSharp, those are mostly just commonly accepted things. You aren't operating in the real world.

HofstraBBall @ 7/18/2024 2:55 PM
CanItGetAnyWorse wrote:
HofstraBBall wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
HofstraBBall wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
HofstraBBall wrote:
Nalod wrote:"Make American Great Again" when asked by some are times in history that included political assassinations.
There would have been great irony had Trump not survived.
Im baffled by the "Blame the Media" rhetoric. Did Media buy a gun? Did Media pull the trigger?
Trump is truly "bulletproof".
He wants to get rid of the IRS that is after him?
Trump is the classic rich kid bully. How the struggling white lower masses came to love this guy is incredible.

Trump and the many behind the scenes that prop him up knew something quite basic.
First, there are many that feel minorities are all uneducated, criminals. Many who have Nazi views. Many who feel women are no equals.
Second, they knew that most uneducated people struggling like to blame others for their plight.
Third, when all fails, pretend you are committed to religion.
The MAGA movement has done a great job amplifying those points to grab its base.
Trump learned from David Duke. Who tried to dress up the racist foundation of his platform. There are many out there, unfortunately, who have racist undertones. MAGA just needed to bring along the ones on the fence.

Some MAGA saying Trump represent conservative values is par for the course. Since it would be hard for them to state the true reasons without reproach on a NY forum.

The hypocrisy with MAGA runs deep. Christians standing by Trump despite Trump being the farthest from Christ like. Pornstars, seeing no reason to help those in need, making fun of others.

One of the biggest fears for me when Trump got elected was the division he would create. It’s here.
Problem is, too many clones have been created who see the playbook. Breed hate and take advantage of the tones mentioned above in many. Regardless if Trump is around, this is here to stay for a long long time now.

Thankful the shooter missed. Can only imagine the strengthening of the movement if Trump was made a martyr.

. The shooter didn’t miss unfortunately. An innocent man lost his life.

You are right. Feel horrible for him and his family.
Another case of mentally ill having access to forearms.
Saw how the kid was heavily bullied in school. Which is pretty common nowadays with all the ones who have made it acceptable in the media and politics. All who are role models.

Shooter missing should have been shooter missed Trump. As I thought “martyr” comment suggested.

. No matter your feelings about Trump you should be happy he missed Trump just on a human level not because it would make him a martyr. Look I think Biden and Obama have done horrendous damage as Presidents but if they same thing happened to one of them I would be happy they survived because they are still people and I feel it would’ve been horrific as a nation

You are doing what I feel have been programmed to do by the far right (MAGA). Which is what I said I feared the most. You assumed that I only wanted Trump to survive not because he is a human being but ONLY so he would not become a martyr? Divisive propaganda and hate speech teaches us to see the worst in others. Saying I am glad he missed Trump because one of the probable outcomes is that the part of his base that are far right and conspiracy centered would have gone to a new hate level once they had their martyr.

Typical when you talk to people today who have lost all sense of logic or discourse. They look to attack any possible difference instead of listening and finding common ground. Which is what the far right playbook has become.

Btw, you said you were a traditional conservative? I remember Reagan’s speech about the Berlin Wall.
Did you ever hear it? Think that was what conservatives were.
And can you tell me how the country is so bad today? Stock market at all time highs, unemployment at all time lows, the value of our houses are at all time highs. Most educated people that I know, are living extremely well. Most small cities have grown and prospered. You don’t see many “up and coming” areas anymore. They all came.
But if you list them maybe we can have a convo about each one.
Really want to know what you feel Obama and Biden did so bad?

For clarity, all the Trump supporters I know are MAGA. That is half the Country, give or take.
You think half the Country is far right? Seems way extreme.

“All your friends are MAGA “ equals half the country?
Halt the population being republican is probable.
How many will get tired of the MAGA right is the question.
Btw, Always said 95% of the population is ignorant.

Do you believe old school republicans when they say the MAGA/Far right do not represent traditional conservative republicans? I know a lot of those.

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