Knicks · OT: Trump injured at rally (page 5)

Alpha1971 @ 7/14/2024 9:50 PM
MaddogSharp wrote:
Alpha1971 wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
Alpha1971 wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
fitzfarm wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
foosballnick wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
foosballnick wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
Alpha1971 wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
joec32033 wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
TheGame wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
TheGame wrote:After reading more about the incident, I no longer think it could have been staged. I am said to hear that another man, besides the shooter, lost his life.
. Anybody who thinks it was staged is either brainwashed or just not being objective. Pretty early in it was announced an innocent man in the crowd was killed and shot in the head. plus two others were critically wounded. That was soon after it happened so can’t stage that. If the situation was reversed I would also feel the same way even if it’s not the man I support. Human life is worth more especially American life

That is your opinion. I am neither brainwashed nor non-objective. I just would not take anything that happens with Trump at face value because Trump constantly creates drama and is constantly running cons. But as I stated, after reviewing the facts, it would appear highly unlikely that the shooting was staged.

. I guess my point is it’s pretty impossible to stage somebody getting murdered and couple others getting seriously injured on live tv.

I usually do not speak on politics I hate them. I consider myself a nothing in regards to democrat, republican, liberal, whatever. I just believe what is right is right now matter which side says it.

I am also not usually a conspiracy theorist. I don't like Biden but don't hate him, I tend to agree with much of what Trump says but HATE how he says it. He is purposely devisive

That being said, this sounds like a mix of the plots to the movies Shooter with Mark Wahlberg and the first Jack Reacher movie with Tom Cruise.

100%. Look I’m not a Trump cheerleader I’m a conservative all my life. I don’t always agree on the way Trump puts things but I like his policies and similar to you I tend to agree what he says. I also dont like politics and normally never do this but this is something that hasn’t happened since Reagan so it’s scary that a assassination was an inch away from occurring and a 50 year old family man was murdered .

I'm a former conservative, I won't go into the litany of ways Trump is not true to conservative values and infact conservative values often make no sense and " Conservatives don't really mean what they say, just say whatever to gain power. I don't like politics but I'd rather be in a tent with people who disagree with me instead of the modern Republican party. You mention Reagan, Reagan today would be labeled a liberal RINO. When Trump is reelected it's going to be scary and disgraceful, circa Argentina and Chile in the 70s.

. I disagree that the modern Republicans have changed radically that’s just a narrative networks like CNN spin which is probably why their viewership is at the bottom. Look Trump is definitely brash and goes too far with things he says sometimes but i think why many support him is that he doesn’t back down. Yesterday was another example, comes within an inch of getting his head blown off but still let’s the crowd know he is ok and to keep fighting fir what they believe in. People who hate him are going yo hate him so nothing will change that. But I think when it comes to policy and State of the country that where I stand

Perhaps you can't see it but Trump is a Populist, not a conservative. If you followed or studied Trump for any length of time you would understand that he has thrived through the media his entire life.....first as a socialite, then in real estate/casinos, then various last name branding exercises such as wine, buildings, golf courses, books, university (now even a Trump Bible, NFTs and Sneakers) etc. then as a reality personality, then a Democrat, then running as an Independent, then as a Republican, then with his own social media platform. He has generally gone with which way offers him the best individual opportunity, generally without any moral conviction. Example....the guy who likely has not followed any type of religion or scripture is currently hucking Trump Bibles.

. Yes I can see it and yes I have followed Trump through this career but thanks …I guess. Anyway when it comes Down to him I love our history even the tough times and I love my country. He’s the candidate who most aligns with my views and it’s not even close. Some hate him and that’s their right but I stand by my decisions

You haven't really expressed anything of substance regarding why you love Trump or what policies or principles you align with other than he's a tough guy. And when peope bring up something you just say you disagree without counter facts or even opinions. Frustrating and difficult to have a conversation when all someone is countering with is blind admiration for a politician.

. When did I say I love Trump? I dint remember ever saying that? When did I say he was a tough guy? I simply said he doesn’t back down. The reason why I haven’t go into it is because obviously the board leans very left so I don’t want to get into arguments. But I’d you want to know I really liked Trumps Border policies because the border is quite frankly a disaster and I’m sick of seeing women getting killed like Laken Riley by an illegal. There were no wars and peace in the middle east which i liked. I can keep going but again I really don’t want to talk politics I want to talk Knicks. The only reason I posted in here because yesterday was a terrible event and no matter political affiliation I felt this was the one time we can unite and realize violence against any Candidate and innocent Americans is wrong. Now I do blame myself because I should’ve just said my peace and left so I’ll take ownership of that. My main point is really I really like this forum it’s been really fun and especially seeing the Knicks become a contender and it’s exciting for all of us. I’m liking forward to enjoying it with everyone and god willing winning a title

So you hate women don’t think they deserve the right to their own bodies? You’re a racist ? Or you’re in the top percent financially and don’t want to pay the same percentage as the middle class?

Dude if your none of those things then why on earth would you vote for that idiot ? The trump bible??? You think Donald freaking trump ever stepped into a church on his own will what a phony lol . If this man wins he is going to destroy the fabric of our nation .

People who follow trump are the same people that would join a cult… get real man be a real American and vote for someone else trump is the least American person to ever run for president. He is a disgrace to this nation a disgusting human being a felon, a cheater, a liar, corrupt,and a phony . He doesn’t give a f u c k about you he is all about trump and that is it.

I’d rather you vote for RFK at least the guy has compassion and still has conservative views. You should look into him. He’s like trump but smarter and cares about the environment and the people lol.

. I knew this type of attack was coming so not surprised just surprised it took so long.

I personally don't agree with the style of how this poster expressed what he said. I know conservatives and most are not haters of women or are racist. But I also see a pattern on your part of being quick to play the victim and say your being attacked or making things out to be personal. You want to engage in discussions of a political nature, you did it, we didn't force you to write did we ? You exaggerate how someone disagrees with you to make arguments about yourself and not about the broader issues. That to be is curious and maybe I think that is indicative of something deeper that you may not be aware of. Conservatives often feel alienated and victimized. The drumbeat of the right wing media, OAN, FOX, The Blaze constantly sends the message that those who disagree with you hate you want to harm you, are sinister and going to try to change you. But conservative elected officials will make it safe for you. Your not wrong your right and we will prevail and vanquish their agendas. And Trump is the strongman who will protect you from illegal aliens who kill Americans. Trump will keep you safe and the other guys will let bad people hurt you.That is the entire right wing media message all day every day. But here on this forum Words are not going to harm you, man up and stop playing the victim

. Dude you gotta man up 😂

I am showing you empathy and respect. What else can you hope to expect on a forum ? I am personalizing you and acknowledging you as a person who has good intentions. So I am going to be optimistic you will respond with a more substantial offering next post. I am not passive aggressive in my style of discourse. I am direct and express respect by giving you the opportunity to express what you think. Stage is yours so utilize the opportunity to argue your points without playing the victim.

. I don’t play the victim. I simply pointed out that poster went overboard which you acknowledged and agreed with. I didn’t attack you. I simply disagreed with you. When it became clear we wouldn’t reach common ground I nicely tried to change the subject to the Knicks and I hoped that hopefully we can both enJoy a exciting season

What is your response on Republican obstruction of any substantial action on the boarder if it involves cooperation from Democrats that has been raised ? What is your response on the issues involving the Kurds ? Stay on topic.

fitzfarm @ 7/14/2024 9:56 PM
MaddogSharp wrote:
Alpha1971 wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
fitzfarm wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
foosballnick wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
foosballnick wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
Alpha1971 wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
joec32033 wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
TheGame wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
TheGame wrote:After reading more about the incident, I no longer think it could have been staged. I am said to hear that another man, besides the shooter, lost his life.
. Anybody who thinks it was staged is either brainwashed or just not being objective. Pretty early in it was announced an innocent man in the crowd was killed and shot in the head. plus two others were critically wounded. That was soon after it happened so can’t stage that. If the situation was reversed I would also feel the same way even if it’s not the man I support. Human life is worth more especially American life

That is your opinion. I am neither brainwashed nor non-objective. I just would not take anything that happens with Trump at face value because Trump constantly creates drama and is constantly running cons. But as I stated, after reviewing the facts, it would appear highly unlikely that the shooting was staged.

. I guess my point is it’s pretty impossible to stage somebody getting murdered and couple others getting seriously injured on live tv.

I usually do not speak on politics I hate them. I consider myself a nothing in regards to democrat, republican, liberal, whatever. I just believe what is right is right now matter which side says it.

I am also not usually a conspiracy theorist. I don't like Biden but don't hate him, I tend to agree with much of what Trump says but HATE how he says it. He is purposely devisive

That being said, this sounds like a mix of the plots to the movies Shooter with Mark Wahlberg and the first Jack Reacher movie with Tom Cruise.

100%. Look I’m not a Trump cheerleader I’m a conservative all my life. I don’t always agree on the way Trump puts things but I like his policies and similar to you I tend to agree what he says. I also dont like politics and normally never do this but this is something that hasn’t happened since Reagan so it’s scary that a assassination was an inch away from occurring and a 50 year old family man was murdered .

I'm a former conservative, I won't go into the litany of ways Trump is not true to conservative values and infact conservative values often make no sense and " Conservatives don't really mean what they say, just say whatever to gain power. I don't like politics but I'd rather be in a tent with people who disagree with me instead of the modern Republican party. You mention Reagan, Reagan today would be labeled a liberal RINO. When Trump is reelected it's going to be scary and disgraceful, circa Argentina and Chile in the 70s.

. I disagree that the modern Republicans have changed radically that’s just a narrative networks like CNN spin which is probably why their viewership is at the bottom. Look Trump is definitely brash and goes too far with things he says sometimes but i think why many support him is that he doesn’t back down. Yesterday was another example, comes within an inch of getting his head blown off but still let’s the crowd know he is ok and to keep fighting fir what they believe in. People who hate him are going yo hate him so nothing will change that. But I think when it comes to policy and State of the country that where I stand

Perhaps you can't see it but Trump is a Populist, not a conservative. If you followed or studied Trump for any length of time you would understand that he has thrived through the media his entire life.....first as a socialite, then in real estate/casinos, then various last name branding exercises such as wine, buildings, golf courses, books, university (now even a Trump Bible, NFTs and Sneakers) etc. then as a reality personality, then a Democrat, then running as an Independent, then as a Republican, then with his own social media platform. He has generally gone with which way offers him the best individual opportunity, generally without any moral conviction. Example....the guy who likely has not followed any type of religion or scripture is currently hucking Trump Bibles.

. Yes I can see it and yes I have followed Trump through this career but thanks …I guess. Anyway when it comes Down to him I love our history even the tough times and I love my country. He’s the candidate who most aligns with my views and it’s not even close. Some hate him and that’s their right but I stand by my decisions

You haven't really expressed anything of substance regarding why you love Trump or what policies or principles you align with other than he's a tough guy. And when peope bring up something you just say you disagree without counter facts or even opinions. Frustrating and difficult to have a conversation when all someone is countering with is blind admiration for a politician.

. When did I say I love Trump? I dint remember ever saying that? When did I say he was a tough guy? I simply said he doesn’t back down. The reason why I haven’t go into it is because obviously the board leans very left so I don’t want to get into arguments. But I’d you want to know I really liked Trumps Border policies because the border is quite frankly a disaster and I’m sick of seeing women getting killed like Laken Riley by an illegal. There were no wars and peace in the middle east which i liked. I can keep going but again I really don’t want to talk politics I want to talk Knicks. The only reason I posted in here because yesterday was a terrible event and no matter political affiliation I felt this was the one time we can unite and realize violence against any Candidate and innocent Americans is wrong. Now I do blame myself because I should’ve just said my peace and left so I’ll take ownership of that. My main point is really I really like this forum it’s been really fun and especially seeing the Knicks become a contender and it’s exciting for all of us. I’m liking forward to enjoying it with everyone and god willing winning a title

So you hate women don’t think they deserve the right to their own bodies? You’re a racist ? Or you’re in the top percent financially and don’t want to pay the same percentage as the middle class?

Dude if your none of those things then why on earth would you vote for that idiot ? The trump bible??? You think Donald freaking trump ever stepped into a church on his own will what a phony lol . If this man wins he is going to destroy the fabric of our nation .

People who follow trump are the same people that would join a cult… get real man be a real American and vote for someone else trump is the least American person to ever run for president. He is a disgrace to this nation a disgusting human being a felon, a cheater, a liar, corrupt,and a phony . He doesn’t give a f u c k about you he is all about trump and that is it.

I’d rather you vote for RFK at least the guy has compassion and still has conservative views. You should look into him. He’s like trump but smarter and cares about the environment and the people lol.

. I knew this type of attack was coming so not surprised just surprised it took so long.

I personally don't agree with the style of how this poster expressed what he said. I know conservatives and most are not haters of women or are racist. But I also see a pattern on your part of being quick to play the victim and say your being attacked or making things out to be personal. You want to engage in discussions of a political nature, you did it, we didn't force you to write did we ? You exaggerate how someone disagrees with you to make arguments about yourself and not about the broader issues. That to be is curious and maybe I think that is indicative of something deeper that you may not be aware of. Conservatives often feel alienated and victimized. The drumbeat of the right wing media, OAN, FOX, The Blaze constantly sends the message that those who disagree with you hate you want to harm you, are sinister and going to try to change you. But conservative elected officials will make it safe for you. Your not wrong your right and we will prevail and vanquish their agendas. And Trump is the strongman who will protect you from illegal aliens who kill Americans. Trump will keep you safe and the other guys will let bad people hurt you.That is the entire right wing media message all day every day. But here on this forum Words are not going to harm you, man up and stop playing the victim

. Dude you gotta man up 😂

I agree with what you’re saying because I never said conservatives, I said trump supporters. I too have friends that are conservative that aren’t racist or women haters. They also are smart and aren’t voting for trump. If border protection is his issue vote for RFK, he’s more of a conservative than trump ever will be on that topic.

newyorknewyork @ 7/14/2024 9:59 PM
foosballnick wrote:
Alpha1971 wrote:
newyorknewyork wrote:GOP blaming the SS failure on a diversity hire. I guess since the shooter wasn't an antifa liberal and was a republican gun enthusiasts. Thats the angle to spin.

Hey, the SS assigned to Trump were all white on stage that I saw. So they blaming a minority or woman agent somewhere in the rally ?

I believe they are blaming a woman. It's the typical deflection spin rhetoric. "DEI" is the new anti-woman, anti-minority, anti-LBGTQ dog whistle

If the shooter was a liberal. That would be the top of the list to blame over what gender any SS person was. They have to give their base talking points to push back with so DEI is the next on the checklist. Women will have to take the fall here.

Alpha1971 @ 7/14/2024 10:02 PM
What was the shooters story anyway ?
MaddogSharp @ 7/14/2024 10:03 PM
fitzfarm wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
Alpha1971 wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
fitzfarm wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
foosballnick wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
foosballnick wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
Alpha1971 wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
joec32033 wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
TheGame wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
TheGame wrote:After reading more about the incident, I no longer think it could have been staged. I am said to hear that another man, besides the shooter, lost his life.
. Anybody who thinks it was staged is either brainwashed or just not being objective. Pretty early in it was announced an innocent man in the crowd was killed and shot in the head. plus two others were critically wounded. That was soon after it happened so can’t stage that. If the situation was reversed I would also feel the same way even if it’s not the man I support. Human life is worth more especially American life

That is your opinion. I am neither brainwashed nor non-objective. I just would not take anything that happens with Trump at face value because Trump constantly creates drama and is constantly running cons. But as I stated, after reviewing the facts, it would appear highly unlikely that the shooting was staged.

. I guess my point is it’s pretty impossible to stage somebody getting murdered and couple others getting seriously injured on live tv.

I usually do not speak on politics I hate them. I consider myself a nothing in regards to democrat, republican, liberal, whatever. I just believe what is right is right now matter which side says it.

I am also not usually a conspiracy theorist. I don't like Biden but don't hate him, I tend to agree with much of what Trump says but HATE how he says it. He is purposely devisive

That being said, this sounds like a mix of the plots to the movies Shooter with Mark Wahlberg and the first Jack Reacher movie with Tom Cruise.

100%. Look I’m not a Trump cheerleader I’m a conservative all my life. I don’t always agree on the way Trump puts things but I like his policies and similar to you I tend to agree what he says. I also dont like politics and normally never do this but this is something that hasn’t happened since Reagan so it’s scary that a assassination was an inch away from occurring and a 50 year old family man was murdered .

I'm a former conservative, I won't go into the litany of ways Trump is not true to conservative values and infact conservative values often make no sense and " Conservatives don't really mean what they say, just say whatever to gain power. I don't like politics but I'd rather be in a tent with people who disagree with me instead of the modern Republican party. You mention Reagan, Reagan today would be labeled a liberal RINO. When Trump is reelected it's going to be scary and disgraceful, circa Argentina and Chile in the 70s.

. I disagree that the modern Republicans have changed radically that’s just a narrative networks like CNN spin which is probably why their viewership is at the bottom. Look Trump is definitely brash and goes too far with things he says sometimes but i think why many support him is that he doesn’t back down. Yesterday was another example, comes within an inch of getting his head blown off but still let’s the crowd know he is ok and to keep fighting fir what they believe in. People who hate him are going yo hate him so nothing will change that. But I think when it comes to policy and State of the country that where I stand

Perhaps you can't see it but Trump is a Populist, not a conservative. If you followed or studied Trump for any length of time you would understand that he has thrived through the media his entire life.....first as a socialite, then in real estate/casinos, then various last name branding exercises such as wine, buildings, golf courses, books, university (now even a Trump Bible, NFTs and Sneakers) etc. then as a reality personality, then a Democrat, then running as an Independent, then as a Republican, then with his own social media platform. He has generally gone with which way offers him the best individual opportunity, generally without any moral conviction. Example....the guy who likely has not followed any type of religion or scripture is currently hucking Trump Bibles.

. Yes I can see it and yes I have followed Trump through this career but thanks …I guess. Anyway when it comes Down to him I love our history even the tough times and I love my country. He’s the candidate who most aligns with my views and it’s not even close. Some hate him and that’s their right but I stand by my decisions

You haven't really expressed anything of substance regarding why you love Trump or what policies or principles you align with other than he's a tough guy. And when peope bring up something you just say you disagree without counter facts or even opinions. Frustrating and difficult to have a conversation when all someone is countering with is blind admiration for a politician.

. When did I say I love Trump? I dint remember ever saying that? When did I say he was a tough guy? I simply said he doesn’t back down. The reason why I haven’t go into it is because obviously the board leans very left so I don’t want to get into arguments. But I’d you want to know I really liked Trumps Border policies because the border is quite frankly a disaster and I’m sick of seeing women getting killed like Laken Riley by an illegal. There were no wars and peace in the middle east which i liked. I can keep going but again I really don’t want to talk politics I want to talk Knicks. The only reason I posted in here because yesterday was a terrible event and no matter political affiliation I felt this was the one time we can unite and realize violence against any Candidate and innocent Americans is wrong. Now I do blame myself because I should’ve just said my peace and left so I’ll take ownership of that. My main point is really I really like this forum it’s been really fun and especially seeing the Knicks become a contender and it’s exciting for all of us. I’m liking forward to enjoying it with everyone and god willing winning a title

So you hate women don’t think they deserve the right to their own bodies? You’re a racist ? Or you’re in the top percent financially and don’t want to pay the same percentage as the middle class?

Dude if your none of those things then why on earth would you vote for that idiot ? The trump bible??? You think Donald freaking trump ever stepped into a church on his own will what a phony lol . If this man wins he is going to destroy the fabric of our nation .

People who follow trump are the same people that would join a cult… get real man be a real American and vote for someone else trump is the least American person to ever run for president. He is a disgrace to this nation a disgusting human being a felon, a cheater, a liar, corrupt,and a phony . He doesn’t give a f u c k about you he is all about trump and that is it.

I’d rather you vote for RFK at least the guy has compassion and still has conservative views. You should look into him. He’s like trump but smarter and cares about the environment and the people lol.

. I knew this type of attack was coming so not surprised just surprised it took so long.

I personally don't agree with the style of how this poster expressed what he said. I know conservatives and most are not haters of women or are racist. But I also see a pattern on your part of being quick to play the victim and say your being attacked or making things out to be personal. You want to engage in discussions of a political nature, you did it, we didn't force you to write did we ? You exaggerate how someone disagrees with you to make arguments about yourself and not about the broader issues. That to be is curious and maybe I think that is indicative of something deeper that you may not be aware of. Conservatives often feel alienated and victimized. The drumbeat of the right wing media, OAN, FOX, The Blaze constantly sends the message that those who disagree with you hate you want to harm you, are sinister and going to try to change you. But conservative elected officials will make it safe for you. Your not wrong your right and we will prevail and vanquish their agendas. And Trump is the strongman who will protect you from illegal aliens who kill Americans. Trump will keep you safe and the other guys will let bad people hurt you.That is the entire right wing media message all day every day. But here on this forum Words are not going to harm you, man up and stop playing the victim

. Dude you gotta man up 😂

I agree with what you’re saying because I never said conservatives, I said trump supporters. I too have friends that are conservative that aren’t racist or women haters. They also are smart and aren’t voting for trump. If border protection is his issue vote for RFK, he’s more of a conservative than trump ever will be on that topic.

. I don’t label myself a “Trump supporter” or a “maga”. I’m a conservative period cut and dry. Like I’ve said a 1000 times already I am not a Trump cheerleader. I’ve criticized him plenty but when it comes to his policies and the Lefts for me personally it’s an easy decision If that makes you angry then I don’t know what to tell you other than tough shit I guess. Obviously you’re voting for Biden and that’s fine, indibt yet bent out of shape about it.
Alpha1971 @ 7/14/2024 10:22 PM
As a conservative person myself who loves the US, I guess I can't square how Americans who say they also love America can support Trump after the evil that we know happened on January 6th. I can't square how a conservative Republican Congress can demand a deal to fund boarder security, threatened to not fund the Govt, then a plan is reached and agreed to and it's killed by the same Republicans in deference to Trump so he can't allow Biden to get a victory, party over Nation. But at the same time people feel that Trump will keep them safe from illegal aliens. That's just for starters. Conservatives used to care about legal precedence, political and social norms, basic manners and courtesy. Now the modern Republican party does what Marco Rubio has done, shut up when, what they know is wrong is done, just to wait to hope to prosper personally while a great wrong to the nation is perpetrated, but maybe I'll be rewarded and become vice President or at least be on the ticket to boost my chance to be President next election. Man, I get it, it's politically expedient. The part I knew that once stood for something, stands only to serve FOX, and Republican Donors. But what's worse, the worst thing of all,the rank and file conservative voter is sold a bag of falsehoods and policies that will diminish their own self interests by a con man.
martin @ 7/14/2024 10:32 PM
Alpha1971 wrote:As a conservative person myself who loves the US, I guess I can't square how Americans who say they also love America can support Trump after the evil that we know happened on January 6th. I can't square how a conservative Republican Congress can demand a deal to fund boarder security, threatened to not fund the Govt, then a plan is reached and agreed to and it's killed by the same Republicans in deference to Trump so he can't allow Biden to get a victory, party over Nation. But at the same time people feel that Trump will keep them safe from illegal aliens. That's just for starters. Conservatives used to care about legal precedence, political and social norms, basic manners and courtesy. Now the modern Republican party does what Marco Rubio has done, shut up when, what they know is wrong is done, just to wait to hope to prosper personally while a great wrong to the nation is perpetrated, but maybe I'll be rewarded and become vice President or at least be on the ticket to boost my chance to be President next election. Man, I get it, it's politically expedient. The part I knew that once stood for something, stands only to serve FOX, and Republican Donors. But what's worse, the worst thing of all,the rank and file conservative voter is sold a bag of falsehoods and policies that will diminish their own self interests by a con man.

This is how sensible conservatives think. I don’t know what the rest are doing.

fitzfarm @ 7/14/2024 10:36 PM
MaddogSharp wrote:
fitzfarm wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
Alpha1971 wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
fitzfarm wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
foosballnick wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
foosballnick wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
Alpha1971 wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
joec32033 wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
TheGame wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
TheGame wrote:After reading more about the incident, I no longer think it could have been staged. I am said to hear that another man, besides the shooter, lost his life.
. Anybody who thinks it was staged is either brainwashed or just not being objective. Pretty early in it was announced an innocent man in the crowd was killed and shot in the head. plus two others were critically wounded. That was soon after it happened so can’t stage that. If the situation was reversed I would also feel the same way even if it’s not the man I support. Human life is worth more especially American life

That is your opinion. I am neither brainwashed nor non-objective. I just would not take anything that happens with Trump at face value because Trump constantly creates drama and is constantly running cons. But as I stated, after reviewing the facts, it would appear highly unlikely that the shooting was staged.

. I guess my point is it’s pretty impossible to stage somebody getting murdered and couple others getting seriously injured on live tv.

I usually do not speak on politics I hate them. I consider myself a nothing in regards to democrat, republican, liberal, whatever. I just believe what is right is right now matter which side says it.

I am also not usually a conspiracy theorist. I don't like Biden but don't hate him, I tend to agree with much of what Trump says but HATE how he says it. He is purposely devisive

That being said, this sounds like a mix of the plots to the movies Shooter with Mark Wahlberg and the first Jack Reacher movie with Tom Cruise.

100%. Look I’m not a Trump cheerleader I’m a conservative all my life. I don’t always agree on the way Trump puts things but I like his policies and similar to you I tend to agree what he says. I also dont like politics and normally never do this but this is something that hasn’t happened since Reagan so it’s scary that a assassination was an inch away from occurring and a 50 year old family man was murdered .

I'm a former conservative, I won't go into the litany of ways Trump is not true to conservative values and infact conservative values often make no sense and " Conservatives don't really mean what they say, just say whatever to gain power. I don't like politics but I'd rather be in a tent with people who disagree with me instead of the modern Republican party. You mention Reagan, Reagan today would be labeled a liberal RINO. When Trump is reelected it's going to be scary and disgraceful, circa Argentina and Chile in the 70s.

. I disagree that the modern Republicans have changed radically that’s just a narrative networks like CNN spin which is probably why their viewership is at the bottom. Look Trump is definitely brash and goes too far with things he says sometimes but i think why many support him is that he doesn’t back down. Yesterday was another example, comes within an inch of getting his head blown off but still let’s the crowd know he is ok and to keep fighting fir what they believe in. People who hate him are going yo hate him so nothing will change that. But I think when it comes to policy and State of the country that where I stand

Perhaps you can't see it but Trump is a Populist, not a conservative. If you followed or studied Trump for any length of time you would understand that he has thrived through the media his entire life.....first as a socialite, then in real estate/casinos, then various last name branding exercises such as wine, buildings, golf courses, books, university (now even a Trump Bible, NFTs and Sneakers) etc. then as a reality personality, then a Democrat, then running as an Independent, then as a Republican, then with his own social media platform. He has generally gone with which way offers him the best individual opportunity, generally without any moral conviction. Example....the guy who likely has not followed any type of religion or scripture is currently hucking Trump Bibles.

. Yes I can see it and yes I have followed Trump through this career but thanks …I guess. Anyway when it comes Down to him I love our history even the tough times and I love my country. He’s the candidate who most aligns with my views and it’s not even close. Some hate him and that’s their right but I stand by my decisions

You haven't really expressed anything of substance regarding why you love Trump or what policies or principles you align with other than he's a tough guy. And when peope bring up something you just say you disagree without counter facts or even opinions. Frustrating and difficult to have a conversation when all someone is countering with is blind admiration for a politician.

. When did I say I love Trump? I dint remember ever saying that? When did I say he was a tough guy? I simply said he doesn’t back down. The reason why I haven’t go into it is because obviously the board leans very left so I don’t want to get into arguments. But I’d you want to know I really liked Trumps Border policies because the border is quite frankly a disaster and I’m sick of seeing women getting killed like Laken Riley by an illegal. There were no wars and peace in the middle east which i liked. I can keep going but again I really don’t want to talk politics I want to talk Knicks. The only reason I posted in here because yesterday was a terrible event and no matter political affiliation I felt this was the one time we can unite and realize violence against any Candidate and innocent Americans is wrong. Now I do blame myself because I should’ve just said my peace and left so I’ll take ownership of that. My main point is really I really like this forum it’s been really fun and especially seeing the Knicks become a contender and it’s exciting for all of us. I’m liking forward to enjoying it with everyone and god willing winning a title

So you hate women don’t think they deserve the right to their own bodies? You’re a racist ? Or you’re in the top percent financially and don’t want to pay the same percentage as the middle class?

Dude if your none of those things then why on earth would you vote for that idiot ? The trump bible??? You think Donald freaking trump ever stepped into a church on his own will what a phony lol . If this man wins he is going to destroy the fabric of our nation .

People who follow trump are the same people that would join a cult… get real man be a real American and vote for someone else trump is the least American person to ever run for president. He is a disgrace to this nation a disgusting human being a felon, a cheater, a liar, corrupt,and a phony . He doesn’t give a f u c k about you he is all about trump and that is it.

I’d rather you vote for RFK at least the guy has compassion and still has conservative views. You should look into him. He’s like trump but smarter and cares about the environment and the people lol.

. I knew this type of attack was coming so not surprised just surprised it took so long.

I personally don't agree with the style of how this poster expressed what he said. I know conservatives and most are not haters of women or are racist. But I also see a pattern on your part of being quick to play the victim and say your being attacked or making things out to be personal. You want to engage in discussions of a political nature, you did it, we didn't force you to write did we ? You exaggerate how someone disagrees with you to make arguments about yourself and not about the broader issues. That to be is curious and maybe I think that is indicative of something deeper that you may not be aware of. Conservatives often feel alienated and victimized. The drumbeat of the right wing media, OAN, FOX, The Blaze constantly sends the message that those who disagree with you hate you want to harm you, are sinister and going to try to change you. But conservative elected officials will make it safe for you. Your not wrong your right and we will prevail and vanquish their agendas. And Trump is the strongman who will protect you from illegal aliens who kill Americans. Trump will keep you safe and the other guys will let bad people hurt you.That is the entire right wing media message all day every day. But here on this forum Words are not going to harm you, man up and stop playing the victim

. Dude you gotta man up 😂

I agree with what you’re saying because I never said conservatives, I said trump supporters. I too have friends that are conservative that aren’t racist or women haters. They also are smart and aren’t voting for trump. If border protection is his issue vote for RFK, he’s more of a conservative than trump ever will be on that topic.

. I don’t label myself a “Trump supporter” or a “maga”. I’m a conservative period cut and dry. Like I’ve said a 1000 times already I am not a Trump cheerleader. I’ve criticized him plenty but when it comes to his policies and the Lefts for me personally it’s an easy decision If that makes you angry then I don’t know what to tell you other than tough shit I guess. Obviously you’re voting for Biden and that’s fine, indibt yet bent out of shape about it.

Actually I’m not voting for Biden either luckily I live in a state where I don’t have to worry about trump winning. Honestly if the choice is to vote for criminal A or criminal B my vote is to not vote for either. That’s the most American thing you can do is take a stand for what is right . I choose compassion, I’m not going to support a war machine or corporate greed, I’m not going to support a candidate that is bought and paid for by the media superpowers in vanguard and blackrock just so they can push there corporate agenda . In my opinion this is the worst election in American history our choices that THEY have given us are disgraceful. But if you know history we are almost 250 yo as a nation and if you know history you know what’s probable in the near future . I have faith that we will come together as people if we can get over labels created to divide us. Again I have plenty of friends that are on both sides of the political spectrum at the end of the day we are all Americans . I wish you nothing but the best and good health:

MaddogSharp @ 7/14/2024 10:49 PM
fitzfarm wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
fitzfarm wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
Alpha1971 wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
fitzfarm wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
foosballnick wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
foosballnick wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
Alpha1971 wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
joec32033 wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
TheGame wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
TheGame wrote:After reading more about the incident, I no longer think it could have been staged. I am said to hear that another man, besides the shooter, lost his life.
. Anybody who thinks it was staged is either brainwashed or just not being objective. Pretty early in it was announced an innocent man in the crowd was killed and shot in the head. plus two others were critically wounded. That was soon after it happened so can’t stage that. If the situation was reversed I would also feel the same way even if it’s not the man I support. Human life is worth more especially American life

That is your opinion. I am neither brainwashed nor non-objective. I just would not take anything that happens with Trump at face value because Trump constantly creates drama and is constantly running cons. But as I stated, after reviewing the facts, it would appear highly unlikely that the shooting was staged.

. I guess my point is it’s pretty impossible to stage somebody getting murdered and couple others getting seriously injured on live tv.

I usually do not speak on politics I hate them. I consider myself a nothing in regards to democrat, republican, liberal, whatever. I just believe what is right is right now matter which side says it.

I am also not usually a conspiracy theorist. I don't like Biden but don't hate him, I tend to agree with much of what Trump says but HATE how he says it. He is purposely devisive

That being said, this sounds like a mix of the plots to the movies Shooter with Mark Wahlberg and the first Jack Reacher movie with Tom Cruise.

100%. Look I’m not a Trump cheerleader I’m a conservative all my life. I don’t always agree on the way Trump puts things but I like his policies and similar to you I tend to agree what he says. I also dont like politics and normally never do this but this is something that hasn’t happened since Reagan so it’s scary that a assassination was an inch away from occurring and a 50 year old family man was murdered .

I'm a former conservative, I won't go into the litany of ways Trump is not true to conservative values and infact conservative values often make no sense and " Conservatives don't really mean what they say, just say whatever to gain power. I don't like politics but I'd rather be in a tent with people who disagree with me instead of the modern Republican party. You mention Reagan, Reagan today would be labeled a liberal RINO. When Trump is reelected it's going to be scary and disgraceful, circa Argentina and Chile in the 70s.

. I disagree that the modern Republicans have changed radically that’s just a narrative networks like CNN spin which is probably why their viewership is at the bottom. Look Trump is definitely brash and goes too far with things he says sometimes but i think why many support him is that he doesn’t back down. Yesterday was another example, comes within an inch of getting his head blown off but still let’s the crowd know he is ok and to keep fighting fir what they believe in. People who hate him are going yo hate him so nothing will change that. But I think when it comes to policy and State of the country that where I stand

Perhaps you can't see it but Trump is a Populist, not a conservative. If you followed or studied Trump for any length of time you would understand that he has thrived through the media his entire life.....first as a socialite, then in real estate/casinos, then various last name branding exercises such as wine, buildings, golf courses, books, university (now even a Trump Bible, NFTs and Sneakers) etc. then as a reality personality, then a Democrat, then running as an Independent, then as a Republican, then with his own social media platform. He has generally gone with which way offers him the best individual opportunity, generally without any moral conviction. Example....the guy who likely has not followed any type of religion or scripture is currently hucking Trump Bibles.

. Yes I can see it and yes I have followed Trump through this career but thanks …I guess. Anyway when it comes Down to him I love our history even the tough times and I love my country. He’s the candidate who most aligns with my views and it’s not even close. Some hate him and that’s their right but I stand by my decisions

You haven't really expressed anything of substance regarding why you love Trump or what policies or principles you align with other than he's a tough guy. And when peope bring up something you just say you disagree without counter facts or even opinions. Frustrating and difficult to have a conversation when all someone is countering with is blind admiration for a politician.

. When did I say I love Trump? I dint remember ever saying that? When did I say he was a tough guy? I simply said he doesn’t back down. The reason why I haven’t go into it is because obviously the board leans very left so I don’t want to get into arguments. But I’d you want to know I really liked Trumps Border policies because the border is quite frankly a disaster and I’m sick of seeing women getting killed like Laken Riley by an illegal. There were no wars and peace in the middle east which i liked. I can keep going but again I really don’t want to talk politics I want to talk Knicks. The only reason I posted in here because yesterday was a terrible event and no matter political affiliation I felt this was the one time we can unite and realize violence against any Candidate and innocent Americans is wrong. Now I do blame myself because I should’ve just said my peace and left so I’ll take ownership of that. My main point is really I really like this forum it’s been really fun and especially seeing the Knicks become a contender and it’s exciting for all of us. I’m liking forward to enjoying it with everyone and god willing winning a title

So you hate women don’t think they deserve the right to their own bodies? You’re a racist ? Or you’re in the top percent financially and don’t want to pay the same percentage as the middle class?

Dude if your none of those things then why on earth would you vote for that idiot ? The trump bible??? You think Donald freaking trump ever stepped into a church on his own will what a phony lol . If this man wins he is going to destroy the fabric of our nation .

People who follow trump are the same people that would join a cult… get real man be a real American and vote for someone else trump is the least American person to ever run for president. He is a disgrace to this nation a disgusting human being a felon, a cheater, a liar, corrupt,and a phony . He doesn’t give a f u c k about you he is all about trump and that is it.

I’d rather you vote for RFK at least the guy has compassion and still has conservative views. You should look into him. He’s like trump but smarter and cares about the environment and the people lol.

. I knew this type of attack was coming so not surprised just surprised it took so long.

I personally don't agree with the style of how this poster expressed what he said. I know conservatives and most are not haters of women or are racist. But I also see a pattern on your part of being quick to play the victim and say your being attacked or making things out to be personal. You want to engage in discussions of a political nature, you did it, we didn't force you to write did we ? You exaggerate how someone disagrees with you to make arguments about yourself and not about the broader issues. That to be is curious and maybe I think that is indicative of something deeper that you may not be aware of. Conservatives often feel alienated and victimized. The drumbeat of the right wing media, OAN, FOX, The Blaze constantly sends the message that those who disagree with you hate you want to harm you, are sinister and going to try to change you. But conservative elected officials will make it safe for you. Your not wrong your right and we will prevail and vanquish their agendas. And Trump is the strongman who will protect you from illegal aliens who kill Americans. Trump will keep you safe and the other guys will let bad people hurt you.That is the entire right wing media message all day every day. But here on this forum Words are not going to harm you, man up and stop playing the victim

. Dude you gotta man up 😂

I agree with what you’re saying because I never said conservatives, I said trump supporters. I too have friends that are conservative that aren’t racist or women haters. They also are smart and aren’t voting for trump. If border protection is his issue vote for RFK, he’s more of a conservative than trump ever will be on that topic.

. I don’t label myself a “Trump supporter” or a “maga”. I’m a conservative period cut and dry. Like I’ve said a 1000 times already I am not a Trump cheerleader. I’ve criticized him plenty but when it comes to his policies and the Lefts for me personally it’s an easy decision If that makes you angry then I don’t know what to tell you other than tough shit I guess. Obviously you’re voting for Biden and that’s fine, indibt yet bent out of shape about it.

Actually I’m not voting for Biden either luckily I live in a state where I don’t have to worry about trump winning. Honestly if the choice is to vote for criminal A or criminal B my vote is to not vote for either. That’s the most American thing you can do is take a stand for what is right . I choose compassion, I’m not going to support a war machine or corporate greed, I’m not going to support a candidate that is bought and paid for by the media superpowers in vanguard and blackrock just so they can push there corporate agenda . In my opinion this is the worst election in American history our choices that THEY have given us are disgraceful. But if you know history we are almost 250 yo as a nation and if you know history you know what’s probable in the near future . I have faith that we will come together as people if we can get over labels created to divide us. Again I have plenty of friends that are on both sides of the political spectrum at the end of the day we are all Americans . I wish you nothing but the best and good health:

. Well I appreciate the kinds words at the end. Absolutely I want nothing more than being able to unite despite political differences. Like I mentioned i witnessed 9/11 and remembered how Americans rallied together the the following months. Things are so much different now. Now if you vote for a certain person you get marked with labels which is silly to me and untrue but it’s the way it is in this social media age sadly
ESOMKnicks @ 7/15/2024 7:43 AM
Reminds me of Stephen King's The Dead Zone.
newyorknewyork @ 7/15/2024 8:24 AM
Philc1 @ 7/15/2024 9:49 AM
Who taught this kid how to shoot? Elfrid Payton?
dodger78 @ 7/15/2024 10:36 AM
MaddogSharp wrote:
Alpha1971 wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
joec32033 wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
TheGame wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
TheGame wrote:After reading more about the incident, I no longer think it could have been staged. I am said to hear that another man, besides the shooter, lost his life.
. Anybody who thinks it was staged is either brainwashed or just not being objective. Pretty early in it was announced an innocent man in the crowd was killed and shot in the head. plus two others were critically wounded. That was soon after it happened so can’t stage that. If the situation was reversed I would also feel the same way even if it’s not the man I support. Human life is worth more especially American life

That is your opinion. I am neither brainwashed nor non-objective. I just would not take anything that happens with Trump at face value because Trump constantly creates drama and is constantly running cons. But as I stated, after reviewing the facts, it would appear highly unlikely that the shooting was staged.

. I guess my point is it’s pretty impossible to stage somebody getting murdered and couple others getting seriously injured on live tv.

I usually do not speak on politics I hate them. I consider myself a nothing in regards to democrat, republican, liberal, whatever. I just believe what is right is right now matter which side says it.

I am also not usually a conspiracy theorist. I don't like Biden but don't hate him, I tend to agree with much of what Trump says but HATE how he says it. He is purposely devisive

That being said, this sounds like a mix of the plots to the movies Shooter with Mark Wahlberg and the first Jack Reacher movie with Tom Cruise.

100%. Look I’m not a Trump cheerleader I’m a conservative all my life. I don’t always agree on the way Trump puts things but I like his policies and similar to you I tend to agree what he says. I also dont like politics and normally never do this but this is something that hasn’t happened since Reagan so it’s scary that a assassination was an inch away from occurring and a 50 year old family man was murdered .

I'm a former conservative, I won't go into the litany of ways Trump is not true to conservative values and infact conservative values often make no sense and " Conservatives don't really mean what they say, just say whatever to gain power. I don't like politics but I'd rather be in a tent with people who disagree with me instead of the modern Republican party. You mention Reagan, Reagan today would be labeled a liberal RINO. When Trump is reelected it's going to be scary and disgraceful, circa Argentina and Chile in the 70s.

. I disagree that the modern Republicans have changed radically that’s just a narrative networks like CNN spin which is probably why their viewership is at the bottom. Look Trump is definitely brash and goes too far with things he says sometimes but i think why many support him is that he doesn’t back down. Yesterday was another example, comes within an inch of getting his head blown off but still let’s the crowd know he is ok and to keep fighting fir what they believe in. People who hate him are going yo hate him so nothing will change that. But I think when it comes to policy and State of the country that where I stand

So not backing down is the absolute key asset or skill for a president you prefer over ... lets say... a moral compass that is somehow reflecting lets put christian values here?!
Im asking cause this is something I really really do not get... its like electing a bully in highschool to be speaker or whatever... Just because he "does not back down" - which actually is also HIGHLY debateable with Trump in regards of Putin etc.
Why is not backing down the thing necessary at the moment in politics?!? Its not... I would rather think "bringing ppl togehter", finding solutions and enabling them via compromise on a global scale is sooo much more important today!!!

MaddogSharp @ 7/15/2024 10:50 AM
dodger78 wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
Alpha1971 wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
joec32033 wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
TheGame wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
TheGame wrote:After reading more about the incident, I no longer think it could have been staged. I am said to hear that another man, besides the shooter, lost his life.
. Anybody who thinks it was staged is either brainwashed or just not being objective. Pretty early in it was announced an innocent man in the crowd was killed and shot in the head. plus two others were critically wounded. That was soon after it happened so can’t stage that. If the situation was reversed I would also feel the same way even if it’s not the man I support. Human life is worth more especially American life

That is your opinion. I am neither brainwashed nor non-objective. I just would not take anything that happens with Trump at face value because Trump constantly creates drama and is constantly running cons. But as I stated, after reviewing the facts, it would appear highly unlikely that the shooting was staged.

. I guess my point is it’s pretty impossible to stage somebody getting murdered and couple others getting seriously injured on live tv.

I usually do not speak on politics I hate them. I consider myself a nothing in regards to democrat, republican, liberal, whatever. I just believe what is right is right now matter which side says it.

I am also not usually a conspiracy theorist. I don't like Biden but don't hate him, I tend to agree with much of what Trump says but HATE how he says it. He is purposely devisive

That being said, this sounds like a mix of the plots to the movies Shooter with Mark Wahlberg and the first Jack Reacher movie with Tom Cruise.

100%. Look I’m not a Trump cheerleader I’m a conservative all my life. I don’t always agree on the way Trump puts things but I like his policies and similar to you I tend to agree what he says. I also dont like politics and normally never do this but this is something that hasn’t happened since Reagan so it’s scary that a assassination was an inch away from occurring and a 50 year old family man was murdered .

I'm a former conservative, I won't go into the litany of ways Trump is not true to conservative values and infact conservative values often make no sense and " Conservatives don't really mean what they say, just say whatever to gain power. I don't like politics but I'd rather be in a tent with people who disagree with me instead of the modern Republican party. You mention Reagan, Reagan today would be labeled a liberal RINO. When Trump is reelected it's going to be scary and disgraceful, circa Argentina and Chile in the 70s.

. I disagree that the modern Republicans have changed radically that’s just a narrative networks like CNN spin which is probably why their viewership is at the bottom. Look Trump is definitely brash and goes too far with things he says sometimes but i think why many support him is that he doesn’t back down. Yesterday was another example, comes within an inch of getting his head blown off but still let’s the crowd know he is ok and to keep fighting fir what they believe in. People who hate him are going yo hate him so nothing will change that. But I think when it comes to policy and State of the country that where I stand

So not backing down is the absolute key asset or skill for a president you prefer over ... lets say... a moral compass that is somehow reflecting lets put christian values here?!
Im asking cause this is something I really really do not get... its like electing a bully in highschool to be speaker or whatever... Just because he "does not back down" - which actually is also HIGHLY debateable with Trump in regards of Putin etc.
Why is not backing down the thing necessary at the moment in politics?!? Its not... I would rather think "bringing ppl togehter", finding solutions and enabling them via compromise on a global scale is sooo much more important today!!!

when did I ever say the key asset was “not backing down”? Like I mentioned before I’ve said my peace so I’m not going to discuss politics anymore because it’s a losing battle on this particular site. I really like everyone on here but politics seems to get very nasty when somebody has a different opinion or voted for somebody you hate. I prefer peace.
GustavBahler @ 7/15/2024 11:10 AM
Maddog, I'm sorry you've been given such a hard time. But respectfully, the Republican party changed with the arrival of Newt Gingrich, and George HW Bush's embrace of evangelicals. Picking one as his running mate. It was a purely political calculation, that started their eventual takeover of the GOP.
MaddogSharp @ 7/15/2024 11:22 AM
GustavBahler wrote:Maddog, I'm sorry you've been given such a hard time. But respectfully, the Republican party changed with the arrival of Newt Gingrich, and George HW Bush's embrace of evangelicals. Picking one as his running mate. It was a purely political calculation, that started their eventual takeover of the GOP.
. Hey Gustav! No problem. Like I said i like everyone in here and it’s a great forum. I understand I can’t Change anyone’s mind on here and I am not trying to. Even though I’m extremely critical of the Democratic Party I just wanted to let it be known that I never hold that against anyone on here and how they feel. The great thing about this country is that we can have different views and it shouldn’t change how we feel about somebody as a person. To be honest I’ve been treated pretty well on this topic. I knew this is a sensitive topic and I know the site leans left but for the most part I’ve been treated pretty good which I appreciate
GustavBahler @ 7/15/2024 11:32 AM
MaddogSharp wrote:
GustavBahler wrote:Maddog, I'm sorry you've been given such a hard time. But respectfully, the Republican party changed with the arrival of Newt Gingrich, and George HW Bush's embrace of evangelicals. Picking one as his running mate. It was a purely political calculation, that started their eventual takeover of the GOP.
. Hey Gustav! No problem. Like I said i like everyone in here and it’s a great forum. I understand I can’t Change anyone’s mind on here and I am not trying to. Even though I’m extremely critical of the Democratic Party I just wanted to let it be known that I never hold that against anyone on here and how they feel. The great thing about this country is that we can have different views and it shouldn’t change how we feel about somebody as a person. To be honest I’ve been treated pretty well on this topic. I knew this is a sensitive topic and I know the site leans left but for the most part I’ve been treated pretty good which I appreciate

Glad to hear it. Politics aside, we're all Knicks fans here and thats all that matters.

MaddogSharp @ 7/15/2024 11:34 AM
GustavBahler wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
GustavBahler wrote:Maddog, I'm sorry you've been given such a hard time. But respectfully, the Republican party changed with the arrival of Newt Gingrich, and George HW Bush's embrace of evangelicals. Picking one as his running mate. It was a purely political calculation, that started their eventual takeover of the GOP.
. Hey Gustav! No problem. Like I said i like everyone in here and it’s a great forum. I understand I can’t Change anyone’s mind on here and I am not trying to. Even though I’m extremely critical of the Democratic Party I just wanted to let it be known that I never hold that against anyone on here and how they feel. The great thing about this country is that we can have different views and it shouldn’t change how we feel about somebody as a person. To be honest I’ve been treated pretty well on this topic. I knew this is a sensitive topic and I know the site leans left but for the most part I’ve been treated pretty good which I appreciate

Glad to hear it. Politics aside, we're all Knicks fans here and thats all that matters.

. Absolutely!
GustavBahler @ 7/15/2024 5:41 PM
MaddogSharp wrote:
GustavBahler wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
GustavBahler wrote:Maddog, I'm sorry you've been given such a hard time. But respectfully, the Republican party changed with the arrival of Newt Gingrich, and George HW Bush's embrace of evangelicals. Picking one as his running mate. It was a purely political calculation, that started their eventual takeover of the GOP.
. Hey Gustav! No problem. Like I said i like everyone in here and it’s a great forum. I understand I can’t Change anyone’s mind on here and I am not trying to. Even though I’m extremely critical of the Democratic Party I just wanted to let it be known that I never hold that against anyone on here and how they feel. The great thing about this country is that we can have different views and it shouldn’t change how we feel about somebody as a person. To be honest I’ve been treated pretty well on this topic. I knew this is a sensitive topic and I know the site leans left but for the most part I’ve been treated pretty good which I appreciate

Glad to hear it. Politics aside, we're all Knicks fans here and thats all that matters.

. Absolutely!

Forgot to mention that Ive been critical of the Democratic Party as well, got into some heated exchanges about the Clintons and their "triangulation". Turning the party away from organized labor, the middle class, and more towards Wall Street.

newyorknewyork @ 7/15/2024 7:35 PM
martin @ 7/16/2024 8:47 AM
MaddogSharp wrote:I can keep going but again I really don’t want to talk politics I want to talk Knicks.

MaddogSharp wrote:I’ve said my peace so I’m not going to discuss politics anymore because it’s a losing battle on this particular site. I really like everyone on here but politics seems to get very nasty when somebody has a different opinion or voted for somebody you hate. I prefer peace.

MaddogSharp wrote:I’m a conservative period cut and dry. Like I’ve said a 1000 times already I am not a Trump cheerleader. I’ve criticized him plenty but when it comes to his policies and the Lefts for me personally it’s an easy decision If that makes you angry then I don’t know what to tell you other than tough shit I guess. Obviously you’re voting for Biden and that’s fine, indibt yet bent out of shape about it.

MaddogSharp, I don't find that you are being an honest broker of conversation here. You state that you don't want to participate but you are also willing to participate with your opinion and make it particularly clear. If you find that participation styles is a losing battle, it's because of folks like you and the way you have chosen to engage. You stopped being willing to have a conversation and you have told us that very clearly.

I'd challenge anyone to help me understand what their conservative values are and how Trump in his 4 years matched those values and how those policies going forward match conservative values - in particular, include what your take on national security may be, because YOUR conservative party does not value that at all, they just nominated a guy who was caught stealing classified documents and left them laying around for other countries to pick through.

Additionally, help me understand how the conservative movement over the last decades has helped our country move forward. Like this: every time a Republican is in office, the national debt goes up, for Democrats, it is helped. How can you not be behind what the party that actually represents those fiscal values. Unless of course you are a multimillionaire, then just tell us that.

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