Clean wrote:
I had no idea we was shooting this well.
Josh is the outlier... everyone else is just up a bit. None of them have ever played in an offense like this. Literally all starting 5 can drive, dish, slash and shoot the 3. There is just too much space. Every team has defender or two they need to hide. This group utterly destroys that. Weakest shooting link is Josh and by putting the ball in his hands he creates his own space.
Clean wrote:
I had no idea we was shooting this well.
...And if Bridges shoots 3 to his average, which he is now over 4% below his norm, he should be having a strong second half, though others, like Hart, may see their average drop over time.
The most important consideration, for me, is WHY our distance numbers are so good right now. Is it practice, confidence, better ball movement, some kind of KAT factor, a temporary anomaly...Or all of the above?
Notice anyone? You might have to click to see the full picture.