this team won't win 80 games--it's trash
I wonder if A-Rod is actually clean now? If so, why the heck did he ever use steroids?! It's only 32 at bats but still...
Bonn1997 wrote:I wonder if A-Rod is actually clean now? If so, why the heck did he ever use steroids?! It's only 32 at bats but still...
Yeah he's been great. My feeling is he's clean now, but I wouldn't blame anyone who has doubts...Part of me feels bad for the guy. Yeah, he messed up BAD but he paid a steep price for it -- it's over now. The Yanks didn't trade him or cut him, he's back and part of the team. Small sample so far, I get that, but he's back to the point where he's a major threat in the lineup and back to giving the team proper return on their investment. He deserves credit -- I thought we'd see a complete train wreck of a player this year but that hasn't been the case at all...He's carrying this team right now. For the Yanks to come out in advance and say they're not gonna celebrate him passing Mays on the HR list and plan on fighting him getting his $6mm kicker or whatever (something that's in his contract that the Yanks agreed to pay him), it just feels wrong and real sour grapes. I feel like if the HR to pass Mays comes at home, you take a min. to put it up on the board, you have the PA announcer congratulate him and give the fans an opportunity to acknowledge it if they want (unless A-Rod informs the team he doesn't want any acknowledgement at all which could very well be--I'd probably feel that way if I were him. Mark my words though, if the Yanks chose to do nothing, the fans and his teammates will find a way to acknowledge it somehow). And you pay the man the kicker you agreed to pay him. I mean come on Hal and Hank--did you like any of the HRs he's hit while wearing a Yankee uniform up 'til now? Some were huge.. Even this year, he's hit 4 big HRs--2 that won the 2nd game of the Rays series. Did Hal, Hank and co. clap and like those HRs? I'm sure they did. I know I did..Do they want the guy content and productive the rest of the year? I hope so -- I certainly do...Don't be cheap hypocrites. Stay classy--acknowledge the milestone however brief for one of your own & pay the man the money. If the Stadium crowd can forgive him for the most part (he's gotten a lot of love this year so far--it's nice to see people forgive), why can't the Yankees' brass? Right now, I see a hot productive player and a team that's just gotten themselves back on track. Synergy is good right now..Why do anything to disrupt that? This guy's suffered through a tremendous amount of embarrassment both professionally and personally along with great financial loss--let the man move on now. I dunno -- maybe I've softened up as I've gotten older but I can't see burning this man at the stake. MUCH, MUCH worse people in the world than Alex Rodriguez.
Three series, three series won. Against some early-season high quality teams, none the less. I am ecstatic. Now, please just beat the Rays up again.
I wonder if anyone still really believes CC should have been the opening day pitcher now?
So when A-rod hits 661, what should the Yankees do? Hand out black BioGen t-shirts to all paying fans? Picket the Player's association? Threaten to secede from the league because someone forgot to put in "marketability clauses" into a $300 million dollar contract?
The Yankees have an incredible bullpen from 1-7 I think best in majors by far. If they are winning into the 6th its trouble for other teams. Now can they sustain for another 140?
Girardi brings in Betances in that second game and he strikes out all 4 Red Sox to end the game. Seemed like he threw all of 12 pitches, too. Unfreaking real.
Overall I've been happy with how this team is playing but they can't keep putting CC out there to lose games. They're 17-6 without his decisions but he's 0-5. If he's still this bad in 2 months, I hope they have the guts to send him to the bullpen as a long reliever. I'm surprised Young isn't playing every day also.
CC's not getting much run support, but he is pitching bad. Tex and McCann leaving 7 LOB. No matter what, I don't see CC going to the bullpen. For what, to eff that up?
He'll probably end up on the DL. Only a matter of time before something is found (or made up) that's broken or torn. First time I've ever heard of a pitcher being happy he's got "extra padding". 
Pirela going 2 for 4 at the bottom of the order.
jrodmc wrote:CC's not getting much run support, but he is pitching bad. Tex and McCann leaving 7 LOB. No matter what, I don't see CC going to the bullpen. For what, to eff that up?He'll probably end up on the DL. Only a matter of time before something is found (or made up) that's broken or torn. First time I've ever heard of a pitcher being happy he's got "extra padding". 
Pirela going 2 for 4 at the bottom of the order.
Yeah, CC's not pitching quite as badly as his record but he's still been bad. For the past few years now, his strikeouts and walks have been good but he gives up a million home runs. I think he could help the team more as a long reliever than on the DL but you're prob right that they won't do that. It would be publicly admitting how bad his contract is if the only thing he can do while healthy is mid relief.
Bonn1997 wrote:jrodmc wrote:CC's not getting much run support, but he is pitching bad. Tex and McCann leaving 7 LOB. No matter what, I don't see CC going to the bullpen. For what, to eff that up?He'll probably end up on the DL. Only a matter of time before something is found (or made up) that's broken or torn. First time I've ever heard of a pitcher being happy he's got "extra padding". 
Pirela going 2 for 4 at the bottom of the order.
Yeah, CC's not pitching quite as badly as his record but he's still been bad. For the past few years now, his strikeouts and walks have been good but he gives up a million home runs. I think he could help the team more as a long reliever than on the DL but you're prob right that they won't do that. It would be publicly admitting how bad his contract is if the only thing he can do while healthy is mid relief.
That's what used to drive me nuts when Wetteland was closing for the Yankees all those years ago. He'd give up one or two homers and almost blow the game, but then would strike out the side. Too much drama. Yeah, Bonn, I know, you weren't out of diapers yet back then. 
The bullpen from start to finish is a beautiful thing right now, not in need of any drama. I think we will just have to suffer through with having the most expensive, largest, back of the rotation guy in the majors. Not like he's got any trade value with his performance and that contract.
jrodmc wrote:Bonn1997 wrote:jrodmc wrote:CC's not getting much run support, but he is pitching bad. Tex and McCann leaving 7 LOB. No matter what, I don't see CC going to the bullpen. For what, to eff that up?He'll probably end up on the DL. Only a matter of time before something is found (or made up) that's broken or torn. First time I've ever heard of a pitcher being happy he's got "extra padding". 
Pirela going 2 for 4 at the bottom of the order.
Yeah, CC's not pitching quite as badly as his record but he's still been bad. For the past few years now, his strikeouts and walks have been good but he gives up a million home runs. I think he could help the team more as a long reliever than on the DL but you're prob right that they won't do that. It would be publicly admitting how bad his contract is if the only thing he can do while healthy is mid relief.
That's what used to drive me nuts when Wetteland was closing for the Yankees all those years ago. He'd give up one or two homers and almost blow the game, but then would strike out the side. Too much drama. Yeah, Bonn, I know, you weren't out of diapers yet back then. 
The bullpen from start to finish is a beautiful thing right now, not in need of any drama. I think we will just have to suffer through with having the most expensive, largest, back of the rotation guy in the majors. Not like he's got any trade value with his performance and that contract.
I remember Wetteland!
If everyone's healthy (including Tanaka and Nova), CC is the 6th starter though and he might be 0-10 by then!
He might be able to throw 1 to 2 mph harder as a reliever and actually have some value. It's OK to experiment a little during the regular season. I think you're right that they'd just put him on the DL though. CC would have to actually approach Cashman and Girardi and say that he wants to try bullpen work.
CC's value is that he'll give the team a lot of innings, even if he's bad. He's thrown 200 innings his while career until last year. After Tanaka and Pineda, which is as good a top 2 as there is in the AL, the Yankees don't have a viable starter that stands out from the rest right now so there isn't really any reason to take him out of the rotation.
y2zipper wrote:CC's value is that he'll give the team a lot of innings, even if he's bad. He's thrown 200 innings his while career until last year. After Tanaka and Pineda, which is as good a top 2 as there is in the AL, the Yankees don't have a viable starter that stands out from the rest right now so there isn't really any reason to take him out of the rotation.
Right now his wins above replacement is -0.1, meaning that you could give his innings to a replacement level player (a guy who barely made it into the league) and get a slightly better result. It would be great to get him out of the starting lineup. It would require Tanaka and Nova being healthy and the other starters to continue pitching better than CC.
I haven't heard this discussed more...Why does Chris Young not play every day?
Bonn1997 wrote:I haven't heard this discussed more...Why does Chris Young not play every day?
It's a valid point -- Young's gotta play over Beltran full-time. No question about it. Both guys are just keeping RF warm for Aaron Judge (who's been hot in the minors, along with Refsnyder -- both guys might be a year away right now) but in the meantime Young's got a lot more to offer at this point over Beltran both offensively and defensively. Young's a nice player -- good pop, he's fast and he's a lot better fielder than I first thought. Above average at all 3 OF spots. Good pickup last year...I'd even play Pirela full-time at 2B now that he's up. Those are the 2 offensive tweaks to make -- insert Young and Pirela full-time and don't look back. What does Joe think he owes Beltran and Drew? Absolutely nothing. Neither guy has done a damn thing since putting on the pinstripes...
It's amazing how it took a few years but the Pineda trade looks brilliant now. I just hope he stays healthy!
Finestrg wrote:Bonn1997 wrote:I haven't heard this discussed more...Why does Chris Young not play every day?
It's a valid point -- Young's gotta play over Beltran full-time. No question about it. Both guys are just keeping RF warm for Aaron Judge (who's been hot in the minors, along with Refsnyder -- both guys might be a year away right now) but in the meantime Young's got a lot more to offer at this point over Beltran both offensively and defensively. Young's a nice player -- good pop, he's fast and he's a lot better fielder than I first thought. Above average at all 3 OF spots. Good pickup last year...I'd even play Pirela full-time at 2B now that he's up. Those are the 2 offensive tweaks to make -- insert Young and Pirela full-time and don't look back. What does Joe think he owes Beltran and Drew? Absolutely nothing. Neither guy has done a damn thing since putting on the pinstripes...
Funny, I wonder if they post UK Off Topic Yankee thread in the clubhouse?.... Beltran finally hits a homer and Drew's doing his Cano impersonation at 2nd base. 
I've liked Young since he blasted that walk off homer last year against...I forget, but it was towards the end of the season. Don't you love how almost all ex-Mets seem to thrive in Yankee Stadium? Except for Beltran, obviously.
Bonn1997 wrote:It's amazing how it took a few years but the Pineda trade looks brilliant now. I just hope he stays healthy!
Yeah, I almost went to look up Montero's AAA numbers, but figured it wasn't worth it.
Bonn1997 wrote:y2zipper wrote:CC's value is that he'll give the team a lot of innings, even if he's bad. He's thrown 200 innings his while career until last year. After Tanaka and Pineda, which is as good a top 2 as there is in the AL, the Yankees don't have a viable starter that stands out from the rest right now so there isn't really any reason to take him out of the rotation.
Right now his wins above replacement is -0.1, meaning that you could give his innings to a replacement level player (a guy who barely made it into the league) and get a slightly better result. It would be great to get him out of the starting lineup. It would require Tanaka and Nova being healthy and the other starters to continue pitching better than CC.
Would Capuano qualify as a replacement level player?
Pineda, Eovaldi, Capuano, Nova, Warren, CC. Not terrible, if healthy (and the BP remains healthy as well), hopefully. 
And if Tanaka actually comes back, all the better.
Capuano in 2013 and 2014 was a perfect example of a replacement level player.
I don't think they wanna rush Severino or Ian Clarkin (you figure Severino's at least a year away; Clarkin hasn't even pitched yet this year--he's prob. 2+ years away), so you figure the big rotation tweaks we can make from within might be calling up Bryan Mitchell at some point, followed by Capuano (doesn't excite me at all, although he was decent for us last year and they are paying him $5mm) and hopefully getting Nova back at some point after the all-star break (would be great but I'm not holding my breath--I think he's gonna need more time than that). I think with a tweak here and there, the offense can sustain and the bullpen is a big plus, esp. the 2 backend guys...The rotation is clearly the biggest concern. CC's just an average to below-average pitcher now, Eovaldi's still evolving (hard to believe he gets hit as hard as he does, esp. now pitching in a different league where no one has seen him. He threw a ton of splits/changeups during spring training to good effect. Where's that pitch now?? He's gotta throw those more imo). There's clearly a need for another capable starter. I just don't see the big move for Cole Hasmels -- he could help but I dunno--he's over 30, already given up 8 HRs (how does this guy translate over to the better-hitting AL?), and his salary is an absolute albatross -- he's set to make something like $22.5mm a season through 2019 or 2020). Plus he'd cost a ton in terms of prospects -- you know Philly would ask for the moon. If we're gonna empty the cupboard for a starter, I want a bonafide ace, not a 2 or a 3 masquerading as one.
They're good enough to win this division and get back in the playoffs. I'm convinced of that--I hope they are. I hope they see the need to be spenders, esp. on a rotation arm if our own internal options to enhance go nowhere. I'd love to see them stay clear of the big splash move for a Cole Hamels -- I'd rather see them look into making an opportunistic trade for a good young arm, someone like a Danny Salazar. I've wanted Salazar since last year. Cleveland lost their starting catcher, Yan Gomes, a couple of weeks ago to a knee injury and their backup catcher, Roberto Perez, is barely cutting it hitting .173. Salazar didn't even make the Indians out of spring training -- that was the time to pounce. Ever since being called up a few weeks ago he's been very good, including an 11 K performance yesterday (4-1, 3.27 ERA, league hitting only .200 against him, 48 Ks in 33 IP). We had a window to try to get this guy -- it's gonna be hard now. Still, I'd call up Cleveland and feel them out on this--they'd probably want to hold onto Salazar now esp. with Kluber not pitching well, but I'd give them a call to see if they'd have an interest in a package built around Gary Sanchez/Austin Romine and see where that lead. Probably nowhere but you never know... I'd much rather go after a young, salary-controlled youngster like a Danny Salazar over Cole Hamels.