Off Topic · Proof the Bombs not planes took down WTC (page 1)

playa2 @ 5/25/2010 6:09 AM


playa2 @ 5/25/2010 7:22 AM
Silverfuel @ 5/25/2010 7:45 AM
As time passes, there is more and more evidence that we were not told the entire truth. Where there is smoke there is fire.

playa: mad props for putting these up.

Marv @ 5/25/2010 8:34 AM
Silverfuel wrote:As time passes, there is more and more evidence that we were not told the entire truth. Where there is smoke there is fire.

playa: mad props for putting these up.

disagree. playa this is what got your stupid ass banned at least twice before. u feel like going bye bye again?

nyk4ever @ 5/25/2010 9:03 AM
so what you're saying is that terrorists put bombs on the plane for added explosion? so what?

yeah, george bush rigged the twin towers with explosives and then had planes fly into them. cmon dude, i'm all about the Illuminati and conspiracy theories but this is just ass-dumb.

Allanfan20 @ 5/25/2010 9:54 AM
Marv wrote:
Silverfuel wrote:As time passes, there is more and more evidence that we were not told the entire truth. Where there is smoke there is fire.

playa: mad props for putting these up.

disagree. playa this is what got your stupid ass banned at least twice before. u feel like going bye bye again?

I would say just ban him now before the crap posts get out of hand again, like it did a couple of years ago.

playa2 @ 5/25/2010 9:59 AM
nyk4ever wrote:so what you're saying is that terrorists put bombs on the plane for added explosion? so what?

yeah, george bush rigged the twin towers with explosives and then had planes fly into them. cmon dude, i'm all about the Illuminati and conspiracy theories but this is just ass-dumb.

Marvin Bush (George's bro) was the head of Security for the World Trade Centers leading up to 9/11
and that a couple of weeks before the attack they removed bomb sniffing dogs from the Security detail.

Did they also clear out certain floors due to Security Drills a couple of weeks before the attacks?

No bomb sniffing dogs. Clear out certain floors. Bush's younger brother in charge of the company providing security.

The day after Bush took office in 2001 Marvin was handed a $50 million plus contract to handle security of the Twin Towers and Dulles Airport. He had absolutely no background to indicate he could handle such a contract, or the job it entailed, but this is how all the Bushes got rich, with government contracts given to them by other Bush family members. Marvin was in charge of security on 9/11 at both the WTC and Dulles. You can look it up on line, Google Marvin bush and you will find out a lot about the "other Bush brother" that absolutely no one in the press will ever discuss or talk to the Bush family about, or ask the hard questions of George W. like, "what qualifications did your brother have that gave you the right to award such a huge contract to provide security at the WTC and Dulles airport to him?"

If some don't understand , don't knock what you haven't researched yourself. Allan go play in traffic

playa2 @ 5/25/2010 10:07 AM
nyk4ever wrote:so what you're saying is that terrorists put bombs on the plane for added explosion? so what?

yeah, george bush rigged the twin towers with explosives and then had planes fly into them. cmon dude, i'm all about the Illuminati and conspiracy theories but this is just ass-dumb.

Terrorist ha ha, they couldn't fly a plane at that size with the accuracy it would have taken a remote controlled plane to do that.

Operation 911: NO SUICIDE PILOTS
by Carol A. Valentine

October 6, 2001--There were no "suicide" pilots on those September 11 jets. The jets were controlled by advanced robotics and remote-control technology, not hijackers. Fantastic? Before I explain, read about the history-making robot/remote-controlled jet plane.
Global Hawk: Now You Have It ...

The Northrop Grumman Global Hawk is a robotized American military jet that has a wingspan of a Boeing 737. The excerpts below were taken from an article entitled: "Robot plane flies Pacific unmanned," which appeared in the April 24, 2001 edition of Britain's International Television News :

"The aircraft essentially flies itself, right from takeoff, right through to landing, and even taxiing off the runway," according to the Australian Global Hawk manager Rod Smith. Here is an excerpt from that article:

A robot plane has made aviation history by becoming the first unmanned aircraft to fly across the Pacific Ocean.

The American high-altitude Global Hawk spy plane made flew (sic) across the ocean to Australia, defence officials confirmed.

The Global Hawk, a jet-powered aircraft with a wingspan equivalent to a Boeing 737 flew from Edwards Air Force Base in California and landed late on Monday at the Royal Australian Air Force base at Edinburgh, in South Australia state... [NOTE: two of the aircraft involved in the 911 crashes were Boeing 757s, two were Boeing 767s]

It flies along a pre-programmed flight path, but a pilot monitors the aircraft during its flight via a sensor suite which provides infra-red and visual images.

(See: or or
... And Now You Don't

Then, on September 20, 2001, The Economist published comments from a former boss of British Airways, Robert Ayling. In a section subtitled "On autopilot into the future," The Economist wrote:

Robert Ayling, a former boss of British Airways, suggested in The Financial Times this week that aircraft could be commandeered from the ground and controlled remotely in the event of a hijack ...

So, even though the ITN article was published on April 24, in September, after the 911 crashes, Mr. Ayling is pretending Global Hawk technology is a thing of the future.

Then The New York Times ran this:

... In addition, the president [President Bush] said he would give grants to airlines to allow them to develop stronger cockpit doors and transponders that cannot be switched off from the cockpit. Government grants would also be available to pay for video monitors that would be placed in the cockpit to alert pilots to trouble in the cabin; and new technology, probably far in the future, allowing air traffic controllers to land distressed planes by remote control.
("Bush to Increase Federal Role in Security at Airports," The New York Times, Sept. 28, 2001; emphasis added.)

So, then, right after Operation 911 was pulled off, two men of world influence were pretending such technology had not yet been perfected. That was dishonest. And revealing.

Run a Google Advanced Search on the phrase "Global Hawk," and you will find additional information. Meanwhile, I have attached the text of the ITN article at the end of this piece.

Silverfuel @ 5/25/2010 10:39 AM
the first video is from cnn? why would/should he get banned for posting a video aired on a legit newschannel? give me a fucking break guys!
Marv @ 5/25/2010 10:53 AM
Silverfuel wrote:the first video is from cnn? why would/should he get banned for posting a video aired on a legit newschannel? give me a fucking break guys!

Silver, playa’s used this board before as his personal twitter site for all his conspiracy theories and started thread after thread based on links from all his favorite conspiracy sites. Whether he’s posting from cnn or not, let him make one thread called PLAYA’S OFFICIAL CONSPIRACY THREAD and stick to that. Like we got briggs to chill by creating one LEBRON RUMOR thread. Apparently allanfan reacted like I did that we’ve seen this before and where it goes with him despite repeated warnings from the mods.

Silverfuel @ 5/25/2010 11:06 AM
Marv: I guess this one is on me because I emailed that link to him. I didnt post it here because it is a sensitive topic and its never possible to tell how people will react but it is a credible source. For the record, this is not exactly a conspiracy theory. CNN interviewed several people that were in the WTC towers before the planes hit. They all said they heard bombs going off way before the planes hit.

There are a lot of people that share playa's point of view on this including american politicians and scientist. I dont think it is fair to call for someone to be banned because of this thread.

Allanfan20 @ 5/25/2010 11:07 AM
Silverfuel wrote:the first video is from cnn? why would/should he get banned for posting a video aired on a legit newschannel? give me a fucking break guys!

Have you ever thought that it could be some bullsheeot scam and you shouldn't believe everything you see (The way playa does)?

Silverfuel @ 5/25/2010 11:12 AM
Allanfan20 wrote:
Silverfuel wrote:the first video is from cnn? why would/should he get banned for posting a video aired on a legit newschannel? give me a fucking break guys!

Have you ever thought that it could be some bullsheeot scam and you shouldn't believe everything you see (The way playa does)?

I have considered that several times. There are way too many discrepancies with the 9/11 report and playa is not alone on this one.

EDIT: I am not arguing what happened on 9/11, I am arguing that he should not get banned.

Marv @ 5/25/2010 11:12 AM
Silverfuel wrote:Marv: I guess this one is on me because I emailed that link to him. I didnt post it here because it is a sensitive topic and its never possible to tell how people will react but it is a credible source. For the record, this is not exactly a conspiracy theory. CNN interviewed several people that were in the WTC towers before the planes hit. They all said they heard bombs going off way before the planes hit.

There are a lot of people that share playa's point of view on this including american politicians and scientist. I dont think it is fair to call for someone to be banned because of this thread.

ok. good and fair points imo. but you gotta remember that plays's got a bad history here with posting all manners of inane stuff and flooding the board with it, so he's gonna draw heat for any indication of starting that up again.

Allanfan20 @ 5/25/2010 11:14 AM
Silverfuel wrote:Marv: I guess this one is on me because I emailed that link to him. I didnt post it here because it is a sensitive topic and its never possible to tell how people will react but it is a credible source. For the record, this is not exactly a conspiracy theory. CNN interviewed several people that were in the WTC towers before the planes hit. They all said they heard bombs going off way before the planes hit.

There are a lot of people that share playa's point of view on this including american politicians and scientist. I dont think it is fair to call for someone to be banned because of this thread.

It is a conspiracy theory. What Playa is trying to get to is that Bush's people set up that bomb to make it look like a terrorist attack, which already doesn't make sense. Why not just have one of their own pilots fly into the building, if that were the case. Obviously the planes alone are enough to take the building down.

And don't you think that there would have been MUCH more coverage if their were a bomb? It doesn't make an inkling of sense.

I'm sorry, but playa is just spitting out bullcrap again.

Silverfuel @ 5/25/2010 11:23 AM
Its playa spitting out a youtube link of a CNN video.
bitty41 @ 5/25/2010 11:31 AM
Allanfan20 wrote:
Silverfuel wrote:Marv: I guess this one is on me because I emailed that link to him. I didnt post it here because it is a sensitive topic and its never possible to tell how people will react but it is a credible source. For the record, this is not exactly a conspiracy theory. CNN interviewed several people that were in the WTC towers before the planes hit. They all said they heard bombs going off way before the planes hit.

There are a lot of people that share playa's point of view on this including american politicians and scientist. I dont think it is fair to call for someone to be banned because of this thread.

It is a conspiracy theory. What Playa is trying to get to is that Bush's people set up that bomb to make it look like a terrorist attack, which already doesn't make sense. Why not just have one of their own pilots fly into the building, if that were the case. Obviously the planes alone are enough to take the building down.

And don't you think that there would have been MUCH more coverage if their were a bomb? It doesn't make an inkling of sense.

I'm sorry, but playa is just spitting out bullcrap again.

There has been some documentation that suggested that President Roosevelt was aware of the Pearl Harbor attack before it occurred and did nothing. The reasoning for why he didn't authorize a preemptive attack is because he knew Americans would never support US involvement in WW2 (this was during the time when the US had a very isolationist Foreign Policy). I reiterate this claim with a heavy heart because Roosevelt imo was one of this country's greatest Presidents.

Allanfan20 @ 5/25/2010 11:33 AM
Silverfuel wrote:Its playa spitting out a youtube link of a CNN video.

Yeah well I tend to not go for youtube links like that. I'd need A LOT more evidence to show that this was a bomb. And there's also A LOT of ways to make a video like that, and make it look like a serious CNN report. Who were those people in the interviews? When were the interviews honestly done? Come on, be honest. Who put that youtube video together? Were those clips actually shown on CNN or were they from some computer/video junkie who goes for conspiracys like playa does? To me, it doesn't show anything, and I need A LOT more, and it has to come from someone not named Playa, for a start, for me to start listening.

I'm sorry, but I just tend to look at what Playa says in just about all of his posts, and read bullcrap. They all lack substance, including this one.

Allanfan20 @ 5/25/2010 11:35 AM
bitty41 wrote:
Allanfan20 wrote:
Silverfuel wrote:Marv: I guess this one is on me because I emailed that link to him. I didnt post it here because it is a sensitive topic and its never possible to tell how people will react but it is a credible source. For the record, this is not exactly a conspiracy theory. CNN interviewed several people that were in the WTC towers before the planes hit. They all said they heard bombs going off way before the planes hit.

There are a lot of people that share playa's point of view on this including american politicians and scientist. I dont think it is fair to call for someone to be banned because of this thread.

It is a conspiracy theory. What Playa is trying to get to is that Bush's people set up that bomb to make it look like a terrorist attack, which already doesn't make sense. Why not just have one of their own pilots fly into the building, if that were the case. Obviously the planes alone are enough to take the building down.

And don't you think that there would have been MUCH more coverage if their were a bomb? It doesn't make an inkling of sense.

I'm sorry, but playa is just spitting out bullcrap again.

There has been some documentation that suggested that President Roosevelt was aware of the Pearl Harbor attack before it occurred and did nothing. The reasoning for why he didn't authorize a preemptive attack is because he knew Americans would never support US involvement in WW2 (this was during the time when the US had a very isolationist Foreign Policy). I reiterate this claim with a heavy heart because Roosevelt imo was one of this country's greatest Presidents.

So are you saying that because that is an accusation (Which you never said you believed) then this is a possibility?

nyk4ever @ 5/25/2010 11:39 AM
they decided that they don't need either one of the towers anymore and what better way to get rid of them then by flying planes and exploding bombs into them on purpose. all while killing thousands of people and destroying blocks of NYC.

if they wanted to do this on purpose, im pretty sure they would have had a better plan than to lose two of the most iconic buildings in the whole united states of america.

playa2 @ 5/25/2010 11:39 AM
Allanfan20 wrote:
Silverfuel wrote:Marv: I guess this one is on me because I emailed that link to him. I didnt post it here because it is a sensitive topic and its never possible to tell how people will react but it is a credible source. For the record, this is not exactly a conspiracy theory. CNN interviewed several people that were in the WTC towers before the planes hit. They all said they heard bombs going off way before the planes hit.

There are a lot of people that share playa's point of view on this including american politicians and scientist. I dont think it is fair to call for someone to be banned because of this thread.

It is a conspiracy theory. What Playa is trying to get to is that Bush's people set up that bomb to make it look like a terrorist attack, which already doesn't make sense. Why not just have one of their own pilots fly into the building, if that were the case. Obviously the planes alone are enough to take the building down.

And don't you think that there would have been MUCH more coverage if their were a bomb? It doesn't make an inkling of sense.

I'm sorry, but playa is just spitting out bullcrap again.

Listen Allan, I was in the military, you don't know what's going on and what we are capable of doing in secrecy.

One popular conspiracy theory suggests there was a suspiciously high volume of put options placed on United Airlines and American Airlines stocks just before 9/11. According to this theory, trading insiders knew in advance of the coming events of 9/11 and placed their bets accordingly. An analysis by Allen M. Poteshman into the possibility of insider trading on 9/11 concludes that:

"A measure of abnormal long put volume was also examined and seen to be at abnormally high levels in the days leading up to the attacks. Consequently, the paper concludes that there is evidence of unusual option market activity in the days leading up to September 11 that is consistent with investors trading on advance knowledge of the attacks." [56]

On the days leading up to 9/11, two airlines saw a rise in their put to call ratio. These two airlines were United Airlines and American Airlines, the two airlines whose planes were hijacked on 9/11. Between 6 and 7 September, the Chicago Board Options Exchange saw purchases of 4,744 "put" option contracts in UAL versus 396 call options. On 10 September, more trading in Chicago saw the purchase of 4,516 put options in American Airlines, the other airline involved in the hijackings. This compares with a mere 748 call options in American purchased that day. No others airline companies saw anomalies in their put to call ratio in the days leading up to the attacks.[57] American Airlines however, had just released a major warning about possible losses.[58]

Insurance companies saw anomalous trading activities as well. Citigroup Inc., which has estimated that its Travelers insurance unit may pay $500 million in claims from the World Trade Center attack, had about 45 times the normal volume during three trading days before the attack for options that profit if the stock falls below $40. Citigroup shares fell $1.25 in late trading to $38.09. Morgan Stanley, which occupied 22 floors at the World Trade Center, experienced bigger-than-normal pre-attack trading of options that profit when stock prices fall. Other companies that were directly affected by the tragedy had similar jumps

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