Off Topic · White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack Peggy Mcintosh (page 3)
Nalod@ 6/18/2010 10:33 AM
Playa, I know your ex-military, but what is your current occupation?
playa2@ 6/18/2010 10:43 AM
Nalod wrote:Playa, I know your ex-military, but what is your current occupation?
Nalod@ 6/18/2010 11:43 AM
Thats too broad. You sell ad space? TV reporter?, Producer?, deliver newspapers in the morning? Editor? Janitor? Maintenence? Mail? repair?Writer? Camera man? Boom operater? Sound engineer? Directer? Actor? Finance? Human relations? I.T.? Graphics? Radio? TV? Intenet? Satilite?
playa2@ 6/18/2010 11:51 AM
Markji wrote:I'd like to redirect some of the listed comments.... the Prof pointed out all of the injustices. I think most people on this board, and other people know about the injustices and inequalities but don't think about them enough. This is a BIG reminder.
Now, what can be done to raise up the Black,African American in the U.S and elsewhere, instead of just putting down white people. I am sort of white. In the US I am classified Caucasian. In Europe, when I applied for a Residency permit a few years ago, the official took one look at me and said, "You're Jewish, right?" I guess I wasn't really Caucasian in the Germanic countries, even though my grandparents were all from Eastern Europe and Russia.
Playa, since you have brought up the problem, what can we do to change this?....To raise the status the average, "typical" Black person so everyone is equal? I am always big on education. What are your ideas?
Markj I appreciate your response man , really I do.
First we can have discussions just like this without getting defensive and allow false guilt to roll around our minds.
I don't believe you can change this overnight, but I do think we can help by hearing different scenarios presented in the essay written by Ms Mcintosh. We live in a country where we were all created equal but not treated as such because of ignorance on everyside. Ignorance is continued because there are no discussion on what it's like to be singled out not because of what you've done , but because of the color of your skin. I wish there was an opportunity like the movie i once saw called "SOUL MAN" so some of you can find out what it's like everyday in life.
playa2@ 6/18/2010 11:52 AM
Nalod wrote:Thats too broad. You sell ad space? TV reporter?, Producer?, deliver newspapers in the morning? Editor? Janitor? Maintenence? Mail? repair?Writer? Camera man? Boom operater? Sound engineer? Directer? Actor? Finance? Human relations? I.T.? Graphics? Radio? TV? Intenet? Satilite?
radio why ?
kam77@ 6/18/2010 12:32 PM
Stop the "I wish you could walk a mile in my shoes" crap Playa. Seriously stop it. TMS already said that dealing with Minority issues isn't relegated to Black people. You have no idea what it is like to deal with other minority issues. You keep talking some weak shit about how you feel when eyes are on you in a store, how would you feel in an airplane when you board and every eye is on you thinking you're a terrorist? Walk a mile in my shoes.
TMS@ 6/18/2010 12:40 PM
kam77 wrote:
playa2 wrote:Not really, could you go to work everyday and work around African Americans all day long and be the only minority there. LOL
I attended PS 145 in manhattan, in a mixed neighborhood, with Terrell to my left and LeVon to my right so check your assumptions at the door playa.
What do you know about the 'self'? You only seem to be able to identify with your GROUP. You struggle to be yourself because you identify too strongly with your GROUP.
kam, as a person of Middle Eastern descent yourself i would expect you could identify with a lot of what playa is talking about here... i know as an Asian American growing up in a predominantly white neighborhood in my youth, i felt alienated alot of times & sometimes even found myself wishing i were born white rather than having to deal with the ignorant slurs & stares i'd get from kids that didn't know me... that sounds pathetic but when you're a kid it's hard not to feel that way when you feel like you're always the different one because of how certain people treat you & how the media portrays what cool & popular kids should look like... even now sometimes it's hard to shake some of the assumptions i've made about how white people view me because of the memories accumulated from my childhood... & while that sounds stereotypical in itself, it's born out of many of the racist attitudes that i was exposed to growing up.
you don't have to be black to know what playa is talking about on this thread.
playa2@ 6/18/2010 1:00 PM
kam77 wrote:Stop the "I wish you could walk a mile in my shoes" crap Playa. Seriously stop it. TMS already said that dealing with Minority issues isn't relegated to Black people. You have no idea what it is like to deal with other minority issues. You keep talking some weak shit about how you feel when eyes are on you in a store, how would you feel in an airplane when you board and every eye is on you thinking you're a terrorist? Walk a mile in my shoes.
Kam77, why are you talking like that ? This applies to any minority ! TMS gets it man , I'm waiting on you to wake up.
kam77@ 6/18/2010 1:01 PM
Out of that list there were a few points i agree with. Ray Allen had a couple points last night too. Doesn't mean it was a good performance.
Playas shtick is old and insulting to me. Always talking about Black vs White. As if that was all there was.
On 9/11 I saw Whites and Blacks hi-fiving talking how they were going to fuck people up....
Alienation knows no color. I wont identify myself with a group. I'm an individual.
And yeah, I'm of middle eastern decent but not living in the middle east.
So i don't 'belong' to that culture, nor do i naturally look like i 'belong' in this one.
It is what it is. No sense posting threads all the time about it.
BRIGGS@ 6/18/2010 1:12 PM
I think playa needs to try a Knish with mustard with a black cherry soda and kick back a little. Life is too short
I think the US in terms of relations has come a long way and will continue down that path. This is a guy who wants to live in the past while people choose to move forward. This isn't 1960 anymore and the world is focused on the individual rather than the creed/sex. If you don't believe me go ask Sarah Palin Conny Rice Barack Obama Eric Holder etc.. it's all about the individual and everything else is outdated or excuse-driven.
SupremeCommander@ 6/18/2010 2:22 PM
BRIGGS wrote:I think playa needs to try a Knish with mustard with a black cherry soda and kick back a little. Life is too short
I think the US in terms of relations has come a long way and will continue down that path. This is a guy who wants to live in the past while people choose to move forward. This isn't 1960 anymore and the world is focused on the individual rather than the creed/sex. If you don't believe me go ask Sarah Palin Conny Rice Barack Obama Eric Holder etc.. it's all about the individual and everything else is outdated or excuse-driven.
Dr. Brown's????? What about pastrami???????????
Nalod@ 6/18/2010 2:53 PM
Playa, what do you do in the radio business. Im trying to understand what you do. Do you sell? are you an electrician?
What is it that you do that made you so much better than the person your replaced.
Are you a DJ? An on air personality? a writer? Accountant?
playa2@ 6/18/2010 3:23 PM
BRIGGS wrote:I think playa needs to try a Knish with mustard with a black cherry soda and kick back a little. Life is too short
I think the US in terms of relations has come a long way and will continue down that path. This is a guy who wants to live in the past while people choose to move forward. This isn't 1960 anymore and the world is focused on the individual rather than the creed/sex. If you don't believe me go ask Sarah Palin Conny Rice Barack Obama Eric Holder etc.. it's all about the individual and everything else is outdated or excuse-driven.
Briggs I'm not living in the past man, you don't even know how I live. I am smart enough to know that every minority who has this mental dilema growing up isn't as strong mentally. I speak for those people , I myself have adapted and overcome all that even though I live it everyday of my life. You my friend should have learned something from the movie "trading places" with eddie murphy and dan akyroyd. Privilege can change a person how they take on life and how they view life in general.
playa2@ 6/18/2010 3:27 PM
Nalod wrote:Playa, what do you do in the radio business. Im trying to understand what you do. Do you sell? are you an electrician?
What is it that you do that made you so much better than the person your replaced.
Are you a DJ? An on air personality? a writer? Accountant?
What I do has nothing to do with my work ethic Nalod. That was the issue being questioned by the guy I replaced. I was a hard worker and he was becoming slothful in his work that's it. So they looked at me because I was black like I was the best thing since slice bread, I was just doing my job and doing it well.
BasketballJones@ 6/18/2010 4:46 PM
I think this was all a conspiracy on Playa's fault to get sebstar to quit the forum.
BasketballJones@ 6/18/2010 4:47 PM
Solace wrote:Ridiculous, and pathetic, seb. This is worse than Cosmic's rant. Good riddance.
Cosmic rant? Did I miss something?
playa2@ 6/18/2010 5:40 PM
BasketballJones wrote:I think this was all a conspiracy on Playa's fault to get sebstar to quit the forum.
Basketball Jones, Seb is as real as they come man, talking about the issues at had shows we haven't matured enough to even have a discussion. Marv showed his maturity as did TMS. I dunno man.... trading places would allow us all to understand one another much better and really feel the pulse how each other feels.
TMS@ 6/18/2010 5:45 PM
playa2 wrote:I noticed TMS when you shared this , some tried to make the thread into a comic strip and dumb down the content. Why are we afraid to talk, Marv and yourself outside of seb and I sound like you understand what I'm talking about, the rest get defensive .
it's an uncomfortable topic sometimes to confront but it needs to be addressed... it's hard for people to comprehend some of the issues that others face on a daily basis because they aren't really faced with them as a part of daily life... like the saying goes, "don't judge me until you've walked a mile in my shoes". (sorry kam, but the saying fits)
TMS@ 6/18/2010 5:49 PM
kam77 wrote:Stop the "I wish you could walk a mile in my shoes" crap Playa. Seriously stop it. TMS already said that dealing with Minority issues isn't relegated to Black people. You have no idea what it is like to deal with other minority issues. You keep talking some weak shit about how you feel when eyes are on you in a store, how would you feel in an airplane when you board and every eye is on you thinking you're a terrorist? Walk a mile in my shoes.
i think the issues we're talking about on this thread applies to all minorities growing up in this country.
BRIGGS@ 6/18/2010 6:17 PM
playa2 wrote:
BRIGGS wrote:I think playa needs to try a Knish with mustard with a black cherry soda and kick back a little. Life is too short
I think the US in terms of relations has come a long way and will continue down that path. This is a guy who wants to live in the past while people choose to move forward. This isn't 1960 anymore and the world is focused on the individual rather than the creed/sex. If you don't believe me go ask Sarah Palin Conny Rice Barack Obama Eric Holder etc.. it's all about the individual and everything else is outdated or excuse-driven.
Briggs I'm not living in the past man, you don't even know how I live. I am smart enough to know that every minority who has this mental dilema growing up isn't as strong mentally. I speak for those people , I myself have adapted and overcome all that even though I live it everyday of my life. You my friend should have learned something from the movie "trading places" with eddie murphy and dan akyroyd. Privilege can change a person how they take on life and how they view life in general.
I did. I learned that Jamie Lee Curtis was freaking hot in her day. + that wasnt one of the funniest F movies of all time.
And you made me look this up playa I don't know if I should thank you or ask you to fork me over some kind of depression medicine you seem to be on. I now need some my God
kam77@ 6/18/2010 7:23 PM
TMS wrote:
playa2 wrote:I noticed TMS when you shared this , some tried to make the thread into a comic strip and dumb down the content. Why are we afraid to talk, Marv and yourself outside of seb and I sound like you understand what I'm talking about, the rest get defensive .
it's an uncomfortable topic sometimes to confront but it needs to be addressed... it's hard for people to comprehend some of the issues that others face on a daily basis because they aren't really faced with them as a part of daily life... like the saying goes, "don't judge me until you've walked a mile in my shoes". (sorry kam, but the saying fits)
So... because i'm a minority a should make threads like this? I should bitch and moan about inequity? Sorry man i feel strongly about making our own luck in life. If you act the victim you'll be the victim. I don't subscribe to that woe is me shit. Other countries have outright racism. I'd probably be thrown in jail in Turkey.