Off Topic · sinus rinse (page 1)

orangeblobman @ 3/31/2011 9:55 AM
I just started a sinus rinse regimen, every morning I rinse with a saline solution. You shoot it up one nostril and it comes out of the other and your throat, it's nasty, but it has changed my life.

Does anyone else rinse?

eViL @ 4/1/2011 1:12 PM
i rock the neti pot on occasion. keeps the membranes proper status.
CrushAlot @ 4/1/2011 10:11 PM
I am supposed to but I never have done it more than once or twice. I will have to try it again.
93BUICK @ 4/2/2011 2:41 PM
If you're super clogged or have a sinus infection try Sinus Buster- seems like you would like it OBM- it's all natural and it's a nose spray made with water and capsium, the active ingredient in cayanne pepper-
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