Knicks · Time to hang your ass our there, training camp kicking off and it's time for 2022-23 season predictions (page 5)

EwingsGlass @ 4/6/2023 9:37 AM
Rookie wrote:
Rookie wrote:
Rookie wrote:I think this is a transition year. We have depth and youth but the starting unit needs better talent. I think Randle will try and dominate the ball again and RJ will also do the same. Brunson needs to take control, but the coach again will fail to do what he needs to do with Randle and defining his role. The starting unit is too slow and will not win games against young teams that run....again. The second unit will again be the engine for this team and the most fun to watch.

I'm going 38 wins (38-44) and the fringes of the 10th spot in the play in.

I also think they need to make a trade at the deadline but have shown that they will not pull the trigger on a lopsided deal. If they an make a trade and fx the starting unit, I change my win total to 46 (46-36) and the 7th spot in the play in

“We want [Randle] to score a lot of different ways, so not just with the ball, but moving without the ball, running the floor, cutting, and that sort of thing,” Thibodeau said. “I think that’s one of his strengths, his speed and athleticism.

Ok so now the coach has said it, let’s see if Randle gets the message. Fixing Randle is the most important key to a successful season. Let’s all hope he is coachable. If this Randle shows up, I would go with 48 wins and a hard fought 6th spot in the playoffs. Yes, PLAYOFFS!

Looks like I guessed 36, 46 and 48 wins. Do I get the Briggs award this season?

Only if you only pointed out the 48

SergioNYK @ 4/6/2023 10:20 AM
SergioNYK wrote:Win Record? 41-41

No playoffs, play-in, straight into playoffs, seed? 10th seed play-in

Any player movement predictions? Obi & Fournier

Which players will stand out this year? RJ will be in the conversation for All-Star reserve

Opening day starting lineup? And who is out of rotation if no trades before start of season? Brunson, Fournier, RJ, Randle, Robinson and Reddish is out of the rotation

You're dumb.

martin @ 4/6/2023 10:24 AM
ToddTT wrote:I thought I predicted 47 wins, but Record Predictor says I chose 46 wins.

Martin, does Record Predictor reset to 0 each season?


martin @ 4/6/2023 10:25 AM
MaTT4281 wrote:We doing "pat yourself on the back" time?

48 wins and 6th seed...this may be the closest I've ever gotten it! Normally throwing out 45-50 wins in a 33 win season.

MaTT4281 wrote:48 wins/ 6th seed
Player movement: Fournier at the deadline.
Stand out players: IQ and RJ
Starting line up Opening Night: Brunson/Fournier/RJ/Randle/Mitch
Starting line up Mid Season: Brunson/IQ/RJ/Randle/Mitch

Out of the rotation: Cam/Deuce/Sims

My wishful prediction - we clear room for Cam to get some regular minutes midyear, get steady production from him at the 3 to earn a new contract.

You know your Knicks

fishmike @ 4/6/2023 10:49 AM
fishmike wrote:
blkexec wrote:
fishmike wrote:
Vmart wrote:
GustavBahler wrote:47 wins if D. Rose doesnt miss a lot of games.

That is a tough call. I’m sure he will get injured and that is Thibs go to guy without Rose, Thibs isn’t very good coach.

one of the best coaches in the league. Literally

Talk about over exaggeration on both sides. For the record, I disagree with both of you. cheers 🍻 to a good season of finger pointing and fan gloating. I agree that we should make this thread a sticky. I’m sure some of our take will sound silly to outrageous near mid season. Let me hang my azz and announce My Pessimistic Predictions.

1. Fans and media pressure will force the FO to trade Randle mid season.
2. Fournier will come off the bench due to lack of defense by both JB and EF. (Similar to Kemba and EF debacle) This time Thibs will learn his lesson and not treat EF like he did Kemba, but instead just move EF to bench instead of removing him from the team. 🤦‍♂️
3. Thibs will be on the hot seat all season for his rotations and not holding Randle accountable. 😡
4. Cams trade request will be officially leaked and he will be traded mid season. 👋
5. Rose will be forced to retire due to injuries. 🤕
6. DMitch will lead the cavs to the finals resulting in FO being on hot seat. 🔥
7. Sell the team message to Dolan will be a main stream topic across all social media platforms. 🐣
8. Knicks barely miss the playoffs or playin. 😞
9. Knicks fall one spot short of drafting a future star. 😤

I’m learning from Briggs. Just mention all the possible scenarios so I can reply with a bunch of “I told you so” threads.

its not a great team, but its a good, deep, balanced roster that will be well coached and defend every night. They are young and will have an incredibly energetic bench. We have a good developmental coaching staff and we have seen that play out positively in real time. We are led by 2 time COY. Some fans cant tell the differnce between playing basketball the right way and "being a win-now coach" (SPOILER: there is no phucking difference )

2 years ago Thibs took over the Fizdale dumpster fire and we have been 78-76 under since.

My favorite is the "cant wait to get rid of Thibs to play the kids who look so good and ready to play having been coached by Thibs" crowd. Its a circle wank with no finish

Knicks will feast on the NBA weak this year... something they couldnt do last year and did the year before. Our bench and defense should ensure that. That's there the 45 wins are coming from. I think a few more but I have seen 45 in some media spots (ESPN for one)

“One of the NBAs best coaches, a good deep young roster and something slightly over 45 wins..”

My favorites were guys saying rubbish like “everyone else got better also”

No they didn’t!

EwingsGlass @ 4/9/2023 6:45 PM
EwingsGlass wrote:
EwingsGlass wrote:
47-35. I was about to reverse that to 35-47, but I think many other teams will tank early. TEAMS DIDN'T TANK EARLY, BUT THAT 47 HAS A SHOT. I'D GUESS WE GO 49 AT THIS POINT
1) I think the Knicks offense needs work. This is the biggest risk is the eFG of the starting lineup. They have too many shooters and not enough role players. I THINK THIS WAS SPOT ON. AND THEY MADE THE CHANGES FOR THE MOST PART
2) Their defense looks like it may have the same weaknesses at the Kemba defense. Brunson may be better than Kemba, but I am not really feeling strong on the Brunson/Fournier backcourt and its ability to stay in front of their opponent. AGAIN, PRETTY SPOT ON. ONCE THEY SWAPPED OUT FOURNIER, THIS CLEANED ITSELF UP. BRUNSON'S DEFENSIVE AWARENESS WAS BETTER THAN KEMBA'S BUT THEY WERE ABLE TO COVER FOR ANY WEAKNESSES
3) That said, I think a lot of teams are going to forfeit early this season in order to jockey for position in the 2023 draft. I think this means that the Knicks pick up 5 or 6 free wins. So, assume they are 41-41 in a normal year, I think they get a few extra gimmies this year. HARD TO TELL ON THIS. WE MADE EASY GAMES AGAINST CHARLOTTE LOOK HARD AND HARD GAMES AGAINST BOSTON LOOK EASY

I think they are 8th seed. I think the field is split pretty heavily between competitors and tankers. DIDN'T SEE 5TH SEED BUT MAYBE THAT'S JUST CAUSE I DON'T KNOW WHAT SEED 47 WINS IS?

Player Movement
Nothing special. Might see a consolidation move at SG. That really SHOULD happen, but it is unclear that it will - whether there are willing trade partners. KIND OF CONSOLIDATED FOR A SG BUT NOT IN THE MANNER I THOUGHT

Standout Players
Quickley is in the running for 6MOY. TRUE
Randle makes All Defense second team. VERY POSSIBLE
Brunson makes All-Star Team as an alternate. BRUNSON GOT ROBBED. BY RANDLE

Opening Day Lineup
This is the only place I am really hanging my ass. I think Reddish opens eyes at camp. I think the Knicks see the need to put a big body at the 2 next to Brunson and Reddish gets a chance to fill in that lineup. If this lineup works and they bring a blue collar attitude to the Court, they can surprise people. jHART IS THAT BLUE COLLAR ATTITUDE. NOT REDDISH
1st Unit - Brunson/Barrett/Reddish/Randle/Robinson REDDISH GOT HIS CHANCE ABOUT 10 GAMES IN, BUT MISSED


47-35. What do I win?

GustavBahler @ 4/9/2023 6:54 PM
Predicted 47 wins if Rose didnt miss a lot of games. He was there for every one!

I'm two for two, last 2 seasons I posted a prediction.

Swishfm3 @ 4/9/2023 7:42 PM
Swishfm3 wrote:
martin wrote:Win Record?

No playoffs, play-in, straight into playoffs, seed?
play-in...I believe Toronto and Miami will lose a step. Don't believe Atlanta really improved much. Charlotte will have a worse record than last year. On the flip side, Cleveland and Detroit are trending up and you have to keep eye on Nets with Irving playing full time and the return of Harris and Simmons

Any player movement predictions?
Rose & Reddish

Which players will stand out this year?
Brunson and Quickley

Opening day starting lineup? And who is out of rotation if no trades before start of season?


Out of rotation: Sims

Not bad….but man….Fishmike was on the money with his prediction!

Chandler @ 4/10/2023 8:14 AM
I predicted 49 and a return to form for JR.

My crystal ball, however, did not foresee us costing at the end of the season or JR, or Brunson’s injuries. I’ll have to polish it up for the playoffs

Even if i wasn’t the closest, i want a prize — at least a participation award

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