Knicks · Another RJ Barrett thread (page 4)

HofstraBBall @ 4/27/2023 6:55 AM
KnickDanger wrote:
Nalod wrote:
GustavBahler wrote:
Nalod wrote:
GustavBahler wrote:
blkexec wrote:
GustavBahler wrote:
martin wrote:
GustavBahler wrote:I want to see RJ play like this when Randle isnt having an off night. It could be just a coincidence. Or maybe its about them not fitting well together. They havent to this point.

RJ plays better as a top two option. He has been the last couple of games. What happens when he goes back to the number 3 option? Will he be as efficient? IDK. The rest of the playoffs should tell Dont want them both back if its going to be mostly like it is during the regular season.

How about all the time? That should be the average expectation of him IMHO

Thats what Im saying. We want to see him play this well all the time. But why isnt he ? Might be who he's playing with.

As I said after game 2, I dont believe this is the best we've seen from RJ, but it might be the best we see in NY.

The last two games demonstrated what RJ is capable of. Can he still do it when Randle is playing lights out? Thats what this playoff run should determine. I expect Randle to bounce back. Will RJ keep playing at this level?

Since this marriage started, how many games have RJ and Randle played solid together (b4 JB came). Randle always seems visibly frustrated when RJ has the ball. But what I’ve seen is players that play at RJs tempo are more involved. If RJ is surrounded by players that have a more half court game, they don’t seem as involved and RJ runs into a brick wall in the paint. Hard for RJ to see any passing lanes if everyone just standing around watching him drive. But on one play when iHart cut as soon as RJ drove, iHart was rewarded with a nice dump off pass. Same with Mitch who’s been RJs trash man. Cleans up every missed layup.

I hope Randle is back and healthy, but I never had high expectations for these two when they on the court together. Seems like both are stunting each other’s potential at times. Or maybe RJs potential is the one being stunted. Let’s hope Brunson and the ultimate glue guy josh hart will help this marriage.

Just like Miami big 3 and bosh had to take the 3rd wheel. RJ or Randle has to accept the 3rd wheel and perform well in that role for this 3 headed monster to work. Otherwise RJ will have bad days and so will Randle. Let’s hope their bad days doesn’t affect the team from winning like the last two games where Randle wasnt efficient yet team still won.

Randle's behavior after the game, walking out, even though we won. Doesnt reflect well on him. He knew he was playing poorly.

I'm guessing that Randle will play better. But RJ looks like a better fit, when he's playing like this. In the flow of the offense, as mentioned.

mark Jax noted Jules was cheering on from the bench in the 4th.
Thibs said post game he was in pain.
Maybe after this past season we can give him the benefit of the doubt?

Should have stayed to praise his teammates for getting a W. Randle felt good enough to ask for more PT at the end of game 3 up by 20. I've said repeatedly that Randle should have a better playoff run going forward.

Considering that he has been a non-factor in yet another playoff run. Thats the definition of giving a player the benefit of the doubt.

Maybe he was cool to let the others have their interview moment and was in pain? Getting treatment asap?
Knicks win means he has more time to heal and perhaps miss a game?

Randle is hurt. Anyone here ever had an ankle sprain? I have and it lingered and in some ways was never the same. But I didn't have to play in the NBA playoffs a few weeks later. One can choose to see this as "an excuse," but it is also a fact.

Now I know it triggers some when Randle is defended here, but I'd say it is also a fact that the Knicks are not where they are without him. Do I want him to excel in the playoffs? Hell yes. Do I approve of all his behavior? Hell no. But I'm also not going to mind read from his body language as he heads to the locker room. His teammates and coach seem real good with the guy. I'll take that over the opinions of myself and others.

There will be a slow motion breakdown on Twitter showing Randle leaving early. Gustav and Bigdaddy will post it several times.
But only after erasing any video of Obi's scuffle with RJ.

We won a series bitches!! Let's kick some more ass. Look forward to any hater posts if we keep winning! We have a great team. Reminds me of Ewing, Oak, Starks team. (Which many complained about at the time) Frustrating, tough nosed and could ball. Team that had lots of fight in them. We have some dogs on this team and need them ALL healthy. Despite the nitpicking and player favoritism by some. I am running with this entire squad. Have good pieces from 1 to 10.

Nalod @ 4/27/2023 8:00 AM
Fact is our depth won. No specific “MVP”, different players on different nights stepped up.
I liked what randle was doing before he got hurt.
And…..What Obi did in second half as well.
Brunson is the QB of this team and thus our MVP.
But Mitch is a beast and manhandled their twin towers.
Fans matter. Clev fans are likley looking at the blame game and who needs to go or stay.
We did this after the ATL series. When your a higher seed you don’t get beaten, you “Lose”.
RJ last night was like 2-2 from 3 and 7-9 from the field before taking some late 24 second clock shots. It was an non star unhearalded but highly efficient masterpiece.
IQ stepped up to give us some punch at the right time.
HofstraBBall @ 4/27/2023 8:22 AM
Nalod wrote:Fact is our depth won. No specific “MVP”, different players on different nights stepped up.
I liked what randle was doing before he got hurt.
And…..What Obi did in second half as well.
Brunson is the QB of this team and thus our MVP.
But Mitch is a beast and manhandled their twin towers.
Fans matter. Clev fans are likley looking at the blame game and who needs to go or stay.
We did this after the ATL series. When your a higher seed you don’t get beaten, you “Lose”.
RJ last night was like 2-2 from 3 and 7-9 from the field before taking some late 24 second clock shots. It was an non star unhearalded but highly efficient masterpiece.
IQ stepped up to give us some punch at the right time.

MR and RJ were last night's co MVP's.
Higher seeds do have abot more pressure.
If Miami wins think we match up well with remaining teams.

Nalod @ 4/27/2023 8:40 AM
HofstraBBall wrote:
Nalod wrote:Fact is our depth won. No specific “MVP”, different players on different nights stepped up.
I liked what randle was doing before he got hurt.
And…..What Obi did in second half as well.
Brunson is the QB of this team and thus our MVP.
But Mitch is a beast and manhandled their twin towers.
Fans matter. Clev fans are likley looking at the blame game and who needs to go or stay.
We did this after the ATL series. When your a higher seed you don’t get beaten, you “Lose”.
RJ last night was like 2-2 from 3 and 7-9 from the field before taking some late 24 second clock shots. It was an non star unhearalded but highly efficient masterpiece.
IQ stepped up to give us some punch at the right time.

MR and RJ were last night's co MVP's.
Higher seeds do have abot more pressure.
If Miami wins think we match up well with remaining teams.

They did and we got them next. Perhaps rather them than Milwaukee but one has to consider this:
Did Milwaukee lose or were they beaten? If beaten, yeah, im scared of Heat. Match ups matter and they took out the bucks 4-1. I know what we did, but all Im saying is I respect them and not doing the Semifinals dance.
I will enjoy Hart and RJ vs Butler. I can imagine Thibs uses Jimmy as the model for RJ. Again, Jimmy was not jimmy unitl he was 25 years old. We all know what he became, we don’t know about RJ yet.

KnickDanger @ 4/27/2023 7:49 PM
HofstraBBall wrote:
Nalod wrote:
GustavBahler wrote:
blkexec wrote:
GustavBahler wrote:
martin wrote:
GustavBahler wrote:I want to see RJ play like this when Randle isnt having an off night. It could be just a coincidence. Or maybe its about them not fitting well together. They havent to this point.

RJ plays better as a top two option. He has been the last couple of games. What happens when he goes back to the number 3 option? Will he be as efficient? IDK. The rest of the playoffs should tell Dont want them both back if its going to be mostly like it is during the regular season.

How about all the time? That should be the average expectation of him IMHO

Thats what Im saying. We want to see him play this well all the time. But why isnt he ? Might be who he's playing with.

As I said after game 2, I dont believe this is the best we've seen from RJ, but it might be the best we see in NY.

The last two games demonstrated what RJ is capable of. Can he still do it when Randle is playing lights out? Thats what this playoff run should determine. I expect Randle to bounce back. Will RJ keep playing at this level?

Since this marriage started, how many games have RJ and Randle played solid together (b4 JB came). Randle always seems visibly frustrated when RJ has the ball. But what I’ve seen is players that play at RJs tempo are more involved. If RJ is surrounded by players that have a more half court game, they don’t seem as involved and RJ runs into a brick wall in the paint. Hard for RJ to see any passing lanes if everyone just standing around watching him drive. But on one play when iHart cut as soon as RJ drove, iHart was rewarded with a nice dump off pass. Same with Mitch who’s been RJs trash man. Cleans up every missed layup.

I hope Randle is back and healthy, but I never had high expectations for these two when they on the court together. Seems like both are stunting each other’s potential at times. Or maybe RJs potential is the one being stunted. Let’s hope Brunson and the ultimate glue guy josh hart will help this marriage.

Just like Miami big 3 and bosh had to take the 3rd wheel. RJ or Randle has to accept the 3rd wheel and perform well in that role for this 3 headed monster to work. Otherwise RJ will have bad days and so will Randle. Let’s hope their bad days doesn’t affect the team from winning like the last two games where Randle wasnt efficient yet team still won.

Randle's behavior after the game, walking out, even though we won. Doesnt reflect well on him. He knew he was playing poorly.

I'm guessing that Randle will play better. But RJ looks like a better fit, when he's playing like this. In the flow of the offense, as mentioned.

mark Jax noted Jules was cheering on from the bench in the 4th.
Thibs said post game he was in pain.
Maybe after this past season we can give him the benefit of the doubt?

Nah. Gustav is the 7 minute ab guy from Something about Mary. Has Randle turrets.
Think many don't get that Knicks need players with a dog mentality. Randle gives them that. Like JHart, IQ, I want guys that can ball but also inflict a physical presence and can intimidate with their physicality and attitude. Don't want ravishing Rudy's flying around the court. Reason why I loved Maze, Starks and Oak. (Players who some fans also focussed on what they could not do instead of the intangibles) Guys who were also physical and would bitch slap soft opponents.

Gustav loves Obi, who I believe is that soft player everyone would take advantage in a physical playoff series.

Also feel last week's punching bag, RJ, has that physicality. Think both RJ and Randle have shown an ability to be elite going down hill. Not looking to give that up and will take the inconsistency from the outside. Something that can be improved.

Completely agree with loving this team for its dog mentality, hearing echoes of 90s Knicks. Often ugly but tough - we ain't the pretty boy Warriors or such. And yeah, some of us have been on the bandwagon even when it was the thing to fire Thibs, dump Randle, and bench RJ.

Nalod @ 4/27/2023 10:04 PM
Ewing had tiny hands and bad knees, Oak could not jump, Starks was Inconsistant, Mase was dumb, Harper could not hit a shot at times……….and then, Ward was a brick layer, LJ stopped flying, ewings hands strunk, H20 was soft, over paid, and Lavar Postell could not save us……..

Deep flaws on those teams. Times they could not hit a bucket. But they went to finals twice in 5 years with different looks.
This team has dogs and runners. ANd some are still very young!!!!

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