Knicks · When will the nba reveal ja morants fate (page 1)

Philc1 @ 6/14/2023 6:05 PM
What a nonsense scandal
Nalod @ 6/14/2023 9:01 PM
Philc1 wrote:What a nonsense scandal

You know something the rest of the world don’t?

Philc1 @ 6/14/2023 10:54 PM
Nalod wrote:
Philc1 wrote:What a nonsense scandal

You know something the rest of the world don’t?

How many games suspension for Ja posting a dumb video on social media? 75? Last I checked he’s an adult and guns are legal according to the constitution.

Nalod @ 6/15/2023 8:47 AM
Philc1 wrote:
Nalod wrote:
Philc1 wrote:What a nonsense scandal

You know something the rest of the world don’t?

How many games suspension for Ja posting a dumb video on social media? 75? Last I checked he’s an adult and guns are legal according to the constitution.

True. Nobody said it was illegal. Nobody said he can’t own guns, drive around and waive it and make videos.
But his contract with the NBA and his sponsors are another thing. You do understand that?

Also there was the Lasers being pointed at Pacers bus. Morant beating on Mall shoe sales man and on a kid at a pickup game. This we know and he was warned.
What did Silver allude to? There was more. So its not just about a gun waive video. Right? You read that?

Remember, you went to law school right? You said “Hofstra Law”. Maybe you did not finish or are a practicing attorney, but you have some basic understanding about contract law and if not studied it, would have a basic understanding about morals clause. Morants constitutional rights are not infringed or denied. He voluntarily entered into an agreement for compensation with it written into the contract. Silver cannot imprison him or prevent him from playing basketball. He can play at the YMCA, do all the stuff he wants and work somewhere else.

The NBA is not the rule of land. It is an entertainment company that will protect is “Brand”.

fishmike @ 6/15/2023 9:17 AM
Nalod wrote:
Philc1 wrote:
Nalod wrote:
Philc1 wrote:What a nonsense scandal

You know something the rest of the world don’t?

How many games suspension for Ja posting a dumb video on social media? 75? Last I checked he’s an adult and guns are legal according to the constitution.

True. Nobody said it was illegal. Nobody said he can’t own guns, drive around and waive it and make videos.
But his contract with the NBA and his sponsors are another thing. You do understand that?

Also there was the Lasers being pointed at Pacers bus. Morant beating on Mall shoe sales man and on a kid at a pickup game. This we know and he was warned.
What did Silver allude to? There was more. So its not just about a gun waive video. Right? You read that?

Remember, you went to law school right? You said “Hofstra Law”. Maybe you did not finish or are a practicing attorney, but you have some basic understanding about contract law and if not studied it, would have a basic understanding about morals clause. Morants constitutional rights are not infringed or denied. He voluntarily entered into an agreement for compensation with it written into the contract. Silver cannot imprison him or prevent him from playing basketball. He can play at the YMCA, do all the stuff he wants and work somewhere else.

The NBA is not the rule of land. It is an entertainment company that will protect is “Brand”.

to be fair I would love to see the language there regarding firearms. I know you cant bring them to work (Gilbert Arenas). But if that's his gun why cant he be seen holding it? Is there language saying no brandishing of firearms under any condition?

Just for the record I phucking hate guns and our culture regarding them.

Maybe Jah just needs to looks more white? Here's his local congressman!

KnickDanger @ 6/15/2023 10:10 AM
Can the NBA suspend that dumb ass congressman while they're at it? Jesus H Christ....
Nalod @ 6/15/2023 12:09 PM
fishmike wrote:
Nalod wrote:
Philc1 wrote:
Nalod wrote:
Philc1 wrote:What a nonsense scandal

You know something the rest of the world don’t?

How many games suspension for Ja posting a dumb video on social media? 75? Last I checked he’s an adult and guns are legal according to the constitution.

True. Nobody said it was illegal. Nobody said he can’t own guns, drive around and waive it and make videos.
But his contract with the NBA and his sponsors are another thing. You do understand that?

Also there was the Lasers being pointed at Pacers bus. Morant beating on Mall shoe sales man and on a kid at a pickup game. This we know and he was warned.
What did Silver allude to? There was more. So its not just about a gun waive video. Right? You read that?

Remember, you went to law school right? You said “Hofstra Law”. Maybe you did not finish or are a practicing attorney, but you have some basic understanding about contract law and if not studied it, would have a basic understanding about morals clause. Morants constitutional rights are not infringed or denied. He voluntarily entered into an agreement for compensation with it written into the contract. Silver cannot imprison him or prevent him from playing basketball. He can play at the YMCA, do all the stuff he wants and work somewhere else.

The NBA is not the rule of land. It is an entertainment company that will protect is “Brand”.

to be fair I would love to see the language there regarding firearms. I know you cant bring them to work (Gilbert Arenas). But if that's his gun why cant he be seen holding it? Is there language saying no brandishing of firearms under any condition?

Just for the record I phucking hate guns and our culture regarding them.

Maybe Jah just needs to looks more white? Here's his local congressman!

Article Vi section 9 (Page 120):

Section 9. Firearms and Other Weapons.
(a) Whenever a player is physically present at a facility or venue
owned, operated, or being used by a Team, the NBA, or any Leaguerelated entity, and whenever a player is traveling on any NBA-related
business, whether on behalf of the player’s Team, the NBA, or any
League-related entity, such player shall not possess a firearm of any kind or
any other deadly weapon. For purposes of the foregoing, “a facility or
venue” includes, but is not limited to: an arena; a practice facility; a Team
or League office or facility; an All-Star or NBA Playoff venue; and the site
of a promotional or charitable appearance.
(b) At the commencement of each Season, and if the player owns or
possesses any firearm, the player will provide the Team with proof that the
player possesses a license or registration as required by law for any such
firearm. Each player is also required to provide the Team with proof of
any modifications or additions made to this information during the Season.
(c) Any violation of Section 9(a) or Section 9(b) above shall be
considered conduct prejudicial to the NBA under Article 35(d) of the
NBA Constitution and By-Laws, and shall therefore subject the player to
discipline by the NBA in accordance with such Article.

What we don't know is what rules here or in other sections did he not comply with?
Toy guns to my knowledge have red tips to indicate it is as such.

Took me 10 seconds to find the CBA. Like many things it might be open to interpretation but constitutional rights are not trampled if you sign it.
I have an employer contract that does not permit me to go public with hate speech. I represent a financial institution and I damage its community good will and injure it by my actions. But I am free to leave this organization and work as an independant and spew all the hate my little heart desires.


I did not dive into the 500 plus page document. Its written by lawyers for lawyers. I suspect the league has meetings for players to understand and the agents need to understand it like the back of their hands! Part of a certification process I would expect.

I won't attempt to interpret. I'll say this, the document seems pretty detailed and well thought out. Or in other words
PhilC vs Adam Silver. My money is on NBA and its legions of attorneys than "few word PhilC......"

martin @ 6/15/2023 1:35 PM
^ good stuff, thanks Nalod
Nalod @ 6/15/2023 8:30 PM
martin wrote:^ good stuff, thanks Nalod

No problem. The statement of course does not address guns outside the NBA employment scope but, the incident implicating him and his friends with the Pacers bus sure was.
Also we don't know enough about what was disclosed to Jah to incite the first suspension and what would happen if more came out, or he did more stupid shit.

And the we don't know what the stupid new shit is either.
Thus nobody here can interpret a thing until it gets disclosed, or at least what NBA wishes to make public.

Philc1 @ 6/15/2023 8:42 PM
Nalod wrote:
fishmike wrote:
Nalod wrote:
Philc1 wrote:
Nalod wrote:
Philc1 wrote:What a nonsense scandal

You know something the rest of the world don’t?

How many games suspension for Ja posting a dumb video on social media? 75? Last I checked he’s an adult and guns are legal according to the constitution.

True. Nobody said it was illegal. Nobody said he can’t own guns, drive around and waive it and make videos.
But his contract with the NBA and his sponsors are another thing. You do understand that?

Also there was the Lasers being pointed at Pacers bus. Morant beating on Mall shoe sales man and on a kid at a pickup game. This we know and he was warned.
What did Silver allude to? There was more. So its not just about a gun waive video. Right? You read that?

Remember, you went to law school right? You said “Hofstra Law”. Maybe you did not finish or are a practicing attorney, but you have some basic understanding about contract law and if not studied it, would have a basic understanding about morals clause. Morants constitutional rights are not infringed or denied. He voluntarily entered into an agreement for compensation with it written into the contract. Silver cannot imprison him or prevent him from playing basketball. He can play at the YMCA, do all the stuff he wants and work somewhere else.

The NBA is not the rule of land. It is an entertainment company that will protect is “Brand”.

to be fair I would love to see the language there regarding firearms. I know you cant bring them to work (Gilbert Arenas). But if that's his gun why cant he be seen holding it? Is there language saying no brandishing of firearms under any condition?

Just for the record I phucking hate guns and our culture regarding them.

Maybe Jah just needs to looks more white? Here's his local congressman!

Article Vi section 9 (Page 120):

Section 9. Firearms and Other Weapons.
(a) Whenever a player is physically present at a facility or venue
owned, operated, or being used by a Team, the NBA, or any Leaguerelated entity, and whenever a player is traveling on any NBA-related
business, whether on behalf of the player’s Team, the NBA, or any
League-related entity, such player shall not possess a firearm of any kind or
any other deadly weapon. For purposes of the foregoing, “a facility or
venue” includes, but is not limited to: an arena; a practice facility; a Team
or League office or facility; an All-Star or NBA Playoff venue; and the site
of a promotional or charitable appearance.
(b) At the commencement of each Season, and if the player owns or
possesses any firearm, the player will provide the Team with proof that the
player possesses a license or registration as required by law for any such
firearm. Each player is also required to provide the Team with proof of
any modifications or additions made to this information during the Season.
(c) Any violation of Section 9(a) or Section 9(b) above shall be
considered conduct prejudicial to the NBA under Article 35(d) of the
NBA Constitution and By-Laws, and shall therefore subject the player to
discipline by the NBA in accordance with such Article.

What we don't know is what rules here or in other sections did he not comply with?
Toy guns to my knowledge have red tips to indicate it is as such.

Took me 10 seconds to find the CBA. Like many things it might be open to interpretation but constitutional rights are not trampled if you sign it.
I have an employer contract that does not permit me to go public with hate speech. I represent a financial institution and I damage its community good will and injure it by my actions. But I am free to leave this organization and work as an independant and spew all the hate my little heart desires.


I did not dive into the 500 plus page document. Its written by lawyers for lawyers. I suspect the league has meetings for players to understand and the agents need to understand it like the back of their hands! Part of a certification process I would expect.

I won't attempt to interpret. I'll say this, the document seems pretty detailed and well thought out. Or in other words
PhilC vs Adam Silver. My money is on NBA and its legions of attorneys than "few word PhilC......"

So holding a gun in a video is now akin to “hate speech?” The video he posted that everyone is having a conniption over he was in his friend’s car he wasn’t in an arena or practice facility or anywhere else that is a venue of an nba franchise. If the gun is a toy he doesn’t violate the CBA. If it actually belongs to his friend he doesn’t violate it either. If it’s registered in any state of this country he’s off the hook too under the terms of the CBA. Adam Silver is a joke.

cooch2584 @ 6/15/2023 8:48 PM
Did you mean ja morons suspension?
cooch2584 @ 6/15/2023 8:50 PM
Philc1 wrote:
Nalod wrote:
Philc1 wrote:What a nonsense scandal

You know something the rest of the world don’t?

How many games suspension for Ja posting a dumb video on social media? 75? Last I checked he’s an adult and guns are legal according to the constitution.

BUT hes supposed to be a role model??
Philc1 @ 6/15/2023 9:02 PM
cooch2584 wrote:
Philc1 wrote:
Nalod wrote:
Philc1 wrote:What a nonsense scandal

You know something the rest of the world don’t?

How many games suspension for Ja posting a dumb video on social media? 75? Last I checked he’s an adult and guns are legal according to the constitution.

BUT hes supposed to be a role model??

Steven Seagal now there’s a role model

Nalod @ 6/15/2023 10:08 PM
Philc1 wrote:
Nalod wrote:
fishmike wrote:
Nalod wrote:
Philc1 wrote:
Nalod wrote:
Philc1 wrote:What a nonsense scandal

You know something the rest of the world don’t?

How many games suspension for Ja posting a dumb video on social media? 75? Last I checked he’s an adult and guns are legal according to the constitution.

True. Nobody said it was illegal. Nobody said he can’t own guns, drive around and waive it and make videos.
But his contract with the NBA and his sponsors are another thing. You do understand that?

Also there was the Lasers being pointed at Pacers bus. Morant beating on Mall shoe sales man and on a kid at a pickup game. This we know and he was warned.
What did Silver allude to? There was more. So its not just about a gun waive video. Right? You read that?

Remember, you went to law school right? You said “Hofstra Law”. Maybe you did not finish or are a practicing attorney, but you have some basic understanding about contract law and if not studied it, would have a basic understanding about morals clause. Morants constitutional rights are not infringed or denied. He voluntarily entered into an agreement for compensation with it written into the contract. Silver cannot imprison him or prevent him from playing basketball. He can play at the YMCA, do all the stuff he wants and work somewhere else.

The NBA is not the rule of land. It is an entertainment company that will protect is “Brand”.

to be fair I would love to see the language there regarding firearms. I know you cant bring them to work (Gilbert Arenas). But if that's his gun why cant he be seen holding it? Is there language saying no brandishing of firearms under any condition?

Just for the record I phucking hate guns and our culture regarding them.

Maybe Jah just needs to looks more white? Here's his local congressman!

Article Vi section 9 (Page 120):

Section 9. Firearms and Other Weapons.
(a) Whenever a player is physically present at a facility or venue
owned, operated, or being used by a Team, the NBA, or any Leaguerelated entity, and whenever a player is traveling on any NBA-related
business, whether on behalf of the player’s Team, the NBA, or any
League-related entity, such player shall not possess a firearm of any kind or
any other deadly weapon. For purposes of the foregoing, “a facility or
venue” includes, but is not limited to: an arena; a practice facility; a Team
or League office or facility; an All-Star or NBA Playoff venue; and the site
of a promotional or charitable appearance.
(b) At the commencement of each Season, and if the player owns or
possesses any firearm, the player will provide the Team with proof that the
player possesses a license or registration as required by law for any such
firearm. Each player is also required to provide the Team with proof of
any modifications or additions made to this information during the Season.
(c) Any violation of Section 9(a) or Section 9(b) above shall be
considered conduct prejudicial to the NBA under Article 35(d) of the
NBA Constitution and By-Laws, and shall therefore subject the player to
discipline by the NBA in accordance with such Article.

What we don't know is what rules here or in other sections did he not comply with?
Toy guns to my knowledge have red tips to indicate it is as such.

Took me 10 seconds to find the CBA. Like many things it might be open to interpretation but constitutional rights are not trampled if you sign it.
I have an employer contract that does not permit me to go public with hate speech. I represent a financial institution and I damage its community good will and injure it by my actions. But I am free to leave this organization and work as an independant and spew all the hate my little heart desires.


I did not dive into the 500 plus page document. Its written by lawyers for lawyers. I suspect the league has meetings for players to understand and the agents need to understand it like the back of their hands! Part of a certification process I would expect.

I won't attempt to interpret. I'll say this, the document seems pretty detailed and well thought out. Or in other words
PhilC vs Adam Silver. My money is on NBA and its legions of attorneys than "few word PhilC......"

So holding a gun in a video is now akin to “hate speech?” The video he posted that everyone is having a conniption over he was in his friend’s car he wasn’t in an arena or practice facility or anywhere else that is a venue of an nba franchise. If the gun is a toy he doesn’t violate the CBA. If it actually belongs to his friend he doesn’t violate it either. If it’s registered in any state of this country he’s off the hook too under the terms of the CBA. Adam Silver is a joke.

Do you ever ask yourself "What don't I know?" before reaching a conclusion?
What Motive does Silver have to squash one of the NBA brightest stars?
What does it serve the NBA to reduce his marketing appeal to Nike, one of its major partners?
Did you read Silvers comments a few days back. It was about other disclosures.

PhilC vs. Adam silver. You really putting your Cred out there?

Philc1 @ 6/16/2023 11:26 AM
25 games for Ja. Anything more he would file a grievance arbitration and he’d win.

I’ll let the amateur morality police led by nalod cry or celebrate — they are all over the place.

martin @ 6/16/2023 11:33 AM

martin @ 6/16/2023 11:36 AM
SupremeCommander @ 6/16/2023 11:42 AM
I think 25 games is a bullshit penalty

Players have been permanently banned for point shaving and substance abuse. Eddie Johnson was permanently banned for FAILING TO FOLLOW THROUGH ON HIS COUNSELING for a cocaine addiction. WTF, what Ja did is way worse because that might directly cause a public health crisis

I get Ja is a star but this is bullshit. His suspension should be a minimum of a season, and potentially longer to permanent if he fails to follow through again. Silver is such a bitch

Philc1 @ 6/16/2023 11:47 AM
SupremeCommander wrote:I think 25 games is a bullshit penalty

Players have been permanently banned for point shaving and substance abuse. Eddie Johnson was permanently banned for FAILING TO FOLLOW THROUGH ON HIS COUNSELING for a cocaine addiction. WTF, what Ja did is way worse because that might directly cause a public health crisis

I get Ja is a star but this is bullshit. His suspension should be a minimum of a season, and potentially longer to permanent if he fails to follow through again. Silver is such a bitch

More than 25 games Ja would probably file a grievance to appeal the suspension and he would probably win. Even 25 games is excessive but a season is outer space thinking

SupremeCommander @ 6/16/2023 11:51 AM
Philc1 wrote:
SupremeCommander wrote:I think 25 games is a bullshit penalty

Players have been permanently banned for point shaving and substance abuse. Eddie Johnson was permanently banned for FAILING TO FOLLOW THROUGH ON HIS COUNSELING for a cocaine addiction. WTF, what Ja did is way worse because that might directly cause a public health crisis

I get Ja is a star but this is bullshit. His suspension should be a minimum of a season, and potentially longer to permanent if he fails to follow through again. Silver is such a bitch

More than 25 games Ja would probably file a grievance to appeal the suspension and he would probably win. Even 25 games is excessive but a season is outer space thinking
Not if you were David Stern, who issued suspensions in excess of 25 games
GustavBahler @ 6/16/2023 12:29 PM
Not surprised that one of the league's biggest young stars is getting treated with kid gloves. I dont get the impression that this is anything but an inconvenience for Ja.

Morant is going to have to go a long stretch without seeking drama, to convince the league that he's changed. And thats what you're doing when you livestream thuggery. Seeking Drama.

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