Knicks · Zion available? (page 6)

KnickDanger @ 6/25/2023 10:28 PM
Philc1 wrote:
KnickDanger wrote:
Philc1 wrote:
KnickDanger wrote:Eddy Curry anyone? Or....

Oliver Miller
Glen "Big Baby" Davis
Robert "Tractor" Traylor
Stanley Roberts
John "Hot Plate" Williams
Mel "Dinner Bell" Turpin

Shawn Kemp, Derrick Coleman, and even Shaq probably sabotaged their careers to some extent being out of shape and overweight. Should I add Ray Felton?

Varying levels of talent listed - all to a degree if not extremely - but the point is made. Has Zion shown any inclination to deal with an issue that threatens to make him the all time bust?

First 7 names you mentioned those guys had 0.0 talent. other than size they had nothing. Zion has a lot of talent. The problem is his game is predicated on his strength and he needs to be built like a tank to do what he does so he can’t lose too much weight

Bullshit. All except Roberts were first round picks, Williams and Turpin 6th overall. No they don't have Zion's skill set but that wasn't my point. But you knew that.

So you think Robert The Tractor Trailer had talent? The guy was a nothing in the nba who was most famous for being the nothing the bucks traded Dirk for

I would answer you but it would be meaningless.
PassTheBall @ 6/26/2023 2:44 AM
We NEED to get Zion this week!

Rose vs Griffin. Who will come out on top?!!

I can’t do another year of Julius, don’t care how much tape he watches! Zion can do what he is trying to learn (passing/defense) in his sleep. Get Zion to MSG pronto, He will win, the Knicks will win, the league will win, Nike will win, EVERYONE WINS!!!

Philc1 @ 6/26/2023 11:25 AM
KnickDanger wrote:
Philc1 wrote:
KnickDanger wrote:
Philc1 wrote:
KnickDanger wrote:Eddy Curry anyone? Or....

Oliver Miller
Glen "Big Baby" Davis
Robert "Tractor" Traylor
Stanley Roberts
John "Hot Plate" Williams
Mel "Dinner Bell" Turpin

Shawn Kemp, Derrick Coleman, and even Shaq probably sabotaged their careers to some extent being out of shape and overweight. Should I add Ray Felton?

Varying levels of talent listed - all to a degree if not extremely - but the point is made. Has Zion shown any inclination to deal with an issue that threatens to make him the all time bust?

First 7 names you mentioned those guys had 0.0 talent. other than size they had nothing. Zion has a lot of talent. The problem is his game is predicated on his strength and he needs to be built like a tank to do what he does so he can’t lose too much weight

Bullshit. All except Roberts were first round picks, Williams and Turpin 6th overall. No they don't have Zion's skill set but that wasn't my point. But you knew that.

So you think Robert The Tractor Trailer had talent? The guy was a nothing in the nba who was most famous for being the nothing the bucks traded Dirk for

I would answer you but it would be meaningless.


detnehoc @ 7/6/2023 6:40 PM
Philc1 wrote:
Rookie wrote:I watched every Duke game back in 2019. Zion is one of those rare players that can impose his will on a game. If he is available, you get him. He could be a franchise changing player if he gets some discipline and maturity.

Sure Zion is tremendous when he plays but he’s always hurt. I don’t care about his baby mama drama that’s standard procedure in the nba. Shawn Kemp has like 8 kids by 8 different women. Even Jordan and Bird had their issues and Magic got the AIDS from his hijinx

Stephen A is on ESPN screaming for us to trade our whole roster for Zion. FML

detnehoc @ 7/6/2023 6:45 PM
I watched every Duke game back in 2019. Zion is one of those rare players that can impose his will on a game. If he is available, you get him. He could be a franchise changing player if he gets some discipline and maturity.

Sure Zion is tremendous when he plays but he’s always hurt. I don’t care about his baby mama drama that’s standard procedure in the nba. Shawn Kemp has like 8 kids by 8 different women. Even Jordan and Bird had their issues and Magic got the AIDS from his hijinx

Stephen A is on ESPN screaming for us to trade our whole roster for Zion. FML

This is the 1 player that puts us in the Finals.
Trade Barrett, Grimes, Fournier, + 1 1st round pick
Get Zion + filler players to even up salaries.


Sims at PF

WilliamHoyle @ 7/8/2023 9:48 AM
I agree with rolling the dice for Zion. He could make the difference if he figures how to stay healthy and put Knicks over the top.

Is there anyway the deal centers around Randle? Can’t see Zion and Randle co-existing on the court and think Zion back with RJ would give a better chance at getting straightened out.

Randle, Grimes, and picks, picks, picks

Nalod @ 7/8/2023 10:46 AM
WilliamHoyle wrote:I agree with rolling the dice for Zion. He could make the difference if he figures how to stay healthy and put Knicks over the top.

Is there anyway the deal centers around Randle? Can’t see Zion and Randle co-existing on the court and think Zion back with RJ would give a better chance at getting straightened out.

Randle, Grimes, and picks, picks, picks

Have to look at Nola roster and picks, then access what is logical for them. I'd say for them Randle with his contracvt and timeline is a must given he is an allstar at the 4. Few teams can offer such a player. Utah can build a nice package with Markkeenneenn and given its Utah that is how you get star. But........Its Salt Lake City, and the Mormon Cult might not shine upon Zions glutinous sex show too kindly. Got to know your audience!

We do this and it goes south picks need to be protected. Fact remains I don't know if knick fans can stomach the setback this kid could inflict if he blows out an ACL let alone eats himself into obscurity.
Yes, his agent Austin Brown is with CAA. We all know Zion wants to be in MSG but is he willing and able to fulfil his destiny with the maturity and discipline needed to sustain his abilities? He spent 9 months with RJ as a teammate. Let's not overdo the relationship. Did nothing for Cam Reddish and for all we know they might not like each other. Mentorship? I don't know if Jenny Craig can help this impulsive sex fiend with his weight.
This is about basketball and serious business involving big money.
Zion has no leverage here to direct where he goes with the best offer being the winner.
It's a fun concept to ponder I admit.

EwingsGlass @ 7/8/2023 1:28 PM
If I were making a move involving both Randle and picks, I’d want both Zion and Trey Murphy. I’m not sure in a vacuum that Zion has a better career than Randle from this moment on. So, to pay picks in addition to Randle scares me. But it’s hard to argue that Zion is not a generational talent. His health and conditioning is the only question. The staff knows whether they can make that work. Conditioning is not an issue for Randle and never will be. Shot selection and court vision are. I’m waiting for the “click” on Randle cause it might still be there. When Divicenzo gets him 4 more assists per game by moving off the ball and hitting the open 3, we might get that click.
detnehoc @ 7/8/2023 1:30 PM
Why can't Zion play the 3 with Randle at the 4.
I think they could co-exist on the court.
It would also allow Thibs to mix and match when subbing allowing Zion to play some 4 when Randle sits.
Today's NBA has players playing all over the place.
Zion is certainly quick enough to play D at the 3.
EwingsGlass @ 7/8/2023 1:31 PM
detnehoc wrote:Why can't Zion play the 3 with Randle at the 4.
I think they could co-exist on the court.
It would also allow Thibs to mix and match when subbing allowing Zion to play some 4 when Randle sits.
Today's NBA has players playing all over the place.
Zion is certainly quick enough to play D at the 3.

It’s possible. But what are you giving NOP that they actually want and need?

Philc1 @ 7/9/2023 9:54 AM
Zion and Randle together? No.
GustavBahler @ 7/16/2023 10:34 AM
Not sure what to make of this, being the internet. Hope its just hyperbole. We know where Zion thinks he'll be happy.

Rookie @ 7/16/2023 10:52 AM
GustavBahler wrote:Not sure what to make of this, being the internet. Hope its just hyperbole. We know where Zion thinks he'll be happy.

He’s just learning the hard way that you should never cross a porn star.

GustavBahler @ 7/16/2023 10:58 AM
Rookie wrote:
GustavBahler wrote:Not sure what to make of this, being the internet. Hope its just hyperbole. We know where Zion thinks he'll be happy.

He’s just learning the hard way that you should never cross a porn star.

Worse ways to learn something the hard way lol.

KnickDanger @ 7/16/2023 1:28 PM
So if Zion were available and we were to roll the dice with a big offer...I dunno. With each passing day the smell of dumpster fire becomes apparent. I get that's why he could possibly be available. But the drama, he says he can't discipline himself with his eating, messages about suicide...dude needs help more than a Knicks jersey.
doomed @ 7/16/2023 9:51 PM
I really want to be talked into Zion. If I were the Knicks I’d be very curious. I’d want to know everything. We just don’t know quite enough about Zion so it’s scary and intriguing.
LivingLegend @ 7/16/2023 10:03 PM
I can’t remember exactly when it happened but I think I dislike David Griffin more than any other NBA executive- including Ainge who at least played ball.

Griffin is such a smug ass who thinks he’s smarter vs everyone else — maybe it was when he was on NBA tv blowing his own horn.

SergioNYK @ 7/17/2023 9:54 AM
Couldn't Zion have picked a better porn star? That woman is hideous!
GustavBahler @ 7/23/2023 5:20 PM
If you read articles about Leon Rose's plans since being hired. It been mostly about being patient, and waiting for a disgruntled star to ask and agree to be traded to the Knicks.

But Rose cant seem to hit the daily double. Talk to a team with a disgruntled star who wants a trade, and to the Knicks. Maybe some were who were available, who were also bad from a fit, or positional perspective. Or way too expensive.

Whatever the reason, Rose hasnt been very lucky. Fortunately he didnt focus just on that aspect of his plan. Or we wouldnt have the assets to make a deal.

Trading for Zion is a big risk. But if Leon was going to roll the dice, and his NBA exec career on a player with a long history of injuries, he's the one.

The multi-generational talent who looks like he's having a bad time. Because of his long time dream of playing for the Knicks, at MSG, never happened. If anything will give Zion laser like focus (or ballpark lol) a trade to the Knicks would be it.

If it turned out to be a bad idea, I would be glad that Rose swung for the fences instead of a gamble on an aging star who has missed many games as well. Like Paul George.

Every argument made about why this is a bad idea is going to be right when it comes to risk/reward. I cant blame anyone for being 100 percent against this.

But if Zion pulled it together, we would have some amazing years ahead of us as Knicks fans. That's a risk I'd like to see Leon take.

EwingsGlass @ 7/23/2023 10:49 PM
GustavBahler wrote:If you read articles about Leon Rose's plans since being hired. It been mostly about being patient, and waiting for a disgruntled star to ask and agree to be traded to the Knicks.

But Rose cant seem to hit the daily double. Talk to a team with a disgruntled star who wants a trade, and to the Knicks. Maybe some were who were available, who were also bad from a fit, or positional perspective. Or way too expensive.

Whatever the reason, Rose hasnt been very lucky. Fortunately he didnt focus just on that aspect of his plan. Or we wouldnt have the assets to make a deal.

Trading for Zion is a big risk. But if Leon was going to roll the dice, and his NBA exec career on a player with a long history of injuries, he's the one.

The multi-generational talent who looks like he's having a bad time. Because of his long time dream of playing for the Knicks, at MSG, never happened. If anything will give Zion laser like focus (or ballpark lol) a trade to the Knicks would be it.

If it turned out to be a bad idea, I would be glad that Rose swung for the fences instead of a gamble on an aging star who has missed many games as well. Like Paul George.

Every argument made about why this is a bad idea is going to be right when it comes to risk/reward. I cant blame anyone for being 100 percent against this.

But if Zion pulled it together, we would have some amazing years ahead of us as Knicks fans. That's a risk I'd like to see Leon take.

That’s pretty well put. Any generational talent that wants to come to the Knicks at a price we are willing to pay is gonna have a question mark attached for some reason. Having a bad troll war with a pornstar is probably the best kind of problem to inherit.

BUT. I’m good with Brunson. Keep building his team. Figure out how to get Mikal across the bridge. This team has solid upside. I’m good to keep working the incremental growth.

stillafan @ 7/24/2023 8:54 AM
EwingsGlass wrote:
GustavBahler wrote:If you read articles about Leon Rose's plans since being hired. It been mostly about being patient, and waiting for a disgruntled star to ask and agree to be traded to the Knicks.

But Rose cant seem to hit the daily double. Talk to a team with a disgruntled star who wants a trade, and to the Knicks. Maybe some were who were available, who were also bad from a fit, or positional perspective. Or way too expensive.

Whatever the reason, Rose hasnt been very lucky. Fortunately he didnt focus just on that aspect of his plan. Or we wouldnt have the assets to make a deal.

Trading for Zion is a big risk. But if Leon was going to roll the dice, and his NBA exec career on a player with a long history of injuries, he's the one.

The multi-generational talent who looks like he's having a bad time. Because of his long time dream of playing for the Knicks, at MSG, never happened. If anything will give Zion laser like focus (or ballpark lol) a trade to the Knicks would be it.

If it turned out to be a bad idea, I would be glad that Rose swung for the fences instead of a gamble on an aging star who has missed many games as well. Like Paul George.

Every argument made about why this is a bad idea is going to be right when it comes to risk/reward. I cant blame anyone for being 100 percent against this.

But if Zion pulled it together, we would have some amazing years ahead of us as Knicks fans. That's a risk I'd like to see Leon take.

That’s pretty well put. Any generational talent that wants to come to the Knicks at a price we are willing to pay is gonna have a question mark attached for some reason. Having a bad troll war with a pornstar is probably the best kind of problem to inherit.

BUT. I’m good with Brunson. Keep building his team. Figure out how to get Mikal across the bridge. This team has solid upside. I’m good to keep working the incremental growth.

I agree with both of you, I don't see it happening but what a high reward if he can stay on the court. Could be the Villy/Dukes lol, or somehow get Mikal, the Villy's.

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